Application for AEFLA and IEL/Civics Education Funding Continuation FY2016-2017

Application for AEFLA and IEL/Civics Education Funding Continuation
FY2016-2017 (July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017)
Office of Adult Education Initiatives
Provide only the information requested. Complete all sections of each part of the application,
including the Cover Sheet. Attach all applicable required additional documents.
Due Date
The FY2016-17 Application for Funding Continuation (and any applicable attachments) and the
FY17 budget are due by 4:00 PM, May 16, 2016.
The Application for Funding Continuation including the cover sheet, budget(s) and
attachments should be e-mailed as attached files by 4:00 PM, May 16, 2016 to:
Formats: Please submit each document as a separate file--the budget(s) in Excel format and the
application as a Word document.
A signed copy of the cover sheet must also be included in the email submission. PDF format is
acceptable for the cover sheet submission.
Direct any questions about the Application for Funding Continuation to
Michelle Crawford,
Checklist for Continuation Submission (for your use)
Signed Single Assurance Form (ensuring Attachments A & M are checked/read)
Part 1: Signed Cover Sheet and Signatures
Part 2: Program Description and Service Locations
Part 3: Tuition and Fees (if applicable)
Part 4: Enrollment Projections and Utilization of Fiscal Allocations
Part 5: Career Pathways Implementation
Career Pathways Improvement Planning Template
Part 6: Distance Learning Implementation Plan (if applicable)
Part 7: Integrated English Literacy/Civics Education (IEL/CE) (if applicable)
Part 8: Staff Changes (if applicable)
AEFLA Budget
IEL/CE Budget
Office of Adult Education Initiatives
April 15, 2016
Part 1: Cover Sheet and Signatures
Does your program charge
tuition and/or fees to students?
 Yes  No
Director’s e-mail
Assessment Coordinator or Key Staff Person responsible for assessment policy:
Special Learning Needs Coordinator:
Does your program generate
program income through
activities in addition to or other
than tuition/fees?
 Yes  No
Fiscal Manager:
Assessment Update
Please mark all that apply:
Which standardized
assessments will program use
for National Reporting System
(NRS) pre- and post-testing in
ESL Assessments
 BEST Plus 2.0
 CASAS Life and Work Listening 980
 CASAS Life and Work Reading 80
ABE/ASE Assessments
 CASAS Life and Work Reading 80
 CASAS Life Skills Math
 TABE 9/10 Reading
 TABE 9/10 Math
 TABE 9/10 Language
The signature below constitutes assurance that the information provided in the Application for Funding Continuation FY 2017
accurately represents the program’s activities and projected enrollment and, along with the approved budget and FY16-17
application, will be incorporated by reference in the Funding Agreement with the Colorado Department of Education.
Signature and Title of Authorized Representative
In consideration of the receipt of these grant funds, the Board agrees that the assurances attached to the approved original
application are specifically incorporated by reference in this request/application and are still in effect. The Board also certifies
that all program and pertinent administrative requirements will be met. This includes the Education Department General
Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular (Uniform Administrative
Requirements, Cost Principals, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards), and the Department of Education’s General
Education Provisions Act (GEPA).
Signature of Board President
Part 2: Program Description and Service Locations
Provide a description of your program. This description should be high level and be reflective of
all of your sites (50 words or less).
Attach a current list of the program’s AEFLA and IEL/Civics Education sites. The list should
include the information in the chart below for EACH site. Please also include a schedule with
days and times for all planned classes.
Site name
Phone Number
Contact person and email
List services
ABE (levels)
ASE/HSE (levels)
ESL (levels)
IEL/Civics Education
Family Literacy
College Transition
Career Transition
Workplace Literacy
Part 3: Tuition and Fees (if applicable)
Attach your tuition and fee policy, including your fee structure. Explain how your tuition and fee
structure does not impose a barrier to the participation of disadvantaged persons that the
program was designed to serve. If your tuition and fee structure has changed since it was last
submitted to the AEI office for the 2014-15 program year, describe the rationale behind those
Part 4: Enrollment Projections and Utilization of Fiscal Allocations
4a: Projected Learner Enrollment
Note: Projected enrollment is the number of countable learners the program will serve.
Countable learners have received a pre-test and have 12 or more contact hours.
Program Type
Projected Learner Enrollment by Funding
1) Adult Basic Education 0 - 8.9 (ABE)
2) Adult English as a Second Language (ESL)
3) Adult Secondary Education 9 – 12.9 (ASE)
4) Subtotal
Total Learners
Correctional Projection
Project how many learners the program will serve in
correctional institutions. (This is a subset of the total
learners. Learners in corrections must also be represented in
the overall projection chart above.) 
(If the program will serve no learners in corrections, put 0 or
N/A in the box.) 
4b: Plan for Meeting Enrollment Projections and Utilization of Fiscal Allocations
Describe how you arrived at the numbers of projected learners above. Be sure to account for
AEFLA and IEL/Civics Education, if applicable. Address the following questions in your response:
Are the projections based on existing or proposed new partnerships? What partnerships are
represented? Are the projections based on changes to service delivery? Are there
barriers/challenges you anticipate facing that may affect the number of projected learners
stated or amount of funds requested?
Part 5: Career Pathways Implementation
Describe the goals you have set for advancing your program’s work with career pathways in the
coming year. These strategies should be framed in the seven components of career pathways
and seven elements of career pathways system infrastructure models identified by
the Colorado Department of Education Office of Adult Education Initiatives. Attach the
Continuation Planning template with the goals identified in the appropriate section(s).
Part 6: Distance Learning Implementation Plan (if applicable)
Describe how your program will implement Distance Learning according to the Colorado
Department of Education Office of Adult Education Initiatives Distance Learning Policy, and how
this implementation will help you serve learners in your community and meet the goals of your
program. Attach the Distance Learning Request Form for any distance learning platforms or
instructional tools noted in your implementation plan.
Explain how your program will monitor student progress and participation via distance learning.
Further explain how your program will meet the assurances that 1) the distance learning
courses are identical to traditional courses at the program in terms of the quality, rigor, and
breadth of academic and technical standards; and 2) the program ensures timeliness of
responses (synchronously or asynchronously) to learners’ requests by placing a requirement on
response time of no more than 24 hours within the program’s operational schedule.
Part 7: Integrated English Literacy/Civics Education (IEL/CE) (if applicable)
Consistent with the Colorado WIOA Transition Plan submitted in 2015, describe how your
program will focus on greater employability and sector-based contextualized instruction
pertinent to local employment opportunities with IEL/CE funding.
Part 8: Staff Changes (if applicable)
If significant changes in leadership or instructional staff occurred in FY16, provide an