SAP Procedure Reference: Title: Author: Date: Version: SAP Version: SERVER1\SYS1:\COMMON\SAPPROJE\SETUP\PROC037.DOC (Word 7.0a) ABAP/4 Programming Standard Richard Harper June ’98 1.0 3E Table Of Contents. 1. INTRODUCTION. ......................................................................................................................... 2 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 2. PURPOSE. ................................................................................................................................... 2 SCOPE. ....................................................................................................................................... 2 AUDIENCE. ................................................................................................................................ 2 RELATED DOCUMENTS. ............................................................................................................. 2 DOCUMENT STRUCTURE. ........................................................................................................ 3 2.1. HEADER SECTION. ..................................................................................................................... 3 2.2. DATA SECTION. ......................................................................................................................... 3 2.2.1. Variable Names. ............................................................................................................... 4 2.3. LOGIC SECTION.......................................................................................................................... 5 2.3.1. Statement Layout. ............................................................................................................. 5 2.3.2. Comments. ........................................................................................................................ 6 2.3.3. Forms And Functions. ...................................................................................................... 6 3. REVISIONS. ................................................................................................................................... 8 3.1. IN-HOUSE PROGRAMS. ............................................................................................................. 13 3.2. SAP STANDARD PROGRAMS. ................................................................................................... 13 3.2.1. Chnge .............................................................................................................................. 13 3.2.2. Date ................................................................................................................................ 13 3.2.3. Who ................................................................................................................................. 13 3.2.4. Reason ............................................................................................................................ 13 3.2.5. Access Key ...................................................................................................................... 14 3.2.6. Tracking Changes. .......................................................................................................... 14 4. MODULARISATION. ................................................................................................................. 15 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. INCLUDE PROGRAMS. .............................................................................................................. 15 FORMS (PROCEDURES). ........................................................................................................... 15 FUNCTIONS. ............................................................................................................................. 15 MACROS. ................................................................................................................................. 15 List Of Figures. Figure 1 - SAP Revision History .............................................................................................................. 9 Figure 2 - SAP Change Report ............................................................................................................... 13 List Of Tables. Table 1 - Variable Prefixes ....................................................................................................................... 4 Table 2 - SAP System Variables By Name ............................................................................................. 19 Page 1 SAP Procedure 1. Introduction. 1.1. Purpose. The purpose of this document is to define a standard for programming in ABAP/4. It provides the standard to which code inspections if implemented should take place. These standards are designed to ensure: Consistency in Coding. Maintainability of Code. Legibility of Code. 1.2. Scope. This document addresses programming in ABAP/4 for R/3 3.0e. 1.3. Audience. This document is intended for all programmers working on Interim Technology UK’s SAP system whether permanent or contract staff, It assumes an understanding of the SAP environment. 1.4. Related Documents. PROC032 - Common Programming Procedures. Page 2 SAP Procedure 2. Document Structure. The structure of an ABAP program shall be as follows: Header Section Data Section Logic Section Forms Section. 2.1. Header Section. The Header Section of the program shall contain the Report statement and a comment block describing the function of the program. The report statement will be defined in full rather than allowing SAP to supply the default for the page size and so forth: *********************************************************************** * * Program: ZSO0630 * Title: Order Intake Analysis By Profit Centres * Analyst: Cecilia Chan * Programmer: Richard Harper * Date: 12/05/98 * Doc. Id: 31-10010013-06 * *********************************************************************** * * Change History * Date Reason Who * REPORT ZSO0630 Message-Id 38 Line-Count 64(1) Line-Size 132 No Standard Page Heading. 2.2. Data Section. The Data Section contains the data definitions that will be used at a global level by the program. Any definitions not required by the program shall be omitted. In order to aid documentation, Tables statements that are used only inside particular forms shall be defined with in the form as though they are local to the form. Where they are used in more than one form then they should be defined in the main program. The definitions should be defined in the following order: Constants Tables Data Select-Options and parameters Field Groups Field Symbols Definitions not defined in the SAP data dictionary should be commented as to their use. Eg: Data: Begin Of t_repdata Occurs 0, * * Data common across all reports * vkorg like vbak-vkorg, vtweg like vbak-vtweg, spart like vbak-spart, vkbur like vbak-vkbur, vkgrp like vbak-vkgrp, Page 3 " " " " " Sales org Distribution Chnl Division Sales Office Sales Group SAP Procedure erdat like vbak-erdat, " Order Date * ********************************************************************** * * ZSO0600 - For Management * vbeln like vbak-vbeln, " P/O No. kunnr like vbak-kunnr, " Customer Number matkl like vbap-matkl, " Model kwmeng like vbap-kwmeng, " Order Qty waerk like vbak-waerk, " Currency kzwi6 like vbap-kzwi6, " Order Discount kzwi6c like vbap-kzwi6, " Converted value chnge like vbak-netwr, " Net Change chngec like vbak-netwr, " Converted value netwr like vbak-netwr, " Total order value netwrc like vbak-netwr, " Converted value. bezei like tvaut-bezei, " Change Indicator 2.2.1. Variable Names. Variable names should conform as much as possible to the following conventions: The variables should be prefixed with a single character and an under score (_). The single character defines the type of variable: Variable Type Constants Internal Tables Select Option Tables Parameters Form Parameters – Using Form Parameters – Changing Form Parameters - Tables Field Groups Field Symbols Ranges Working storage Prefix c_ t_ s_ p_ Pu_ Pc_ Pt_ g_ f_ r_ w_ Table 1 - Variable Prefixes The second part of the variable name should identify the variable. If the variable is a copy of a SAP defined variable and has an identical use then this portion of the name should be the same as the definition. For example a working storage version of mara-matnr could be defined as w_matnr. Where possible always declare a variable using the like keyword which associates a variable definition with a data dictionary item. Within data definitions (and code blocks), system variables will be used where required and not the literal value. (eg. Sy-langu instead of ‘E’). A list of system variables is provided in appendix A. Do not use two underscores within a variable name such as w__count as this is the convention used in the programs documented in PROC032 'Common Programming Procedures' to prevent conflict with any user programs. Apart from that variable names should be clear, meaningful abbreviations of what they actually represent. Over long variable names (such as w_vatonsales) should be avoided where the abbreviation (w_vat) is just as easily understood. Page 4 SAP Procedure 2.3. Logic Section. The Logic Section contains the executable statements grouped under their respective section headings. Any sections not required by the program shall be omitted. The section headings will appear in the following order: Initialisation At Selection-Screen Start-Of-Selection Get Tables Get Tables Late End-Of-Selection Top-Of-Page End-Of-Page At Line-Selection At Pf-keys At User-Command Top-Of-Page During Line Selection 2.3.1. Statement Layout. The way a program is written is largely a matter of personal preference, but to enable different programmers to pick up programs written by others, a style convention is required. of Statements. Each statement should be on an individual line and lined up vertically. Eg: Move Field123 to Field2. Move Field3 to Field4. Do not concatenate statements as this obscures the logic of the program: Perform Procedure Using: ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’. Instead separate these into separate statements: Perform Perform Perform Perform Procedure Procedure Procedure Procedure Using Using Using Using ‘A’. ‘B’. ‘C’. ‘D’. Do not use multiple assignments: w_result=w_var1=w_var2. (How would you interpret this ?) This should be coded as: Move w_var2 to w_var1. Move w_var2 to w_result. Indentation. Program code should be indented to allow the structure and flow of the program logic to be easily observed. Indents should begin at the column of the next word on the line causing the indentation: Data: w_var1 type i, w_var2 type i. Page 5 SAP Procedure Loop At Vbak. Perform Routine1. EndLoop. If w_material <> ‘ ‘. Perform ProcessMaterial. Case w_material. When ‘1’. . . When ‘2’. . . . EndCase. EndIf. The Select clause should be indented as follows: Select * from table up to 1 rows Where condition1 and condition2 and condition3 and .... and .... or .... Group by group condition Order by order condition. Data declarations should make sure that the ‘type’ or ‘like’ reserved words all line up on the same column as can be seen in section 2.2 above. 2.3.2. Comments. Code should be commented in useful, meaningful ways. Comments should always highlight a block of codes functionality. In order to take advantage of ABAP’s print functionality where comments can be highlighted, all comments should begin with an asterisk in column one, with the actual text starting at the indent level of the code. To highlight comments even further, a blank comment should be at the top and bottom of the comment block: * * * Any Model here ? if w_modelfound = True. * * * Report Dependant Selection. Clear t_Repdata. Move-Corresponding vbak to t_repdata. Case w_repid. When c_zso0600. Perform GetOrderDiscount using vbak-vbeln Changing w_kzwi6. * * * Get the change reason. 2.3.3. Forms And Functions. A Form (SAP’s word for a Procedure) is a program module that performs an action. A function is a program module that has a value. ABAP blurs the distinction between Forms and Procedures somewhat as there is a changing keyword that allows the variable passed to be changed rather that retaining it’s previous value. Page 6 SAP Procedure Forms and Functions should be used to modularise programs and to improve readability and maintainability. Wherever possible Forms should be self contained. Any communication with the outside world should be carried out using formal parameters. Any variables used in the routine should be declared inside the routine. Further modularisation is possible using the Local and Static keywords. Local. The local keyword is used in association with a previously defined global variable name. The current value of the variable is pushed on the stack at the start of the routine and pulled from the stack at the end, thus allowing changes to be made to the variable whilst keeping the changes within the currently running procedure. This should be used in preference to assigning the value of a global variable to a copy and using that as it preserves the readability of the program. Static. This keyword preserves the value of the declared variable across procedure calls. This should be used where a value has to be carried across two or more calls to the procedure. Without using this keyword, the variable would have to be declared at a higher level. If the use of the variable is restricted to the current or lower procedures and the value has to be preserved then this keyword should be used. Again, to preserve readability of the program. Below is a full Form declaration Forms should be prefixed with the following comment block, also available in ZBLANK: *eject ********************************************************************** * * Procedure: * * Purpose: * * Entry: * * Exit: * * Called By: * * Calls: * * Modification History: * * Date Reason Version Who * Form ProcedureName Tables TableList ... ... Using ParameterList ... ... Changing ChangeList. Page 7 SAP Procedure Forms should be prefixed with the comment block above, ZBLANK: also available in All entries should start in the column after ‘Modification History’ and can extend for as many lines as required. The entries are: Procedure. This is the name of the form. Purpose. This entry should details the function of the procedure. The action that it carries out. Entry. This entry should list any tables passed to the routine and any ‘Using’ variables with their name and function. It should document any assumptions made by the routine and any reliance (!!!) on global variables. (See Local/Static above) Exit. This entry details any variables and their function that are changed by the routine. Called By. This is an optional entry. If the routine is used within a program then this entry should contain a list of dependant routines. Unfortunately, this cannot be defined if the routine is a general routine such as the ones in ZBOSSINC. Calls. This entry details the procedures that are called by this routine. Modification History. Any changes to the routine after the initial write, appropriate headings. 3. entered under the Revisions. Programs tend to be subject to a never ending request for revisions. SAP contains a version management system that is activated at each transport of the program. Therefore it makes sense to use this system to track changes to our in-house programs. Taking the Common SAP Procedures include program ZBOSSINC, the Version manager has this to report on the Include program: Page 8 SAP Procedure Figure 1 - SAP Revision History This shows that there have been nine transports of the program to the live environment. Previous versions can be recalled, and differences compared between versions: Compare report sources Left-hand column: Report source: Request: Text: ZBOSSINC Version 00008 M01K902911 22.05.1998 RHARPER ZSO Report series changes. Right-hand column: Report source: Request: Text: ZBOSSINC active version M01K903193 01.06.1998 RHARPER ZBOSSINC modification/upgrade. Contents unchanged: 000010 000010 ***INCLUDE ZBOSSINC. 000020 000020 *********************************************************************** 000030 000030 * ... ... ... 000460 000460 Data: w__grouphdr type i, " In group header routine 000470 000470 w__lineprinted type i, " Line printed flag 000480 000480 w__runtotal type i. " Run total rec needed The following lines were changed: 000490 * 000490 *eject Page 9 SAP Procedure Contents unchanged: 000500 000500 *********************************************************************** 000510 000510 * 000520 000520 * macro: Psub. ... ... ... 000740 000740 &1-low &1-high. 000750 000750 EndLoop. 000760 000760 End-Of-Definition. The following lines were changed: 000770 * 000770 *eject Contents unchanged: 000780 000780 *********************************************************************** 000790 000790 * 000800 000800 * Procedure: Repheader. ... ... ... 001490 001490 Move False to w__grouphdr. 001500 001500 Move False to w__lineprinted. 001510 001510 ENDFORM. The following lines were added: 001520 *eject Contents unchanged: 001520 001530 *********************************************************************** 001530 001540 * 001540 001550 * Procedure: WLine. ... ... ... 002230 002240 write ' ' no-gap. 002240 002250 enddo. 002250 002260 ENDFORM. The following lines were added: 002270 *eject Contents unchanged: 002260 002280 *********************************************************************** 002270 002290 * 002280 002300 * Procedure: GroupHdr. ... ... ... 002810 002830 Move false to w__lineprinted. 002820 002840 Endif. 002830 002850 ENDFORM. " Group Header. The following lines were added: 002860 *eject Contents unchanged: 002840 002870 *********************************************************************** 002850 002880 * 002860 002890 * Procedure: PrintTitles. ... ... ... 003750 003780 EndWhile. 003760 003790 Endif. 003770 003800 ENDFORM. " PrintTitles The following lines were added: 003810 *eject Contents unchanged: 003780 003820 *********************************************************************** 003790 003830 * 003800 003840 * Procedure: Underline. ... ... ... 004020 004060 Move sy-uline to w__repline+w__offset(p_width). 004030 004070 Write / w__repline. 004040 004080 ENDFORM. "UNDERLINE The following lines were added: 004090 *eject Contents unchanged: 004050 004100 *********************************************************************** 004060 004110 * 004070 004120 * Procedure: Tableline. Page 10 SAP Procedure ... 004290 004300 004310 ... 004340 004350 004360 ... Perform UnderLine using ReportTable-StartPos w__maxwidth. ENDFORM. The following lines were added: 004370 *eject Contents unchanged: 004320 004380 *********************************************************************** 004330 004390 * 004340 004400 * Procedure: BuildReport. ... ... ... 005220 005280 endloop. 005230 005290 Append ReportTable. 005240 005300 ENDFORM. "BUILDREPORT. The following lines were added: 005310 *eject Contents unchanged: 005250 005320 *********************************************************************** 005260 005330 * 005270 005340 * Procedure: FormatReport. ... ... ... 005940 006010 Modify ReportTable. 005950 006020 Endloop. 005960 006030 ENDFORM. "FORMATREPORT The following lines were added: 006040 *eject Contents unchanged: 005970 006050 *********************************************************************** 005980 006060 * 005990 006070 * Procedure: WriteLine ... ... ... 006720 006800 Write sy-vline no-gap. 006730 006810 Move True to w__lineprinted. 006740 006820 EndForm. The following lines were added: 006830 *eject Contents unchanged: 006750 006840 *********************************************************************** 006760 006850 * 006770 006860 * Procedure: SetColour ... ... ... 007070 007160 When Col_Group. Format Color Col_Group. 007080 007170 Endcase. 007090 007180 EndForm. The following lines were added: 007190 *eject Contents unchanged: 007100 007200 *********************************************************************** 007110 007210 * 007120 007220 * Procedure: WriteCentre. ... ... ... 007340 007440 Move p_text to w__repline+w__offset. 007350 007450 Write /001 w__repline. 007360 007460 ENDFORM. The following lines were added: 007470 *eject Contents unchanged: 007370 007480 *********************************************************************** 007380 007490 * 007390 007500 * Procedure: FindSupplier. ... ... ... 008410 008520 endif. 008420 008530 endif. 008430 008540 ENDFORM. " FINDSUPPLIER Page 11 SAP Procedure The following lines were added: 008550 *eject Contents unchanged: 008440 008560 *********************************************************************** 008450 008570 * 008460 008580 * Procedure: GiveLine. ... ... ... 009090 009210 move space to p_text. 009100 009220 endif. 009110 009230 ENDFORM. The following lines were added: 009240 *eject Contents unchanged: 009120 009250 *********************************************************************** 009130 009260 * 009140 009270 * Procedure: StripString. ... ... ... 009570 009700 EndWhile. 009580 009710 EndDo. 009590 009720 EndForm. The following lines were changed: 009600 * 009730 *eject Contents unchanged: 009610 009740 *********************************************************************** 009620 009750 * 009630 009760 * Procedure: SortRep ... ... ... 010030 010160 EndCase. 010040 010170 Endif. 010050 010180 EndForm. The following lines were changed: 010060 * 010190 *eject Contents unchanged: 010070 010200 *********************************************************************** 010080 010210 * 010090 010220 * Procedure: SubTitle ... ... ... 010730 010860 Endif. 010740 010870 Perform WriteCentre using w__subtitle. 010750 010880 EndForm. The following lines were added: 010890 *eject Contents unchanged: 010760 010900 *********************************************************************** 010770 010910 * 010780 010920 * Procedure: InitBreak ... ... ... 011190 011330 Move t__cols[] to ReportBreaks-Totals[]. 011200 011340 Append ReportBreaks. 011210 011350 EndForm. The following lines were added: 011360 *eject Contents unchanged: 011220 011370 *********************************************************************** 011230 011380 * 011240 011390 * Procedure: Checkbreaks ... ... ... 012240 012390 EndWhile. 012250 012400 EndIf. 012260 012410 EndForm. The following lines were changed: 012270 * 012420 *eject Page 12 SAP Procedure Contents unchanged: 012280 012430 *********************************************************************** 012290 012440 * 012300 012450 * Procedure: PrintTotals ... ... ... 013000 013150 Position w__pos. 013010 013160 Write: sy-vline. 013020 013170 EndForm. The following lines were added: 013180 *eject Contents unchanged: 013030 013190 *********************************************************************** 013040 013200 * 013050 013210 * Procedure: RunTotals ... ... ... 013500 013660 EndLoop. 013510 013670 Perform TableLine. 013520 013680 EndForm. Figure 2 - SAP Change Report Revisions can be retrieved at will with the proviso that they will over write the current version unless it is copied somewhere else. 3.1. In-House programs. In view of the fact that SAP possesses full version control, changes to in-house programs should be documented in the revision history block at the head of the program, or within the relevant procedure. In order to maintain readability, lines that should be deleted should be and not commented out. Lines that are changed should be changed and not copied and commented out. This maintains readability throughout the code and in any case, the previous version can always be retrieved if required. 3.2. SAP Standard Programs. Where a SAP standard program is to be changed, the change details should be documented in a comment at the head of the program. The comments should form a history of the changes made in the program and should contain the following details: * Chnge Date Who Reason Access Key 3.2.1. Chnge This column should contain a consecutive change number (1 2 3.... etc) 3.2.2. Date The date the change commenced 3.2.3. Who Who is responsible for the change. 3.2.4. Reason The reason for the change. Page 13 SAP Procedure 3.2.5. Access Key The Access Key obtained from OSS. 3.2.6. Tracking Changes. Any lines changed should have the comment “Interim change No appended to them. To delete a line, place an asterisk in the first column, changing that line into a comment, again marking that line with “Interim change No. To change a line, copy the line to the clipboard, mark the current line with an asterisk and “Interim change No. Paste the original line back in below the old line and make the necessary changes. Again, mark the line with “Interim change No. Whilst this is not the way to maintain programs and keep them readable and tidy, this is apparently the way that Origin maintain programs...... However. Page 14 SAP Procedure 4. Modularisation. Programs should be modularised so that effects of changes and damage limitation can be contained. Modularisation Units available within ABAP are: 4.1. Include Programs. Where a Form or function is shared between two or more programs it may be called using the statement: Perform Procedure Tables Using Changing In programName If Found TableList Using List ChangeList. However, a better way of doing this is to group all the common procedures for an application into an Include file which is ‘Included’ in the main program using the Include statement 4.2. Forms (Procedures). A subroutine with formal parameters which should be used to isolate the different functional routines used within the program. 4.3. Functions. A Procedure with a value. 4.4. Macros. These are defined once at the head of the program and are then used as though they are intrinsic commands within the ABAP language. An example of a macro can be found in PROC032, ‘PSUB’. Page 15 SAP Procedure Appendix A SAP System Variables. Variable Name SY-ABCDE SY-APPLI SY-BATCH SY-BATZD SY-BATZM SY-BATZO SY-BATZS SY-BATZW SY-BINPT SY-BREP4 SY-BSPLD SY-CALLD SY-CALLR SY-CCURS SY-CCURT SY-CDATE SY-CFWAE SY-CHWAE SY-COLNO SY-CPAGE SY-CPROG SY-CTABL SY-CTYPE SY-CUCOL SY-CUROW SY-DATAR SY-DATLO SY-DATUM SY-DATUT SY-DAYST SY-DBCNT SY-DBNAM SY-DBSYS SY-DCSYS SY-DEBUG SY-DSNAM SY-DYNGR SY-DYNNR SY-ENTRY SY-FDAYW SY-FDPOS SY-FFILE SY-FLENG SY-FMKEY SY-FODEC SY-FOLEN SY-FTYPE Page 16 Type CHAR RAW CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR DEC DEC DATS CUKY CUKY INT4 INT4 CHAR CHAR CHAR INT4 INT4 CHAR DATS DATS DATS CHAR INT4 CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR INT1 INT4 CHAR INT4 CHAR INT4 INT4 CHAR C X C C C C C C C C C C C P P D C C X X C C C X X C D D D C X C C C C C C C C X X C X C X X C Length Contents 26 CONSTANT: ALPHABET (A,B,C) 2 SAP APPLICATIONS 1 BACKGROUND ACTIVE (X) 1 BACKGROUND SUBMIT: DAILY 1 BACKGROUND SUBMIT: MONTHL 1 BACKGROUND SUBMIT: ONCE 1 BACKGROUND SUBMIT: IMMEDI 1 BACKGROUND SUBMIT: WEEKLY 1 BATCH INPUT ACTIVE (X) 4 BACKGROUND SUBMIT: ROOT N 1 BACKGROUND SUBMIT: LIST O 1 CALL MODE ACTIVE (X) 8 PRINT: ID FOR PRINT DIALO 5 RATE SPECIFICATION/RESULT 5 TABLE RATE FROM CURRENCY 8 DATE OF RATE FROM CURRENC 5 INTERNAL USE 5 INTERNAL USE 4 CURRENT COLUMN DURING LIS 4 CURRENT PAGE NUMBER 8 RUNTIME: MAIN PROGRAM 4 EXCHANGE RATE TABLE FROM 1 EXCHANGE RATE TYPE 'M' 4 CURSOR POSITION (COLUMN) 4 CURSOR POSITION (LINE) 1 FLAG: DATA RECEIVED 8 LOCAL DATE FOR USER 8 SYSTEM: DATE 8 GLOBAL DATE RELATED TO UT 1 SUMMERTIME ACTIVE ? ('day 4 NUMBER OF ELEMENTS IN EDI 2 LOGICAL DATABASE FOR ABAP 10 SYSTEM: DATABASE SYSTEM 4 SYSTEM: DIALOG SYSTEM 1 INTERNAL USE 8 RUNTIME: NAME OF DATASET 4 SCREEN GROUP OF CURRENT S 4 NUMBER OF CURRENT SCREEN 72 INTERNAL USE 1 FACTORY CALENDAR WEEKDAY 4 LOCATION OF A STRING 8 INTERNAL: FLAT FILE (USIN 4 INTERNAL USE (FIELD LENGT 3 CURRENT FUNCTION CODE MEN 4 INTERNAL USE (FIELD DECIM 4 INTERNAL USE (FIELD OUTPU 1 INTERNAL USE (FIELD TYPE) SAP Procedure Variable Name SY-GROUP SY-HOST SY-INDEX SY-INPUT SY-LANGU SY-LDBPG SY-LILLI SY-LINCT SY-LINNO SY-LINSZ SY-LISEL SY-LISTI SY-LOCDB SY-LOCOP SY-LOOPC SY-LPASS SY-LSIND SY-LSTAT SY-MACDB SY-MACOL SY-MANDT SY-MARKY SY-MAROW SY-MODNO SY-MSGID SY-MSGLI SY-MSGNO SY-MSGTY SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4 SY-NEWPA SY-NRPAG SY-ONCOM SY-OPSYS SY-PAART SY-PAGCT SY-PAGNO SY-PAUTH SY-PDEST SY-PEXPI SY-PFKEY SY-PLAYO SY-PLAYP SY-PLIST SY-PNWPA SY-PRABT SY-PRBIG Page 17 Type CHAR CHAR INT4 CHAR LANG CHAR INT4 INT4 INT4 INT4 CHAR INT4 CHAR CHAR INT4 CHAR INT4 CHAR CHAR INT4 CLNT CHAR INT4 CHAR CHAR CHAR NUMC N CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR INT4 INT4 NUMC CHAR NUMC CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR Length Contents 1 INTERNAL: BUNDLING 8 HOST 4 NUMBER OF LOOP PASSES 1 INTERNAL USE 1 SAP LOGON LANGUAGE KEY 8 PROGRAM: ABAP/4 DATABASE 4 NUMBER OF CURRENT LIST LI 4 NUMBER OF LIST LINES 4 CURRENT LINE FOR LIST CRE 4 LINE SIZE OF LIST 255 INTERACT.: SELECTED LINE 4 NUMBER OF CURRENT LIST LI 1 LOCAL DATABASE EXISTS 1 LOCAL DATABASE OPERATION 4 NUMBER OF LOOP LINES AT S 4 INTERNAL USE 4 NUMBER OF SECONDARY LIST 16 INTERACT.: STATUS INFORMA 4 PROGRAM: NAME OF FILE FOR 4 NUMBER OF COLUMNS FROM SE 3 CLIENT NUMBER FROM SAP LO 1 CURRENT LINE CHARACTER FO 4 NO. OF LINES FROM SET MAR 1 NUMBER OF ALTERNATIVE MOD 2 MESSAGE ID 60 INTERACT.: MESSAGE LINE ( 3 MESSAGE NUMBER C 1 MESSAGE TYPE (E,I,W) C 50 MESSAGE VARIABLE C 50 MESSAGE VARIABLE C 50 MESSAGE VARIABLE C 50 MESSAGE VARIABLE C 1 INTERNAL USE C 1 INTERNAL USE C 1 INTERNAL: ON COMMIT FLAG C 10 SYSTEM: OPERATING SYSTEM C 16 PRINT: FORMAT X 4 PAGE SIZE OF LIST FROM RE X 4 RUNTIME: CURRENT PAGE IN N 2 INTERNAL USE C 4 PRINT: OUTPUT DEVICE N 1 PRINT: SPOOL RETENTION PE C 8 RUNTIME: CURRENT F KEY ST C 5 INTERNAL USE C 1 INTERNAL USE C 12 PRINT: NAME OF SPOOL REQU C 1 INTERNAL USE C 12 PRINT: DEPARTMENT ON COVE C 1 PRINT: SELECTION COVER SH C C X C C C X X X X C X C C X C X C C X C C X C C C SAP Procedure Variable Name SY-PRCOP SY-PRDSN SY-PREFX SY-PRI40 SY-PRIMM SY-PRINI SY-PRLOG SY-PRNEW SY-PRREC SY-PRREL SY-PRTXT SY-REPI2 SY-REPID SY-RSTRT SY-RTITL SY-SAPRL SY-SCOLS SY-SFNAM SY-SFOFF SY-SLSET SY-SPONO SY-SPONR SY-SROWS SY-STACO SY-STARO SY-STEPL SY-SUBCS SY-SUBRC SY-SUBTY SY-SYSID SY-TABID SY-TABIX SY-TCODE SY-TFDSN SY-TFILL SY-TIMLO SY-TIMUT SY-TITLE SY-TLENG SY-TLOPC SY-TMAXL SY-TNAME SY-TOCCU SY-TPAGI SY-TSTIS SY-TSTLO SY-TSTUT SY-TTABC SY-TTABI Page 18 Type NUMC N CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR NUMC CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR INT4 CHAR INT4 CHAR NUMC NUMC INT4 INT4 INT4 INT4 CHAR INT4 RAW CHAR CHAR INT4 CHAR CHAR INT4 TIMS TIMS CHAR INT4 INT4 INT4 CHAR INT4 INT4 INT4 NUMC NUMC INT4 INT4 Length 3 C C C C N C C C C C C C C C C X C X C N N X X X X C X X C C X C C X T T C X X X C X X X N N X X Contents PRINT: NUMBER OF COPIES 6 PRINT: NAME OF SPOOL DATA 3 ABAP/4 PREFIX FOR BACKGRO 1 INTERNAL USE 1 PRINT: PRINT IMMEDIATELY 1 INTERNAL USE 1 INTERNAL USE 1 PRINT: NEW SPOOL REQUEST 12 PRINT: RECIPIENT 1 PRINT: DELETE AFTER PRINT 68 PRINT: TEXT FOR COVER SHE 8 INTERNAL USE 8 PROGRAM: NAME OF ABAP/4 P 1 INTERNAL USE 70 PRINT: REPORT TITLE OF PR 4 SYSTEM: SAP RELEASE 4 COLUMNS ON SCREEN 30 NO LONGER USED 4 INTERNAL USE 14 NAME OF SELECTION SET 5 RUNTIME: SPOOL NUMBER FOR 5 RUNTIME: SPOOL NUMBER FRO 4 LINES ON SCREEN 4 INTERACT.: LIST DISPLAYED 4 INTERACT.: PAGE DISPLAYD 4 NUMBER OF LOOP LINE AT SC 1 INTERNAL: CALL STATUS OF 4 RETURN VALUE AFTER SPECIF 1 ABAP/4: CALL TYPE FOR SUB 8 SYSTEM: SAP SYSTEM ID 8 INTERNAL USE 4 RUNTIME: CURRENT LINE OF 4 SESSION: CURRENT TRANSACT 8 RUNTIME: DATASET FOR DATA 4 CURRENT NUMBER OF ENTRIES 6 LOCAL TIME FOR USER 6 GLOBAL TIME RELATED TO UT 70 TITLE OF ABAP/4 PROGRAM 4 LINE WIDTH OF AN INTERNAL 4 INTERNAL USE 4 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ENTRIES 30 NAME OF INTERNAL TABLE AF 4 OCCURS PARAMETER WITH INT 4 FLAG INDICATING ROLL-OUT 4 INTERNAL USE 14 TIMESTAMP (DATE AND TIME) 14 TIMESTAMP (DATE AND TIME) 4 NUMBER OF LINE LAST READ 4 OFFSET OF INTERNAL TABLE SAP Procedure Variable Name SY-TVAR0 SY-TVAR1 SY-TVAR2 SY-TVAR3 SY-TVAR4 SY-TVAR5 SY-TVAR6 SY-TVAR7 SY-TVAR8 SY-TVAR9 SY-TZONE SY-UCOMM SY-ULINE SY-UNAME SY-UZEIT SY-VLINE SY-WAERS SY-WILLI SY-WINCO SY-WINDI SY-WINRO SY-WINSL SY-WINX1 SY-WINX2 SY-WINY1 SY-WINY2 SY-WTITL SY-XCODE SY-XFORM SY-XPROG SY-ZONLO Type CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR INT4 CHAR CHAR CHAR TIMS CHAR CUKY INT4 INT4 INT4 INT4 CHAR INT4 INT4 INT4 INT4 CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR C C C C C C C C C C X C C C T C C X X X X C X X X X C C C C C Length Contents 20 RUNTIME: TEXT VARIABLE FO 20 RUNTIME: TEXT VARIABLE FO 20 RUNTIME: TEXT VARIABLE FO 20 RUNTIME: TEXT VARIABLE FO 20 RUNTIME: TEXT VARIABLE FO 20 RUNTIME: TEXT VARIABLE FO 20 RUNTIME: TEXT VARIABLE FO 20 RUNTIME: TEXT VARIABLE FO 20 RUNTIME: TEXT VARIABLE FO 20 RUNTIME: TEXT VARIABLE FO 4 TIME DIFFERENCE FROM 'Gre 70 INTERACT.: COMMAND FIELD 255 CONSTANT: UNDERLINE (4444 12 SESSION: SAP USER FROM SA 6 SYSTEM: TIME 1 CONSTANT: VERTICAL BAR 5 T001: COMPANY CODE CURREN 4 NUMBER OF CURRENT WINDOW 4 CURSOR POSITION IN WINDOW 4 INDEX OF CURRENT WINDOW L 4 CURSOR POSITION IN WINDOW 79 INTERACT.: SELECTED WINDO 4 WINDOW COORDINATE (COLUMN 4 WINDOW COORDINATE (COLUMN 4 WINDOW COORDINATE (LINE L 4 WINDOW COORDINATE (LINE R 1 STANDARD PAGE HEADER INDI 70 EXTENDED COMMAND FIELD 30 INTERNAL USE (SYSTEM-EXIT 8 INTERNAL USE (SYSTEM-EXIT 6 TIME ZONE OF USER Table 2 - SAP System Variables By Name Page 19