SP 361 LSSU SP 361 ADVANCED SPANISH GRAMMAR Course objectives: Advanced Spanish grammar is designed for students whose interest in Spanish goes beyond merely fulfilling a language requirement. Students who enroll in this class have previously demonstrated a high level of competence in understanding and applying the Spanish language. The requirements in this class serve the purpose of providing students with a solid foundation of Spanish language proficiency, including the competent interpretation and application of complex and dynamic linguistic structures, texts and cultural concepts, with particular emphasis on academic and social contexts. In addition, the course will provide students opportunity to develop awareness of linguistic variety. Grammar will be taught in context and through an integrative and interactive approach that prepares students geared toward teaching to be effective models of both written and spoken Spanish. Students will start writing short reflective pieces on what they have learned to further develop their awareness of the dynamic nature of linguistic systems and the differences between Spanish and English. In general, the course will provide students with plenty of Spanish language input and opportunities for negotiation of meaning and meaningful interaction. The writing assignments and the class discussions will provide learners the opportunity to ask questions, review and practice the grammatical structures covered in the class to consolidate and improve their high level of understanding and applying the Spanish language in various communicative situations. Supplementary materials will be selected from a range of print and electronic sources to prepare students to meet the MTTC exam standards. Texts: Spanish Grammar in Review. Third edition. Attendance and participation: Because the success of language classes depends on student participation, it is important to come to class prepared and ready to take an active role. Attendance and participation will be a consideration in final grading. Examinations: Every two weeks there will be an examination to test grammar through speaking, listening and writing. Writing assignments will be regularly graded after the writing process is finished and students submit a revised and edited final draft. Composition Assignments: Short writing assignments will be regularly required and discussed in class. Students will go through multiple drafts and practice their skills in revising, editing and providing peer response. Grades: The following is a guide to the final grade: Attendance and participation Exams Composition assignments 500 500 100 SP 361 LSSU 800 points are needed to pass this class. Disability Services and Accommodations: In compliance with Lake Superior State University policy and equal access laws, disability-related accommodations or services are available. Students who desire such services are to meet with the professor in a timely manner, preferably the first week of class, to discuss their disability-related needs. Students will not receive services until they register with the Resource Center for Students with Disabilities (RCSD). Proper registration will enable the RCSD to verify the disability and determine reasonable academic accommodations. RCSD is located in Library 101. The telephone number is (906) 635-2454. COURSE OUTLINE FOR SPANISH 361 Weekly assignments in this class follow the chapters of the coursebook This section of the syllabus is broken down for daily and weekly assignments and varies from semester to semester.