Agenda SAP BW Project Experiences Key Success Factors SAP BW Implementation Methodology Using ASAP for SAP BW implementation SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 1 Understanding SAP BW implementations Internal BW & CRM systems Customer, project and Installation data Analyze SAP BW projects Project profiles (sample out of 115 live customers) http:/ profiles Discuss projects with customers, consultants, implementation partners, ASUG Participants, FCS program participants Identify and assess key areas Project Focus, Scope, Length, Team Identify and share best practice Working with Universities, SAP Labs Implementation Analysis Projects ROI, TCO studies Methodology & Site Visits Questionnaires (sample size: 35 live customers) SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 2 Worldwide BW Installations (June 2000) 1500+ BW installations Asia / Pacific 13% EMEA 56% Americas 31% SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 3 Extracted Data 1st Going Live* All SAP modules + non R/3 data 80% 70% 4.5A 1% 60% 50% 4.5B 12% 4.6A 2% 4.0B 27% 40% 3.0D 2% 3.0F 8% 3.1H 37% 3.1I 11% 30% 20% 10% 0% SAP AG 2000 * Data from 50 live customers in November 1999) BW 2.0B ASAP / 4 Project Averages Project Team Sap Consultants 1 Customer Team 4 Non SAP Consult. 2 Project Team 7 Effort Impl. Time 4 months First live users 45 users Targeted Users 123 users live Cubes (Target end of ’99) 4.5(12) Queries (Target end of ‘99) 35 (80) SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 5 Project Team and Implementation Time Project teams increase Implementation times decrease 7 (AVG) 14 Implementation Time (months) 12 10 8 6 4,3 (AVG) 4 2 0 0 5 10 15 Project Team (FTE) SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 6 20 25 Implementation Effort Customer: Implementation Team >10 9% 7-10 9% Implementation Time <3 months 1-3 51% 32% >6 months 4-6 31% 23% Consultants: 6 months 17% 3 months 5 months 4% 4 months 10% >4 8% 3 8% 1 57% 14% 2 27% SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 7 Reasons for Business Information Warehouse Flexible business analysis and reporting R/3 extractors Business know-how is built in Data management tools Single-point-of-entry Single-point-of-administration Leverage of R/3 knowledge Relief of R/3-System and of IT-Organisation Open for 3rd parties Loading of external data SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 8 BW Implementation: Motivation & Goals Business motivation for implementing SAP BW 43 % Advanced Reporting & Analysis 28 % Consolidation of information 15 % Improve OLTP Performance 10 % Applications 4 % other Performance Consolidation Reporting/ Analysis Overall goals of BW projects 36 % Standard Reporting 32 % Enterprise-wide Repository 27% Decision Support 1% Data Mining 4% other Decision Support Enterprisewide Repository Standard Reporting n=37 SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 9 Methodological Experience Implementation Partners SAP 30% Other 30% None 40% None SAP Other Used Implementation Method ASAP 50% Other 25% Unknown 25% ASAP Other SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 10 Unknown Business Requirements Requirements Analysis Customer 45% SAP Consultants 40% Management Consultants 10% Other 5% Information gathering techniques Interviews/Business 40% Workshop 37% Interviews/IT 23% SAP AG 2000 Customer SAP Workshop Interview/ Business BW 2.0B ASAP / 11 Interview/ IT Business Content Acceptance Business Content Use Yes 75% No 25% Yes No How well could you use the Business Content? (1 = very well) 1 SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 12 AVG 2,2 6 ASAP for BW Toolkit Tools & Accelerators Documentation Enhancements 44% Online Accelerators 41% Reporting made Easy Guidebooks 8% ASAP CD 5% None 2% SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 13 Typical SAP BW project time Prototype/ Pilot 1st Live Implementation Strategy SAP BW Roll out Enterprise-wide Implementation SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 14 A Typical SAP BW Project Lifecycle... Continuous Business Information Reengineering Implementation Cycle 3 Implementation Cycle 2 Roll-Out ... Implementation Cycle 1 5 Prototyping 1 Evaluation & Feasibility SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 15 2 3 Planning & Strategy: Concept for Rollout and Further Planning 4 Pilot Implementation Go Live & Support Agenda SAP BW Project Experiences Key Success Factors SAP BW Implementation Methodology Using ASAP for SAP BW implementation SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 16 Key Success Factors Findings Prepare information engineering in your organization SAP BW is more than a SAP module Use the power of SAP BW for your enterprise 90-day rule Finish within 90 days and demonstrate! Use Business Content Consider the business processes Understand the process - understand the data Define scope and stay with scope Discuss and nail down real user requirements Implement in cycles SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 17 Key Success Factors Findings You need project skills Committed management, good core SAP BW team in-house! Manage expectations and communicate Let the projects be reviewed by SAP BW experts You need business skills Involve the business (end user) from day one! You need BW skills technical skills SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 18 Primary Factors Impacting BW Project Length In General, a BW Project Will Be of Shorter Duration and Will More Likely Be Successful if: The Project Uses Delivered Business Content Minor Modifications in R/3 The BW Team is Skilled and committed The Team Consists of End Users that Understand the Business Process and their Data There is a Clear, Valuable Objective of the Project Executive Level Support is Strong The R/3 Environment is Stable The Technical Support Team is Strong (Data Modeling and Basis) The Organization has a Long-Term, Strategic Commitment to SAP SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 19 Agenda SAP BW Project Experiences Key Success Factors SAP BW Implementation Methodology Using ASAP for SAP BW implementation SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 20 Why use a the specific SAP BW Implementation method? Pre-configured Business Content SAP BW is not just a Data Warehouse… It requires a specific methodology to benefit from Business Content SAP BW uses a very specific data model SAP BW speaks “business language” Early Success is possible Iterative Approach – Implement in cycles SAP recommends a three layer model (see next foil) 2nd layer: BW implementation 3rd layer: BW Project Mgmt. Project plans, Skill descriptions, Tools and Accelerators available online 1st layer: BW Strategic Planning on http:\ -> Service&Support/BW ASAP BW ASAP Implementation Assistant can be used as a project management tool SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 21 Iterative BW Implementations SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 22 BW Strategy PROJECT PREPARATION Project Management Kick-Off STRATEGY BLUEPRINT First Analysis of situation and preparation for Workshops Executive Workshops (Requirements & Commitment) Scope of implementation PROGRAM CHARTER Timetable of BW projects Staffing of Coordination Teams Requirements for Implementation Teams PROGRAM DEFINITION Further Analyses Sessions Information Model: Global structures: Information Requirements & Info Supply Chain SAP BW System Landscape Implementation Approach SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 23 Communication Strategy Program Management Approach & Risk Assessment Phase 1: Project Preparation INITIAL PROJECT PLANNING Project start up session Project charter Team working environment Project organization (roles) Implementation strategy Project plan ESTABLISH SYSTEM LANDSCAPE STRATEGY PROJECT PROCEDURES Management standards Implementation standards PROJECT KICKOFF TRAINING PROJECT PLANNING Project team training plan End user training & documentation strategy TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS PLANNING System configuration Post-Implementation service Identify requirements and support strategy Procure initial hardware System problem standards and (optional) error handling System enhancement and modification approval process Naming standards Data administration SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 24 BW REVIEW - PROJECT PREPARATION PHASE Phase 2: Business Blueprint TRAINING BW DESIGN Conduct project team training Data design Prototype end user deliverables Data access design (BEX and Non-SAP) Authorization design BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS System landscape strategy Requirements workshops Technical design Assess current data warehouse Procure technical components and information access for Dev/QA/Prod (optional) environments ESTABLISH DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS CONTENT CHECK ENVIRONMENT Assess requirements Prototype SAP & non-SAP sources Master data Data Access Identify data requirements for each end user category SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 25 DEFINE SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION BW REVIEW - BUSINESS BLUEPRINT PHASE Phase 3: Realization DEVELOPMENT CONFIGURATION Configure development environment Configure data access environment (BEX & Non-SAP) Implement & validate authorization concept (Dev) Test BW environment DEVELOPMENT CONFIGURATION WORKSHOPS Prototyping solutions TRAINING Define/develop/finalize end user training & documentation SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 26 TEST PLANS Define system test plans Define data test plans Define data access test plans Define authorizations test plan DEFINE SYSTEM PROCEDURES Service level commitment BW administration procedures BW REVIEW – REALIZATION PHASE Phase 4: Final Preparation TUNING Mass Tests Database Tuning BW Tuning TRAINING Conduct pre-go-live end user training SYSTEM MANAGEMENT Establish production system administration Conduct system tests SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 27 DETAILED PROJECT PLANNING Refine cutover Refine production support plan CUTOVER Cutover Final approval for going live BW REVIEW - FINAL PREPARATION PHASE Phase 5: Go Live and Support PRODUCTION SUPPORT Go live Checks Support review Provide production support Validate live business process results Conduct post-go-live end user training STRATEGIC BW PLANNING PROJECT END SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 28 Proposed BW Implementation Approach Cycle1: 1-3 Months Rapid Implementation Option 1: Add Externally Purchased Data Delivered InfoSources Delivered InfoCube Delivered Queries Limited Number of Users Stable Technical Environment or Option 2: Extend Standard InfoCube or Option 3 : Integrate Legacy Data 3-6 Months SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 29 SAP BW specific Skills (Roles) Five BW specific roles have been identified for a successful implementation BW Data Extraction BW Data Access (Frontend, Web) BW Data Architect, Administrator BW Application BW Basis BW Project Team member can have one or more roles SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 30 Business Information Warehouse Project Roles BW Data Extraction Responsible for identifying and obtaining the data required to satisfy the requirements of the BW project. SAP R/3 Data New Dimension Product Data Data external to SAP within the organization (legacy data) Data external to SAP from outside the organization (provider data D&B, Nielson) SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 31 Business Information Warehouse Project Roles BW Data Access Responsible for assessing the business requirements, and designing and developing a data access solution for the BW project. BW’s Business Explorer Certified ODBO clients: Non-SAP data access tools Visual Basic development Web development Author 10% Analyst 20 % Consumer 70% SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 32 Business Information Warehouse Project Roles SAP BW Data Architect Responsible for the overall design of the BW project BW InfoCubes Logical models BW process models BW enterprise models Responsible for Administration SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 33 Business Information Warehouse Project Roles BW Application Responsible for utilizing BW to satisfy the business requirements identified for the project If the scope of the BW project is tightly controlled and can use standard BW Business Content, InfoCubes, and Queries, the BW Application Consultant may assume the responsibility to perform several roles concurrently to include SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 34 Business Information Warehouse Project Roles BW Basis Responsible for the the BW infrastructure and Tuning BW Installation and Basis Parameters, Patches, Support Packages BW Landscape, Correction and Transportation Settings BW Sizing BW Performance & Tuning BW Authorizations SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 35 Project Organisation Info Owners Information owner (business users) Data Architecture & Administration Team Steering Commitee Frontend Team Project Mgmt. Data Extraction Team Executive Sposors Contacts: source systems SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 36 BW Basis Team AcceleratedSAP Accelerators AcceleratedSAP Accelerators Examples of Accelerators • Project Plan • Workshop Agenda • Questionnaires • End User Procedures • Technical Procedures • Made Easy guide Books • Written by experienced SAP BW consultants SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 37 Fill in the Blank versus Start from Scratch The SAP BW 2.0B Accelerators Phase 1 Project Preparation BW Methodology Overview BW Excel Features Project Start Up (Workshop Template) Issue log database (QADB) Roles & Skills in SAP BW Projects Frequently asked questions Project Charter for SAP BW Projects Hierarchies in BW Project Plan Phase 3 Realization Phase 2 Business Blueprint Phase 4 Final Preparation SAP BW Performance / Tuning Business Blueprint Methodology (Information Requirements Analysis) Multidimensional Data Modeling with SAP BW Templates Business Blueprint Sizing Tool SAP BW Hardware Sizing BW Strategy (Global Rollout) SAP BW System Lanscape & Transport BW SEM Authorizations in SAP BW BW APO Documentation Templates for SAP BW Authorizations ODS-Whitepaper SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 38 Phase 5 Going Live BW Operational Support BW Strategy Phase SAP BW Documentation Enhancements …several enhancements to the Online Documentation …will be incorporated in Online Documentation of next release Can be found on the SAP Service Marketplace ( background/Documentation Enhancements) SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 39 BW Project Reviews should occur Periodically Throughout a BW Project Project Preparation Business Blueprint Realization Final Preparation Continuous Improvement Go Live & Support Project Start Up End of phase 1 Conceptual Review SAP AG 2000 After Data Design Design Review BW 2.0B ASAP / 40 During cycle configuration In Final Preparation Configuration Review Performance Review BW Project Reviews Independent and objective reviews by BW experts Scheduled visits with agenda and timetable One or two days on site Interviews with project team, management and end users Study project documentation Present findings and recommended solutions to management Plan them into your budget and timelines SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 41 Obtaining an SAP BW Review How can you order the Reviews? At your local SAP subsidiaries Order by e-mail for Europe: Order by e-mail for US:>Service&Support/Project Review SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 42 SAP BW information in the SAP Service Marketplace SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 43 Agenda SAP BW Project Experiences Key Success Factors SAP BW Implementation Methodology Using ASAP for SAP BW implementation SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 44 ASAP : Comprehensive Solution Roadmap Step-by-step project plan and explanations of tasks and activities Foundation of project plans (Microsoft project) Tools and accelerators Attached to the roadmap For project estimation and to set expectations (scope, time, resources) For project management: method/roadmap, spreadsheets, documentation templates For the BW consultant and customer: questionnaires,check lists, tools Implementation Assistant Project Management Tool: combines project management with SAP BW specific accelerators and how-to’s. SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 45 AcceleratedSAP Tools Approach: offline Hide Contents The Implementation Assistant is the primary tool and framework in ASAP Back Forward Refresh Search Home Page What’s New Roadmap Implementation Accelerators Project Plan Question and Answer Database Issues Database Business Process Procedures Knowledge Corner Glossary Help Print Options Welcome to AcceleratedSAP Continuous Change Project Preparation Business Realization Blueprint Final Preparation Go Live & Support Version Implementation Assistant contains Roadmap, QADB, Knowledge Corner SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 46 ASAP Roadmap Phase Work Packages Activities Tasks SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 47 Accelerators ASAP Knowledge Corner The Knowledge Corner will contain a number of Consulting Guides written by consultants Contents Search Home Page What’s New Roadmap Phase 1: Project Preparation Phase 2: Business Blueprint Phase 3: Realization Phase 4: Final Preparation Phase 5: Go Live and Support Implementation Accelerators Project Plan Knowledge Corner Glossary Help SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 48 Sizing Estimators BW Prototyping BW Presentations Best Practice Examples BW on ASAP CD CD includes implementation roadmaps for all applications You can choose application BW as a flavor when installing ASAPactivities -> create a BW specific roadmap Allows to choose more than one flavor SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 49 ASAP for SAP BW Rollout Strategy ASAP for SAP BW is included on ASAP 4.6b Last Release: December 1999 Next Release: online August/ offline: December 2000 Online Accelerators, Documentation Enhancements August 2000 http:\ ->Service&Support/BW ASAP ASAP CD SAP AG 2000 Implementation Assistant, Roadmap, Accelerators, Documentation enhancements BW 2.0B ASAP / 50 Copyright 2000 SAP AG (All rights reserved) Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. Microsoft®, WINDOWS®, NT®, EXCEL®, Word® and SQL-Server® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. IBM®, DB2®, OS/2®, DB2/6000®, Parallel Sysplex®, MVS/ESA®, RS/6000®, AIX®, S/390®, AS/400®, OS/390®, and OS/400® are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation. OSF/Motif® is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation. ORACLE® is a registered trademark of ORACLE Corporation, California, USA. INFORMIX®-OnLine for SAP is a registered trademark of Informix Software Incorporated. UNIX®, X/Open®, OSF/1®, and Motif® are registered trademarks of The Open Group. ADABAS® is a registered trademark of Software AG. SAP, SAP-Logo,, R/2, R/3, RIVA, ABAP, SAP-EDI, SAP Business Workflow, SAP EarlyWatch, SAP ArchiveLink, ALE/WEB, BAPI, SAPPHIRE, Management Cockpit, SEM, are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries all over the world. All other products mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. SAP AG 2000 BW 2.0B ASAP / 51