World History Mr. Slimmer Room 239

World History
Mr. Slimmer
Room 239
Planning Period: 2A (9:55am-11:20am)/4B (1:40pm-3:05pm)
Phone: 940-369-2145
Tutorials: 8:10am-8:40am
Course Objectives and Goals:
This class is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to critically analyze world events
and issues. Students will not only learn about history, they will experience what it means to be an active, lifelong
learner. Evaluation of student performance will be based on performance in class, participation in cooperative
work, and performance on assessments.
In addition to covering the many events that comprise world history, students will also have the opportunity to
develop a number of historical skills including:
Using documents and other primary sources
Analyzing point of view and interpreting information
Developing the ability to evaluate change over time
Enhancing the capacity to handle diversity of interpretation
Seeing global patterns over time and space while also acquiring the ability to connect local and global
Developing the ability to assess universal standards while noting commonalities and differences to
develop understanding
Constructing and evaluating arguments; using evidence to generate plausible arguments
Textbook (provided): ***Will let you know about textbook once they have arrived
Grading Procedures:
Two Categories – Major summative and minor summative
We will allow you an opportunity to reassess on MAJOR summative assessments. Minor summative assessments
will not be reassessed if the major summative covers the same material.
You may reassess if:
You have turned in all assignments
You have shown additional learning to qualify for reassessment. It is the student’s responsibility
You are within the ten day timeline
How does the timeline work?
You have ten days from the day you receive your grade back on the assessment
If you do not turn in the summative assignment on the date due, your ten day reassessment
window starts the due date
If your summative assignment is not complete, it cannot be turned in and accepted as on time.
Your ten day window will start immediately
Homework and due dates
Home work is due on the date the teacher establishes
Students who turn in their work on time will receive feedback
Students who do not turn in their homework on time will not receive feedback
1st offense for not turning in work is a warning and parent contact
2nd offense for not turning in work is a teacher detention and parent contact
3rd offense for not turning in work is an office referral
Long term projects/papers
If you are absent the day your project/paper is due, you should submit it electronically to the
teacher. Otherwise it is due the next school day to the teacher no matter whether you have the
class or not that day.
Absences/Tardies: I will abide by the district and school’s policy on these two issues. You can refer to the policy in
your student handbook.
Hall Passes: Students will be allowed access to the hallway if they are in possession of the Agenda that was
provided to them on the first day of school. Students will not be permitted access to the hallway during the first 15
minutes of class or the last 15 minutes of class.
Cell Phones, mp3 players, and other electronic devices: Cell phones will only be allowed if they are needed for an
assignment during class. I will provide music to listen to when appropriate to help students focus. No earphones
Required Materials:
One three-ring binder
Three dividers (Dividers should be labeled “Warm-ups,” “Notes,” and “Classwork.”)
Notebook paper or a spiral notebook
Black/Blue pens and #2 lead pencils.