Document Title: Mechanical Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] MECHANICAL ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE Work Instructions Topic specialists should use this template to record their assessment of the Mechanical Engineering aspects of a safety case. The scope of a Mechanical assessment is listed overleaf. Assessment should be against the requirements of SCR2015. Exemplar Approach - This template should be used in accordance with the scope of the Assessment Instructions when the topic is included for assessment. An exemplar approach may be sufficient if some material has been previously accepted and has not materially changed. For example a CMAPP or SEMS from an existing, accepted safety case. The template is one of a series covering all assessment topics, which together form a complete record of the safety case assessment and create evidence of how the decision to accept the case, or not, was reached. The templates identify the specific regulatory requirements of SCR2015 for the topic and indicate what the competent authority expects to find within a safety case to demonstrate that those requirements are met. The template complements the published guidance that supports the regulations and topic sector guidance. The templates are available to promote transparency and assist duty holders in drafting submissions. Green text indicates regulatory requirements that are new in SCR2015. Black text represents regulatory requirements that are contained in both SCR2005 and SCR2015. Non Acceptance Issue - A Non Acceptance Issue (NAI) is a deficiency in the demonstration made within a safety case, which, if not resolved, will prevent the case from being accepted under the relevant statutory provisions. Non Acceptance Issues must be sent by a formal letters to the duty holder requiring them to be dealt with in the appropriate manner, giving the duty holder a clear understanding of how to address the deficiency. Clarification - A Clarification is an explanation provided by a duty holder on request during assessment to enable the assessing Inspectors to be confident of their interpretation of the information in a safety case. Clarifications are a routine part of assessment work and should be raised with a duty holder promptly. Clarifications do not require formal letters. Communicating by telephone and email is sufficient. A meeting between the duty holder and relevant topic specialists may also be appropriate in some circumstances for clarifications. Clarification is not a first stage before raising non-acceptance issues. Any aspect that could credibly lead to a Non-Acceptance Issue should be raised as such in the first instance. Design or Relocation Notification - Where the template is used to aid the inspection of a Design or Relocation Notification, Inspectors should consider if the information provided meets the requirements of Schedule 5 of the regulations. The inspection must identify any Potential Non Acceptance Issues to draw to the duty holder’s attention. Reference to these requirements outlined in Sections 1(a) to 1(e) of this template may be useful when forming an opinion. A record of the inspection should be made in Section 7. TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: [Date] - DRAFT Owner: ED4.1 Page 1 of 13 Document Title: Mechanical Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] Scope of Mechanical Assessment A Mechanical assessment will include the Mechanical Engineering major accident hazards of ‘Loss of Containment – Process’ GASCET section 5.1 plus elements from GASCET section 3 ‘Structural Integrity’. The relevant sections are listed below. The Mechanical assessment applies to all fixed installations, mobile installations (MODU’s & Flotels) and floating production installations. Draft regulatory requirements are included at the end of this template. Relevant Pre-Existing Guidance APOSC Principles: Most APOSC principles can be used to guide a Mechanical assessment. The most commonly used are listed below: Principle 1 The factual information should meet the SCR05 requirements and provide sufficient detail to support the arguments made in the case Principle 2 The safety case should demonstrate that the management system is adequate to ensure compliance with the relevant statutory provisions Principle 3 The safety case should show appropriate levels of control during each phase of the installation life cycle Principle 4 A systematic process should be used to identify all reasonably foreseeable major accident hazards that apply to the installation, together with potential initiating events or sequences of events Principle 10 The identification of risk reduction measures should be systematic and take into account new knowledge Principle 11 The reasoning behind the choice of risk reduction measures to be implemented should be described. Decisions on implementation should take reasonable practicability into account TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: [Date] - DRAFT Owner: ED4.1 Page 2 of 13 Document Title: Mechanical Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] Principle 12 Risk reduction measures identified, as part of the risk assessment, should be implemented if they are reasonably practicable Principle 13 In deciding what is reasonably practicable, the case should show how relevant good practice and judgement based on sound engineering, management and human factors principles have been taken into account Principle 15 Measures taken to manage major accident hazards should be described Principle 16 The safety case should explain how inherently safer design concepts have been applied in the design decisions taken Principle 17 The measures for preventing major accident hazards should take account of the various activities undertaken during the installation's current phase of operation Principle 26 A design notifications should describe how the principles of risk evaluation and management are being applied to the design to ensure that major accident risks will be controlled GASCET sections: Section 3 ’Structural Integrity’ 3.G16 Dropped Objects (Lifting Operations) 3.G17 Management System procedures 3.G18 Inadequate design 3.G19 Inadequate Inspection, Repair and Maintenance during Fabrication and Operation 3.G20 Inadequate Re-assessment 3.G21 Inadequate Verification 3.F10 Use of best design practice 3.F14 Maintenance Management Procedures 3.F18 Maintenance and Repair Management Procedures TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: [Date] - DRAFT Owner: ED4.1 Page 3 of 13 Document Title: Mechanical Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] HID Inspection Guides (Offshore) Offshore Installation Maintenance Management Offshore Mechanical Handling and Crane Operations SCR2015 Regulation 8 – Safety and Environmental Management System SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement 8.— (2) In the case of a body corporate or un-incorporate, the safety and environmental management system must include the organisational structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for determining and implementing the corporate major accident prevention policy. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments NAI ‘Loss of Containment – Process’ All sections Clarification Section 5.1 Does the SEMS provide sufficient information about the mechanical engineering roles and responsibilities for the duty holder both onshore and offshore? In respect of Mechanical Engineering examples of the relevant key roles might include: Engineering Managers. Asset Engineers. Technical Authorities. Maintenance Supervisors. Senior and Offshore Inspection Engineers. Does the SEMS include a description of the verification scheme? See Schedule 3 for further detail. TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: [Date] - DRAFT Owner: ED4.1 Page 4 of 13 Document Title: Mechanical Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] SCR2015 Regulation 9 – Establishment of verification scheme Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref NAI Clarification SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement The duty holder must establish a scheme (a “verification scheme”) for ensuring, by the means described in paragraph (2), that the safety and environmental-critical elements and the specified plant— (a) are or, where they remain to be provided, will be suitable; and (b) where they have been provided, remain in good repair and condition. Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments Does the SC show that that the duty holder has demonstrated the adequacy of their verification scheme? Have mechanical safety and environmental-critical elements and specified plant have been identified? Examples include: Cranes. Reciprocating and rotating machinery e.g. turbines, compressors, process and firewater pumps, generators. Hydrocarbon containing pressure equipment. Safety critical valves and other protective devices. See Schedule 4 for further detail. TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: [Date] - DRAFT Owner: ED4.1 Page 5 of 13 Document Title: Mechanical Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref NAI 15.—(1) The operator of a production installation which is to be established in external waters must— (a) prepare a design notification containing, subject to paragraph (6), the particulars specified in Schedule 5 Clarification SCR2015 Regulation 15 – Design and relocation notifications for production installation SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments Eliminating risk at source through good design is preferable to retrospective or mitigating action. Is there evidence of this? Note the regulation only applies to the major accident hazards aspects of the design. The regulation requires the duty holder to provide a broad overview of the design and the design process. (c) all hazards with the potential to cause a major accident have been identified; Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments NAI SCR2015 Regulation 16 – Management and Control of Major Hazards SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Clarific ation See Schedule 5 for details of what should be included. Is there evidence that the major accident hazards and the initiating events for a MAH have been identified and the risks adequately addressed? From a mechanical engineering perspective these could arise from: Crane collapse. Dropped object or swinging load. Reciprocating and rotating equipment failure and missile generation. Pressure equipment failure e.g. hydrocarbon TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: [Date] - DRAFT Owner: ED4.1 Page 6 of 13 Document Title: Mechanical Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] vessel, flow line or protective device. Active fire protection failure. SC Ref Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments NAI Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information NAI a duty holder must revise a current safety case— (a) when appropriate; and (b) when directed to do so by the competent authority Clarificatio n SCR2015 Regulation 23 – Review of Safety Case SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Clarification See schedule 6 for a production installation and Schedule 7 for a non-production installation. Is there evidence in the thorough review of the safety case that mechanical related aspects have been considered? For example: Any modifications or repairs to the structure or any plant where changes may have an impact on safety. The introduction of new activities. Consideration of the cumulative effect of a number of small changes which may impact on safety. An extension of use beyond original design life. Any major changes in technology. The continued relevance of existing procedures. SCR2015 Regulation 32 – Standards and guidance on best practice SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Every duty holder must cooperate with the competent authority to establish and implement a priority plan for the development of standards, guidance and rules which will give effect to best practice in major accident prevention, and limitation of consequences of major accidents should they nonetheless occur. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments Does the duty holder have measures in place to identify TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: [Date] - DRAFT Owner: ED4.1 Page 7 of 13 Document Title: Mechanical Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] Regulation 8 1. The dh must prepare a document setting out its safety and environmental management system 4. The SEMS must address the particulars in Schedule 3 Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments NAI Schedule 3–Particulars to be addressed in a Safety and Environmental Management System SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Clarification new standards and guidance and where necessary update their existing ones? For mechanical systems this could cover new guidance on the management of lifting operations, life extension of rotating equipment, new inspection techniques for pressure equipment, safety alerts / notices. Matters relevant for mechanical engineering include: Organisational structure/roles and responsibilities. Identification & control of major hazards (i.e. a clear link between MH risk assessment and preventative measures. Control of modifications. Performance monitoring. Audit and review arrangements. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information TRIM: 2015/______ Clarification 3. The nature and frequency of examination and testing. 4. The arrangements for the making and preservation of records showing— (a) the examination and testing carried out; (b) the findings of the examination and testing; (c) any remedial action recommended; and (d) the remedial action performed. 6. The arrangements for review and revision of the scheme. SC Ref NAI Schedule 4 – Matters to be provided for in Verification SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments Revised: [Date] - DRAFT Owner: ED4.1 Page 8 of 13 Document Title: Mechanical Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] The minimum information should include: The verification scheme identifies the nature and frequency of examination and testing to be undertaken for relevant mechanical plant such as pressure plant (pipework/vessels/protective devices), machinery (process and fire pumps, compressors, turbines, generators), cranes etc. A system is in place to ensure the above activities are undertaken and that the results are recorded. Where remedial actions are required these are documented and recorded when completed. There are review arrangements in place, and, if necessary, a revision of the verification scheme for relevant mechanical plant. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref NAI 15.—(1) The operator of a production installation which is to be established in external waters must— (a) prepare a design notification containing, subject to paragraph (6), the particulars specified in Schedule 5 Clarification SCR2015 Schedule 5 – Particulars to be included in a design notification or a relocation notification for a production installation SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments Does the safety case provide a description of the chosen design concept in relation to the MAH scenarios and include elements such as: The principal features of the design of structure and plant. The types of operation which the installation is capable of performing. Any novel techniques, materials or equipment planned for use. The principal systems on the installation TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: [Date] - DRAFT Owner: ED4.1 Page 9 of 13 Document Title: Mechanical Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] The installation layout. The process technology to be used. A description of the verification scheme. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref NAI 8. (e) any relevant codes, standards and guidance used in the construction and commissioning of the installation. 11. A description, with suitable diagrams, of the installation, including a description of— (a) the main and secondary structure of the installation and its materials; (b) its plant; (c) the layout and configuration of its plant; (d) any connections to any pipeline or other installation; and (e) any relevant codes, standards and guidance used in the construction and commissioning of the installation. Clarification SCR2015 Schedule 6 – Particulars to be included in a safety case for a production installation SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments Does the SC give a clear description of the SEMS? Is there a description of the verification scheme? Does the safety case provide a description of: The principal features of the design of the installation, the relevant mechanical plant and the layout of the plant? Any novel techniques, materials or equipment planned for use? The principal utility systems on the installation such as diesel systems, service water systems, potable water systems, HVAC systems etc.? The main items of mechanical plant including drawings to identify layout and configuration of cranes, pressure equipment, turbines, diesel generators, fire pumps etc.? Is there sufficient evidence in the safety case that relevant mechanical standards and guidance have been employed in the construction and commissioning of the mechanical plant? Are descriptions and diagrams provided suitable e.g. TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: [Date] - DRAFT Owner: ED4.1 Page 10 of 13 Document Title: Mechanical Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] process flow diagrams (with inventories, normal operating pressures/temperatures, ESDV’s) utility schematics? Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref NAI 7. A description of the main requirements in the specification for the design of the installation and its plant, which must include— (c) a description of how the owner has ensured, or will ensure, the suitability of the safety and environmental-critical elements; and (d) any relevant codes, standards and guidance used in the construction and commissioning of the installation. 10. A description, with suitable diagrams, of the installation, including a description of— (a) the main and secondary structure of the installation and its materials; (b) its plant; (c) the layout and configuration of its plant Clarification SCR2015 Schedule 7 – Particulars to be included in a safety case for a non-production installation. SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments Does the SC give a clear description of the SEMS? Does the SC provide a description of the verification scheme? Does the safety case provide a description of: The principal features of the design of structure and plant? Any novel techniques, materials or equipment planned for use? The principal utility systems on the installation such as diesel systems, service water systems, potable water systems, HVAC systems etc.? The main items of mechanical plant including drawings to identify layout and configuration of cranes, turbines, diesel generators, fire pumps etc.? Is there sufficient evidence in the safety case that relevant mechanical codes, standards and guidance have been TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: [Date] - DRAFT Owner: ED4.1 Page 11 of 13 Document Title: Mechanical Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] used in the construction and commissioning of the mechanical plant? Are the descriptions and diagrams provided suitable? Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Clarification 20.—(1) The operator of a fixed installation in external waters must ensure that it is not dismantled unless— (a) the operator has prepared revisions to the current safety case containing, subject to paragraph (2), the particulars specified in regulation 16 and Schedule 8 NAI SCR2015 Schedule 8 – Particulars to be included in a current safety case in respect of the dismantling of a fixed installation SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments Are the dismantling start and finish dates given? Does the SC demonstrate that safe methods of isolating and containing hydrocarbons during the various state of the project have been assessed? Does the SC explain the methods by which equipment remaining in service is identified from redundant plant? Does the SC demonstrate how other safety critical plant (e.g. utilities) will be protected from damage during the dismantling phases? Does the SC describe how the major items of plant and/or modules will be lifted off the installation? TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: [Date] - DRAFT Owner: ED4.1 Page 12 of 13 Document Title: Mechanical Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS – ASSESSMENT SUMMARY SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Clarification Required NAI Required Conclusion 1. Mechanical Requirements a) SCR2015 Regulation 8 – Safety and environmental management systems (SEMS) b) SCR2015 Regulation 9 – Establishment of verification scheme c) SCR2015 Regulation 15 – Design and relocation notifications for production installations d) SCR2015 Regulation 16 – Management and control of major accident hazards e) SCR2015 Regulation 23 – Review of Safety Case SCR2015 Regulation 32 – Standards and Guidance on best practice g) SCR2015 Schedule 3 – Particulars to be addressed in a safety and environmental management system h) SCR2015 Schedule 4 – Matters to be provided for in a verification scheme i) SCR2015 Schedule 5 – Particulars to be included in a design or relocation notification for a production installation j) SCR2015 Schedule 6 - Particulars to be included in a safety case for a production installation k) SCR2015 Schedule 7 – Particulars to be included in a safety case for a non-production installation l) SCR2015 Schedule 8 – Particulars to be included in respect of the dismantling of a fixed installation f) TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: [Date] - DRAFT Owner: ED4.1 Page 13 of 13