This AGREEMENT dated the
day of
On behalf of its Faculty of
(the “University”)
(the “Employer”)
Students enrolled in certain programs of the University (“Students”), require a
period of practical training as part of their program (the “Practicum”);
It is beneficial to Students to engage in the Practicum which involves a co-op
experience, whereby Students work as integrated employees of the placement site
during the Practicum;
The University wishes to establish and formalize relationships with placement
sites willing to accept Students as employees during the Practicum; and
The Employer is willing to be such a placement site and accept Students for a coop experience during the Practicum.
NOW THEREFORE the parties agree as follows:
This Agreement commences on the date first written and may be terminated by
either party upon notice. Any termination of this Agreement shall not affect the
participation of Students already accepted into the Practicum and offered
employment by the Employer.
The Employer will:
a. If required by the University, participate in the applicable process of posting
and filling co-op positions;
b. Provide the University with job descriptions for available positions;
c. Indicate to the University the number of available positions;
d. Provide employment to accepted Students for a period of time agreed with the
University, sufficient to meet the requirements of the Practicum;
e. Pay reasonable wages to Students, and arrange for required source deductions;
f. Provide general liability coverage, and workers compensation coverage (or
other reasonable disability coverage) to Students during the Practicum;
g. Participate in planning the Practicum in a manner consistent with the duties of
the job descriptions, including specific objectives and performance
h. Provide a reasonable orientation to the workplace, and its rules;
i. Have in place reasonable rules regarding health and safety;
j. Provide evaluation and feedback on Students’ performances in the Practicum,
as required by the University; and
k. Provide the Students with a reasonable working environment, appropriate
facilities, and adequate supervision.
The University will:
a. Require the Students to sign a Co-op Participation Agreement in the form set
out at Schedule “A”, and maintain a copy of the agreement on file for at least
one (1) year following the completion of the relevant Students’ Practicum;
b. Provide information to the Employer regarding any applicable process for
posting and filling co-op positions;
c. Provide information to the Employer on the required objectives of the
Practicum and the evaluation requirements; and
d. Provide information to Students on finding appropriate co-op positions for the
completion of the Practicum.
It is understood that the Employer may remove Students and/or terminate their
employment if the Students’ continued participation in the Practicum may
compromise the services the Employer provides to its clients. It is further
understood that the Students may be removed for failure to follow applicable laws
and rules of the Employer, including those related to the protection of confidential
Each party shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of its own employees
and agents in matters concerning this Agreement.
Students shall remain students of the University during the course of the
Practicum, and shall retain all rights and responsibilities of students.
Students will be employees of the Employer, and not the University, during the
course of the Practicum. The University is not responsible for the acts or
omissions of Students in their employment duties. The University makes no
representation as to the adequacy of Students’ skills or abilities. The selection of
appropriate Students to fill available positions is entirely the decision of the
This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and by different
parties in separate counterparts, each of which when so executed shall be deemed
to be an original and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same
agreement. Delivery by facsimile or by electronic transmission in portable
document format (PDF) of an executed counterpart of this Agreement is as
effective as delivery of an originally executed counterpart of this Agreement.
This Agreement may not be assigned without mutual consent.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by their authorized
signing officers.
The University of Manitoba
Dean, Faculty of
F:\LEGAL OFFICE\Precedents\Website Documents\Signing Policy\Co-op Employer Agreement - May 2010.doc
Schedule “A”
The University of Manitoba (the “University”) and various employers (the
“Employer(s)”) have entered into Agreement(s) relating to the practical training of
University students as through a co-op experience (“Practicums”). Prior to commencing
a Practicum, you are required to read and sign this Agreement. This document describes
your responsibilities during your Practicum and other important information you should
By signing this Agreement, I
agree to the following:
I understand that my Practicum may not compromise the services provided to the
Employer’s clients.
I understand that the University has the right to remove me from a Practicum due
to my performance or conduct. I further understand that the Employer has the
right to terminate my employment due to my performance or conduct.
I agree that the University and Employer may exchange personal information
about me which is relevant to the Practicum.
I am legally entitled to work in Canada and will provide evidence thereof to the
Employer upon request.
I will maintain the Employer’s confidential information, and the confidential
information of the Employer’s clients. I am aware that my Practicum may give
rise to obligations under Manitoba’s Personal Health Information Act and
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, or Canada’s Personal
Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. If confidentiality is
breached, I understand that the penalty may include termination of my
employment and participation in the Practicum. I understand that I may be
required to undergo confidentiality/privacy related training and sign a pledge of
I will be assigned responsibilities only to the degree commensurate with my level
of ability. I will not under-take or perform any task which is outside the scope of
the responsibilities specifically assigned to me.
In addition to all applicable laws and University policies, procedures and
regulations, I am subject to all relevant policies, procedures and regulations of the
Employer. I understand that it is my responsibility to become familiar with all
applicable rules.
I agree to comply with all prerequisites of the Practicum required by the
University and/or the Employer, which may include immunizations or criminal
reference checks.
I understand that the University does not provide workers compensation or other
disability coverage in relation to co-op Practicums. It is my responsibility to
make appropriate arrangements with the Employer.
I understand that the University is not in control of the Employer’s workplace,
and cannot guarantee my treatment or safety. The University does not accept any
responsibility for matters within the Employer’s control, including the selection
of candidates, treatment within the workplace, and risk of accidental injury.
I understand that the University is not my employer and is not responsible to
ensure payment of salary, or that necessary source deductions are made. I will
make appropriate payroll arrangements with the Employer. I am responsible for
all applicable income tax and other employee source deductions.
Signed by:
Student Signature
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