Hart Show Commercial Submission Agreement

Hart Show Commercial Submission Agreement
Submitter’s name________________________________ Telephone Number__________________
Email Address_____________________________________
Due Date: Monday prior to show by 5 p.m.
Submit To: Activities Office – Manwaring Center 101
Production Entity (name of Group, Club, Depart. etc.) _______________________________
(No more than 2 videos will be accepted from a single productions entity. See technical specifications for information
regarding multiple video submissions. Only videos submitted from recognized and established campus groups will be
accepted. )
Name of Commercial_______________________________________
File Name of Commercial__________________________________
Total Running time__________
Technical Specifications:
(Circle all that you can.)
Formats Accepted.- MOV, MP4
Frame Rate- 29.97
Codec XDcam (Preferred), Apple Pro Res, or H.264
Video Size- 720x480, 1280x720, or 1920x1080 (preferred)
Aspect ratio 4x3 or 16x9 (preferred)
Audio- Audio should peak at -12db
(that means the loudest part of the audio should not be above -12db)
File Size- No video is to exceed 10 Gigabytes
Length requirements: You may submit 1 video of 1 min. OR 2 videos 30 sec. each
Content requirements: All videos must adhere to the BYU-Idaho Standards including the Honor
Code. Any video with questionable material will rejected. There will be no allowance made for reediting of rejected material after the due date. Make it appropriate the first time.
All videos must be submitted prior to or on the due date. No exceptions will be made this year.
Delivery of videos may be in the form of a Flash Drive, External Hard Drive, or DATA DVD.
(Please note that items will need to be kept for a couple of days to process and they will be available at the activities office)
This sheet must accompany all videos submitted or they will not be accepted.
I hereby acknowledge that I have read and agree to all of the above terms and conditions for the
submission of my video
Signature ___________________________________ Date____________________________________
Note: Hard drives will not be returned until after the show. Talent Activities is not responsible for
missing hard drives. DVD’s are recommended to avoid these problems.
Any questions contact:
Event Services Video Coordinator 496-3203
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