CONFIDENTIAL Date Candidate's Name PERSONAL DATA QUESTIONNAIRE JUDICIAL ELECTIONS EVALUATION COMMITTEE OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION Please answer each question fully. Typing is preferred. If additional space is required, attach a letter-size sheet and identify the question by number.1 To expedite matters, send in your completed Questionnaire as soon as possible to the Los Angeles County Bar Association, since it is a prerequisite for the process of investigation. Although not required, if you choose to submit written recommendations, such recommendations should be submitted with the Questionnaire or as soon as possible thereafter to ensure the fullest consideration. If you fail to return this questionnaire, the committee nevertheless will proceed to evaluate and to rate you with whatever information it is able to obtain. 1. Full name and any other names you have been known by: 2. For what position (LASC Office No.) are you running: If you choose to answer the entire PDQ on separate paper, you must repeat the question before your response. 1 3. Are you a bench officer? hold: If yes, please identify the position you currently 4. a. What is your current office address and telephone number: b. What is your current home address and telephone number: c. Please indicate to which address or telephone you wish communications addressed. d. If you would prefer notice via telecopy, provide your FAX number and initial the following Disclaimer. FAX: EMAIL: ______________________________________________ I hereby permit the Los Angeles County Bar Association Judicial Elections Evaluation Committee to send correspondence to me by fax or email. notices and Please note that faxes or emails may contain confidential and sensitive documents/information. 5. Date and place of birth: 6. Have you had any military service? of your service and discharge. 7. List each college and law school you attended in chronological order beginning with the earliest college, including dates of attendance and the degrees awarded. Please explain any gaps in time during which you were not in school. Further, if you left any institution without receiving a degree, please state the reason for leaving. 8. List all courts in which you have been admitted to practice, with years of admission. Give the same information for administrative bodies which require special admission to practice. If yes, please describe the nature In some respects, questions 9 and 12 overlap; however, we would appreciate your answering both completely. 9. With respect to each job of any kind held by you since 21 years of age, whether in the field of law or otherwise, state: a. the nature of your job; b. the identity of your employer, including its current address and telephone number. If you were self-employed, state the address(es) for same; c. the nature of the business; d. the time period of your employment; e. if applicable, the reason why your employment was terminated. List your jobs in chronological order starting from the earliest job and put an asterisk beside each job in the field of law. Do not omit any job regardless of how long you were an employee. ANSWER TO QUESTION 9 CONTINUED This page intentionally left blank for your use. ANSWER TO QUESTION 9 CONTINUED This page intentionally left blank for your use. 10. Over the past ten years, have you been an officer or director or otherwise engaged in the management of any business or nonprofit corporation? If yes, state: a. the name of the enterprise; b. the nature of its business; c. your title, if any, or the nature of your position; d. your duties and responsibilities; and e. the term of your service. 11. Did you serve as a clerk to a judge? If yes, identify the judge, the court, and the period(s) of your service. 12. With respect to each legal job you have held after being licensed to practice, state the following: a. The name of the law firm, law office, company, governmental entity or other group with which you were practicing. b. The period of time of your affiliation. c. The nature of your employment relationship, e.g., whether an associate, partner, self-employed, house counsel, assistant public defender, etc. d. The principal nature of your practice, including a description of any significant changes and when they occurred and any specialties you have had. e. Any other information that might be considered relevant. f. Please explain any gaps in your employment when you were not practicing law. List each job chronologically, beginning with the earliest job. Even if certain information was previously given in response to question No. 9, please restate it in answer to this question. Do not omit any legal job regardless of your tenure. ANSWER TO QUESTION 12 CONTINUED This page intentionally left blank for your use. ANSWER TO QUESTION 12 CONTINUED This page intentionally left blank for your use. 13. If you have not practiced law over the past five years, please describe the nature of your work and what steps you have taken to remain familiar with substantive and procedural law. If you have been a bench officer for over 5 years, please go to Question Number 16. 14. If you have practiced law during the last five years, provide the following information: a. Approximately what percentage of your appearances during the last five years was in: 1. Superior Court 2. State Appellate Court 3. Federal Courts 4. Other Courts (Identify) 5. Administrative Bodies (Identify) b. Approximately what percentage of your court matters during the last five years was: 1. Civil 2. Criminal 3. Other (Identify) c. State the approximate number of cases in courts of record that you tried to verdict or judgment (rather than settled) during the last five years. d. Approximately what percentage of your trials during the last five years were: 1. 2. e. Jury Non-Jury List the names and case numbers of five cases you tried to verdict or judgment (rather than settled) during the last five years and for each: 2 1. provide the names and addresses of all other counsel; 2. identify the name of the judge who presided at the trial; 3. describe the nature of the trial. If you have not tried five case during the last five years, please provide the same information for a sufficient number of other significant court proceedings you handled during the last five years (i.e., summary judgments, preliminary injunctions, appeals, etc.) to bring the total to five significant court proceedings and/or trials. 2 ANSWER TO QUESTION 14 CONTINUED This page intentionally left blank for your use. ANSWER TO QUESTION 14 CONTINUED This page intentionally left blank for your use. 15. If you have practiced law during the last five years but have not appeared in court regularly during such time, provide the following information: a. Describe the nature of your practice during the last five years: b. State whether your practice ever included regular court appearances and, if so, 1. Identify the period(s) of time of these regular appearances: 2. Describe the general nature of these appearances, e.g., law and motion matters, trials, juvenile dependency hearings, etc.: 3. Approximately what percentage of these appearances was in: a. Superior Court b. State Appellate Court c. Federal Courts d. Other Courts (Identify) e. Administrative Bodies (Identify) 4. Approximately what percentage of your court matters were: a. Civil b. Criminal c. Other (Identify) 5. State the approximate number of cases in courts of record that you have tried to verdict or judgment (rather than settled), indicating whether you were sole counsel, chief counsel, or associate counsel. 6. Approximately what percentage of your trials were: a. Jury b. Non-Jury 7. List the names and case numbers of five cases you tried to verdict or judgment (rather than settled) and for each: 3 a. provide the names and addresses of all other counsel; b. identify the name of the judge who presided at the trial; c. describe the nature of the trial. If you have not tried five cases, then provide the same information for a sufficient number of other significant court proceedings you handled to bring the total to five significant court proceedings and/or trials. 3 ANSWER TO QUESTION 15 CONTINUED This page intentionally left blank for your use. 16. Have you ever held a position as a judge, commissioner or other bench officer? If yes, then: a. Identify each such position and the dates you held that position: b. For each such position, describe the areas of law with which you were principally involved and state the time periods for each if there were significant changes over time, e.g., civil case, criminal case, juvenile dependency, etc.: c. Identify those positions where you conducted bench or jury trials, state the periods of time for same, the frequency thereof and provide ball-park figures for both the number of bench and the number of jury trials conducted in these periods. d. If you conducted trials within the last five years, please identify five such cases and for each state: 1. the case numbers; 2. the names and telephone numbers of all counsel in the case; 3. the nature and disposition of the case. e. List names of Public Defenders, District Attorneys and City Attorneys assigned to your court within the last five years. f. If you have not conducted any trials within the last five years, identify five substantial proceedings that you have handled in the past five years (e.g., significant law and motion matters, custody disputes, etc.) including the case names and numbers and provide the names and addresses of counsel to such proceedings. If possible, please include both jury and non-jury trials and at least two cases where trial testimony lasted more than 3 days. ANSWER TO QUESTION 16 CONTINUED This page intentionally left blank for your use. ANSWER TO QUESTION 16 CONTINUED This page intentionally left blank for your use. 17. Have you ever been charged with a violation of any federal, state, county or municipal law, regulation or ordinance? If yes, please give particulars, including the nature of the charge, the identity of the individual or entity which brought the charge, the ultimate disposition and the nature of any punishment imposed. (Do not include traffic violations for which a fine of $100.00 or less was imposed.) 18. Has a tax lien or other collection procedure ever been instituted against you by federal, state or local authorities? If so, please give particulars, including the nature of the procedure, the identity of the entity instituting it, the ultimate disposition, and the nature of any punishment imposed. 19. Have you ever been sued for legal malpractice? If so, please state: a. the name and case number; b. the nature of the complaint; and c. the disposition of the action. 20. Have you ever been a party in any legal proceedings other than those referred to in Question Nos. 17, 18, and 19? “Legal Proceeding” includes any civil or criminal matter before a court, administrative agency or if you appeared as the subject of a grand jury proceeding. If so, please identify: a. the name of the case and number; b. the tribunal before whom you appeared; and c. the disposition of the action. 21. Have you ever been disciplined for a breach of ethics or unprofessional conduct including sanctions required to be reported to the California State Bar by any court, administrative agency, bar association, disciplinary committee, or other professional group? If so, please give particulars. Has your membership to the California State Bar ever been suspended or have you ever resigned, voluntary or involuntary? If so, please give particulars. Have you ever been held in contempt or declared a vexatious litigant? If so, please give particulars. 22. Do you know of any impairment that would prevent you from performing the judicial function satisfactorily, e.g., health, substance abuse, etc? If so, please explain: 23. Have you published any legal books or articles? If so, please list them, giving the citations and dates, and provide copies of any articles. If you have written numerous items, please provide a representative sample. 24. Have you taught, lectured or participated as a panelist on legal subjects? If so, please list the sponsoring organizations, subject matters and dates. 25. List all bar associations and professional societies of which you are a member, and give the titles and dates of any offices which you have held. 26. List all clubs, groups and organizations (other than bar associations or professional societies listed in your answer to the preceding question) of which you now are or have been a member within the last five years. 27. List all honors, prizes, awards or other forms of recognition you have received other than those mentioned in answers to previous questions. 28. In the Excel form provided at link entitled “Candidate Reference Contact List” at, provide the names, addresses and telephone numbers of 75 lawyers, judges or other persons with whom you have had professional contact over the past ten years, including everyone listed in this document. After each name, identify your relationship to the reference, i.e., opposition attorney, co-counsel, appeared before, bar association, etc. If the reference is a blood relative, spouse or personal friend, please so state following the name. 29. State any other information that you think might fairly be considered pertinent to evaluating you as a candidate for judicial office. I hereby certify that the information contained on each page of this Personal Data Questionnaire is true and correct in all respects, that the information provided herein and in any attached or supplemental information has been furnished by me, personally, or was reviewed, approved and adopted by me, and I do so under penalty of perjury pursuant to the laws of the State of California. Executed this _______ day of ________________, 20___. Signature Print Name