BW Data Extraction Consultant Description

BW Data Extraction Consultant
The BW Data Extraction Consultant is responsible to identify and obtain the data required to
satisfy the requirements of the BW project. This data may include:
SAP R/3 data
New Dimension product data
Data external to SAP within the organization (legacy data)
Data external to SAP from outside the organization (provider data – D&B, Nielson)
The BW Data Extraction Consultant role has a broad range of responsibilities and may require
multiple individuals to satisfy the role depending on the scope of the BW project and the
complexity and quality of the data.
If SAP R/3 and New Dimension data only is required to satisfy requirements and if this data is
included in the standard Business Content of BW, this role may be combined with the BW
Application Consultant role. This standard Business Content allows for extraction of R/3 and New
Dimension data in a straightforward and rapid manner.
If non-SAP data is required, if standard Business Content must be enhanced significantly, if BAPI
interfaces are being used, and/or if the data quality from the source system is insufficient, this role
can be quite complex and can required significant resources. This complexity and quality of data
is a primary contributor to the size and scope of the BW project.
If legacy data is being extracted a close relationship is required with the legacy extraction expert.
In some cases, the legacy extraction expert may assume this responsibility.
Time Commitment
– the time which must be committed to this Role to ensure the project requirements are met
Project Complexity
Time Commitment
If standard Business Content of BW is the only
data required, this role can be combined with
the BW Application Consultant. The role is
primarily performed during the early to midphases of the project with completion of
extractions required by the middle of the project
so that testing, training, and implementation can
be completed.
If extensions to the standard Business Content
of BW is required (either by including addition
SAP data or extracting from non-SAP sources),
this role should be satisfied by individuals other
than the BW Application Consultant so that
efforts may continue in parallel.
Depending on the complexity and quality of the
data necessary to satisfy the requirements, this
role may require a significant number of
resources. A resource could potentially be
required for each major extraction that has to be
Key Attributes
Key attributes of an individual supporting the analysis and design functions of this role include:
SAP R/3 and BW application knowledge in the business process area
The ability to develop a solution using BW to solve a company’s business requirements
The ability to work effectively in a diversified team
Strong analytical skills
The ability to work independently and as a team member
Strong time management skills and multi-tasking capabilities
Knowledge of application software tools, including presentation, spreadsheet, and
word processing applications
A working understanding of the AcceleratedSAP methodology and tools
Experience in the customer’s industry
An understanding of the source data (both SAP and non-SAP data)
Key attributes of an individual supporting the development functions of this role include:
Experience with data warehouse data analysis
Experience with data extraction development
Detailed knowledge of the data required to be extracted
Knowledge of the customer’s current business processes
Knowledge of data quality issues
Knowledge of scheduling tools
An indepth understanding of specific data extraction tools or development language
being used to extract the data (e.g., 4GL’s or specialized data extraction tools, BAPI’s)
Strong written and oral communication skills
Strong analytical skills
The ability to work in diversified teams
Key Tasks
Specifically, the BW Data Extraction Consultant is responsible for:
Designing the data solution to satisfy defined business requirements
Identifying the data in the source environment
Mapping the data to the BW environment
Identifying data quality gaps
Developing a plan to close data quality gaps
Developing the required extraction programs, if necessary
Developing the associated interface programs, if necessary
Testing of all developed programs
Ensuring integration testing of data from various sources
Developing a production support plan
The BW Data Extraction Consultant should not become ineffective because of long-standing data
quality problems, but should identify these problems and escalate them to the Customer Project
Manager for resolution. Often data quality and inconsistency issues are systemic in the
organization and must be addressed a higher level in the organization to get resolved.
Avoid the tendency to attempt to cleanse all data within the BW extraction process. Often data
cleansing is best performed at the legacy source system level.
BW Data Access Consultant
The BW Data Access Consultant is responsible to assess the business requirements, and design
and develop a data access solution for the BW project. This solution may include use of:
BW’s Business Explorer
Non-SAP Data Access tools (e.g., Business Objects, Cognos, Crystal Reports, and
other certified data access tools)
Visual Basic development
Web development
WAP (wireless) development
R/3 drill-through
The BW Data Access Consultant role has a broad range of responsibilities and may require
multiple individuals to satisfy the role depending on the scope of the BW project and the
requirements associated with data access.
The BW Data Access Consultant should work closely with the individuals responsible for
business requirements gathering and analysis and have a thorough understanding of the way the
data will be used to make business decisions.
Often significant change management issues are generated as a result of modifications required
by end users to the data access design and implementation. As a result the BW Data Access
Consultant is in a key position to provide valuable information to the change agent or change
management process.
Time Commitment
– the time which must be committed to this Role to ensure the project requirements are met
Project Complexity
Time Commitment
If standard Queries from BW are used and the
Business Explorer is the tool selected, this effort
can be performed by the BW Application
If modifications or significant extensions are
required to the Queries from BW, a resource
should be committed specifically to work in this
If a product other than the Business Explorer is
selected, a skilled consultant with this expertise
should be committed to the project. If VBA or
Web development is needed, this too requires
specialized skills and resources.
Key Attributes
The BW Data Access Consultant should have:
Strong business emphasis and perspective
Excellent communication skills since the role works closely with the end users of the
Experience with the appropriate data access tool(s)
Strong analytical skills
An understanding of the customer’s business processes
An understanding of the associated output/display requirements
The ability to work with diversified teams
Key Tasks
Specifically, the BW Data Access Consultant is responsible for designing the data access solution
to include:
Understanding the data that will be available in BW in business terms
Identifying the way end users want to analyze the data in BW
Designing the data access solution to satisfy defined business requirements
The BW Data Access Consultant is also responsible for developing the data access solution to
Developing options for data access (i.e. web solution, R/3 drill through, ODS reporting,
master data reporting, 3rd party tools)
Developing prototypes of data access for review with end users
Developing the required data access solutions
Developing the associated interface programs and/or customized web enhancements,
if necessary
Configuring the Reporting Agent, if necessary
Configuring the GIS
Testing of all developed solutions
Ensuring integration testing of data access solution
Developing a production support plan
Working with training development to include data access solution in BW course
The BW Data Access Consultant should not assume that they know what the end user wants
without developing and demonstrating prototypes throughout the process. Often end user
requirements evolve as they see the kind of data that is available.
Also, the BW Data Access Consultant should not wait until all valid data is available in BW before
developing prototypes, but rather use data that is not valid where the end user will focus on the
design of the access method rather than the data.
BW Data Architect
The BW Data Architect is responsible for the overall data design of the BW project. This includes
the design of the:
BW InfoCubes (Basic Cubes, Multi-cubes, Remote cubes, and Aggregates)
BW ODS Objects
BW Datamarts
Logical Models
BW Process Models
BW Enterprise Models
The BW Data Architect plays a critical role in the BW project and is the link between the end
user’s business requirements and the data architecture solution that will satisfy these
requirements. All other activities in the BW project are contingent upon the data design being
sound and flexible enough to satisfy evolving business requirements.
Time Commitment
– the time which must be committed to this Role to ensure the project requirements are met
Project Complexity
Time Commitment
If the BW project utilizes standard BW content
and InfoCubes, this role can be satisfied by the
BW Application Consultant.
If the BW project requires enhancements to the
standard BW content and InfoCubes and/or
requires the integration of non-SAP data, this
role may require a committed resource.
If the BW project requires significant
modification and enhancement to standard BW
content and InfoCubes, it is highly
recommended that an experienced resource be
committed full-time to the project.
Key Attributes
The BW Data Architect must have:
An understanding of the BW data architecture
An understanding of multidimensional modeling
An understanding of the differences between operational systems data modeling and
data warehouse data modeling
An understanding of the end user’s data
An understanding of the integration points of the data (e.g., customer number, invoice
Excellent troubleshooting and analytical skills
Excellent communication skills
Technical competency in data modeling
Multi-language skills, if an international implementation
Working knowledge of the BW and R/3 application(s)
Experience with Data Modeling application software (i.e., ERWIN, Oracle Designer, SDesigner, etc.)
Key Tasks
The BW Data Architect is responsible for capturing the business requirements for the BW project.
This effort includes:
Planning the business requirements gathering sessions and process
Coordinating all business requirements gathering efforts with the BW Project Manager
Facilitating the business requirements gathering sessions
Capturing the information and producing the deliverables from the business
requirements gathering sessions
Understanding and documenting business definitions of data
Developing the data model
Ensuring integration of data from both SAP and non-SAP sources
Fielding questions concerning the data content, definition and structure
This role should also address other critical data design issues such as:
Granularity of data and the potential for multiple levels of granularity
Use of degenerate dimensions
InfoCube partitioning
Need for aggregation at multiple levels
Need for storing derived BW data
Ensuring overall integrity of all BW Models
Providing Data Administration development standards for business requirements
analysis and BW enterprise modeling
Provide strategic planning for data management
Impact analysis of data change requirements
As stated above, the BW Data Architect is responsible for the overall data design of the BW
project. This includes the design of the:
BW InfoCubes (Basic Cubes, Multi-cubes, Remote cubes, and Aggregates)
BW ODS Objects
BW Datamarts
Logical Models
BW Process Models
BW Enterprise Models
The BW Data Architect should not become distracted with issues outside the data modeling
arena but should be allowed to focus on the issues surrounding optimizing the data design for the
BW project.
The BW Data Architect should design to satisfy specific business requirements, but should keep
in mind the overall, long-term goals of the BW in the organization.
BW Application Consultant
The BW Application Consultant is responsible for utilizing BW to satisfy the business
requirements identified for the project. As provided in the other roles, if the scope of the BW
project is tightly controlled and can use standard BW Business Content, InfoCubes, and
Queries, the BW Application Consultant may assume the responsibility to perform several roles
concurrently to include:
BW Data Architect
BW Data Access Consultant
BW Data Extraction Consultant
SAP Project Manager
Business Process Team Lead
Authorization Administrator
If this occurs, the BW Application Consultant must have a broad range of skills and this position
will be under significant pressure during the course of the BW project. In this situation, the BW
Application Consultant inherently must be responsible for the overall integrated design and
realization of the BW solution.
If the project scope is broad and must extend Business Content, InfoCubes and/or
Queries, then the project warrants resources being assigned to the roles identified above. In this
case, the BW Application Consultant is responsible for the overall integrated design and
coordinated realization of the BW solution.
If this role is assumed by an SAP Consultant, often the expectations are that they are familiar with
all components and functionality of Business Information Warehouse. This role often naturally
becomes a focal point for all design consideration related to BW.
Time Commitment
– the time which must be committed to this Role to ensure the project requirements are met
Project Complexity
Time Commitment
If the BW project utilizes standard BW content,
InfoCubes, and/or Queries this role can be
satisfied by the BW Application Consultant. If
this occurs, this is full-time responsibility.
If the BW project requires enhancements to the
standard BW content, InfoCubes, and/or
Queries, and/or requires the integration of nonSAP data, this role should not assume
responsibility for all activities, but other
resources should be assigned. If this occurs,
the BW Application Consultant can assume a
less than full-time role.
If the BW project requires significant
modification and enhancement to standard BW
content, InfoCubes, and/or Queries it is highly
recommended that an experienced resource
(other than the BW Application Consultant) be
committed to the project to satisfy these roles.
If this occurs, the BW Application Consultant
should assume a full-time responsibility.
Key Attributes
The BW Application Consultant must have:
Excellent troubleshooting and analytical skills
Excellent communication skills
Excellent time management skills
Excellent problem resolution and organizational skills
Technical competency; with strong computer skills
Multi-language skills, if an international implementation
Working knowledge of the BW and R/3 application(s)
Key Tasks
The BW Application Consultant (or one of the resources identified above) uses the BW
Administrator Workbench to perform the functions provided by BW:
Establish connections to the BW sources
Activate the standard Business Content
Enable the standard InfoCubes and Queries
Enhance the InfoCubes as required by the BW Data Architect
Enhance the Queries as required by the BW Data Access Consultant
Define authorization profiles and access
Evaluate statistical performance and make recommendations to Basis support for
optimization where possible
Manage the CTS layer
There is a tendency to reply completely on this resource for the project. This is not
recommended, since these resources will consistently be in demand and individuals having this
broad range of skills are difficult to find and keep on a project. Cross-training of resources is
essential to ensure the sustainability of the project.
Ensure that this role does not assume ownership responsibility for OSS notes related to BW.
BW Basis Consultant
The BW Basis Person must be able to advise on BW Landscape issues, Transport environment,
Authorisation, Performance Issues of Database and BW, Installation of BW Server, Plug Ins and
Frontend (For all layers there are patches / support packages) that should be regularly installed.
This role can be assumed by the Basis Consultant (However, additional BW skills are absolutely
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