Banner User Group (BUG)

Banner User Group (BUG)
April 22, 2015
 Nicole Parker, Assistant Registrar Technical Operations
 Bobbie Kyle, Human Resources Administrator
 Georgiana Cox, Accountant
 Bob Parry, Systems Analyst
 Suzette Olson, Administrative Assistant to the Provost
 Kristen Hartman, Special Clerk II Campus Life & Housing
 Kathy Spencer, Banner Analyst
 Craig Krouth, Accountant
 Sue Fitzpatrick, Director of Alumni Relations
 Nancy Nethery, Banner Analyst
 Ashley LaFaver, Manager Registrar’s Office Services
 Emily Brosco, Coordinator – Semester Schedule & International Student
 Dave Aho, Programmer Analyst
 Ashley Bishop, Assistant Registrar Graduation Services
 Jackie Kellerman, Assistant Director of Financial Aid
 Joe Barrs, Admissions Officer Technical Operations
Meeting Started at ~ 9:00 a.m.
1. Remarks by Chairperson – Nicole Parker
We are considered a “working group” and not sub-group of Shared Governance. Our group
reports to Shared Governance, but our meetings and the guidelines in which we conduct
business are not governed by the by-laws of Shared Governance. We can write our own bilaws to govern things like our length of service for our chair and secretary positions. Our
group is required to post our minutes on the designated shared drive as well as report to the
Shared Governance Oversight Committee at least once per semester.
BIG Updates – Nicole was unavailable to attend the last meeting. Updates below are from a
combination of Sue Fitzpatrick and Nancy Neve to Nicole.
Work is still progressing to finish removing reports from Discoverer.
The Mobile App for Banner is still being tested by Jerry Stephens. He has yet to share the
URL with the BUG group as he is working with Elucian to solve the inconsistent sign-on
issue before releasing the URL to a larger group to test.
Banner User Group – April 22, 2015 Minutes
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Fine Grain Access (FGA) – updates were installed in TEST8, but Kathy Spencer lost
information after the General and Student 8.7 x updates were installed. FGA will give us
the means to mask identity information in the PAIDEN screens of Banner. There is concern
that FGA has the potential for user error that could cause a complete lock-out of Banner for
all users.
Identity Management – there is slow movement on this but it is on track for a late summer
completion. Defined roles so far are Faculty, Student, and Employee. While Faculty are
employees, they are their own role. As completion nears, many more rolls will be defined.
Effort Reporting – this is done and already a link in Anchor Access. Effort Reporting is
only required for Federal Grant work and while everyone may see the link, it is only active
for those who need it. If it isn’t active and needs to be, IT can set it up.
Student Banner upgrade 8.7.3 is available to install. Jerry Stephens has concerns about the
upgrade having a negative effect on the Clearing House in the Registrar’s Office. Needs to
be well tested before it goes live.
Zip Code Table – Sue reported not all zip codes are in the table. Jerry manually updated
some of the codes. Sue would like to see a full update of the table, perhaps from the USPS.
There are some concerns that a table update will change information already in the address
records. Jerry has designated Dave Aho to look into this.
Banner 9 – Elucian will have all modules in place by June 2016. This new Banner is all
JAVA based and is a potential migration nightmare. It is application based so modules can
be downloaded in pieces rather than the whole package at one time. No sunset date noted
for our current version of BANNER or when we will be required to migrate to the newest
BUGMI – be sure to sign up for the E-Communications which also links to BUGMI.
2. Departmental Updates
Georgiana Cox: Finished accounting for end of Fiscal Year 3rd Quarter. Sherry is working
on finalizing the 2016 budget. A $2M budget shortfall was indicated by the President in the
April 21, 2015 University Senate meeting. Budgets are being sent back to areas to be
revised. Auditors expected to arrive in near future for preliminary work with the full audit
scheduled for this summer.
Bob Parry – N/A
Suzette Olson – Busy time of year in the Provost office. Working on Honor’s Breakfast,
Distinguished Teacher, and Commencement. Not focused on Banner right now.
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Kristen Hartman – Working on housing sign-ups for next semester. Summer camp sign-up
is in motion. Summer camp assignments are currently done manually. Looking to use
“auto-assign” for this year’s incoming freshmen.
Kathy Spencer – working with Fine Grain Access. Reminded group of the importance of
strong passwords. Indicated 123456 and password have been noted to be most common.
Given the University’s obligations under FERPA and the fines associated with a single
violation ($20k), we all have the responsibility to keep our passwords strong and safe.
Individuals noted the standards in other industries (minimum number of characters, use of
upper and lower case, numbers, and special characters when possible).
Craig Krouth – Tuition for summer has been set and posted. The upcoming Board of
Trustees (BOT) meeting will not address setting the Fall Semester tuition rate. The
upcoming state-wide vote on Proposal 1 is a driving factor. Tuition will be addressed in
either a special meeting of the BOT or in the July meeting.
We are almost there with the new ticket system in Athletics.
Gearing up for graduation.
Sue Fitzpatrick – Focused on commencement.
 Senior Sendoff at Moloney’s Alley, Thursday 4/23/15.
 Working with Honors Ushers and Golden Grads for Commencement.
 Alumni Board meeting coming up.
 Next Lake State After Hours – Thursday, 5/7/15 at 4:30 at Wicked Sister
 5/16/15 Zoo-de-Machinaw Bike Ride
 5/31/15 Lake State Golf Classic
 6/13/15 Tigers Game at Comerica Park
Nancy Netherly – Still working with Financial Aid to get discoverer reports converted.
Ashley LaFaver – New to Registrar Team
Emily Brosco – New to Registrar Team
Bobbie Kyle – HR working with Deans to utilize People Admin in the hiring process of
Adjuncts for the first time. This will give an application paper trail for these types of
employees. Paige Gordier has agreed to test the process with HR.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has reporting requirements for 2016 (2015 tax year) that
need to be worked through. This may require BANNER work or screens for inputting the
information necessary to generate reports with the information required in the reporting
process. Just starting to scratch the surface of what we have to do but will be moving to
leaning how to do it soon.
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Watch for the all campus announcement before the end of the week regarding the holiday
schedule and summer hours.
3. Next Meeting
Nicole will utilize the Doodle Poll to establish the next meeting time. Our group should be
meeting quarterly. This April meeting should have taken place in March. Our next meeting
should be some time in June. For the December meeting, due to the Holiday Schedule and
Nicole’s pregnancy due date, the December meeting will take place in January.
Submitted by
Bobbie Kyle
April 22, 2015
Banner User Group – April 22, 2015 Minutes
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