Names _________________________ The Elements of Music: Interview Project Ask a parent/guardian to talk about a song that was particularly meaningful to them when they were your age. Listen to it with them and allow both of your reactions to develop naturally to the music, and use this conversation to inform your answers. SONG___________________ ARTIST __________________________ EXPRESSION Why did you choose this song? Were there particular associations with people or events that come to mind through the song? The central idea of the song is: How would you describe the emotional state of the author? How does that impact your own feelings while listening? Find one lyric in the song that is particularly striking or meaningful to you. Why is this? Page 2 MELODY Trace the arch of the melody as shown in class. Demonstrate steps, skips and leaps on the sheet music. How does the melody support the mood and message of the song? HARMONY Is the song in major or minor? How does this relate to the central idea? On the first page of the music, what are some of the chords or that are used in the song. RHYTHM How would you describe the mood of the groove of the song? What note values are used in the bass line of the music? Page 3 TIMBRE (TONE COLOR) Write down at least four of the instruments that are used. In what other kinds of music have you heard these instruments play together in a similar fashion? How would you describe the tone color of the singer’s voice? FORM Is there a refrain (or “hook”) to this song? What lyric comes back repeatedly? What style or genre best describes this song How else would you describe the structure of this song? TEXTURE Would this song be an example of a "thick" texture or a "thin" texture? Defend your answer. Are there any notable aspects to this song?