BUSINESS BLUEPRINT Main Steps Overview for details see Business Blueprint Step by Step Guide SAP AG 2000 Target: Build Information Model Business Requirements & Information Supply Chain Focus Key Figures & Business Subjects Information Model Multidimensional Reporting Challenges Objectives Cover future analytical needs Analytical Business Applications SAP AG 2000 Cover existing analytical needs Business Blueprinting Step-by-Step Activities Business Content Activation I. Collecting Requirements II. Business Content (BCT) Check III. Data Design Accelerators 1. Interview Script 2. PI-Tree Documentation 3. PI Documentation Template 4. Project Measure Glossary 5. Data Access Documentation Template SAP AG 2000 6. Meta Data Repository Business ContentDocumentation 7. Data Design Documentation and Sizing 8. Data Flow Documentation I. Collecting Requirements Templates help you: Structure the procedure of the requirements analysis Provide detailed examples how to explore and document the results 1. Interview Script 2. PI-Tree Documentation 3. PI Documentation Template 4. Project Measure Glossary 5. Data Access Documentation Template SAP AG 2000 1. Interview Scripts SAP AG 2000 Accelerates preparation of interview sessions with info owners general questions objectives measures reporting presentation Accelerates preparation of interview sessions with ITresponsible technical details landscape datasources 2. PI-Tree Documentation Overview of Roles and the Business Process Performance Indicators (PI‘s) derived PI‘s Base PI‘s Grouping of PI‘s to relevant dimensions Business Subject time Assignment to SAP-Business Content SAP AG 2000 InfoSource InfoCube Query 3. PI Documentation Template SAP AG 2000 Describes Business Process Performance Indicators (PI‘s) and Roles in detail calculation structure ... 4. Project Measure Glossary Describes each Information Entity (Dimension, Facts) from a business user point of view from a technical point of view Contains Comprehensive list technical details business definitions responsibility Documents Business Content SAP AG 2000 Standard Infoobjects self-defined InfoObjects can be used for InfoObjectDocumenation in BW (BDS) 5. Data Access Documentation Template SAP AG 2000 Describes the PI‘s from a Data Access (Reporting) point of view Navigation Drill-Down Presentation Response time Selection II. Business Content Check Compare Information Model with SAP BW Business Content TOOLS: Business Unit BW Documentation and Meta Data Repository Sales Organization Customer PI Tree Documentation Revenue Delivery Customer Revenue Delivery Time Product Project Measure Glossary Cost Tax Time Product Order Type SAP AG 2000 6. Business Content Check (Tools, Documentation) Documentation PI-Tree Documentation (2) Project Measure Glossary (4) Tools MetaData Repository SAP AG 2000 BW Offline (HTML) Business Content Documentation III. Data Design: Transitional Steps Draft Information ModeI Sales Org. MDM/Star Schema Product Sales Rep ID Material ID LastName SalesDep Material Name Material Type Material Group Sales Org Dimension Revenue Delivery Customer ID Customer Name City Region Office Name Sales Order ID Material Dimension Material ID Sales Rep ID Time Code ID) Customer ID Sales Amount Quantity Unit Price Time Time Code ID Year Fiscal Year Quater Mounth Day of the Week FACT Customer Dimension Customer Time Dimension Data Design Documentation SalesRep ID Last Name ... OrgStr. DIM ID Material DIM ID SalesRep SalesDep Material ID MatType SalesDep ID Material ID Mat.description MatType ... Data Flow Documentation SAP Demo BW -Schem a Address ... Datum bearbeiten: 30.08.99 12:35:29 Bes chreibung: BW -Schema - SAP Demo Cube Sales Order ID Material DIM ID OrgStr DIM ID Time Code ID .... Quantity ..... Ziel-DB: SA P B W/ O racle Rev.: 1.0 Ersteller: Juergen Haupt Dateiname: Firma: SAP AG MASTER 0D_SALE_ORG MASTER 0D_CO_CODE MASTER 0D_SOLD_TO 0D_SALE_O RG 0D_CO _CO DE 0D_SO LD_T O 0D_CO UNT RY 0D_CO UNT RY DIM_TAB ORGANIZATION organization_dim_id DIM_TAB CUSTOMER 0D_DIV cus tomer_dim_id 0D_DIS_CHAN 0D_SALE_ORG (FK) (IE) 0D_SO LD_T O (F K) (IE) 0D_CO_CODE (F K) (IE) FACT TABLE time_dim_id (FK) DIM_TAB TIME currenc y/unit_dim_id (FK) time_dim_id organization_dim_id (FK) 0CALMO NTH (yyyymm) customer_dim_id (FK ) sales employee_dim_id (FK) MASTER 0D_SALE_EMP 0CALYEAR (yyyy) 0CALQUART (yyyyqq) vers ion_dim_id (F K) 0D_SALE_E MP 0CALDAY product_dim_id (FK ) 0D_NETVLINV 0D_INV _Q TY 0D_COST BW Schema DIM_TAB SALES EMPLOYEE 0D_T AXAMO UN sales employee_dim_id DIM_TAB VERSION 0D_SALE_EMP (F K) (IE) version_dim_id 0D_VERSION (F K) (IE) DIM_TAB CURRENCY / UNIT DIM_TAB PRODUCT currenc y/unit_dim_id produc t_dim_id 0DO C_CURRCY 0D_PROD_HIE 0SALES_UNIT 0D_MAT ERIA L (FK) (IE) MASTER 0D_MATERIAL SAP AG 2000 0D_MATERIAL 0D_MTLGROUP MASTER 0D_VERSION 0D_VERSION 7. Data Design Documentation Custome r master I n q u i r y Credi t Chec k Trans fr order Delivery header Q u o t a ti o n Cost Center ERM (optional) Sales doc header Sales doc line I n v o i Inv c Linee item Delivery line item Sales doc sched line AR Sub Ledger Whs e mgmt Stora ge Loc’s A T P Accounting Document Material master data AP SubLe dger Good s Mvmt Inventory Production order Bill of materials Genera l Ledger if Data non R/3 Special purpose ldgr Human Resources P a y r o ll Good s Mvmt Requ isitio n Vendor invoice Purcha se order SAP Demo BW-Schema Vendor master Datum bearbeiten: 30.08.99 12:35:29 Beschreibung: BW-Schema - SAP Demo Cube Ziel-DB: SAP BW/ Oracle Rev.: 1.0 Ersteller: Juergen Haupt Dateiname: Firma: SAP AG MASTER 0D_SALE_ORG MASTER 0D_CO_CODE MASTER 0D_SOLD_TO 0D_SALE_ORG 0D_CO_CODE 0D_SOLD_TO 0D_COUNTRY 0D_COUNTRY DIM_TAB ORGANIZATION organization_dim_id 0D_DIV 0D_DIS_CHAN 0D_SALE_ORG (FK) (IE) 0D_CO_CODE (FK) (IE) DIM_TAB CUSTOMER customer_dim_id 0D_SOLD_TO (FK) (IE) Captures Data Models InfoCubes ODS-Objects Master Data FACT TABLE time_dim_id (FK) currency/unit_dim_id (FK) organization_dim_id (FK) customer_dim_id (FK) sales employee_dim_id (FK) version_dim_id (FK) product_dim_id (FK) MASTER 0D_SALE_EMP 0D_SALE_EMP DIM_TAB SALES EMPLOYEE DIM_TAB TIME time_dim_id 0CALMONTH (yyyymm) 0CALYEAR (yyyy) 0CALQUART (yyyyqq) 0CALDAY 0D_NETVLINV 0D_INV_QTY 0D_COST 0D_TAXAMOUN sales employee_dim_id DIM_TAB VERSION 0D_SALE_EMP (FK) (IE) version_dim_id 0D_VERSION (FK) (IE) DIM_TAB CURRENCY / UNIT DIM_TAB PRODUCT currency/unit_dim_id product_dim_id 0DOC_CURRCY 0SALES_UNIT 0D_PROD_HIE 0D_MATERIAL (FK) (IE) MASTER 0D_VERSION 0D_VERSION MASTER 0D_MATERIAL 0D_MATERIAL 0D_MTLGROUP InfoCube Sizing Tool calculates Size SAP AG 2000 InfoCubes Aggregates Master Data 8. Data Flow Documentation Template Can be used to document data flow into InfoCubes MultiCubes ODS Master Data Transformations SAP AG 2000 Transfer Rules Update Rules User Exit I. Information - Requirements Content Impacts Description Roles Authorization Tasks Authorization KPI‘s BCT-Check, Glossary Characteristics Glossary, Maintenance Accuracy Maintenance Periodicity IC-Design Granularity IC-Design, Maintenance Access (Content, response-time) Authorization User-Interface Front-End-Design, Aggregates SAP AG 2000 II. BCT-Check Overview BCT-Coverage Workbook Query InfoCube InfoSource no coverage Estimation of effort Scope-Document for Project management SAP AG 2000 III. Data - Design Input Impacts Characteristics (ERM) Attributes MasterData Navigational Transactional Data Dimensional Design of dimensions Performance Indicators (PI‘s) Facts Periodicity Time-characteristics Navigational steps ODS-Objects Aggregates Tranformations DataFlow SAP AG 2000