FPP: 0913 principal on leases - Discussion Item 1. Question or Issue: Bold object code 0913 principal on leases in the statewide chart of accounts to accommodate the reporting in the debt section of the F-33 federal reporting. The National Center for Educational Statistics requires reporting of General Obligation debt, therefore we need to isolate non-General Obligation debt; such as principal on leases. 2. Any Prior FPP Action: NONE 3. Discussion Points/Department Recommendation or Observations (if any):: Discussion points: The debt section of the F-33 federal reporting has been a manual process to isolate the expenditures related to 0913 principal on leases. The current chart of accounts coding structure includes 0913 principal on leases as an unbolded reporting element. The account coding is already being used by districts; no changes are required for the usage. Recommendation: Bold object code 0913 principal on leases to provide accurate reporting in the debt section of the F-33 federal reporting. Effective for the FY 14-15 reporting year. 4. FPP Action, Decision Made: 5. Further Action/Research Needed/Table for Future Meeting: 6. Effective Date: