
Summary paper
Choose one of the essays below and write a summary of between 900-1200 words (about
three to four typed pages) summarizing the main and supporting arguments.
Use a combination of summary, paraphrase and quotation, using the strategies discussed
in class.
The summary should include at least one of each of the following types of quotations:
 Brief phrase
 One to two sentences
 Block quote
The purpose of this assignment is four-fold: review the guidelines and expectations for
using outside sources in our writing, review the guidelines for using MLA format, review
some of the protocols for writing critical essays, and lay the groundwork for college-level
use of outside sources for the second paper: the critical essay that uses research.
MLA format for page formatting, intext citations, and Works Cited page.
The following are on reserve for this class.
Article on Emily Dickinson
Adrienne Rich. “Vesuvius at Home: The Power of Emily Dickinson.”
In On Lies, Secrets, and Silences
Article on Walt Whitman
Ostriker, Alicia. “Loving Walt Whitman and the Problem of America.”
In Dancing at the Devil’s Party
Article on the way illness—in particular, cancer—is understood as a metaphor for
other kinds of problems. Could be paired with “Wit” for a later paper
Susan Sontag. “Illness as Metaphor.”