Teacher Valentine Card Flash Project Rubric Content

Teacher Valentine Card
Flash Project Rubric
_______pts. (25)
Appropriate comments for teacher (50 points if not able to share with teacher)
Keeps audiences attention (interesting)
Easy to follow (user friendly)
Add a catchy production name at the opening of the flash project (10)
Artistry (Spends adequate time drawing and designing frames)
_______pts. (20)
Appropriate use of background colors/ original graphics (10)
Use of pen, paint brush, pencil, geometric shapes (10)
Flash Mechanics (Uses several Flash skills appropriately.)
_______pts. (20)
Examples of Flash skills: mouse events, animated movie clips, graphics,
tweens, appropriate timing (not too fast or too slow), animated gradients
(like the sun, planet, shadow quiz you did), motion guides, masking, text
fields, Appropriate use of graphics (optimized before use), buttons,
action scripting, sound
Add a true loading bar at the beginning
_______pts. (10)
Spelling (Free from all spelling errors)
_______pts. (15)
Grammar (Free from grammar errors)
_______pts. (10)
Teacher Valentine Card
Flash Project Rubric
_______pts. (25)
Appropriate comments for teacher (50 points if not able to share with teacher)
Keeps audiences attention (interesting)
Easy to follow (user friendly)
Add a catchy production name at the opening of the flash project (10)
Artistry (Spends adequate time drawing and designing frames)
_______pts. (20)
Appropriate use of background colors/ original graphics (10)
Use of pen, paint brush, pencil, geometric shapes (10)
Flash Mechanics (Uses several Flash skills appropriately.)
_______pts. (20)
Examples of Flash skills: mouse events, animated movie clips, graphics,
tweens, appropriate timing (not too fast or too slow), animated gradients
(like the sun, planet, shadow quiz you did), motion guides, masking, text
fields, Appropriate use of graphics (optimized before use), buttons,
action scripting, sound
Add a true loading bar at the beginning
_______pts. (10)
Spelling (Free from all spelling errors)
_______pts. (15)
Grammar (Free from grammar errors)
_______pts. (10)