Instructional Shifts Colorado Standards Office of Standards & Instructional Support Colorado Department of Education Colorado Academic Standards Colorado’s Paradigm Shift…CAP4K All Students, All Standards Standards Curriculum Instruction Focus, Coherence, Rigor Disciplinary Literacy Colorado Academic Standards Focus, Coherence, Rigor Design Principles and Instructional Shifts: • Focus on the standards, the concepts and skills graduates need for the 21st century. • Coherence is evident in the interconnections of concepts and skills across grades and in and between disciplines. • Rigor requires fluency, application, and deep understanding for mastery. Colorado Academic Standards Compare how various nations define the rights, responsibilities and roles of citizens (7th grade) 21st Century Skills Analyze and practice the rights, roles, and responsibilities of citizens Grade Level Expectation PGC Focus: Prepared Graduate Competency How do different nations’ definitions of citizenship help us understand the actions and reactions of various nations to current events? (critical thinking) Colorado Academic Standards Vertical Coherence: Vertical Progressions PGC: Analyze and practice rights, roles, and responsibilities of citizens. Grade Level Grade Level Expectation High School Research, formulate positions, and engage in appropriate civic participation to address local, state, and national issues or policies Compare how various nations define the rights, responsibilities, and roles of citizens Seventh Grade Fifth Grade The foundations of citizenship in the United States Third Grade Respecting the views and rights of others is a key components of a democratic society Second Grade Responsible community members advocate for their ideas Colorado Academic Standards Horizontal Coherence: Concept Connections In Comprehensive Health and PE, an understanding of In Social Studies, multiple perspectives multiple perspectives and their influences develop students’ on emotions, ability to understand perceptions and how definitions of behaviors allows citizenship are students to manage culturally, nationally, their behaviors and politically, and socially develop constructed. understanding, tolerance, and compassion for others. In Visual Arts, understanding familiar and unfamiliar cultures necessitates an examination of multiple perspectives in order to discern intended meanings. Multiple Perspectives Colorado Academic Standards Rigor: Mastery Citizenship Practices Analyze multiple perspectives Participate in democratic decision making Demonstrate leadership and team-member responsibilities Advocate for ideas Respect the views and rights of others Engage in appropriate civic participation to address local, state, and national issues or policies. Colorado Academic Standards Additional Instructional Shift: Disciplinary Literacy • Building knowledge through contentrich nonfiction and informational texts • Reading, writing, and oral expression, grounded in evidence from text • Regular practice with complex text and its academic vocabulary Overall shifts for instruction, Achieve the Core. Colorado Academic Standards Additional Instructional Shift: Disciplinary Literacy Translation • Building knowledge through contentSection 1 Section 1 rich nonfiction and informational All legislative Powers herein This Constitution givestexts Original Text granted shall be vested in a Congress the power to make of the writing, United forexpression, the United States. •Congress Reading, andlaws oral States, which shall consist of Congress will be the grounded in evidence from text a Senate and House of legislative branch of Representatives. government. Congress will • Regular practice withhave complex and two parts:text A Senate and a House of Representatives. its academic vocabulary Overall shifts for instruction, Achieve the Core. Colorado Academic Standards Colorado’s Paradigm Shift…CAP4K All students, all standards Standards Curriculum Instruction Focus, Coherence, Rigor Disciplinary Literacy Colorado Academic Standards Instructional Shifts Over Time Pre-Colorado Standards Standards • Content Knowledge Pre-Colorado Standards Curriculum • How many U.S. Senators does Colorado have? Pre-Colorado Standards Instruction • Teacher centered • Rote memorization • Recall Colorado Model Content Standards • Content Knowledge • Content Specific Skills Colorado Model Content Standards • How are U.S. Senators distributed among the states? • What historical factors determined Senatorial representation? Colorado Model Content Standards • Teacher centered • Some content specific questioning and skills Colorado Academic Standards • Conceptual Understanding of Knowledge • 21st Century Skills across all content areas • Mastery: application and transfer of knowledge and skills Colorado Academic Standards • Why is it important to understand the foundations of our national government? • Why should we know who are senators are? • How and when is knowledge of our U.S. Senators important? Colorado Academic Standards • Student directed • Analyzing/explaining concepts • Skills to plan and develop solutions to problems Thank You • Dr. Brian Sevier Colorado Academic Standards