Q: Headaches, unnecessary complexity, and burdens that taxpayers - both individuals and businesses - face because of the existing system.
A: Well the simple fix to the tax system would be a flat tax. Thus eliminating the need to fill out forms, hire tax preparers and or tax lawyers to navigate the complex system. You could simply collect from each working individual an automate deductions as you do for FICA, Social Security ETC. Self employed payers could authorize an automatic deduction from there account based on some sort of payment system. Everyone could choose which payment system works for them which could be “Pay Balance in full or maybe over a set amount of time such as monthly, quarterly or biannual. With today’s automation this would greatly cut down on all the wasted money, time and stress revolving around tax issues for both the tax payers and the tax collectors.
Q: Aspects of the tax system that are unfair.
A: Well if the first suggestion does not fly then you might look at a sliding scale based on income. Now I know you think you have that now but why do individuals and corporations need to spend so much on tax lawyers, accounts or pay tax preparers to try and find holes in your system to pay less. If your system were more balanced and easier to understand this would not be needed.
Q: Specific examples of how the tax code distorts important business or personal decisions.
Well for self employed persons such as myself every decision I make about buying something must be balanced w ith “Is this deductible or not” if not then I probably can’t afford to buy it since it will count as personal income and the actual cost will be 25% – 33% more. This makes no sense. I reviewed a suggestion I have read about in the newspaper about new consumption taxes such as we now have on oil, tobacco, liquor ETC which sounds good on the surface if you apply it to all goods but then you must remove the individual and corporate tax systems as they now stand as to not have to pay double taxes as many of us are now doing everyday.
Q: Goals that the Panel should try to achieve as it evaluates the existing tax system and recommends options for reform.
A: Well the simpler the system the less man power, cost and grief for the IRS and the taxpayers. You should try and achieve a system where everyone who pays taxes does not feel as though they have to find a way to reduce their tax bills and not only be happy to pay taxes for the services they get but know as in a flat tax exactly what it will be each and every year and that it is manageable. For a self employed person like me who struggles day to day just to make ends meet the option to set up some sort of automatic daily, weekly or monthly withdrawal from
out account would make my like easier as to not have to try and pay this huge bill every year.