Syllabus approved in the 6th regular Senate meeting held on 01/05/2006 to be implemented from 2006 Batch under Credit Scheme and revised in the 8th Regular senate meeting held on 08/12/07 AR-5101 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN – X (Design Thesis) Contact Hours per Week L T - - P - D Total 24 24 Sessional Final Exam - B.Arch 5th Year (10th Semester) Mid Term External Internal - 160 380 Total Exam Duration Credit 540 Individual 18 OBJECTIVE To use and synthesize knowledge of various disciplines in an architectural project of the student’s own choice. DETAILED SCHEDULE Introductory Talk Submission & Approval Of Thesis Topic: The intent of the thesis project as well as the criteria for selection of the project will be introduced to the students before the mid semester break of the previous semester. The students will proceed for selection of thesis topic (minimum three alternatives) during the mid semester break held during the 8th semester on their own. Stage- I Synopsis (Time - 01 weeks) Marks = 40 Contents: Introduction, Validity, Aims & Objective, Methodology, Site Conditions and tentative space requirement. Stage-II – Rough Report (Time – 03) Marks = 80 Contents: Synopsis, Case Studies, Data Analysis, Library study and Framing of the requirements, Design philosophy. Stage-III-Preliminary design (Time - 05 weeks) Contents: Concept, Pre-Final design proposal and Block Model Marks = 140 Stage-IV-Pre-Final Design Submission (Time - 02 weeks) Marks = 120 Contents: Detailed drawings showing any two of the following services: Air-conditioning, Landscape, Site Planning, Structure, Interior detailing, Water supply & Sanitation, Stage-V- Final Design Submission (Time - 05 weeks) Marks = 160 Contents: Complete Presentation drawings, Partial Working drawings, Hard bound Final Report. Detail of 160 marks: Evaluation of Drawing Sheets = 100,Viva voce = 30, Hard Bound Final Report = 30 Teaching & Evaluation system The thesis studio will be conducted under the overall coordination of the thesis coordinator. In addition, two members of the Visiting/Expert Faculty would also be associated throughout the duration of the studio. Each student will be assigned a Thesis Guide (amongst the faculty), who will supervise the progress of the student’s work on a regular basis. Approval of the thesis project will be done by the team comprising of the head of the department, the thesis coordinator and the respective thesis guide. All stages of sessional work will be evaluated jointly by the head, thesis coordinator, the concerned thesis guide and one external examiner appointed by the department. Examination will be evaluated jointly by the head, thesis coordinator, the concerned thesis guide and two external examiners appointed by the college. Marks awarded at each stage will be based on the average of those awarded by the jury members. The decision of the Head of the department will be final in case of any dispute/discrepancy. Syllabus approved in the 6th regular Senate meeting held on 01/05/2006 to be implemented from 2006 Batch under Credit Scheme and revised in the 8th Regular senate meeting held on 08/12/07 Note: Submission will be made at least one day before the date of examination. Students will submit three copies of the final report (original and two photocopies) on a standard format as prescribed in the thesis program issued every year by the Thesis Coordinator. The report must be on A-4 size copies of all final drawings and at least two photographs of final model(s). The original copy of the report, the final drawings and model will be returned to the students after the declaration of the result. The photocopies (one copy each) of the report will be sent to the departmental library and to the respective guide. Stage I, II, III are to be marked internally and stage Iv & V are to be marked externally. Syllabus approved in the 6th regular Senate meeting held on 01/05/2006 to be implemented from 2006 Batch under Credit Scheme and revised in the 8th Regular senate meeting held on 08/12/07 AR-5102 MAINTENANCE & CONSERVATION OF BUILDINGS Contact Hours per Week L T P D Total 2 1 - - 3 Final Exam. 55 Sessional Midterm External Internal 25 - 10 B.Arch 5th Year (10th Semester) Total Exam Duration Credit 90 3 hours 03 OBJECTIVE To understand historical building types and their conservation and a thorough knowledge of Building Maintenance can substantially contribute towards adequacy of design and suitability of materials. CONTENTS UNIT – I (Time-four weeks) Introduction: Maintenance defined. Need and Importance of building maintenance. Its economic and social significance. Categories of maintenance: Planned maintenance, preventive maintenance, running caretaker maintenance, PWD patter of maintenance; A/R and S/R, maintenance cycles, maintenance profiles. UNIT – II (Time-five weeks) Maintenance Generators: Climatic conditions; usages, defects in original design/construction, changing standards and tastes. Maintenance standards, determinants of maintenance standards, statutory standards, defective premises act, building bylaws & act, legislative controls, building & housing act. Organizing Maintenance; Managing maintenance, Financing & Budgeting for maintenance. Understanding technology and techniques involved in maintenance. Execution of maintenance work. Controlling costs. Information systems in maintenance. Inspections: annual, periodical, special, checklist and proformas. UNIT – III (Time-five weeks) Creating database for maintenance, maintaining building registers, inventories, inspection reports, records, User complaints, buildings in danger. Understanding building defects & ailments, examining symptoms of various types and patterns of buildings disease and ailments, structural, non-structural finishes, stains, services ailments, leakages & dampness, corrosion protection, Sulphate attacks. Diagnosing & determining causes, prescribing effective remedial action. Note: The time mentioned at the end of each of the above units indicates the tentative time taken to complete each. The marks for sessional work may be divided accordingly. REFERENCE BOOKS Repair and Renovation of Modern Buildings – Ian Chandler A Manual of Maintenance Engineering – B. S.Nayak Maintenance and Repairs of Buildings – P.K.Guha Building Services Handbook - Hall, Fred Syllabus approved in the 6th regular Senate meeting held on 01/05/2006 to be implemented from 2006 Batch under Credit Scheme and revised in the 8th Regular senate meeting held on 08/12/07 AR- 5103 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE & BUILDING BYE – LAWS Contact Hours per Week L T P D Total 2 1 - - 3 Final Exam. 55 Sessional Mid term External Internal 25 - 10 B.Arch 5th Year (10th Semester) Total Exam Duration Credit 90 3 Hours 03 OBJECTIVE Introduction to the professional, vocational and legal aspects of architectural practice. To familiarize the students with various kinds of building regulations required to control and promote the ordered growth of a city/town. CONTENTS UNIT – I (Time-two weeks) Architectural professional association, its role and responsibilities. Introduction of Architects Act 1972. Council of Architecture – its role and responsibilities. UNIT – II (Time-two weeks) Code of professional conduct. Condition of engagement and scale of professional fees. Copyright Act as applicable to architectural work. Architectural competitions. UNIT – III (Time-four weeks) Contract –Types, Preparation of contract documents general conditions of contract, interim certificates defect liability period, retention amount and virtual completion. Duties and liabilities of architects, contractors. Articles of agreement, execution of work payment and Arbitration. Tenders – types and the process of calling, security and selection system. Pre- Tender qualifications and registration of contracts. Office organizations and management, Role of design staff and supporting managerial staff; Personal management. UNIT -lV (Time-two weeks) Introduction to building byelaws and its role in physical development of a town. An overview of various Building acts prevailing in Independent India. UNIT-V (Time-four weeks) Study of National Building Code in relation to architectural controls, services, fire protection, etc. Study of building byelaws of any Metropolitan city of India. Study of requirement of submission drawing for approval of concerned authority. Detailed study of Chandigarh Building byelaws with emphasis on zoning, architectural controls, frame controls, etc. The time mentioned at the end of each of the above units indicates the tentative time taken to complete each. The marks for sessional work may be divided accordingly. NOTE: The time mentioned at the end of each of the above units indicates the tentative time taken to complete each. The marks for sessional work may be divided accordingly. REFERENCE BOOKS Building drawing with an integrated approach to Built environment – Shah, Patki & Kale Architects Handbook, A Ready Reckoner – Charanjit S.Shah Town Planning- Rangwala Handbook on Professional Practice. The Indian Institute of Architects. Professional Practice – Roshan Namavati Estimation, Costing and Valuation (Professional Practice) – Rangwala Directory of Architects, List of Architects and Professional documents – Council of Architecture Architects Handbook, A Ready Reckoner – Charanjit S.Shah