University of St. Andrews Archaeology Society and the Institute of Scottish Historical Research DAY CONFERENCE for the 600th Anniversary of the University on Saturday 18th February 2011 Parliament Hall 10 a.m-5p.m. “600 years of Town and Gown: Archaeology and History of St. Andrews” Speakers will include: SIMON TAYLOR, NICHOLAS BROOKS, NORMAN REID, DEREK HALL, BESS RHODES, DAVID WATKINSON, GORDON MAXWELL On the evening of Friday 17th February at 7.30 p.m. in Parliament Hall Keynote Lectures will be given by Peter Yeoman and Ian Bradley Followed by a Wine reception sponsored by the St Andrews Institute of Scottish Historical Research DAY CONFERENCE TICKETS: £25 (STUDENTS £15) (Includes Morning Coffee, Sandwich/cake lunch, Afternoon Tea) I/We wish to register for the above Conference: NAME(s)....................................................................................................................... ADDRESS...................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................Tel. No.. . . . . . . . . . . . E-MAIL ADDRESS:………………………………………… I/We enclose £ (Cheques should be made payable to ‘The University of St. Andrews Archaeology Society’) Please return this form WITH REMITTANCE (AND A STAMPED ADDRESSED ENVELOPE if a paper copy is required) TO:, ‘600th Day Conference’, Dept. of Mediaeval History, 71, South St., ST. ANDREWS, Fife KY16 9AL