Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] EMERGENCY RESPONSE (ER) TOPIC ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE FOR SAFETY CASE FOR A PRODUCTION OR A NON-PRODUCTION INSTALLATION OR REVISIONS – SCR05 TO SCR15 TRANSITIONS FOR APPROVED SAFETY CASES SHOULD USE THE ER TRANSITION TEMPLATE Work Instructions Topic specialists should use this template to record their assessment of the Emergency Response aspects of a transitional safety case. Assessment should be against the requirements of SCR2015. Exemplar Approach - This template should be used in accordance with the scope of the Assessment Instructions when the topic is included for assessment. An exemplar approach may be sufficient if some material has been previously accepted and has not materially changed. The template is one of a series covering all assessment topics, which together form a complete record of the safety case assessment and create evidence of how the decision to accept the case, or not, was reached. The templates identify the specific regulatory requirements of SCR2015 for the topic and indicate what the competent authority expects to find within a safety case to demonstrate that those requirements are met. The template complements the published guidance that supports the regulations and topic sector guidance. The templates are available to promote transparency and assist duty holders in drafting submissions. Green text indicates regulatory requirements that are new in SCR2015. Black text represents regulatory requirements that are contained in both SCR2005 and SCR2015. Non Acceptance Issue - A Non Acceptance Issue (NAI) is a deficiency in the demonstration made within a safety case, which, if not resolved, will prevent the case from being accepted under the relevant statutory provisions. Non Acceptance Issues must be sent by a formal letters to the duty holder requiring them to be dealt with in the appropriate manner, giving the duty holder a clear understanding of how to address the deficiency. Clarification - A Clarification is an explanation provided by a duty holder on request during assessment to enable the assessing Inspectors to be confident of their interpretation of the information in a safety case. Clarifications are a routine part of assessment work and should be raised with a duty holder promptly. Clarifications do not require formal letters. Communicating by telephone and email is sufficient. A meeting between the duty holder and relevant topic specialists may also be appropriate in some circumstances for clarifications. Clarification is not a first stage before raising non-acceptance issues. Any aspect that could credibly lead to a Non-Acceptance Issue should be raised as such in the first instance. Relevant Pre-Existing Guidance Relevant APOSC Principles and GASCET Sections are identified on the template sheets which follow. TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 1 of 26 Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments Some aspects of the duty holder’s management system will relate to compliance with those parts of certain statutory provisions which deal with emergency response. While not a comprehensive list, the main statutory provisions within this category are: PPEWR 1992, PFEER 1995, MAR 1995, DCR 1996, and MHSWR 1999. The relevant parts of PFEER 1995 are covered explicitly by SCR2015. A review of the other statutory provisions shows that some Regulations relating to offshore emergency response are covered by PFEER 1995, or are outside the scope of assessment covered by this template – see the review in the attached Table 1. However, as per Table 1, Assessor should check safety case for (a) suitable arrangements for collecting and keeping meteorological and oceanographic information, and for ensuring that it is available on the installation, and (b) for confirmation that the helideck is suitably certified. APOSC Principle 2 is relevant. GASCET Section 2.4.5 is relevant. TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 2 of 26 NAI Regulation 16 (1) “ The duty holder who prepares a safety case pursuant to these Regulations must, subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), include in the safety case sufficient particulars to demonstrate that— (a) The duty holder’s management system is adequate to ensure— (i) that the relevant statutory provisions will, in respect of matters within his the duty holder’s control, be complied with; and (ii) the satisfactory management of arrangements with contractors and sub-contractors;” Clarification SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Regulation 16 Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] Table 1. Emergency related aspects of certain legislation, excluding PFEER. Statutory provision. MAR 1995 DCR 1996 MHSWR 1999 PPEWR 1992 Regulation Aspect relevant to EER Notes Reg 6 Managers to be competent Reg 13 Control of helicopter operations Reg 14 Operational information Reg 5 Appropriate design Reg 8 Maintaining installation integrity. Reg 11(b) Helicopter landing area Reg 3 Risk assessment. Reg 7 Reg 8 Procedures for evacuation etc Information for employees Reg 11 Reg 4 Training/refresher training Provision of PPE* Reg 5 Reg 6 Reg 7 Compatibility of PPE* Assessment of PPE* Maintenance and replacement of PPE* Accommodation for PPE* Emergency response aspects are covered by PFEER Regulation 6 and Template Sheet 17 Emergency response aspects are covered by PFEER 1995 Regulation 6 and Template Sheet 17. This Regulation includes a requirement for the duty holder to collect and keep meteorological and oceanographic information. Such information is relevant to the installation emergency response arrangements. Check that the safety case describes suitable arrangements for collecting and keeping this information, and for ensuring that it is available on the installation. Installation integrity has some relevance to emergency response, such as requiring adequate integrity to resist ship collision. However, this is outwith ER Section topic area. Maintenance of installation integrity has some relevance to emergency response, such as maintaining lifeboat davits. However, this is out ER Section topic area. Helideck size and clear approach aspects – check for confirmation in the safety case that the helideck is suitably certified. The PFEER Assessment provides emergency response related risks assessment. This Assessment is covered by PFEER Regulation 5 and Template Sheet 16. Covered by PFEER Regulations 6 and 8, and Template Sheets 17 and 19. Emergency response aspects are covered by PFEER Regulation 6 and Template Sheet 17. As above. Emergency response aspects are covered by PFEER Regulation 17 and Template Sheet 27. As above. This is covered by PFEER Regulation 5 and Template Sheet 16. This level of detail is not usually explored in a safety case assessment. Reg 8 Reg 9 Information, instruction, training in use of PPE* Location of PPE* is critical to the emergency response arrangements – this falls within PFEER Regulations 5 and 17 and Template Sheets 16 and 27. However, details of the boxes in which PPE is stored etc. is a level of detail which is not usually explored in a safety case assessment. Emergency response aspects are covered by PFEER Regulation 6 and Template Sheet 17. Key: * PPE for use in an emergency, including PPE for survival in the sea. TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 3 of 26 Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] NAI SC Ref NAI Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information Clarification Regulation 16 (1) “ The duty holder who prepares a safety case pursuant to these Regulations must, subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), include in the safety case sufficient particulars to demonstrate that— …. (b) he has established adequate arrangements for audit and for the making of reports thereof; …” Clarification SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Regulations 16(1)(b) Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments The Assessor should determine whether the safety case confirms sufficient auditing of the emergency response arrangements. APOSC Principle 2 is relevant. SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Regulation16(1)(c) Safety Case to contain: Regulation 12 (1) “ The duty holder who prepares a safety case pursuant to these Regulations must, subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), include in the safety case sufficient particulars to demonstrate that— …. (c) all hazards with the potential to cause a major accident have been identified; … “ Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments The Assessor should check that all such hazards have been identified. There may be some relevant hazards which are not obvious to other disciplines, such as the hazard of dropping a lifeboat during lifeboat familiarisation training. APOSC Principle 4 is relevant. TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 4 of 26 Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] statutory provisions will be complied with, …” Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments The Assessor should check that the information in the safety case is sufficient to demonstrate that the necessary measures related to emergency response and related aviation & marine issues have been of will be provided. The Assessor should refer to the guidance in GASCET Sections 2.2.4 “Vessel Impact”, 2.3.4 “Emergency Response” & 2.4.5 “Helicopter Risks” to assist with identifying those measures. The Assessor should also check that when major accident risks are evaluated, adequate account is taken of the risk associated with the necessary emergency response. APOSC Principles 5 – 15, 18 – 21, 24, 25 & 31 are relevant. TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 5 of 26 NAI Regulation 16 (1) “ The duty holder who prepares a safety case pursuant to these Regulations must, subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), include in the safety case sufficient particulars to demonstrate that— …. (d) all major accident risks have been evaluated and measures have been, or will be, taken to control those risks to ensure that the relevant Clarification SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Regulation 16(1)(d) Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Schedule 6(2). Schedule 7(2) NAI SC Ref NAI Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information Clarification “The maximum number of persons— (a) expected to be on the installation at any time; (b) that may be on the installation at any time; and (c) for whom accommodation is to be provided.” Clarification Safety case to contain: Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments Assessor to check if information, of the kind listed above, has been included in the safety case sufficient to enable the emergency response, aviation & marine aspects of the safety case to be adequately assessed. APOSC Principle 1 is relevant. SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Schedule 6(3). Schedule 7(3) Regulation 7(2)(a). Schedule 7(3) “A copy of the owner’s corporate major accident prevention policy.” Regulation 7(2) The duty holder must prepare in writing a policy (referred to in these regulations as the “Corporate Major Accident Prevention Policy”) which – (a) Establishes the overall aims and arrangements for controlling the risk of a major accident and how these aims are to be achieved and those arrangements put into effect by the officers of the duty holder. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments Assessor to review the policy to determine that it contains a suitable policy in relation to emergency response. The policy may outline the Emergency Response Management arrangements - GASCET Section 2.3.4 F1 provides guidance. APOSC Principle 2 is relevant. C l a r N i A f Ii c a t i o n SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Schedule 6(6). Schedule 7(6). Regulation 13(1). TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 6 of 26 Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] Safety case to contain: Schedule 7(6) “A description of the verification scheme which complies with regulation 13(1).” Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments The Assessor will not be concerned with most of the detail of the verification scheme, but should check that the appropriate parts of the emergency response arrangements have been designated as safety critical elements. SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Schedule 6(8). Schedule 7(7) Safety case to contain: (c) a description of how the duty holder has ensured, or will ensure, the suitability of the safety and environmental-critical elements; and ………….. Schedule 6(8)(e) or Schedule 7(7)(d) relevant codes, standards and guidance used in the construction and commissioning of the installation.” Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments Assessor to review: (a) The limits for safe operation, particularly in relation to weather, to confirm the limits are consistent with securing continued effectiveness of the emergency response. TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 7 of 26 NAI (a) any limits for safe operation or use specified therein; ………….. Clarification “A description of the main requirements in the specification for the design of the installation and its plant, which must include— Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] (b) The safety critical elements identified in the safety case to ensure they suitably encompass the emergency response facilities. (c) The relevant codes, standards, and guidance used in the construction and commissioning of the emergency response, aviation & marine facilities to ensure they are sufficient and suitable. See GASCET Sections 2.2.4 “Vessel Impact”, 2.3.4 “Emergency Response” & 2.4.5 “Helicopter Risks” for guidance on these aspects. APOSC Principles 1, 21 - 25 are relevant. SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Schedule 6(10) and Schedule 7(8) (a) the limits of the environmental and meteorological conditions beyond which the installation cannot safely be stationed or operated; (b) the properties of the sea-bed and subsoil which are necessary for the safe stationing and operation of the installation; and (c) the locations in which the installation may be stationed and operated safely. (Non-production only) Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref NAI Clarification “ Particulars of— Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments Assessor to check if information, of the kind listed above, has been included in the safety case sufficient to enable the emergency response, aviation & marine aspects of the safety case to be adequately assessed. The limiting conditions are important in that emergency procedures may be necessary to cover those situations in which the limiting conditions are expected to be exceeded. APOSC Principle 1 is relevant. C l a r N i A f Ii c a t i o n SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Schedule 7(9) – Non-Production Installation Only TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 8 of 26 Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] Schedule 7(9) “ A description of the arrangements for— (a) identifying the risks from seabed and marine hazards, including the routes and locations of pipelines, moorings of adjacent installations, wells and other subsea equipment; and (b) assessing the risks that they pose to the installation. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments Assessor to check that adequate arrangements are described. For example, should the installation be stationed in a shipping lane it will be necessary for the increased ship collision risk to be taken into account. APOSC Principle 1 is relevant. Clarification “A description, with suitable diagrams, of the installation, including a description of— (a) the main and secondary structure of the installation and its materials; (b) its plant; (c) the layout and configuration of its plant; and (d) in the case of a mobile installation, its means of transfer between locations and its stationing system. NAI SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Schedule 6(11) and Schedule 7(10) Schedule 7(11) “Particulars of the types of operation, and activities in connection with an operation which the installation is capable of performing” Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments Assessor to check if information, of the kind listed above, has been included in the safety case sufficient to enable the emergency response, aviation & marine aspects of the safety case to be adequately assessed. APOSC Principle 1 is relevant. C l a r N i A f Ii c a t i o n SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Schedule 6(15) and Schedule 7(13) TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 9 of 26 Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] “A description of how the duty holder has ensured, or will ensure, compliance with regulation 4(1) of the PFEER Regulations.” “PFEER Regulation 4 General duty (1) The duty holder shall take appropriate measures with a view to (a) protecting persons on the installation from fire and explosion; and (b) securing effective emergency response.” Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments PFEER Regulation 4(1)(b) is relevant to the emergency response topic. PFEER Regulation 4(1)(b) is also relevant, but is assessed separately within Energy Division. Assessor to review the measures, as described in the safety case for securing effective emergency response, to determine if they are adequate. Other Schedule items specific some specific emergency response measures. This Schedule item provides a catchall requiring consideration of relevant measures which are not already called for by other Schedule items. The Assessor should take account of the guidance in GASCET Sections 2.2.4 “Vessel Impact”, 2.3.4 “Emergency Response” & 2.4.5 “Helicopter Risks”. APOSC Principles 2, 15 – 25 & 31 are relevant. C l a r N i A f Ii c a t i o n SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Schedule 6(18) and Schedule 7(15) TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 10 of 26 Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] Safety case to contain: “A description of the plant used and arrangements made for protecting persons on the installation from hazardous substances, including toxic gas, at all times.” Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments Assessor to review the available information about extent and toxicity of hazardous substances on the installation, and to check that there are adequate emergency arrangements, as described in the safety case, to mitigate the effect of an accidental release. APOSC Principle 1 is relevant Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments Assessor to review the above arrangements, as described in the safety case, to determine if they are adequate. This is a change from SCR 2005 in that the definition of hazards is TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 11 of 26 NAI “A description of the measures taken or to be taken or the arrangements made or to be made for the protection of persons on the installation from hazards, including explosion, fire, heat, smoke, toxic gas or fumes in particular while there may be a need to remain on the installation following an incident which is beyond immediate control and for enabling such persons to be evacuated or rescued from the installation where necessary, including provision for— (a) temporary refuge; (b) routes from locations where persons may be present to temporary refuge and for egress therefrom to points from where the installation may be evacuated; (c) means of evacuation at those points; and (d) facilities within temporary refuge for the monitoring and control of the incident and for organising evacuation.” Clarification SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Schedule 6(19) and Schedule 7(16) Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] no longer restricted to just the named hazards. See GASCET Section 2.3.4 “Emergency Response” Sections F2, F3, F4, F5 for guidance on the expected arrangements. Assessor to liaise with the Fire & Explosion Assessor, and Control & Instrumentation Assessor, since there will be potential overlaps with their assessments. Clarification SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Schedule 6(21) and Schedule 7(17) “The description of the internal emergency response arrangements.” Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments Assessor to review the description of the installation emergency response arrangements. This description should describe the manner of performance of the internal emergency response duties. The duties are those specified by certain of the PFEER regulations. Guidance on how to assess the performance of each of these various duties is given in template sheets which follow (excepting those duties associated with PFEER Regulations 9 and 13, these being outwith the emergency response topic). This template sheet should simply summarise the results recorded on these later template sheets. Those arrangements exclusively associated with the oil pollution emergency plan are outwith the scope of this template. However, the Assessor will need to liaise with the DECC Assessor since emergency arrangements to protect the workforce and installation may have an influence on the oil pollution emergency plan. TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 12 of 26 NAI APOSC Principles 1, 21 – 24 are relevant. Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] Guidance is provided in GASCET Section 2.3.4 “Emergency Response” and in the Approved Code of Practice and Guidance to the PFEER Regulations (Document L65). The assessor should also review relevant aspects of the aviation & marine topics which relate to emergency response. APOSC Principles 1, 15, 17 – 25 are relevant. SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Schedule 6(23) and Schedule 7(19) Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref NAI “Particulars of any combined operations which may involve the installation, including— (a) a summary of the arrangements in place for co-ordinating the management systems of all duty holders involved in any such combined operation; (b) a summary of the arrangements in place for a joint review of the safety aspects of any such combined operation by all duty holders involved, which must include the identification of hazards with the potential to cause a major accident and the assessment of risks which may arise during any such combined operation; (c) the plant likely to be used during any such combined operation; and (d) the likely impact any such combined operation may have on the installations involved.” Clarification Safety case to contain: Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments While recognising that this safety case may reasonably contain only a generic approach to combined operations, Assessor to review the above information to confirm that it includes adequate consideration of the impact of a combined operation on the emergency response, aviation & marine arrangements. APOSC Principles 27 – 32 are relevant. C l a r N i A f Ii c a t i o n SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Regulation 30(14) (a) PFEER Regulation 5 TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 13 of 26 Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] PFEER Regulation 5 Assessment “(1) The duty holder shall perform, and thereafter repeat as often as may be appropriate a process (in this regulation called “Can assessment”) described in paragraph (2) in relation to the installation. (2) An assessment shall consist of(a) the identification of the various events which could give rise to (i) a major accident involving fire or explosion; or (ii) the need (whether or not by reason of fire or explosion) for evacuation, escape or rescue to avoid or minimise a major accident; (b) the evaluation of the likelihood and consequences of such events; (c) the establishment of appropriate standards of performance to be attained by anything provided by measures for (i) ensuring effective evacuation, escape, recovery and rescue to avoid or minimise a major accident; and (ii) otherwise protecting persons from a major accident involving fire or explosion; and (d) the selection of appropriate measures. (3) The duty holder shall(a) record the assessment (including each repetition of it); (b) keep the record at an address in Great Britain; and (c) notify the Executive of such address”. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments Assessor to examine safety case for evidence of a suitable PFEER Assessment, related to emergency response, having been carried out. Such evidence may include: (i) Summary of the assessment process applied, including approach to hazard identification and evaluation. (ii) List of the safety critical elements and other measures for ensuring effective evacuation, escape, recovery and rescue to avoid or minimise a major accident, for which performance standards have been provided. (iii) Confirmation that those items listed in Paragraph 56 of the Approved Code of Practice and Guidance to the PFEER Regulations (Document L65) are addressed in the PFEER Assessment. (iv) Examples of performance standards arising from the PFEER Assessment. (v) Details of where the record of the PFEER Assessment is located. APOSC Principles 5 – 15, 21 - 25 are relevant. C l a r N i A f Ii c a t i o n SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Regulation 30(14) (b)– PFEER Regulation 6 TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 14 of 26 Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] Safety case to contain: A description of the manner of performance of the duties in PFEER Regulation 6. Regulation 6 Preparation for emergencies “(1) The duty holder shall establish such appropriate organisation and arrangements as are to have effect in, or in anticipation of, an emergency and which shall include arrangements (a) for command by competent persons which can be maintained, so far as is practicable, throughout an emergency; (b) for there to be a sufficient number of persons on the installation competent to undertake emergency duties and operate relevant equipment; (c) in the case of an installation on which personnel are present, for a sufficient number of such persons to be in attendance at the helicopter landing area during helicopter movements; and (d) for lists of persons referred to in sub-paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) above to be posted at suitable locations on the installation when persons are present. (2) The duty holder shall ensure that every person on the installation (a) is provided with adequate instruction and training in the appropriate action to take in an emergency; and (b) can consult written information on the use of emergency plant.” Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments Assessor to examine safety case for evidence of suitable preparation for emergencies, as per above. GASCET Section 2.3.4 “Emergency Response” F1 “ Emergency Response Management” and Document L65 provide guidance. PFEER Reg. 6 is also relevant to the Aviation & Marine topics. APOSC Principle 21 is relevant. C l a r N i A f Ii c a t i o n SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Regulation 30(14) (c)– PFEER Regulation 7 TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 15 of 26 Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] Regulation 7 Equipment for helicopter emergencies “The duty holder shall ensure that there is kept available near the helicopter landing area equipment necessary for use in the event of an accident involving a helicopter.” Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments Assessor to examine safety case for evidence that the above equipment is provided. It may be sufficient for the safety case to state that equipment necessary for use in the event of an accident involving a helicopter is provided as specified by CAP437. Document L65 provides guidance. See also GASCET 2.4.5 “Helicopter Risks” APOSC Principle 1 is relevant. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 16 of 26 NAI Regulation 8 Emergency response plan “(1) The duty holder shall, after consulting persons who are likely to become involved in emergency response, prepare and, as often as is appropriate, revise a document (in this regulation called “the emergency response plan”) containing sufficient information, for the guidance of such persons, on (a) the organisation and arrangements which are to have effect in an emergency; and (b) procedures by way of emergency response to be followed in different circumstances. (2) The duty holder shall ensure that (a) the emergency response plan is available to all persons on the installation; and (b) each person on the installation, and each person who may be called upon to assist in implementing the emergency response plan, are given such notification of its contents as are sufficient for them. (3) The duty holder shall ensure that the organisation, arrangements and procedures referred to in paragraph (1) are tested, by practice and otherwise, as often as may be appropriate. (4) Every person on the installation shall, in an emergency, so far as is practicable, conform to the appropriate procedure in the plan.” Clarification SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Regulation 30(14) (d)– PFEER Regulation 8 Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] Assessor to examine safety case for evidence that a suitable Emergency Response Plan is provided, as per above, including arrangements to ensure adequate availability, notification, and testing of the plan. Evidence may include a list of those hazards which are covered by the Plan. The Plan should take appropriate account of compromised stability and/or likely structural failure, whether in isolation or related to an initiating hazard such as fire/explosion or ship collision. To the extent practicable, emergency response plans should provide continued effectiveness in the event of severe meteorological conditions. GASCET Section 2.3.4 “Emergency Response” F1 “ Emergency Response Management” and Document L65 provide guidance. APOSC Principles 19 – 21, 25 are relevant. SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Regulation 30(14) (f)– PFEER Regulation 10 Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments Several disciplines will be involved with assessing compliance of the safety case with this requirement, including C&I, Fire & Explosion, and Process. Assessor to liaise with other Assessors as above, and to examine the case for evidence of adequate arrangements for detection of incidents which may require emergency TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 17 of 26 NAI “The duty holder shall take appropriate measures (a) with a view to detecting fire and other events which may require emergency response, including the provision of means for (i) detecting and recording accumulations of flammable or toxic gases; and (ii) identifying leakages of flammable liquids; and (b) with a view to enabling information regarding such incidents to be conveyed forthwith to places from which control action can be instigated.” Clarification Regulation 10 Detection of incidents Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] response, including arrangements for advanced warning of potential ship collision. GASCET Section 2.3.4 “Emergency Response” F2 “ Alarms and Communication” and F8 “Ship collision”, GASCET Section 2.2.4 “Vessel Impact” Document L65 provide guidance. APOSC Principle 18 is relevant. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments Assessor to liaise with C&I Assessor, and to examine the case for evidence of (i) adequate arrangements for giving warning of an emergency, and (ii) adequate emergency communication systems with persons as per above. Evidence will include a description the communication systems available during an emergency, and a description of the alarm sounds and lights. Evidence TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 18 of 26 NAI Regulation 11 Communication “(1) The duty holder shall make appropriate arrangements (a) for giving warning of an emergency, by audible and, where necessary, visual alarm systems, to all persons on the installation; and (b) for the purpose of emergency response, for communication between (i) persons on the installation; (ii) the installation and persons not on it and engaged in activities in connection with it; and (iii) the installation and persons beyond it; and shall ensure that, so far as is reasonably practicable, the arrangements are capable of remaining effective in an emergency. (2) Subject to paragraph (3), the duty holder shall ensure that (a) an illuminated sign provided pursuant to paragraph (1) (a) is(i) in the case of a warning of toxic gas, a red flashing sign; and (ii) in all other cases, a yellow flashing sign; and (b) an acoustic signal provided pursuant to paragraph (1) (a) is (i) in the case of a warning to prepare for evacuation, a continuous signal of variable frequency; (ii) in the case of a warning of toxic gas, a continuous signal of a constant frequency; and (iii) in all other cases, an intermittent signal of a constant frequency. Clarification SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Regulation 30(14) (g)– PFEER Regulation 11 Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] should include details of how the alarm and communication systems are made sufficiently robust under emergency conditions. GASCET Sections 2.3.4 F1, F2, and F8, and Document L65 provide guidance. APOSC Principles 3, 20 are relevant. SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Regulation 30(14) (h)– PFEER Regulation 12 Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments Several disciplines will be involved with assessing compliance of the safety case with this requirement, including C&I, Fire & Explosion, and Process. Assessor to liaise with other Assessors as above, and to examine the case for evidence of adequate emergency response procedures, such as a statement confirming that the detailed emergency response procedures have been documented and are in a form readily accessible to the appropriate personnel. Assessor will also need to confirm that personnel with essential emergency duties (such as the Central Control Room personnel) are sufficiently protected from the effect of a major accident. Document L65 provides guidance. APOSC Principle 20 is relevant. TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 19 of 26 NAI “The duty holder shall (a) take appropriate measures with a view to limiting the extent of an emergency, including such measures to combat fire and explosion; and (b) shall ensure that(i) where appropriate, those measures include provision for the remote operation of plant; and (ii) so far as is reasonably practicable, any arrangements made and plant provided pursuant to this regulation are capable of remaining effective in an emergency.” Clarification Regulation 12 Control of emergencies Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Regulation 30(14) (i)– PFEER Regulation 13 NAI SC Ref NAI Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information Clarification “The duty holder shall (a) take appropriate measures with a view to protecting persons on the installation during an emergency from the effects of fire and explosion; and (b) ensure that, so far as is reasonably practicable, any arrangements made and plant provided pursuant to this regulation are capable of remaining effective in an emergency..” Clarification Regulation 13 Mitigation of fire and explosion Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments Mainly other disciplines will be involved with assessing compliance of the safety case with this requirement, primarily Fire & Explosion, and C&I. Assessor to liaise with other Assessors as above, and to examine the case for evidence of features such as adequate protection of key locations (eg temporary refuge and escape routes), and suitable contingency measures should these be necessary to ensure measures as above remain effective in an emergency. Document L65 provides guidance. APOSC Principles 19 – 24 are relevant. SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Regulation 30(14) (j)– PFEER Regulation 14 Regulation 14 Muster areas etc. “(1) The duty holder shall make appropriate provision for (a) areas for persons to muster safely in an emergency (in these Regulations referred to as “muster areas”); (b) safe egress from accommodation and work areas, and safe access to muster areas, temporary refuge, and evacuation and escape points; and (c) safe evacuation and escape points. (2) The duty holder shall ensure that the muster areas, egress, access and evacuation and escape points referred to in paragraph (1) (a) are kept unobstructed; TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 20 of 26 Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] (b) are provided with adequate emergency lighting; and (c) are marked by suitable signs, and shall take appropriate measures to ensure that, so far as is reasonably practicable, the egress and access remain passable in an emergency. (3) The duty holder shall ensure that (a) doors for use in an emergency (i) open in the appropriate direction or, if this is not possible, are sliding doors; and (ii) are not so fastened that they cannot readily be opened by any person who may require to use them in an emergency; and (b) accommodation areas are provided at each level with at least two means of egress situated a proper distance apart. (4) The duty holder shall (a) ensure that(i) each person on the installation is assigned to a muster area; and (ii) for each muster area a list of names of persons assigned to it is kept up-to-date and displayed; and (b) establish procedures (i) for mustering at such areas; and (ii) for accounting for persons.” Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments Assessor to examine the case for evidence of the features described above. Assessor to liaise with C&I Assessor re. emergency lighting; and to liaise with Fire & Explosion Assessor re. protection from these hazards. GASCET Sections 2.3.4 F3 and F4, and Document L65 provide guidance. APOSC Principles 19 – 24 are relevant. SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Regulation 30(14)(k) – PFEER Regulation 15 Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 21 of 26 NAI “The duty holder shall ensure that such arrangements are made which include, to the extent necessary (a) the provision of plant on the installation; and (b) such arrangements with suitable persons beyond the installation, as will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safe evacuation of all persons and their being taken to a place of safety, or to a place from which they can be recovered and taken to a place of safety under arrangements made pursuant to regulation 17.” Clarification Regulation 15 Arrangements for evacuation Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] Assessor to examine the case for evidence of adequate evacuation arrangements, including hardware, procedures, personnel, and credible evacuation times. GASCET Section 2.3.4 F5, and Document L65 provide guidance. APOSC Principle 24 is relevant. SC Ref NAI Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information NAI “The duty holder shall provide such means as will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safe escape of all persons from the installation in case arrangements for evacuation fail.” Clarification Regulation 16 Means of escape Clarification SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Regulation 30(14)(l) – PFEER Regulation 16 Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments Assessor to examine the case for evidence of adequate means of escape. GASCET Section 2.3.4 F6, and Document L65 provide guidance. APOSC Principle 24 is relevant. SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Regulation 30(14)(m) – PFEER Regulation 17 Regulation 17 Arrangements for recovery and rescue “The duty holder shall ensure that effective arrangements are made, which include such arrangements with suitable persons beyond the installation, for (a) recovery of persons following their evacuation or escape from the installation; and (b) rescue of persons near the installation; and TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 22 of 26 Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] (c) taking such persons to a place of safety, and for the purposes of this regulation arrangements shall be regarded as being effective if they secure a good prospect of those persons being recovered, rescued, and taken to a place of safety.” Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments Assessor to examine the case for evidence of adequate arrangements for recovery and rescue, including whether the target rescue times are consistent or otherwise with industry guidance (such as Oil&Gas UK ERRV Management Guidelines), and whether suitable survival PPE (type, number, location) is provided on the installation. GASCET Section 2.3.4 F7, and Document L65 provide guidance. APOSC Principle 25 is relevant. SCR 2015 Regulatory Requirement: Regulation 30(14)(n and o) – PFEER Regulation 22B and 22C Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not met - Assessment Comments TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 23 of 26 NAI Arrangements for early warning of major accidents 22C.—(1) This regulation applies only in relation to external waters. (2) The duty holder must make arrangements— (a)for providing early warning of a major accident to the Maritime and Coastguard Agency; and (b)for providing more detailed information about such an accident as soon as it becomes available, but nothing in this paragraph is to be taken as imposing a requirement which is imposed by regulation 4(3)(c) and paragraph 11 of Schedule 2 to the Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation Convention) Regulations 1998 (arrangements for early warning of major environmental incidents).” Clarification 22B.—(1) This regulation applies only in relation to external waters. (2) The duty holder must authorise one or more persons— (a)to initiate an emergency response; (b)to direct an emergency response; and (c)to liaise with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] The duty holder should describe the adequacy of their arrangements to communicate the detail of emergency responses to authorities and the communications systems that underpin them EMERGENCY RESPONSE TOPIC – ASSESSMENT SUMMARY NAI – Non Acceptance Issue Schedule 6 requirements for Production Installation, Schedule 7 requirements for Non-Production Installations SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Clarification Required NAI Required Conclusion Emergency response aspects of: 1. Regulation 16(1)(a) 2. Regulation 16(1)(b) 3. Regulation 16(1)(c) 4. Regulation 16(1)(d) 5. Schedule 6(2), Schedule 7(2) Number of Persons 6. Schedule 6(3), Schedule 7(3) Corporate Major Accident Prevention Policy 7. Schedule 6(6), Schedule 7(6), Regulation 13(1) Verification 8. Schedule 6(8), Schedule 7(7) Description of Plant 9. Schedule 6(10), Schedule 7(8) Environmental Conditions 10. Schedule 6(15), Schedule 7(13) TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 24 of 26 Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] PFEER Reg 4 General Duty – Compliance Statement 11. Schedule 6(18), Schedule 7(15) Protecting persons, hazardous substances 12. Schedule 6(19), Schedule 7(16) Protecting persons, explosion/fire/heat 13. Schedule 6(21), Schedule 7(17) Internal Emergency Response 14. Schedule 6(23), Schedule 7(19) Summary and effect of combined operations 15. Regulation 30(14)(a) – PFEER Regulation 5 16. Regulation 30(14)(b) – PFEER Regulation 6 17. Regulation 30(14)(c) – PFEER Regulation 7 18. Regulation 30(14)(d) – PFEER Regulation 8 19. Regulation 30(14)(f) – PFEER Regulation 10 20. Regulation 30(14)(g) – PFEER Regulation 11 21. Regulation 30(14)(h) – PFEER Regulation 12 22. Regulation 30(14)(i) – PFEER Regulation 13 23. Regulation 30(14)(j) – PFEER Regulation 14 24. Regulation 30(14)(k) – TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 25 of 26 Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Operator – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] ER Topic Assessor – [Name] PFEER Regulation 15 25. Regulation 30(14)(l) – PFEER Regulation 16 26. Regulation 30(14)(m) – PFEER Regulation 17 27. Regulation 30(14)(n and o) – PFEER Regulation 22B and 22C TRIM 2015/147111 : ER Assessment Template Production and Non-production and Revisions – Regulations 17, 18 and 24 – 21 April 2015 Page 26 of 26