Table of Contents Topic Page No. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................... 2 PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. SCOPE ............................................................................................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS ....................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ASSUMPTIONS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. GENERAL CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................................................................... 6 CONFIGURATION-INBOUND PROCESS ................................................................................................................................... 27 CONFIGURATION-OUTBOUND PROCESS ............................................................................................................................... 61 Introduction Purpose This document describes in detail the necessary ALE/EDI Configuration settings in SAP . Definitions & Acronyms Term/Acronym Idoc RFC Explanation Intermediary document used for data transition in SAP Remote Function Call 1. General Configuration 2. Configuration - Outbound Process 3. Configuration - Inbound Process General Configuration To transfer the SAP data, necessary ALE customization should be carried out in SAP. This section explains the minimum general settings that have to be carried out irrespective of the process (Outbound or Inbound). DEBMAS02 is the IDoc type used for both inbound and outbound process. Note: The menu paths given in this document refer to the 4.6B version of SAP. Wherever possible, transaction codes are also given. Depending on the SAP Version, it is possible that the menu paths may vary. The following are the settings that have to be maintained in case of general configuration settings. Each step is dealt in detail with the help of Screen Shot. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Maintain Logical System Assign client to Logical System Port Definition Maintain Distribution Model Change Partner Profile of the Logical System 6. Activate Change Pointers Maintain Logical System To distribute messages across systems, each system is uniquely identified as a logical system in SAP ALE Customizing. Menu: SAP Standard Menu Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing SPRO SAP Reference IMG Basis Components Distribution (ALE) Sending and Receiving Systems Logical systems Define Logical System Transaction Code: SALE Explanation: 1. A Dummy logical system with an appropriate name should be defined in ALE Customizing. (Refer Screen Shot 1.1 and Screen Shot 1.2) Screen shot 1.1 Screen shot 1.2 Assign client to Logical System The defined logical system should be assigned to the client of SAP from which IDocs are to be triggered. Menu: SAP Standard Menu Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing SPRO SAP Reference IMG Basis Components Distribution (ALE) Sending and Receiving Systems Logical systems Assign client to Logical system Transaction Code: SALE Explanation: The following fields are to be maintained 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Logical System Standard Currency Client role (Customizing) Changes and transports for client-dependent objects Client-Independent object changes Protection level: Client copier and comparison tool (Refer Screen Shot 2.1) Screen shot 2.1 Port Definition Port definition is the logical destination to be used by the SAP system during data interchange. Here, the technical characteristics of the connection between the SAP System and other system are defined. The file port type has to be maintained for the directory. The outbound IDoc files are stored in the mentioned outbound file whereas the Inbound files are stored in the mentioned Inbound File. In outbound processing, SAP system creates the IDocs, processes them and then sends to the directory defined in the file port. Whereas in case of inbound processing, the ASCII files are taken from the Inbound Directory, converted to IDocs, processed and a new record is created in the SAP Database. Menu: SAP standard menu Tools Business Communication IDoc IDoc Basis Port Definition Transaction code: WE21 Explanation: 1. The function module EDI_PATH_CREATE_CLIENT_DOCNUM (or any other appropriate function module) is used for generating the IDoc file names. 2. Physical Directory has to be selected (Screen Shot 3.1) Screen Shot 3.1 Maintain Distribution Model A distribution model shall be maintained in ALE customization to distribute data. Messages of type DEBMAS02 have to be distributed to Extransx logical system. Menu: SAP Standard Menu Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing SPRO SAP Reference IMG Basis Components Distribution (ALE) Modelling and Implementing Business Processess Maintain Distribution Model and Distribute Values Transaction code: BD64 Explanation: Distribution model contains the following assignments: 1. 2. 3. 4. Create distribution model view (Screen Shots 4.1, 4.2) Assign From and To Logical System. (Screen Shots 4.3, 4.4) Add message types to be transferred – DEBMAS Save distribution model. 5. Generate partner profile for logical system. (Screen Shots 4.5, 4.6) Screen shot 4.1 Screen shot 4.2 Screen shot 4.3 Screen shot 4.4 Screen Shot 4.6 Change Partner Profile of logical system For logical system, a partner profile can be automatically generated from the distribution model. In this step relevant ports are assigned to the logical system. Menu: SAP Standard Menu Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing SPRO SAP Reference IMG Basis Components Distribution (ALE) Modelling and Implementing Business Processess Partner Profiles and Time of Processing Maintain Partner Profile Manually Transaction code: WE20 Explanation: The following details are maintained in the partner profile 1. Outbound messages (DEBMAS) to be transferred from SAP. (Screen Shots 5.1 and 5.2) 2. IDoc type (DEBMAS02) to be triggered for each message type 3. File Port to be used for transfer of IDocs . 4. IDoc pack size. This should be set to 1 only. 5. Output mode (Transfer IDoc immediately). 6. Receiver of error notifications (user id) if any, occurs during the process. Change the port that can be used for both the messages types to the appropriate port defined in the step 3. Activate change pointers Change pointers have to be activated generally and then specifically to a message type. Menu: SAP Standard Menu Tools Accelerated SAP Customizing SPRO SAP Reference IMG Basis Components Distribution (ALE) Modelling and Implementing Business Processess Master Data Distribution Replication of modified Data Activate Change Pointers Generally (and) Activate Change Pointers for message types. Transaction code: SALE or BD61/BD51 Explanation: The relevant message types (DEBMAS) are activated. (Screen shots 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4) B) Execute Manually: To execute program RBDMIDOC manually, the following steps are to followed. Menu: SAP Easy Access Tools ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Editor Transaction: SE38. Refer Screen Shot O .34. Explanation: 1. On the screen enter the name of the program as ‘RBDMIDOC’ and press the execute button on the menu bar. 2. On the second screen ie selection screen enter the name of the message type DEBMAS and execute the program 3. During the execution, two message windows will come. Press the continue button.