ERP ON THE WIRE Enterprise Resource Planning Network

Enterprise Resource Planning
Applications and Their Effects on the
Introduction *
ERP Architecture *
Two-tier Implementations
Three-tier Client/Server Implementations
Transaction Flows and Volumes *
Looking at the Numbers *
Deploying Throughout the Enterprise *
Local Area Network Performance
Wide Area Network Performance – T1
Wide Area Network Performance – 56Kb
Wide Area Network Performance – 28.8Kb
Putting the Results in Perspective *
Conclusions *
How Ganymede Can Help *
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the ERP." – ORACLE 1:1
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications might not have had divine
origins, but there is little doubt that somewhere, right now, a business or
technology professional like yourself is praying for a successful ERP deployment.
As the name implies, ERP software is a set of applications that ultimately are
relied upon to automate and integrate many or all functions of an enterprise.
Common components include Finance modules, Human Resources software, as
well as Manufacturing and Logistics applications.
After a successful roll out, ERP applications offer a variety of returns on the initial
investment. Benefits might include more efficient business processes, tighter cost
controls, and better customer service. However, these gains do not happen
overnight. ERP applications are notoriously complex and usually require
extensive customization. Recognizing these gains in your enterprise will require
significant investments in time and money. Business processes may need to
change, and users will need time to become efficient in using the new system.
In the middle of planning for and making these changes, there is one item that
often gets overlooked: The network. "Systems" people spend a good deal of
timing sizing servers and figuring out how many users they can support.
"Desktop" folks plan for the software distribution on the client side. Department
heads discuss when and how their people will be trained to use the new
application. In many cases it is simply assumed that the network will handle this
application just like it handles every other application.
Is this a fair assumption? Do ERP applications behave like other network
applications? The answer to both questions is - No!
In a 1999 Computerworld cover story article entitled: ERP Pioneers, Keith
Bearden, CIO of A-dec Inc., described some of the challenges he faced when he
was tasked with addressing the performance issues associated with an ERP
application which A-dec had recently purchased and deployed. It took about six
months to fix the performance issues during which time they changed databases
and performed server and network upgrades. Another six months was spent
redesigning business processes and training end users – doubling the cost of the
project. Mr. Bearden was quoted as saying: "We lost a lot of business, because
[workers] didn’t understand it, and the performance was so bad."
In this White Paper we will discuss the behavior of ERP transactions and the
crucial role that the network plays in delivering acceptable levels of performance
to the end users. We will detail the potentially dramatic performance impact
associated with running these applications across slower, higher-latency links
and demonstrate why an up-front analysis of network performance is critical.
ERP Architecture
ERP applications are most commonly deployed in a distributed and often widely
dispersed manner. While the servers may be centralized, the clients are usually
spread to multiple locations throughout the enterprise.
Generally speaking, there are three functional areas of responsibility that is
distributed among the servers and the clients. First, there is the database
component – the central repository for all of the data that is transferred to and
from the clients. Then, of course, the clients – here raw data gets inputted,
requests for information are submitted, and the data satisfying these requests is
presented. Lastly, we have the application component that acts as the
intermediary between the client and the database.
Where these components physically reside and how the processes get
distributed will vary somewhat from one implementation to the next. The two
most commonly implemented architectures are outlined below.
Two-tier Implementations
In a typical two-tier architecture, the server handles both application and
database duties. The clients are responsible for presenting the data and passing
user input back to the server. While there may be multiple servers and the clients
may be distributed across several types of local and wide area links, this
distribution of processing responsibilities remains the same. Figure 1-1 below
provides a simple illustration of a two-tier implementation.
Three-tier Client/Server Implementations
In three-tier architectures, the database and application functions are separated.
This is very typical of large production ERP deployments. In this scenario,
satisfying client requests requires two or more network connections. Initially, the
client establishes communications with the application server. The application
server then creates a second connection to the database server. Figure 1-2
illustrates this type of implementation.
Transaction Flows and Volumes
So far, this all looks pretty unremarkable, right? We have clients talking to
servers, servers talking to other servers, no big deal… After all, in the vast
majority of cases, there are several other applications already in place that are
doing similar things in terms of transactions flows long before the ERP
application enters the picture. There are PC, Mac, or UNIX clients talking to web
servers, sending and receiving email, transferring and printing files, running
legacy host-based applications, etc. etc.
Pay attention now, we’re getting to the good part! It isn’t the pattern of the
transaction flows that we are worried about here. It is the shear volume of
constant back-and-forth transactions traveling between the client and the
server(s). On a high-speed, low-latency link, this may not present a problem. In
fact this is why performance problems may not surface until after the application
roll out is well underway. During the initial development and pilot testing of the
system, the clients and the servers are often sitting on an isolated network or a
single subnet. In this environment, the end-users may experience no
performance problems whatsoever. But what happens when the application gets
rolled out to other buildings on the campus, branch offices, or remote users?
Looking at the Numbers
So how much client to server interaction are we talking about here? Well, keep in
mind that most ERP applications are customized for each individual customer, so
the results you see will in all likelihood be unique to your organization. But let’s
try to put things in perspective. In building Application Scripts that emulate real
application transaction flows, Ganymede Software has done extensive analysis
of how various applications perform "on the wire." Here are some of the results
we have observed.
As a baseline, let’s start with a typical network transaction such as sending an
email message using SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). From the network
perspective, this type of transaction will result in about a dozen "sends" of data to
and from the email client. By "send" we mean a transmission of data that is
initiated by either the client or the server. So how does this compare to a typical
ERP transaction? Here are some sample transactions from the top five ERP
applications and the number of sends associated with those transactions:
Add employee – Two tier
Add customer – Three tier
View customer – Three tier
Journal entry – Three tier
Journal entry – Two tier
Maintain P.O. – Two tier
Maintain Sales Order – Two
Add Inventory Item – Two tier
What’s going on here? Why are there so many exchanges taking place over the
wire? Keep in mind that ERP applications and the individual transactions
themselves can be quite complex. A single transaction such as adding an
inventory item may require the end-user to fill out several forms of information.
As each form in completed, data is transmitted back and forth across the
network. Each of these forms has several fields that must be filled in. This is
done by typing in text or perhaps selecting an item from a drop-down menu. In
some cases we have observed that simply displaying these menus or even
tabbing from one field to the next results in data being transmitted between client
and server.
Note the difference in the traffic flows between two-tier and three-tier
environments. Three-tier environments provide unique performance
management challenges due to the number of variables in the end-to-end
equation. When end-users complain of poor "application" performance, isolating
the problem to a particular server or network connection can be a difficult task.
You are likely to find that the behavior of these transactions on the network is
quite unlike anything else you have ever seen. If you were under the assumption
that ERP applications behave like any other application on your network, you can
throw those assumptions out the door! Keep in mind that the numbers listed
above are representative of a single transaction being executed by a single user.
Imagine what will happen as the application scales and dozens or hundreds of
users are executing a mix of these transactions simultaneously across an already
busy network.
Armed with this information, let’s take a stab at answering the question that was
raised previously: What happens when the application gets rolled out to other
buildings on the campus, branch offices, or remote users?
Deploying Throughout the Enterprise
The test results in this section were generated using Chariot from Ganymede
Software Inc. and The Cloud from Shunra Software Ltd. Chariot was used to
emulate the network flows and volumes associated with a typical ERP
transaction. The Cloud was used to emulate several different WAN
environments. In each of the tests below, we used Chariot to emulate the "Add
Employee" transaction listed in the above table. This transaction is comprised of
242 sends between the client and the server. We executed this transaction 10
times during each test.
From an overall performance perspective, the Add Employee transaction could
be described in the following manner:
Total transaction time = Client data entry time + Server processing time + Network transmission
If you take the total amount of time needed to complete this transaction and
remove the server time and the client time from the equation, you are left with the
network transmission or response time. Regardless of how fast the server can
run the application and look up data or how fast the user can type, the network
component will remain fairly constant unless the makeup of the network itself or
the traffic volumes change. Since the subject of this paper is the network
component, our tests focus on the network response time.
Local Area Network Performance
For our first test, we used Chariot to emulate the Add Employee transaction over
a 100Megabit LAN connection. Here are the results:
Average Response Time
Minimum Response
Maximum Response
Total Measured Time
6.20390 seconds
5.80800 seconds
6.51000 seconds
62.039 seconds
Wide Area Network Performance – T1
Next, we used The Cloud to emulate a T1 link between the client and the server.
The same test yielded the following results:
Average Response Time
Minimum Response
Maximum Response
Total Measured Time
10.46050 seconds
10.01400 seconds
10.71600 seconds
104.605 seconds
So we jumped from 6.2 seconds on our LAN test to 10.5 seconds on the T1. At
first glance, that doesn’t look too bad. But let’s examine this scenario in more
detail. In this test, we are simulating a user who had an "empty" T1 all to himself
– no other traffic and no other users. In reality, this is a shared resource and each
user will only get a small piece of the total available pipe. So while 10.5 second
response times are theoretically possible, perhaps during off-peak times, this is
not a realistic expectation for day-to-day production transactions.
Wide Area Network Performance – 56Kb
For our third test, we executed the same transaction over a simulated 56Kb link:
Average Response Time
Minimum Response
Maximum Response
Total Measured Time
38.95420 seconds
38.56100 seconds
39.55800 seconds
389.542 seconds
Once again, this test assumes that the pipe is empty and that a single user has
access to the full resource. In reality, this starts to give you a little better feel for
what you might expect as a user on a shared T1 line. Our 6.2 seconds of network
time for each transaction has now climbed to close to 40 seconds.
Wide Area Network Performance – 28.8Kb
To satisfy our curiosity, for our final test we simulated a 28.8Kb dial-up link:
Average Response Time
Minimum Response
Maximum Response
Total Measured Time
78.13370 seconds
76.51800 seconds
80.40900 seconds
781.337 seconds
This test demonstrates the type of response times that a user could expect if they
were accessing the application over a dial-up modem link. Our maximum
response times are now over 80 seconds. A user on a busy T1 might expect to
see similar results.
Putting the Results in Perspective
Let’s think about this from the perspective of the end-user of the application
sitting at the other end of that 56Kb link. They call the help desk and complain
about performance. Help desk personnel PING the server and PING the enduser. In both cases they get response times that are well within reason, perhaps
100ms. The conclusion is that this isn’t a network problem and the trouble ticket
gets handed over to the "Systems guys." A single PING simply does not tell the
story here; in fact it can be very misleading. The reality of the situation is that for
each transaction, the network is introducing at least 40 seconds of delay.
Another key point: In our tests, we were assuming "clean" Wide Area Network
connections. In the real world there are any number of anomalies that might
occur throughout the course of the business day: Congestion, packet loss, out-oforder packets, duplicates, fragments, bit errors, etc. Any of these conditions will
adversely impact the results that we have shown here.
Lastly, let’s not overlook the fact that the transaction that we tested with had only
242 sends. Some of the transactions that we have analyzed have over four times
this number.
1. ERP applications and transactions are probably unlike anything else that you have
running on your network. It is not safe to assume that the network will handle
them well.
2. Every ERP deployment is different. The application modules are customized and
the architecture of the system and distribution of computing resources will be
unique to your environment.
3. It is critical to understand how your application performs on the network before
beginning enterprise-wide deployment.
4. Test your network in advance to understand how these applications will perform
and what impact they will have on existing applications. Pay particular attention
to WAN links and heavily utilized LANs.
5. The location of computing resources may have a significant impact on how the
application performs, particularly in three-tier environments. Understand the
traffic flows between the client and the server as well as the server-to-server
communication flows.
How Ganymede Can Help
Ganymede Software’s family of performance monitoring and management
solutions can take much of the guesswork out of ERP deployments and help
eliminate surprises once the application begins to scale.
Using Chariot, you can now answer pre-deployment questions such as: "How
well will this application run on my network?" or "What will this application do to
the response time of existing applications running on my network?" Chariot
provides a simple, yet scaleable way to emulate a single user, or hundreds of
users, running a variety of applications and transactions to and from any point on
your network.
When a performance problem occurs, Chariot allows you to immediately isolate
whether or not the problem is network related. This can dramatically reduce the
time, effort and expenses associated with troubleshooting problems and provide
an even bigger payoff in terms of user productivity gains.
Since ERP application performance is critical, many corporations have invested
in traffic queuing technology and prioritization tools in an attempt to provide endusers with a guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS). Chariot provides the means to
verify that these technologies are working correctly in your environment and the
performance data you need to "tune" end-to-end performance.
Since every ERP application is unique, Ganymede has developed a tool that can
provide Application Scripts that are customized to match your environment.
Application Scanner captures application transaction flows and automatically
produces Application Scripts that will precisely emulate the way your application
ERP applications can help your organization improve efficiency, reduce costs,
and realize dramatic improvements in customer service. With proper up-front
planning your implementation will be a success. Good luck!
For more information on Ganymede’s Enterprise Performance Management
solutions, please visit our web page: