Denton High School Soccer Booster Club By-Laws

Denton High School
Soccer Booster Club
Article I
Name and Purpose
Section 1.01. Name. This organization shall be known as the Denton High School Soccer Booster Club. Within these
Constitution and Bylaws, it shall also be referred to as the “Soccer Booster Club”.
Section 1.02. Purpose. The Soccer Booster Club is a 501-(c) 3 organization, existing for the purpose of promoting soccer
activities at Denton High School (DHS) in accordance with the Texas University Interscholastic League (UIL) guidelines.
Promotion of Soccer will involve the support of DHS coaches and players. Funds may be raised to support these objectives
and used in accordance with Soccer Booster Club, DISD, DHS and UIL policies.
Article II
Section 2.01. Membership. The purpose of Membership is to raise funds and to grow the soccer program and Soccer
Booster Club membership. Anyone interested in aiding, improving and supporting the Denton High School Soccer Club is
eligible for membership. Members will uphold the policies of the DHS Booster Club and will agree to its by-laws. All
membership dues are non-refundable. Disrespect, unsportsmanlike conduct and the use of profanity will not be tolerated
at games, meetings or events and can cause termination of membership. Memberships will be classified in 2 types: voting
and non-voting.
Section 2.02. Voting Membership. Eligible persons shall become a voting member by paying the prescribed membership
dues per person per year. Upon payment of such dues, the member shall be considered in good standing and have the
right to attend meetings and events sponsored by the booster club, serve as a committee chair and be nominated and
elected to office. Voting members shall have the right to vote for the officers, review and approve the annual budget and
approve amendments to these bylaws.
Section 2.03. Non-Voting Membership. Eligible persons will be considered a non-voting member if they have chosen not
to pay the prescribed dues. All non-voting members shall have the right to attend meetings and events sponsored by the
booster club and serve on a committee as a volunteer.
Section 2.04. Dues. The amount of dues and the contemplated use of the dues are set forth annually. Changes or revisions
to dues will be voted on by the Executive Board and coaches.
Article III
Section 3.01. Meetings. There shall be at least one general annual meeting of the membership in October at which the
officers are elected. Such additional business or special meetings may be held alone or in conjunction with an event
sponsored by the organization as is determined by the Executive Board or at the request of ten percent or more members
in writing to the Executive Board.
Section 3.02. Quorum. A quorum for the transaction of the business at the Annual Business Meeting and at General
Membership Meetings shall be 10% of the members with a current annual paid membership, in all voting instances,
majority rules for those present. In the absence of a quorum the membership may not take action. In that event, any
matter brought before the membership at a meeting at which a quorum is not present shall be discussed and decided by
the Executive Board.
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Article IV
Executive Board
Section 4.01. Qualification. Any member in good standing is eligible to serve on the Executive Board.
Section 4.02. Authority. The affairs, activities and operation of the organization shall be managed by the Executive Board..
The Executive Board shall transact necessary business during the intervals between the meetings of the membership and
such other business as may be referred to it by the membership or these Bylaws. It may create Standing and Special
Committees, approve the plans and work of standing and special committees, prepare and submit a budget to the
membership for approval, and, in general, conduct the business and activities of the organization.
Section 4.03. Quorum. A quorum of the Executive Board for the conduct of business shall consist of at least three (3)
officers in attendance.
Section 4.04. Action without a Meeting. Any action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of the Board of
Directors (including amendment of these Bylaws) or of any committee may be taken without a meeting if all the members
of the Board or committee consent in writing to taking the action without a meeting and to approving the specific action.
Such consents shall have the same force and effect as a unanimous vote of the Board or of the committee as the case may
Section 4.05. Reimbursement. Executive Board members shall serve without compensation with the exception that
expenses incurred in the furtherance of the organization’s business are allowed to be reimbursed with documentation in
accordance with the organization’s financial policies.
Article V
Officers and Their Elections
Section 5.01. Officers. The officers of this organization shall include one President, one or more Vice Presidents, a
Secretary and a Treasurer and such additional officer(s) as may be elected or appointed by the Executive Board from time
to time. The governing body of the Soccer Booster Club will be the Executive Board.
Section 5.02. Term. Executive Board members shall assume their official duties beginning the first day of the new fiscal
year and serve a term of one year or until their successors are elected.
Section 5.03. Vacancies. Executive Board members who no longer wish to serve may submit a letter of resignation to the
president or verbally advise the president of their intention to vacate their position. An Executive Board position vacancy
may be filled for the interim term by a member appointed by the Executive Board.
Section 5.04. Responsibility. It is the responsibility of the Executive Board members to perform in the best interests of the
Soccer Booster Club. Members finding themselves in conflicts of interest or perceived conflicts of interest, should exclude
themselves from the decision making process.
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Article Vl
Duties of Officers
Section 6.01. President. The president shall attend all meetings and preside over all general and board of director
meetings, maintain a line of communication between the coaches, parents, students and administration, serve as the exofficio member on all committees, prepare the agenda for each business meeting, and will have a signature on file at the
bank with the Treasurer and Vice President. It shall be the duty of the President to handle or assign the committee
chairperson with the approval of the Board. The President shall be responsible for coordinating the purchase of food for
the concession stand.
Section 6.02. Vice-President(s). The Vice-President shall attend all meetings and, in the absence or disability of the
President or upon the President’s request, perform the duties of that office. The Vice President will assume the duties of
the Secretary or Treasurer in their absence. It will also be the duty of the Vice President to promote membership in the
Booster Club, to conduct a membership drive and to keep a current membership list and to coordinate the scholarship
program. The Vice-President will have a signature on file at the bank with the Treasurer and President.
Section 6.03. Secretary. The Secretary will perform as the corresponding and the recording Secretary. The Secretary shall
record the minutes of all General Booster Meetings and of the Board of Directors meetings and shall perform such other
duties as may be delegated. Minutes of the DHS Soccer Booster Club general meetings will be available to the president to
post online within one week of the meeting and at the next Booster Club meeting. The record copy of the minutes shall be
kept by the Secretary, and maintained for a period of not less than three (3) years. The current Secretary is responsible for
maintaining the required set of minutes. A school copy of the minutes will be kept on file in the varsity soccer coach’s
Section 6.04. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the organization from
all sources, shall deposit such funds in such banks or other organizations as are selected by the Executive Board. The
Treasurer shall maintain accurate financial books, prepare a financial statement to the president when requested, advise
appropriate members of the Executive Board if any portion of the annual budget, for which he/she is responsible, will
become overspent. The Treasurer shall also prepare an annual financial statement after the completion of the Soccer
Booster Club fiscal year in October, provide all financial books and receipts for an annual review to the members selected
by the Executive Board and shall submit all required forms, reports or returns to the Internal Revenue Service or the State
of Texas. The Treasurer will have a signature on file at the bank with the President and Vice-President.
Article VIl
Section 7.01. Budget. The Executive Board shall present to the membership at the first regular meeting of the membership
a budget of anticipated revenue and expenses for the year. This budget shall be used to guide the activities of the
organization during the year, including serving as approval for anticipated expenditures. Any substantial deviation from the
budget must be approved in advance by the membership.
Section 7.02. Loans. No loans shall be made by the organization to its officers or members.
Section 7.03. Checks. All checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money on behalf of the organization shall be
signed by the Treasurer or by any other person as authorized in writing by the Executive Board, except those checks of
$1000 or more must have the signature of at least two officers, such as the Treasurer and the President. Checks shall bear
notice of this requirement above the signature line as follows, “Two signatures required for checks in the amount of $1000
or more.”
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Section 7.04. Banking. The Treasurer shall deposit all funds of the organization to the credit of the organization in such
banks, trust companies or other depositories as the Executive Board may select and shall make such disbursements as
authorized by the Executive Board in accordance with the budget adopted by the membership. All deposits and/or
disbursements shall be made as soon as practicable upon receipt of the funds and/or orders of payment.
Section 7.05. Financial controls. The organization shall adopt appropriate financial controls to ensure the integrity of its
funds. Specifically, without limitation, the organization shall maintain separation of financial controls so that, minimally:
all expenses must be approved by the membership by way of approval of an annual budget, or
amendments thereto, or be approved by separate resolution of the Executive Board
an officer or other person without check signing authority designated by the Board shall review all bank
Section 7.06. Financial Report. The Treasurer shall present a financial report at each membership meeting of the
organization and shall prepare a final report at the close of the year in accordance with the organization’s financial policies.
Section 7.07. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the organization shall be from Nov 1 to Oct 31 but may be changed by
resolution of the Executive Board.
Section 7.08. Record retention. All records of the organization shall be maintained and destroyed in
accordance with law and standard record retention guidelines. Financial records shall be maintained as
Yearend Treasurer’s financial
Store in corporate record book. Permanent
Treasurer’s reports, periodic
Compile & file records on
yearly basis.
Bank statements, canceled checks, check Compile & file records on a
registers, invoices, receipts, cash tally yearly basis.
sheets, investment statements, and
related documents
Three Years. Store w/financial records.
Destroy after three years.
Seven Years. Store w/financial records.
Destroy after seven years.
These bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the membership by a majority vote of the members
present, provided that at least thirty (30) days’ notice of the proposed amendments has been made to the membership, or
alternatively the membership waives the required notice.
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