First Semester Exam- Version A 1. BAR-BAR-BAR-BAR-BAR a. Huns

First Semester Exam- Version A
a. Huns
b. Turks
c. Mongols
d. Muslims
2. Which two developments arose in Ancient Egypt?
a. hieroglyphics and papyrus
b. hieroglyphics and gunpowder
c. cuneiform and papyrus
d. monotheism and the concept of zero
3. Which of the following was the largest geographic challenge for the people settling in Mesopotamia?
a. The unpredictable nature of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
b. The absence of useful building materials
c. The great distance from regional and long-distance trade routes
d. Poor soil for agriculture
4. The mandate of heaven
a. Gave the Chinese emperors limited power that could be removed if bad government was occurring.
b. Created the notion of the Chinese emperors as gods.
c. Positioned China as a theocracy ruled by priests.
d. Allowed the ruler to serve as a link between the heavens and the earth.
e. Originated with the Indo-Europeans before they reached China.
5. Which of the following best describes how the Assyrians treated the people they conquered?
a. The king ruled directly over the people of the empire so as to maintain tight control.
b. Freedom and autonomy were granted to conquered people in an effort to win their allegiance,
c. Mass deportation and terror were used to keep people in line.
d. In an effort to control subjects, all long-distance trade was halted.
6. Which of the following civilizations is the exception to the generalization that cities began in river valleys?
a. Indus
b. Nile
c. Huang He
d. Inca
e. Tigris
7. In 3100 B.C.E. the history of Egypt is said to have begun when
a. Cleopatra met Mark Antony.
b. King Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt.
c. The Egyptians rebelled against Hyksos rule.
d. Pyramids were constructed.
8. What do many researchers now think brought about the fall of the Indus River society?
a. fighting between the Hindus and Sikhs.
b. Outside invasion from Mesopotamia
c. Environmental factors
d. Population growth
9. Which people developed the world’s first true alphabet?
a. The Lydians
b. The Phoenicians
c. The Hebrews
d. The Persians
e. The Egyptian
“The ruler should be just; those who are ruled should be loyal. The father should be loving, the son respectful.”
10. This principle is likely part of which belief system?
a. Christianity
b. Hinduism
c. Daoism
d. Buddhism
e. Confucianism
11. Daoist thought is
a. Based on reason.
b. Only proclaimed by the one god, Dao.
c. Based exclusively on Confucianism.
d. Largely antirational, following the flow.
e. Intrinsically linked to Islam.
12. The philosophy of Confucianism placed an emphasis on…
a. Success through money, thus placing merchants at the top of society
b. Success through warfare, thus placing warriors at the top of society
c. Success through poverty, thus placing peasants at the top of society
d. Success through learning and service, thus placing scholars at the top of society
13. The process, in which a dynasty rose, became strong under a good ruler, weakened, and became conquered by a
new dynasty was known as…..
a. Dynastic coup d’état
b. Dynastic cultural diffusion
c. Dynastic cycle
d. Cycles of Mandate
14. Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism….
a. Were officially sanctioned doctrines of the Chin and Han emperors.
b. Are religions that developed in classical India.
c. Emphasized the needs of the individual over the welfare of the state.
d. Had little influence upon China and Chinese society until the late 900s C.E.
e. Originated as responses to societal problems during times of disruption.
15. Daoists would agree with Confucianists on all of the following EXCEPT
a. The importance of political activity.
b. Scorn for greed.
c. Basic harmony of nature.
d. Importance of restraint in personal life.
e. The importance of tradition.
16. The Indian caste system served to an extent as a political institution by
a. Enforcing rules about social behavior.
b. Unifying the subcontinent under a single government.
c. Creating widespread interest in constitutional issues.
d. Promoting a belief in individual rights.
e. Causing unrest and rebellion
17. "Nirvana" meant
a. Full union with the divine essence.
b. Reincarnation in a higher caste after a good life.
c. The Hindu holy book.
d. Obedience to the rules of the caste system.
e. Acquiring earthly wealth.
18. Food surpluses lead to “civilization” – why?
a. Governments needed to control food supplies
b. A food surplus meant that specialization could occur
c. Civilization was begun by wars; wars were fought over food surpluses
d. Religion centered itself around food production, which gave rise to civilization
19. The Silk Road
a. Was held together by a tightly centralized and controlling empire
b. Found its “glue” keeping it together to be pastoral nomads of Central Asia who helped transport goods
and provided protection
c. Ended after the emergence of the Huns in the 5th century CE
d. Was tightly run by Buddhist nomads who sought to only promote Buddhism on the road, and traded
only with other Buddhists
20. The Qin Dynasty favored ______________ as their dominant philosophy, whereas the Han favored
a. Legalism; Buddhism
b. Confucianism; Buddhism
c. Buddhism; legalism
d. Legalism; Confucianism
21. . Greek Rationalism is
a. The believe that each life is lived according to principles of Dharma and Karma
b. The believe in many gods who demand animal sacrifices
c. The believe that human reason or intellect is the true source of knowledge
d. The believe that humans should follow the flow of the universe and not resist
22. The basis of all Classical economies was
a. Iron-making for weapons
b. Trade items for Central Asian nomads
c. Agriculture for food surpluses
d. Livestock production
23. The Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca is known as the
a. hajj.
b. hijra.
c. gadis.
d. sharia.
e. jizya.
24. Western Roman imperial power ended in 476 C.E. with the invasion of
a. The Germanic and Hunnic tribes under Atilla the Hun.
b. The conquest of Italy, North Africa and Spain by the Eastern Roman Emperor, Justinian.
c. The creation of the Frankish empire under Clovis I.
d. The creation of the Holy Roman Empire under Otto I.
e. The Muslim conquest of Egypt, North Africa and the Middle East.
25. The issue that confronted Muslims following Muhammad’s death, and the issue which eventually split Muslims
into Shia and Sunni sects involved:
a. Toleration or persecution of Christians and Jews.
b. Who was Muhammad’s legitimate successor.
c. Conversion of non-Arabs to Islam.
d. The morality of the holy war (jihad) against enemies of the faith.
e. The accuracy of different translations and versions of the Quran.
26. The basis of many modern legal codes is founded on the
a. Byzantine Orthodox liturgy
b. Emperor Constantine’s Legal Code
c. Emperor Justinian’s Legal Code
d. Roman Common Law
e. Hammurabi’s Law Codes
27. The proper order for Chinese dynasties is:
a. Qin, Han, Zhou, Shang
b. Qin, Zhou, Han, Shang
c. Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han
d. Han, Shang, Qin, Zhou
e. Shang, Zhou, Han, Qin
28. The division of the Christian Church in 1054, the “Great Schism” occurred over
a. Conflict over which Apostles to include in the Bible
b. The use of icons in religious rituals
c. The influx of foreigners to the church
d. The influence of the Quran on Biblical teachings
e. The tyranny of insane Roman emperors
29. The Five Pillars of Islam include all of the following EXCEPT
a. the confession that “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.”
b. prayer five times a day, facing the holy city of Damascus
c. fasting during the month of Ramadan
d. Alms, or giving charity to the poor
e. the hajj, or pilgrimage to worship Allah at the Ka’aba
30. The major impact of Alexander the Great’s conquests was
a. The elimination of foreign influences from Greek culture.
b. The establishment of a unified government for the Eastern Mediterranean.
c. The birth of mystery religions and the forced migration of the Jews.
d. The spread of Greek culture throughout the Eastern Mediterranean.
e. The destruction of regional trade and commerce.
31. Roman classic culture
a. Owed a great deal of its diversity to trade with China.
b. Developed in relative isolation.
c. Borrowed heavily, especially from the Etruscan, Greek, and Hellenistic states.
d. Influenced heavily the cultures of Africa and Southwest Asia.
e. Was highly innovative in the arts and science.
32. Athenian democracy was open to
a. All Athenians.
b. Males as long as they owned property.
c. All Athenian citizens.
d. All males.
e. All Greek citizens.
33. The first ruler to unify India was
a. Cyrus the Great.
b. Ashoka Maurya.
c. Chandragupta Maurya.
d. Harsha.
e. Shihuangdi.
34. During the Post-classical Age, 600 – 1450 C.E.
a. Europe achieved its domination of the world.
b. The Americas established contacts with Africa and Asia.
c. Nomadic peoples dominated the great civilizations of the world.
d. The first international as opposed to regional connections arose.
e. Trade was limited.
35. The Post-classical world ended when the
a. Black Death devastated civilizations on three continents.
b. Ming in China, Mughals in India, and Russian tsars overthrew the Mongols.
c. Portuguese ships rounded Africa and reached India.
d. Mongol, Mameluk, and Turkish invasions devastated three continents.
e. Spanish discovered the Americas
36. The decline of the Abbasid power was due to all of these reasons EXCEPT:
a. The difficulty of governing a widespread empire.
b. Invasions of European crusaders.
c. Regional loyalties.
d. Shi’ia dissenters and slave revolts.
e. Rebellious governors and new dynasties
37. The impact of the Crusades
a. Disrupted the Muslim world.
b. Had little effect on the military capabilities of the Europeans.
c. Led to the collapse of the Abbasid caliphate.
d. Was greater on the Europeans because it brought Europe into contact with Muslim civilizations and
their accomplishments.
e. Encouraged mass European migrations to the lands of the Eastern Mediterranean.
38. Within the Byzantine state, as had been the case with government in most of the dynasties of China, the chief
power and influence was
a. Emperors and their trained bureaucrats.
b. The Church and clergy.
c. Large aristocratic landowners.
d. The military.
e. Merchants and artisans.
39. Unlike monarchs in Catholic western Europe but like the Muslim caliphs, the Byzantine emperor
a. Held political but not religious power.
b. Headed both church and state; there was no separation of power.
c. Were considered divine.
d. Were uninterested in running the daily affairs of government and left all but ceremonial duties to their
e. Was the head of the military but not the government.
40. The era of Tang and Song rule in China was known as
a. Golden ages of Chinese culture and accomplishments.
b. A period of Buddhist dominance.
c. A time where Christianity and Islam spread widely in China.
d. Time of technological and commercial stagnation.
e. An era were nomadic dynasties ruled most of China.
41. The Tang rulers were able to control potential nomadic threats to China by
a. Bribery.
b. Playing one nomadic group off against another.
c. Settling the nomads within the Chinese borders on land to farm.
d. Intermarriage between the nomadic and Chinese ruling families.
e. Diverting the nomads and sending them westward, away from China
42. In order to lessen the influence of the aristocrats and bolster the position of the peasants, the Tang and Song
a. Broke up large landed estates and gave the land to the peasants.
b. Established courts and rural police to protect the peasants.
c. Set a percentage of governmental occupations and positions reserved for peasant applicants.
d. Set up free, government sponsored schools for the peasants.
e. Recruited the military officers from the peasant class.
43. The high level of Chinese literacy was due to
a. Free schooling for all classes of society.
b. The introduction of an alphabet during the Song dynasty.
c. The invention of movable-type printing and cheap paper.
d. The simplicity of the Chinese system of writing.
e. Priests and Confucian theology, which insisted that Heaven wanted all people to be able to read and to
write the Confucian classics.
44. Real government in Japan after the 11th century rested with
a. The emperor’s immediate family.
b. Women.
c. Confucian scholar-gentry.
d. Shoguns or military governors.
e. Buddhist monks.
45. The typical pattern for relations between China and its neighbors during the post-classical period was
a. Military occupation by the Chinese armies.
b. For these states to acknowledge Chinese superiority and pay tribute but remain independent.
c. Incorporation of these states as provinces in the Chinese empire.
d. To form equal alliances as partners against nomadic invaders.
e. To maintain no formal relations or treaties with neighboring states.
46. Mameluks
a. Were Turkish-speaking slave armies used by Muslims.
b. Were the last great Central Asian nomads to disrupt Eurasian civilizations.
c. Broke from the Sunni Muslims over who should be the rightful leader.
d. Overran Spain and established a brilliant Arabo-Hispanic civilization.
e. Were non-Muslim boys forcibly converted to Islam and settled as farmers.
47. If peoples surrendered or were subdued without resistance, the Mongols
a. Exacted tribute but generally left the inhabitants alone.
b. Sold only the men into slavery.
c. Destroyed the towns and resettled the people on farmlands.
d. Settled Mongols amongst the sedentary peoples.
e. Forced the inhabitants to migrate to new lands.
48. The region which did not become a center for one of the Mongol khanates war
a. Iran and Mesopotamia.
b. Central Asia.
c. India.
d. East Asia.
e. Steppes of Russia, the Ukraine, and Siberia.
49. Russia’s defeat by the Mongols
a. Had little effect on Russian development.
b. Led to 250 years of Mongol dominance.
c. Was avoided by the willingness of Russian princes to pay tribute.
d. Was meaningless because the Mongols abandoned the area for their homeland.
e. Left Poland and Sweden the dominant powers in Eastern Europe.
50. The only power to successfully defeat the Mongols before 1300 CE was
a. Song China.
b. The Russian principality of Moscow.
c. The Turks of Asia Minor.
d. The Turks of Central Asia and Persia.
e. The Mameluks of Egypt.
51. Kublai Khan’s major concern in governing China was
a. Creating integrated Chinese and military units.
b. To avoid the Mongols being assimilated by Chinese culture and practices.
c. Educating Mongol leaders and elites in Chinese Confucian culture.
d. The conversion of the Chinese to Islam.
e. Reestablishing the Confucian civil service exams and scholar-bureaucrats.
52. Aristocratic women during the Heian period
a. Directed court protocols in the imperial capital.
b. Had artistic and intellectual freedoms often denied women of other cultures.
c. Were restricted to the father’s, husband’s, or family household.
d. Encouraged the court to embrace Shintoism and abandon Buddhism.
e. Studied and wrote about the worlds of the common Japanese people.
53. Japan’s form of government during the Bakufu period most resemble a(n)
a. Feudal state.
b. Gerintocracy or rule by the elderly.
c. Democracy.
d. Theocracy.
e. Government by rich merchants.
54. The key link for the conduit of Chinese culture to Japan and Korea was
a. Buddhism.
b. Commercial contacts such as trade.
c. Migration by the Chinese to Korea and Japan.
d. Diplomatic missions.
e. War.
55. In general, Mongol rule, like Roman rule, was
a. Intolerant.
b. Brutal.
c. Very disruptive to societies and their values.
d. Peaceful and prosperous.
e. Welcomed by sedentary peoples.
Use the map on the following page to answer questions 56-60
56. Identify A:
a. Mesopotamia
b. Indus Valley
c. Egypt
d. Arabia
57. Indentify B:
a. Mesopotamia
b. Indus Valley
c. Egypt
d. Arabia
58. Indentify C:
a. Alexandria
b. Jerusalem
c. Mecca
d. Constantinople
59. Indentify D
a. Alexandria
b. Jerusalem
c. Mecca
d. Constantinople
60. Identify E
a. Alexandria
b. Jerusalem
c. Mecca
d. Constantinople
Use this map to answer questions 61-65
61. Identify A:
a. Constantinople
b. Athens
c. Carthage
d. Rome
62. Identify B:
a. Mediterranean Sea
b. Black Sea
c. Red Sea
d. Dead Sea
63. Identify C:
a. Constantinople
b. Athens
c. Carthage
d. Rome
64. Identify D
a. Constantinople
b. Athens
c. Carthage
d. Rome
65. Identify E
a. Mediterranean Sea
b. Black Sea
c. Red Sea
d. Dead Sea
Use this map to answer questions 66-70
66. Identify A:
a. Chagatai Khanate
b. Il-Khanate
c. Great Khanate
d. Khanate of the Golden Horde.
67. Identify B:
a. Chagatai Khanate
b. Il-Khanate
c. Great Khanate
d. Khanate of the Golden Horde.
68. Identify C:
a. Chagatai Khanate
b. Il-Khanate
c. Great Khanate
d. Khanate of the Golden Horde.
69. Identify D:
a. Chagatai Khanate
b. Il-Khanate
c. Great Khanate
d. Khanate of the Golden Horde.
70. Identify E:
a. Mesopotamia
b. Arabia
c. Egypt
d. India