IRS OFF YOUR BACK IS A FLEXIBLE AND FAIR TAX PLAN FOR ALL TAXPAYERS. SOCIAL SECURITY REFORM COULD BE INCLUDED. THIS PLAN IS A COMBINATION NATIONAL SALES TAX AND A FLEXIBLE FLAT TAX. EVERYBODY IN AMERICA WILL PAY SOME INCOME TAX. START THE SALES TAX IN 2005 CHANGE THE TAX CODES IN 2006 SOCIAL SECURITY REFORM IN 2006 TAXPAYERS WILL NOT BE AUDITED. THE IRS WILL AUDIT THE LOBBYISTS AND SPECIAL INTERESTS AND ALL GOVERNMENT EXPENDATURES. TO ASSURE THE PRESIDENT, CONGRESS AND THE PEOPLE THAT THEIR TAX DOLLARS ARE NOT MISUSED. When a country asks for money from the United States, and it is granted. The IRS will assure the citizens that their tax dollars go for the projects that the money was requested for. Your tax dollars will no longer be sent in the form of a bank draft, the IRS will assign employees of the CPA's and the IRS to audit the expenditures of the country. Your tax dollars will be paid directly to the manufacture of the goods. This will avoid any money being placed in the personal accounts of the officials of any country or corporation, and there will be accountability or your tax dollars. CONTRACTORS WILL BID ON CONTRACTS AND FINISH THEM ON TIME AND WITHIN THE BUDGET. The IRS will audit the cost of government projects, to avoid such excessive cost and overruns as the BIG DIG in Boston, $10 billion of your tax dollars, and the Post Office near Washington D.C. that is costing the taxpayers over $1 billion dollars and we won't own the property. ALL TAX DOLLARS WILL BE ACCOUNTED FOR NO DOUBLE TAXATION DURING THE CHANGE - OVER. THIS PLAN PROVIDES FOR A GRADUAL CHANGE FROM THE PRESENT PAYROLL DEDUCTION PLAN TO A NATIONAL SALES TAX THAT WILL START WITH A 2% OR 3% SALES TAX, AND THE TAXPAYERS WILL HAVE THEIR PAYROLL DEDUCITON FOR INCOME TAXES REDUCED BY THE SAME PERCENTAGE. TWO MONTHS AFTER THE NATIONAL SALES TAX TAKES EFFECT, WE WILL GO TO A HIGHER NATIONAL SALES TAX AND THE PAYROLL DEDUCTION FOR INCOME TAX WILL BE REDUCED BY THE SAME PERCENTAGE. THE FINAL CHANGE WILL BE TWO MONTHS LATER WHEN WE GO TO 6% OR 8%. BENEFITS OF THIS PLAN PEOPLE EARNING UNDER $25,000 CAN QUALIFY FOR TAX REDUCTION IDENTIFICATION CARD. and I.R.S EMPLOYEES WILL REMAIN EMPLOYED. C.P.A. WILL STILL WORK FOR BUSINESSES. TAX PREPARERS (part time) WILL BE OFFERED JOBS BY THE I.R.S. TO HELP WITH THE REGISTERING AND AUDITING OF PROJECTS. THE CPA'S WILL SUB-CONTRACT THEIR EMPLOYEES OUT. THOSE WHO RECEIVE TAX DOLLARS COULD BE AUDITED. THIS PLAN HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH STATE SALES TAXES OR ANY OTHER TAX THAT YOU MAY BE PAYING. THIS PLAN IS TO CHANGE THE INCOME TAX FROM A PAYROLL DEDUCTION PLAN AND REDUCE THE APRIL 15TH PAPERWORK BY GOING TO A NATIONAL SALES TAX WITH A FLEXIBLE FLAT TAX TO ASSURE US THAT AMERICA REMAINS FINANCIALLY STRONG. THE MAXIMUM NATIONAL SALES TAX FOR THIS PLAN WILL BE 10% THE VOTERS WILL BE THE ONLY ONES WHO CAN INCREASE THE SALES TAX ABOVE THE 8% AND THAT WILL REQUIRE A 70% OF THE VOTES. SOCIAL SECURITY COULD BE STRENTHENED WITH THIS COMBINATION TAX PLAN. CALL YOUR SENATOR AND CONGRESSMAN 1-202-224-3121 THESE CALCULATIONS FOR THE YEAR 2001 AND 2002 ARE FROM THE WORLD ALMANAC. BASED ON THE GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT: 2002 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT: $10,376,900,000,000.00 8% NATIONAL SALES TAX SALES TAX COLLECTED: AT THE CASH REGISTER THIS IS WHAT WE THE TAXPAYERS PAID THIS IS WHAT A NATIONAL SALES TAX COULD HAVE BROUGHT IN. THIS IS WHAT THE FLAT TAX WOULD HAVE TO PAY PLUS ANY SHORTAGES 2001 $10,082,200,000,000.00 .08 08 $830,152,000,000.00 $806,576,000,000.00 $949,239,000,000.00 $994,339,000,000.00 $830,152,000,000.00 $119,087,000,000.00 $806,576,000,000.00 $187,763,000,000.00 BECAUSE THE NATIONAL SALES TAX WILL NOT BE 8% ON EVERY ITEM, A REDUCED TAX MAY BE COLLECTED ON AUTOMOBILES, 18 WHEELERS, RECREATIONAL VEHICLES, BOATS, AND PRIVATE AIRPLANES, OR PRIMARY RESIDENTIAL HOMES. THE FLAT TAX WILL BE ADJUSTED YEARLY TO COMPENSATE FOR THESE REDUCED SALES TAXES. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE MORE TAX DOLLARS THAT ARE COLLECTED AT THE CASH REGISTER, THE BETTER THE ECONOMY WILL BE. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EVERY CITIZEN WILL PAY THEIR FAIRSHARE OF TAXES WITH THIS PLAN. ++++++++++++++++++++ APPROXIMATELY 40 MILLION TOURISTS WILL ALSO BE HELPING TO PAY THIS TAX. ++++++++++++++++++++ EVERY TAX-CHEATER WILL ALSO HAVE TO PAY TAX ON THEIR PURCHASES. ++++++++++++++++++++ THOSE WHO EARN LESS THAN $25,000.00 COULD QUALIFY FOR A TAX REDUCTION IDENTIFICATION CARD ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE CALCULAITONS BELOW SHOW THAT A NATIONAL SALES TAX IN THE YEARS 2000 AND 2001 COULD HAVE PAID ALMOST 50% OF THE COUNTRY'S TAX NEEDS. THE FLEXIBLE FLAT TAX WOULD PROVIDE THE BALANCE NEEDED TO KEEP AMERICA FINANCIALLY STRONG. THE CALCULATIONS BELOW ARE BASED ON THE CITIZENS PURCHASES. IF WE PAID OUR INCOME TAX AT THE CASH REGISTER, THERE WOULD BE LESS PAYROLL DEDUCTION FOR TAXES. THUS MORE MONEY IN THE TAXPAYERS POCKET TO SPEND AND INVEST IN A RETIREMENT FUND. 2000 2001 THE CITIZENS PURCHASES $ 6,683,700,000,000.00 $6,987,000,000,000.00 TIMES 8% SALES TAX 08 .08 TAX THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN PAID AT HE CASH $534,696,000,000.00 $558,960,000,000.00 REGISTER WE ALL PAID TAXES OF $994,339,000,000.00 THE FLEXIBLE FLAT TAX WOULD PAY THIS BALANCE. $1,004,461,000,000.00 $469,765,000,000.00 $435,379,000,000.00 BECAUSE THOSE WHO ARE NOT PAYING TAX WILL HAVE TO PAY. THE CITIZENS WILL HAVE MORE MONEY IN THEIR POCKETS. TOURISTS AND TAX CHEATERS WILL ALSO BE PAYING SOME TAXES. THE I.R.S. WILL BE SAVING TAX DOLLARS WHEN THEY AUDIT THE GOVERNMENT PROJECTS. SOME OF THIS SAVINGS COULD BE RETURNED TO THE SOCIAL SECURITY FUND. THE FLEXIBLE FLAT TAX WOULD BE FAIR TO ALL OF THE TAXPAYERS STARTING WITH 2% FOR THOSE EARNING $30,000.00 AND SLOWLY INCREASE TO 18% FOR MILLIONAIRES. SOCIAL SECURITY REFORM IS POSSIBLE WITH THIS FLEXIBLE TAX PLAN. 0% FLAT TAX FOR THOSE EARNING UNDER $25,000.00 THE FOLLOWIING ITEMS COULD BE TAXED LOW OR BE TAX EXEMPT : CARS, RV’S, BOATS, AIRCRAFT, COMMERCIAL TRUCKS, AND RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE. CONTACT CHARLIE KLEIN E-MAIL 407-438-6433 =============================================== CHANGING THE TAX CODE WHILE KEEPING THE OLD CODE. (NO CO-MINGLING OF FUNDS) DUTIES OF THE IRS IN EACH STATE. (These duties of the IRS will be explained in more detail) Collect the National Sales tax from each business by mail. Visit businesses that have not paid their National Sales Tax. Visit any unlicensed businesses that they have heard about, such as back yard mechanics, drug dealers. Assure that the National Sales Tax is being collected. Each district office will be responsible for the counties assigned to their office. The district office will total all receipts from the businesses and deposit the funds in the state banks. On the 15th of each month the district offices will transfer the money to the Treasury Department. The district office will impose stiff fines on any business that cheats on this tax plan. BECAUSE THE MONEY WAS PAID BY THE CUSTOMER. PROTECTING THE VETERANS, SENIORS AND POOR Because Senior Citizens and the Poor can qualify for a Tax Reduction Identification Card, nobody will get hurt by this plan. A form will be made available for every citizen to fill out declaring their low income and needs. Each applicant will be required to visit an office or a trained part-time CPA will visit the person to verify their claim. Those on Social Security will only fill this out once a year. Those who work will fill this out more than once a year because of job changes. People on welfare will be required to substantiate their income 4 times a year. The new tax code will have strict penalties for fraud, etc. =========================================================== FORMS FOR THE NATIONAL SALES TAX REPORTING GROSS RETAIL SALES: This form as copied from the Florida State sales tax form That will fit in a legal sized envelop. The original will be sent to the IRS office with the payment, the second copy is for the business location, the third is for the corporation headquarters and the fourth could be an extra copy. This form must be sent to the IRS office by the 10th of each month. The IRS will check the calculations and record them on the month end sheet and in the businesses file. The 15th of each month the IRS will advise the Treasury Department of the total National Sales Tax collected. The IRS will also advise the media and press of the total income for the state and the nation by the 20th of the month. The IRS will not pay the media or press for advising the citizens. A 10% late penalty will apply from the post-marked date for the 1st offence, 20% late penalty for the second. The form will require the necessary information according to the IRS needs. The IRS tax ID number, or a social security number. A permanent mailing address, phone number, and the type of business. The gross sales and the tax paid. REPORTING GROSS SERVICES: This form will require the same information as the gross retail sales form, however, there will be a line for adding retail sales for those businesses that have a sales and service operation. Such as; automotive and appliance repair, contractors, etc. REPORTING NON-LICENSED SALES AND SERVICES: This form is the catchall form. It is designed for those people who do not do business all of the time to warrant getting a license. It is also for those who do not have a legal profession. Drug dealers and prostitutes will have to pay taxes on their sales and services. Thiefs who sell items in the parking lots will have to collect and pay the tax. This form will have a self addressed top copy for the IRS. The customer will get one of these from the vendor and mail it in. The IRS will place this coupon in a file drawer waiting for the vendors copy and his tax payment. Failure to pay will result in a $100.00 fine for the 1st offense, $500.00 for the second. In a sting operation, if the drug dealer doesn't give the buyer the receipt form to send in, the DEA will have the authority to apprehend the seller for tax evasion. A stiff penalty is recommended. How does the government get the drug dealers and others to report and pay taxes? Stiff penalties and a few busts will get the word out that they better pay the taxes. With constant reporting by the media the taxpayers will help by making sure that the person they are doing business with will pay the taxes. The present sales books will continue to be used by businesses, this new form is suggested to make sure that those who are unlicensed are collecting and paying the sales tax. NEW BUSINESS APPLICATION FORM: This form is for people who are doing business and have never had a license. Flea Market, lawn care, back yard mechanics, etc. The intent of this form is to make it possible for the person doing business a few times a month or year will not have to worry about the IRS coming down on them. The people who fill this form out would have their information in the IRS computer and when they do a job or make some money that is taxable they would send in the Non-licensed business form. These are the 4 basic tax reporting forms that I recommend for this plan. The IRS already knows most of the businesses, these forms will make this plan easy and make it possible for the IRS to concentrate on other areas of fraud that Congress does not have the time to investigate. I estimate that within 3 months from the start of this plan that most people doing business part-time will be documented by the IRS. THESE FORMS WILL BE AVAILABLE IN A WEBSITE UNTIL THEY CAN BE PRINTED. THE TAX REDUCTION IDENTIFICATION CARD Senior Citizens, the Physically and Mentally Challenged and the Poor, may qualify for a Tax Reduction Identification Card. This card will have their picture, and thumb print on one side of the card and the other will have their social security number, address, and phone number. THE TAX DUE FROM THE CUSTOMER WILL BE PRINTED IN BIG LETTER ON BOTH SIDES OF THE CARD. The form for applying for the tax reduction status will be made available in a computer website. Because all of the applications will be verified by the IRS or the Social Security Administration there will be a large penalty for filing a fraudulent form. The applicant will mail the form to the IRS for processing within 90 days of the start of the National Sales Tax. All income must be declared, stocks, interest, social security and retirement accounts, alimony, etc must be listed. Failure to list all honest and dishonest income will be considered fraud. Those applicants who fall below $25,000.00 income for the year can qualify for a tax reduction identification card. They must show their Id to the cashier, before the end of the transaction. Failure to do so may result in paying the full tax. The anticipated large number of applicants can be verified by hiring the part-time CPA tax consultants who work from January thru April. Those on social security will not be required to file again, unless there is some question as to their original filing or there is a change in their income. Honesty will be the best policy. Welfare recipients will be required to file every 3 months. This requirement will be mandatory and with the intent to get them to work. Those on welfare take dollars away from other programs that could help those with health problems. Welfare recipients who qualify for a tax reduction identification could be required to work in the community on jobs that the City or Town cannot afford to pay someone to do. Such as, a more thorough cleaning of the park, and streets, painting walls and cleaning up lots. Doing something for their money would make a lot of taxpayers happy. SUGGESTED PROCEDURES FOR IMPLEMENTING THIS PLAN (THE PILOT PROGRAM FOR THIS COULD START AS EARLY AS SEPTEMBER 2005. THE SALES TAX COULD BE AT 6% FOR NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER. 8% NATIONAL SALES TAX COULD START ON JAN 1,2006.) President Bush and Congress could announce the start of collecting the National Sales Tax as early as July 15, 2005 with a 2% tax on all purchases, except food and milk products. This tax will be collected for at least 2 months in every state and U.S. territory. Businesses will reduce the payroll deduction of all of their employees by 2%, effective on this date. This will avoid double taxation. The tax reporting form will be made available no later than November 15th, 2003. Every business can get them from the website in the computer, or pick them up from the announced locations in their state. The IRS and CPA's part-time employees will visit all businesses to make sure that they are collecting the tax. A warning will be given to all businesses at this time to avoid any further problems and penalties. The IRS in each county or parish will have an alphabetical list of all businesses that will be sending in the sales tax. Businesses that have a closing date that is different from the 1st will be allowed to pay their taxes 10 days after they close the months records. Forcing them to change their operation is not a part of this plan. The IRS will verify the math and make the proper entries in the businesses account. On the 15th of each month each County IRS office will advise the state office of the IRS the total of all deposits from the national sales tax. The state IRS office, which could be any existing IRS office, will total all of the Counties and advise the IRS in Atlanta, Georgia and the Treasury Department in Washington D.C. The National Sales Taxes collected will be transferred on the 20th of each month to the Treasury Department. The Treasury Department and the IRS office in Georgia will verify that all of the transfers are correct. A Whistle Blower 800 number will be available for people to call to report any neighbor or person who is not collecting or paying the sales tax for work that they are doing. When the citizens see how much easier it is to pay their income tax at the register, the more cooperative they will be in regards to reporting people who are trying to beat the system. SUGGESTED FORMS FOR IRS COLLECTIONS AND REPORTING: County collection form: Lists all businesses alphabetically. This is also the reporting form that will be sent to the state IRS office. State Reporting form: This lists all counties in the state alphabetically. This is for reporting the total of collections in the state and will be sent to the Treasury Department and the IRS in Atlanta, Georgia. Federal Reporting Form: This will list all of the states collections alphabetically. This form can be sent to the media and press to inform the citizens as to the progress of the plan. FLEXIBILITY IS WHAT THIS PLAN IS ALL ABOUT. DO YOU HAVE BETTER IDEAS FOR THIS PLAN? PLEASE SUBMIT THEM. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS AMERICA. CHARLIE KLEIN 3213 FLOWERTREE RD ORLANDO, FL 32812 407 438 6433 E-MAIL