Excel Exercises 1. Final Marks Example final exam marks.


Excel Exercises


Final Marks Example

Scenario: The table represents the students in the class and their corresponding midterm and final exam marks.


Complete the Table a) In Column E, calculate each student’s % mark on their final exam rounded to two decimal places b) In Column F, indicate if the student has either passed (“PASS”) or failed (“FAILED”) the final exam (you need at least 50% to pass)

Hint: Use in IF statement c) In Column G, before determining the students’ final marks, they need to have passed both the midterm and final to pass the course. Indicate if each student has passed

(“PASS”) or failed (“FAILED”) the class

Hint: Use an AND statement d) In Column H, calculate each student’s final mark in the class, by taking into account the weight of each exam e) In order to quickly determine who passed, the teacher would like to color Column G red if they failed and green if they passed

Hint: Use Conditional Formatting (on the Home tab)


Statistics a) Find the number of students in the class b) Find the number of students who passed the class

Hint: Use a COUNTIF statement c) Find the mean, median, lowest mark, highest mark and standard deviation of the final class mark d) There were a few students caught cheating on their exams. Find their midterm and final mark



Annuity Calculator

Scenario: Build a model based on what you learned in Interest Theory! Identify the Present

Value, Interest Rate and Number of Years (n) and calculate the each payment for this annuity immediate. a) Column A will be your timeline. Start off Year 1 and create a formula to generate the yearly timeline that will equal the number of payments you specified (n). You should be able to drag this formula down and it will adjust based on (n).

Hint: Use an IF statement b) In Column B, calculate the annual payment, keeping in mind all your variables (PV, n, interest rate) c) In Column C, calculate the factor used to discount each cash flow

Hint: Discount factor = (1/(1+i))^n d) In Column D, calculate the PV of each payment. e) To ensure your model is correct, in Cell E4 use a Boolean operation to check that the sum of the discounted payments equals the original PV.

Hint: Use a logical operation that should return true or false
