Family Resources Brochure

Family Resources Brochure
Pick a family resource organization and create a brochure about them- links located on
my website under family resources
o Purpose of agency
o Services provided
o Who is eligible for their services
o Volunteer opportunities
o Locations
o History of agency
o Sources of funding (ie: government or private donors)
o Any other important information
You can prepare this brochure on the computer or on manila paper
Your completed project must be NEAT and easy to read
This project is a MAJOR grade
Family Resources Brochure
Pick a family resource organization and create a brochure about them- links located on
my website under family resources
o Purpose of agency
o Services provided
o Who is eligible for their services
o Volunteer opportunities
o Locations
o History of agency
o Sources of funding (ie: government or private donors)
o Any other important information
You can prepare this brochure on the computer or on manila paper
Your completed project must be NEAT and easy to read
This project is a MAJOR grade