Strategic Planning and Budgeting Committee May 24, 2010 3 – 5p.m.

Strategic Planning and Budgeting Committee
May 24, 2010
3 – 5p.m.
o Colleen Barr, Secretary/Steelworkers Union Executive Committee
o John Roese, Professor of Biology
o Sherry Brooks, Vice President of Finance/Presidents Council
o Mary Jo Meehan, Assistant Professor/Counselor
o Paul Weber, Assistant Professor of Engineering (filling in for Ron DeLap)
o Maurice Walworth, Dean of Engineering, Technology and Economic
o William Eilola, Vice-President of Enrollment and Marketing/President’s Council
o Deborah Faust, Director of Financial Aid/Administrative Professionals
o Ronald DeLap, Assistant Professor/College of Engineering, Technology and
Economic Development
o Linda Schmitigal (Chair), Associate Professor of Management
o Leslie Dobbertin, Professor, Chair of the School of Social Science
o Jay Gage, Student Representative
May 17, 2010 minutes approved with revisions
Budget Presentations:
Sherry Brooks, Vice-President of Finance presented budgets within her area
VP for Finance
 $1500 increase – NACUBO Conference (approved)
Business Operations
 ($11,465) savings – position elimination in FY10
 $10,577 increase in CSSM due to annual audit charges
Institutional Services
 No expected increase from FY10 budget
Human Resources
 $2675 increase request for equipment (director laptop), scanner,
chairs. Increase in retiree gifts due to State early retirement incentive
Employee Recruitment
 $20,000 spending increase anticipated due to early retirement
Budget request is $20,000 less than FY10 budget
Labor Relations
$40,000 spending increase anticipated – estimate with two union
agreements unsettled
Budget request is the same as FY10
Staff Training/Development
 $3,128 increase. Deferred spending in FY10 – budget request is the
same as FY10
 Status Quo
Mail/Copy/Fax Services
 $851 increase for temp salary to cover employee on maternity leave
 Status Quo
Academic Computing (combined admin computing, internet/telephone with this
 ($5624) position replacement at a lower salary
 ($33,250) transfer blackboard expense to Online Services
Physical Plant
FY11 budget request is the same as FY10 approved budget. Savings of almost
$400,000 realized in FY10 due to a very mild winter and other factors are not
expected to be realized in FY11
Budget increase requests
 $300,463 Expect utilities increase
 $7,559 CAD software update
 $8,652 Increase on service contracts and materials
 $4913 Supplies cost increase
 $23,255 Snowplowing-planning for a harder winter FY11 and concrete
 $3,023 Repairs put off until FY 11
 $10,359 Norris Center maintenance, service contract and materials
 $3700 Central Heating Plant , chemical cost increase
 $200 Arts Center – filters and refinishing floors, cost increases
 ($23,186) Eliminated Director position, increased summer students
 ($10,177) Increase in abatement
 $200 Custodial –Increase in student worker costs – no FWS
 $2,969 Grounds – Increase in student worker costs – no FWS
 ($2,216) Central Heating Plant
 $67,448 Replaced Maintenance Mechanic (vacant most of FY10)
 Propose keeping bumped worker in Norris Center to take care of SAC
Public Safety
$33,033 Increase in salaries for special events coverage and to deter
o $2,500 badges
o $2,400 software licenses & maintenance
o $14,225 equipment (itemized list to be submitted at a later
o $5,000 consultant (three separate trainings)
o $3,477 various cost increases
General Fund Buildings
 Project List total $217,800
Auxiliary Buildings
 Project List total $500,000
Paige Gordier, Dean, CJ/FIRE/EMS
 No increase request
CJ Instructional
 ($52,478) Savings -will not fill one vacant position this year
Fire Instructional
 Implemented course fees last year resulting in a carryover that will be
used for training grounds and updating equipment
EMS Instructional
 Enrollment has doubled+ resulting in increase in adjunct and student
 $1481 CSSM increase request covered by newly implemented course
fees. Requesting $3,515 in base CSSM to help with inherited
$10,000+ deficit. This program has never had a base CSSM
Dean of Professional Studies
 No increase request
Business/Legal Administration
 Instructional carryover will cover CSSM deficit of $3413
Business Instruction
 Carryover of $10,197 is dedicated toward updating the computer lab
and funding the accreditation application process which will begin in
Legal Studies
 Program eliminated so carryover of $23,000 will revert to General
Discussion at this point on the appropriate home department for remaining
Legal Studies faculty. Further discussion with Provost warranted.
Gary Balfantz, Dean of College of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences
Requests keeping carryovers to be used for assessment related expenses
and replacing a few computers
Dean of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences
 Increase in fringes and small increase request ($170) for CSSM
Arts, Letters and Social Sciences Administration
 Status Quo
English Instruction
 Budget is less due to non-renewed faculty salary
Communication Studies Instruction
 $21,500 request for new half-time faculty
Foreign Language Instruction
 ($17,218) savings due to faculty retirement
History Instructional
 ($78,982) savings due to faculty retirement
 Savings in CSSM due to China trip
Humanities Instructional
 No increase requests
Visual and Performing Arts
 $21,500 request for half-time faculty member
 $2,668 CSSM budget increase to cover theatrical production expenses
Political Science Instruction
 No increase requests
Psychology Instructional
 $120 increase request for student conference
Sociology Instructional
 No increase requested
Discussion at this point on how to handle half time faculty/adjunct person
for spring semesters and it’s compliance with Faculty Association
contract. Further discussion with Provost warranted.
Barbara Searight, Director, School of Education
Dr. Searight explained that Shirley Schoenemann will be reducing her
time in the Child Development Center to 25% and will move to 75% faculty. Dr.
Searight will oversee the administrative portion of the center. The two lead
teacher positions will be combined and a 12 month full time position will be
formed. A part-time Aide will be hired for opening and closing.
Education Administration
 Request $11,335 travel increase to attend educational meetings mostly
in Lansing and Marquette. Partially offset by $4,585 decrease in
education instruction travel where this travel was charged in previous
 Requested $800 for a conference which should be reimbursed with
professional development funds.
 $2500 equipment increase, will write a match grant with MEEMIC for
a whiteboard
 $600 MDE certification – 2 new programs @ $300 each
 $2500 TIAC certification (move to Provost Accreditation Budget)
 $8000 memberships (move to Provost Accreditation Budget)
Education – Undergraduate
 CEU’s – new requirement by Dept of Ed to pay for student CEU’sincrease in licenses $1,228.
 American Reads - $1000 to pay students to go into classroom – to be
 reimbursed with federal monies
Education – Graduate
 Honorariums to thank student placement sites
Agenda for next meeting: Sherry will present a composite of all budget requests
Next meeting scheduled for June 7th at 3pm.
Meeting ended at 5 p.m.
Minutes submitted by
Colleen Barr