GG 201 ...

GG 201
World Regional Geography
Prof. JWT Moody
Office: Lib. 316
Telephone Ext. 2120
Office Hrs MTWR 10:00am
& MW 1:00pm
Texts: Pulsipher World Regional Geography
Course Description:
A Study of the physical environment, resources, past and present
economic development, population distribution, and historical
development of Europe, Asia, North Africa & Southwest Asia,
Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia & Oceania, East Asia,
Latin America, and North America.
Learning Goals for Students:
1. To be able to describe and compare locations and the
characteristics of places, cultures, and settlements.
2. To understand and be able to explain the choice of locations
3. To learn and be able to describe and compare locations and the
characteristics of ecosystems, resources, human adaptation,
and environmental impact of the cultures and settlements
4. To know and understand interactions of human settlements, their
use of resources, their adaptation to the location, and their
impact on the ecosystem
5. To be able to describe and compare locations and the
characteristics of economic activities, trade, political activities,
migration and diffusion of information and technologies.
6. To know and understand the historical, cultural, and economic
background to the development of places, regions, national
states, and international trade.
7. To understand the historical, cultural, and economic
development of the United States and the several regions
therein and the environmental impact of these developments..
8. To examine the impact of exploration, imperialism,
industrialization, and globalization upon the historical,
cultural, political, economic, and environmental history of
world regions.
Additional Tasks:
1. Each class participant will read and critique 5 articles related to any of the
regions, countries, or issues discussed in this class. The “Collateral Reading Report
Form” attached to this outline should be duplicated and used for these critiques. You
are also asked to share these with the class during our discussions.
3. Each class participant will be expected to use the “Map Lab’ portion of our class time
to study and label the region being studied. Working with others on this is encouraged.
l. Since we are covering significant amounts of materials in each class meeting it is very
necessary for each class member to be in class and participating. The roll will be taken
at each class meeting.
2. Unexcused absences from 25% of the class meeetings will lower your final grade one
grade level. In the unlikely event you miss 50% of class meetings you will not be
permitted to take the final and will be given a failing grade.
Grades and grading:
l. There will be both essay and map tests over each region studied.
2. Essay answers will be judged on their completeness and a clear
demonstration of knowledge of the subject. A day or two before the
tests a review sheet of the topics areas on the test will be distributed.
3. Map tests – copies of the blank maps to be used on the test will be
distributed to the class for in class use and study purposes. Each
feature or location is worth two points. One for the correct location
and one point for the correct spelling.
4, Map lab sessions in the classroom will be available and must be
used since there will be no retakes on map tests. It is an
opportunity to learn the correct location and spelling for the
region being studied.
5. Excused absences will qualify a student for an opportunity to
make up the test in the Testing Center on the lower floor of the
Names: Old & New –
l. the spellings in recently published atlases are the most acceptable.
2. You will discover that older maps often have names of cities that in
recent years have been changed.
3. In China the recent change in the English spelling of Chinese names also
adds confusion since not all maps have caught up with these changes.
You will be give a list for China with old and new names.
4. Do not invent new names or spellings without consent of the
government of the country involved.
Office Hours:
I have classes MTWR at 9:00,12:00.2:00 & 5:00 Weds. Evening
Office hours will be 10:00am MTWR and 1:00 Mon. & Weds.
Students may drop in anytime the door of my office is open and I will be
happy to chat with you. If you need a specific time for an appointment
please see me so I can schedule the appointment.
The Tentative Approximate Schedule of Topics and Tests
Wk 1
Wk 2 & 3
Geography: An Exploration of Connections
pp 4 – 51
Introduction to the uses of the GIS system
The Islamic Realm – Central Asia, Southwest Asia, & North Africa
p.280 – “Caucasia”, p282 Central Asian Republics, + pp 288-337
Sub-Saharan Africa & South Asia
pp 338 - 451
East Asia & Southeast Asia
pp 452 -567
Wk 4 & 5
Wk 6 & 7
Spring Break
Wk 8 & 9
Russia & former republics
Wk 10 & 11 Europe
Wk 12
North America
Wk 13 & 14 Europe
Final Test – Monday April 25th, 12:30
pp 236-288
pp 180-236
pp 54-114
pp 180 -236
Students Accommodations and Support Services: In compliance with Lake Superior State University
policy and equal access laws, disability-related accommodations or services are available. Students who
desire such services are to meet with the professor in a timely manner, preferably the first week of classes,
to discuss their disability-related needs. Students will not receive services until they register with the
Resource Center for Students with Disabilities (RCSD). Proper registration will enable the RCSD to verify
the disability and dtermine reasonable academic accommodations. RCSD is located in Library 101. The
telephone number is 906-635-2454
Wk 1
Wk 2
Introduction of Geographical Realms and Regions
North America
North America
pp 1 – 40
pp 152 - 197
Tests – Map 28th Jan and Essay 29th
Wk 3
Middle America
pp 198 – 237
Wk 4
South America
pp 238 – 279
Tests – Map 11th Feb and Essay 12th
Wk 5
The Islamic Realm – Southwest Asia, Middle East
Wk 6
North Africa
pp 280 - 333
Tests - Maps 25th Feb and Essay 26th
SPRING BREAK Feb 28 to March 7
Wk 8
Subsaharan Africa
Wk 9
Subsaharan Africa
pp 334 – 379
Tests Map Mar 17th and Essay 18th
Wk 10
South Asia : the Indian Subcontinent
pp 380 – 423
Tests Map and Essay March 31st
Wk 11
Southeast Asia
pp 492 – 527
Tests Map and Essay April 8th
Wk 12
pp 424 – 491
Wk 13
Wk 13
Final Exam
28th April Thursday 3:00pm