Faculty of Health Sciences


Faculty of Health Sciences


Dear _________:

We would appreciate you serving as an external reviewer of Dr. ________________’s scholarly work with regard to his/her application for tenure within the College/Department of _________________at the University of


Tenure and promotions at the University of Manitoba are governed by the terms of our Collective Agreement with the Faculty Association and the appropriate by-laws for our clinical faculty. The Faculty of Health Sciences’

Promotions and Tenure Document (enclosed) serves as a guide to the criteria and weightings against which the activities of a candidate are to be evaluated. The document calls for confidential evaluations of the candidate's scholarly activity, teaching and service/administration. An expert evaluation from you will be an important part of the process that considers this application. Unless the reviewer has agreed to give up anonymity, the candidate will not be told the name of the evaluator but may receive a copy of the report from which any clear means of identifying the author have been removed. Your evaluation will be seen by the Dean, the Head of the

College/Department of ______________and the members of the Faculty Promotions and Tenure Committee and it will be held in the strictest confidence.

We therefore would appreciate it if you would evaluate on a confidential basis, Dr. _________’s scholarly achievements from the point of view of whether:

1) he or she is sufficiently distinguished, both in quantity and quality to justify tenure, according to the enclosed document(s) on Promotion and Tenure in the Faculty of Health Sciences.

2) he or she represents a significant contribution to the advancement of science and scholarship at a national and/or international level. Please be specific about the impact of this contribution on the field.

Please indicate below, your relationship with the applicant in the letter and declare if you have any potential

conflict of interest in completing this review.


I affirm that I am able to provide an independent assessment of the candidate _____________________________.

(print name of candidate)

By independent, I mean that:

I have not co-published with the applicant

I have not worked on a research grant or contract together with the applicant

I did not supervise the applicant as a PhD student

I have not been supervised by the applicant

I do not have common business interests or other conflicts of interest







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NAME (please print)

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If the applicant is applying for promotion and tenure in the same year and you have been asked to provide a

review for both promotion and tenure, please provide 2 separate letters. There may be overlap in the content of the letters regarding the applicants’ academic success. The letter for tenure should focus on your assessment of the applicant’s career trajectory and potential for success. The letter for promotion should indicate whether the applicant has met the criteria for promotion at that level according to the criteria provided.

Please return your evaluation to us by __________________.

To assist you in helping us keep our deadline, you can fax me your evaluation at fax # (204)_______________.

We appreciate your assistance with this very important process.


Dr. ______________

Chair, Promotions & Tenure Mentoring Committee

College/Department of ________

1. GLOBAL ASSESSMENT: TENURE Using the descriptors below, please indicate your assessment of the application by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate box.

APPLICANT: ___________________________________ ASSESSMENT OF APPLICATION FOR TENURE

Compelling case for tenure.

Evidence of strength providing a worthy case for consideration.

Evidence of strength in a number of areas, but not sufficient to achieve tenure.

Weak case for tenure falling well short of what is required.

2. Contributions to Teaching and Learning

(A) Please provide comments on the applicant’s performance in the area of teaching and learning.

(B) Other comments

3. Contributions to Research, Scholarly and Creative Works and/or Professional Activity

(A) Please provide comments on the applicant’s research/scholarly/creative arts program, as well as his/her publications, creative and/or artistic works and/or other professional activities.

(B) Other comments

4. Contributions to Service to the University and to the Community

(A) Please provide comments on the applicant’s contributions to service.

(B) Other comments

5. Other General Comments
