Syllabus approved in the 6th regular Senate meeting held on 01/05/2006 to be implemented from 2006 Batch under Credit Scheme and revised in the 8th Regular senate meeting held on 08/12/07 AR-361 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN – Vl Contact Hours per Week L T P D Total 2 - - 10 12 Final Exam. 90 B.Arch 3rd year (6th Semester) Sessional Midterm External Internal - 45+25* 115+25# Total Exam Duration Credit 300 12 hours 10 * Marks are to be awarded on the basis of educational tour conducted during the winter break after the previous semester. # Marks of the Time Problem OBJECTIVE To learn various aspects of design on hilly terrains To understand the importance of services and structures in design of a building complex. CONTENTS UNIT l (Time-seven weeks) Design of a Institutional building complex on a sloping terrain, giving due emphasis to contextual issues such as climate, topography, local architectural character, etc. UNIT ll (Time-six weeks) Design of Auditoriums, Museums, etc. with emphasis on structures and services (Air conditioning, acoustics, lighting, firefighting, etc.) NOTE: Two design problems each of 05 to 06 weeks and one time problem of 01 week is to be completed in this semester. The concerned faculty is required to frame a detailed programme for each of the above design problems and time problem with reference to the above contents. REFERENCE BOOKS Landscape Architecture , A manual of Site planning and design – Simonds Public Municipal and Community buildings – Charles K. Hoyt Commercial Spaces - Cerver Franscisco Asensio Cinema Building – Adwin Meathosle Architecture for Industry – Brata Carter Campus Architecture –DOBER A.P.KANVINDE, Richard P. Syllabus approved in the 6th regular Senate meeting held on 01/05/2006 to be implemented from 2006 Batch under Credit Scheme and revised in the 8th Regular senate meeting held on 08/12/07 AR-362 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS – Vl Contact Hours per Week L T P D Total 2 - - 4 6 Final Exam. 45 B.Arch 3rd year (6th Semester) Sessional Midterm External Internal 30 - 75 Total Exam Duration Credit 150 4hours 05 OBJECTIVES To familiarize the student with the system of making detailed working drawings required for construction on site. Introduction to Acoustics in Architecture. CONTENTS UNIT l (Time-seven weeks) Introduction to methodology of preparing working drawings, Systems of dimensioning, Writing specifications, etc. Preparation of detailed working drawing for Site Plan, Foundation Plan & Foundation details, Floor plans and Elevations, Sections & Toilets. UNIT Il (Time-three weeks) Introduction to general principles of sound such as Reverberation, Absorption, Reflection, etc.. Introduction to Building acoustics with reference to various building types such as studios, auditoriums etc. Detailed studies of various types of Acoustical materials and their application. UNIT Ill (Time-four weeks) Preparation of detailed drawings of commercial Kitchen, Counter (shops, Bank, hotel etc.) NOTE: The time mentioned at the end of each of the above units indicates the tentative time taken to complete each. The marks for sessional work may be divided accordingly. The students shall bring one of their previous semester’s major projects for preparation of working drawing. REFERENCE BOOKS Construction Planning and Management – U.K.Shrivastava Total Construction Project Management – George J Ritz Building drawing with an integrated approach to Built environment – Shah, Patki & Kale Building Construction Drafting and Design – John Molnar, P.E. Building Construction Details – Hans Banz Building Construction – Sushil Kumar Syllabus approved in the 6th regular Senate meeting held on 01/05/2006 to be implemented from 2006 Batch under Credit Scheme and revised in the 8th Regular senate meeting held on 08/12/07 B.Arch 3rd year (6th Semester) AR-363 ESTIMATION COSTING & SPECIFICATION Contact Hours per Week L T P D Total 3 1 - - 4 Final Exam. 70 Sessional Mid term External Internal 20 - 30 Total Exam Duration Credit 120 3 Hours 04 OBJECTIVE To inculcate an awareness regarding factors effecting cost of buildings. To familiarize the student with the commonly used methods of preparing estimates of Architectural Projects. CONTENTS UNIT l (Time-three weeks) Introduction to different types of specification and their uses. Writing specification for civil works of the design project done during the previous Semester starting with excavation, earth work, foundations, damp proof course, brick masonry work, concreting, flooring, plastering, painting, doors and windows, painting, varnishes, sanitary fixtures, electric fixtures etc. Importance of specification as part of contract documents. UNIT ll (Time-three weeks) Introduction to the various types of Estimates in common usage. Introduction to Bill of Quantities of Materials. Detailed studies regarding its importance and methods of preparation. Illustrative examples for the same. UNIT lll (Time-eight weeks) Introduction to Standard rates and their derivation from given rates. Case studies/practical expertise in preparing detailed estimates of quantities of materials and analysis of rates of materials and labour for a small residential building. Note: The time mentioned at the end of each of the above units indicates the tentative time taken to complete each. The marks for sessional work may be divided accordingly. Scope of the subject will be limited to preparing detailed estimate and costing of two storied residential building in masonry and reinforced cement concrete. REFERENCE BOOKS Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering – B.N.Dutta Textbook of Estimating and Costing – G.S.Birdie Cost Planning of Buildings – C. Ferry, Doughlus Building Construction Estimating – D. Stephen Syllabus approved in the 6th regular Senate meeting held on 01/05/2006 to be implemented from 2006 Batch under Credit Scheme and revised in the 8th Regular senate meeting held on 08/12/07 B.Arch 3rd year (6th semester) AR-364 STRUCTURE - VI Contact Hours per Week L T P D Total 2 1 - - 3 Final Exam. Sessional Midterm External Internal 25 - 10 55 Total Exam Duration Credit 90 3 hours 03 OBJECTIVES To understand the principles of design of RCC structures. UNIT l (Time – one week) Drawing & Detailing of reinforcement of domes. UNIT ll (Time – one week) Introduction to shell & folded plate, classification and reinforcement. UNIT lII (Time – Two weeks) Types of Retaining walls in masonary & RCC. UNIT lV (Time – Four weeks) Prestressed Concrete Structures: Introduction, method of pre – stressing, losses of prestress, designing of rectangular and T – beams. UNIT V (Time – Six weeks) Fundamentals of Flexibility method and stiffness method, computer – oriented direcr stiffness method and its application in the analysis of continuous beams, Plane truss and Plane frame members NOTE: The time mentioned at the end of each of the above unit indicates the tentative time taken to complete each. The marks for sessional works may be divided accordingly. REFERENCE OF BOOKS: R.C.C. Design R.C.C. Design Reinforced concrete Prestressed concrete structures- P.Dayaratnam B.C.Punmia A.K.Jain N.Krishnaraju Syllabus approved in the 6th regular Senate meeting held on 01/05/2006 to be implemented from 2006 Batch under Credit Scheme and revised in the 8th Regular senate meeting held on 08/12/07 AR-365 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ARCHITECTURE - lV Contact Hours per Week L T P D Total Final Exam. B.Arch 3rd year (6th Semester) Sessional Midterm External Total Exam Duration Credit Internal 90 Individual 03 1 - 3 4 35 55 OBJECTIVE At the end of this part of the course the students should be able to create three dimensional objects in space, which can also be used for the purpose of presentation as well as visualization using different rendering techniques. CONTENTS UNIT l (Time - Three weeks) 3D Rendering:-Introduction to 3D Rendering, Simulating the Sunlight angle, Adding shadows, Adding Materials and adjusting it’s appearance, Adding a background scene, Effects with light, Adding Reflections and details with Ray Tracing, Creating and adjusting Texture maps, Adding Landscape and people and Improving your images and editing. UNIT lI (Time - three weeks) Mastering 3D Solids:- Introduction to Solid modeling, Creating solid forms, Creating Complex primitives, Editing Solids, Enhancing the 2D drawing process and Properties of Solids. UNIT lI (Time- Eight weeks) Creating walkthrough in MAX/MAYA/Viz Final presentation to be prepared using Photoshop. NOTE: The time mentioned at the end of each of the above units indicates the tentative time taken to complete each. The marks for sessional work may be divided accordingly. REFERENCE BOOKS Mastering AutoCad 2000 – George Omura Mastering 3D Max Mastering Adobe Photoshop. Syllabus approved in the 6th regular Senate meeting held on 01/05/2006 to be implemented from 2006 Batch under Credit Scheme and revised in the 8th Regular senate meeting held on 08/12/07 B.Arch 3rd year (6th Semester) AR-366 ELEMENTS OF LANDSCAPE Contact Hours per Week L T P D Total 2 1 - - 3 Final Exam. 55 Sessional Midterm External Internal 10 - 25 Total Exam Duration Credit 90 3 hours 03 OBJECTIVES To familiarize the students with the use and importance of open spaces in context to basic elements of landscape. CONTENTS UNIT l (Time-three weeks) Introduction to the elements of landscape such as Earth, Rock, Water and Vegetation and their effect in relation to the built environment. Plant types, characteristics, structure and colour of foliage UNIT ll (Time-eight weeks) Landscape Planning, site analysis Detailed studies of landscape elements explaining their use in site planning and landscape design. UNIT lll (Time-three weeks) Purpose of the designed open space, Introduction to landscape design and its role in built environment. NOTE: The time mentioned at the end of each of the above units indicates the tentative time taken to complete each. The marks for sessional work may be divided accordingly. REFERENCE BOOKS Time Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture – Charles W. Harris & Nicholas T. Dines Landscape Design – Leroy G. Hannebaum Design on the Landscape – P.A.Preece Landscape Design, An International survey – Fieldhouse & Harvey Landscape Detailing – Micheal Littlewood Planting Design –- P. Walker, Theodre D. Landscape Architecture Construction – Landphair & Klatt Site Design Graphics – Michael S. Kendel Landscape an Inspiration – Hans Dieter Schael ‘Introduction to Landscape Design’John Wiley and Sons’ - Motloch, John L. ‘Landscape Architecture’McGraw-Hill.- Simonds John Ormsbee,Trees of Chandigarh- Rajnish Wattas