Document 15579100

 To speak effectively:
 Be calm and honest.
 Speak for yourself.
 Be brief and to the point.
 Be positive.
 Use appropriate language.
 Avoid extremes.
 Address behaviors, not your theories about the behaviors.
 Stay aware of your body language.
 Be responsible for making sure the listener hears and
understands you.
Copyright © Notice: The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences, Texas Tech University.
 To listen effectively:
 Be attentive.
 Focus entirely on the speaker and forget about yourself.
 Show your interest.
 Indicate that you hear, understand, and care.
 Ask questions.
 Clarify content and meaning.
 Reflect back what you hear.
 Repeat the speaker’s own words.
Copyright © Notice: The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences, Texas Tech University.
 To write effectively:
 Plan ahead.
 Be logical; each sentence should be
 Be organized.
 Use appropriate words and terms for the
 Use simple words.
 Use action verbs.
 Proofread.
Copyright © Notice: The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences, Texas Tech University.
 To read effectively:
Skim the article or item first.
Take notes.
Ask yourself about the information as you
Summarize the main points.
Copyright © Notice: The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences, Texas Tech University.