Document Title: Diving Assessment Template Case Title - [Safety Case Title

Document Title: Diving Assessment Template
Case Title - [Safety Case Title
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
Work Instructions
Diving specialists should use this template to record their assessment of the diving aspects of a safety case. Assessment should be against the requirements
of SCR2015.
Exemplar Approach - This template should be used in accordance with the scope of the Assessment Instructions when the diving topic is included for
assessment. An exemplar approach may be sufficient if some material has been previously accepted and has not materially changed. For example a
CMAPP or SEMS from an existing, accepted safety case.
The template is one of a series covering all assessment topics, which together form a complete record of the safety case assessment and create evidence of
how the decision to accept the case, or not, was reached. The templates identify the specific regulatory requirements of SCR2015 for the topic and indicate
what the competent authority expects to find within a safety case to demonstrate that those requirements are met. The template complements the published
guidance that supports the regulations and topic sector guidance. The templates are available to promote transparency and assist duty holders in drafting
Green text indicates regulatory requirements that are new in SCR2015. (None included in this template)
Black text represents regulatory requirements that are contained in both SCR2005 and SCR2015.
Non Acceptance Issue - A Non Acceptance Issue (NAI) is a deficiency in the demonstration made within a safety case, which, if not resolved, will prevent the
case from being accepted under the relevant statutory provisions. Non Acceptance Issues must be sent by a formal letters to the duty holder requiring them
to be dealt with in the appropriate manner, giving the duty holder a clear understanding of how to address the deficiency.
Clarification - A Clarification is an explanation provided by a duty holder on request during assessment to enable the assessing Inspectors to be confident of
their interpretation of the information in a safety case. Clarifications are a routine part of assessment work and should be raised with a duty holder promptly.
Clarifications do not require formal letters. Communicating by telephone and email is sufficient. A meeting between the duty holder and relevant topic
specialists may also be appropriate in some circumstances for clarifications. Clarification is not a first stage before raising non-acceptance issues. Any
aspect that could credibly lead to a Non-Acceptance Issue should be raised as such in the first instance.
Design or Relocation Notification - Where the template is used to aid the inspection of a Design or Relocation Notification, Inspectors should consider if the
information provided meets the requirements of Schedule 5 of the regulations. The inspection must identify any Potential Non Acceptance Issues to draw to
the duty holder’s attention. Reference to these requirements outlined in Sections [1-8] of this template may be useful when forming an opinion. A record of
the inspection should be made in Section [9].
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TRIM 2014/xxxxx: Diving Assessment Template – Rev 12 –17/06/15
Document Title: Diving Assessment Template
Case Title - [Safety Case Title
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
Relevant Pre-Existing Guidance
APOSC Principles:
Factual Information
 Principle 1
The factual information should meet the SCR15 requirements and provide sufficient detail to support the arguments made in the case
Management of health and safety
 Principle 2
The safety case should demonstrate that the management system is adequate to ensure compliance with the relevant statutory provisions
The management system
 Principle 3
The management system should show an appropriate level of control during each phase of the installation life cycle, including design, construction,
commissioning, operation, decommissioning and dismantlement
Major accident hazard identification
 Principle 4
A systematic process should be used to identify all reasonably foreseeable major accident hazards that apply to the installation, together with potential
initiating events or sequences of events
Major accident risk evaluation
 Principle 5
The methodology and evaluation criteria adopted for major accident risk assessment should be clear
People exposed to exceptional risks
 Principle 7
The assessment should take account of people exposed to exceptional risks
GASCET Chapters:
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TRIM 2014/xxxxx: Diving Assessment Template – Rev 12 –17/06/15
Document Title: Diving Assessment Template
Case Title - [Safety Case Title
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
Other Guidance Reference:
The Diving at Work Regulations 1997
Commercial Diving Projects Offshore Approved Code of Practice L103
The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) guidance
Association of Diving Contractors guidance documents
Oil & Gas Producers guidance documents
The Diving Medical Advisory Committee
Health & Safety Executive diving information sheets
Health & Safety Executive diving web page
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TRIM 2014/xxxxx: Diving Assessment Template – Rev 12 –17/06/15
Document Title: Diving Assessment Template
Case Title - [Safety Case Title
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
Diving identified in Safety Case
Diving operations and equipment can affect the safety of an installation by causing or contributing to a major accident as defined in the Offshore Installations
(Safety Case) Regulations 2015 (SCR). The defined major accidents include (amongst others): the failure of life support systems for diving operations in
connection with the installation; and collision of diving support vessels (DSV) with the installation.
SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement
SCR2015 Schedule 6(12): Particulars to be included in a safety case for the operation of a production installation
(a) which the installation is capable of performing; and
(b) which are to be carried out.
SCR2015 Schedule 7(11): Particulars to be included in a safety case for the operation of a non production installation
Particulars of the types of operation, and activities in connection with an operation, which the installation is capable of performing……
Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information
SC Ref
Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments
Is diving identified as a planned activity and is it
included in the safety case?
APOSC Principle 1
Note: All safety cases should consider the potential for
diving operations from the installation, as a connected
activity, or both. If diving is specifically excluded then the
duty holder would be required to submit material change to
the safety case should diving need to take place.
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TRIM 2014/xxxxx: Diving Assessment Template – Rev 12 –17/06/15
Particulars of the types of operation, and activities in connection with an operation, including both those.—
Document Title: Diving Assessment Template
Case Title - [Safety Case Title
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
2. Major Accident Hazard Identification: Diving
SCR 2015 Regulation 2 defines diving as a Major Accident Hazard (MAH). If diving is considered as a required activity within the safety case, then the safety
case should also identify if the diving will be conducted as installation based diving (IBD), or from a diving support vessel (DSV).
SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement
SCR 2015 Regulation 2(1) Interpretation
‘major accident’ means—
..(b) an event involving major damage to the structure of the installation or plant affixed to it or any loss in the stability of the installation
(e) any other event arising from a work activity involving death or serious personal injury to five or more persons on the installation or
engaged in an activity in connection with it;………’
SCR 2015 Regulation 16 (1)(c) Management of health and safety and control of major accident hazards
(1) The duty holder who prepares a safety case pursuant to these Regulations must, subject to paragraphs (2) include in the safety
case sufficient particulars to demonstrate that……………… (c) all hazards with the potential to cause a major accident have
been identified……………..
Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information
SC Ref
Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments
Does the safety case identify diving as a major
accident hazard?
APOSC Principle 4
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TRIM 2014/xxxxx: Diving Assessment Template – Rev 12 –17/06/15
(c) the failure of life support systems for diving operations in connection with the installation, the detachment of a diving bell used for such
operations or the trapping of a diver in a diving bell or other subsea chamber used for such operations;
causing, or with a significant potential to cause, death or serious personal injury to persons on the installation or engaged in an activity
on or in connection with it;
Document Title: Diving Assessment Template
Case Title - [Safety Case Title
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
3. Safety case major accident identification and risk assessment
A key part of a safety case is a demonstration that all hazards with the potential to cause a major accident have been identified. If diving is identified as an
activity within the safety case then the safety case should discuss how risks related to diving have been evaluated, and what measures will be taken to control
those risks.
SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement
SCR 2015 2(11) Interpretation
transporting, towing or navigating the installation; and
any activity in or from a vessel which is ready to give assistance in the event of an emergency on or near the installation.
SCR 2015 16(1)(d) Management of health and safety and control of major accident hazards
(d) all major accident risks have been evaluated, their likelihood and consequences assessed…..
(Other) Regulatory Requirement
Diving at Work Regulations 1997 (DWR) Regulation 4 Client Duties
Every person who to any extent is responsible for, has control over or is engaged in a diving project or whose acts or omissions could adversely
affect the health and safety of persons engaged in such a project, shall take such measures as it is reasonable for a person in his position to
take to ensure that these Regulations are complied with.
Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information
SC Ref
Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments
Has the duty holder included a specific diving risk
APOSC Principle 5
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TRIM 2014/xxxxx: Diving Assessment Template – Rev 12 –17/06/15
(11) Any reference in these Regulations to an activity in connection with an installation includes any activity which is immediately preparatory to
that activity, whether carried on from the installation itself, in or from a vessel or in any other manner, other than—
Document Title: Diving Assessment Template
Case Title - [Safety Case Title
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
Notes: If installation based diving is identified in the safety
case as a mode of operation, then it follows that the duty
holder should include a MAH risk assessment which
considers the hazards associated with the diving plant and
equipment in relation to the installation. This risk
assessment should be included in the safety case.
If the duty holder identifies diving from a DSV as a mode of
operation, then the MAH risk assessment should consider
collision as a foreseeable risk. Consideration of this may
form part of the marine management procedures and the
methods for implementing this should be referenced and
summarised in the safety case.
Project specific risks should be considered as part of the
project hazard identification and risk assessment (HIRA)
process. The procedure for this should be included in the
diving management documentation, and the method for
implementing this should be referenced and summarised in
the safety case.
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TRIM 2014/xxxxx: Diving Assessment Template – Rev 12 –17/06/15
Document Title: Diving Assessment Template
Case Title - [Safety Case Title
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
4. Duty Holders Diving management system .
SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement
SCR 2015 16(1) Management of health and safety and control of major accident hazards:
A duty holder who prepares a safety case pursuant to these Regulations must, subject to paragraph (2), include in the safety case sufficient
particulars to demonstrate that—
(a) the duty holder’s management system is adequate to ensure—
(i) that the relevant statutory provisions will, in respect of matters within the duty holder’s control, be complied with; and
(ii) that the management of arrangements with contractors and sub-contractors is satisfactory;
(b) the duty holder has established adequate arrangements for audit and for the making of reports of the audit;
(e) in the case of a non-production installation, all the major hazards have been identified for all operations the installation is capable of
(Other) Regulatory Requirement
Diving at Work Regulations 1997 Regulation 4 Client Duties:
Every person who to any extent is responsible for, has control over or is engaged in a diving project or whose acts or omissions could adversely
affect the health and safety of persons engaged in such a project, shall take such measures as it is reasonable for a person in his position to
take to ensure that these Regulations are complied with.
Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information
SC Ref
Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments
Does the duty holder have a system for the
management of diving?
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TRIM 2014/xxxxx: Diving Assessment Template – Rev 12 –17/06/15
(d) all major accident risks have been evaluated, their likelihood and consequences assessed, including any environmental, meteorological
and seabed limitations on safe operations, and that suitable measures, including the selection and deployment of associated safety and
environmental-critical elements have been, or will be, taken to control those risks to ensure that the relevant statutory provisions will be
complied with; and
(c) all hazards with the potential to cause a major accident have been identified;
Document Title: Diving Assessment Template
Case Title - [Safety Case Title
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
APOSC Principle 5
Notes: The information to be assessed must all be
contained within the safety case. Merely referring to other
documents that are intended to be an integral part of the
case for safety is not acceptable. There should be sufficient
information within the safety case itself to provide
satisfactory answers to the questions in this topic
assessment record
Additional supporting material may be referenced within the
safety case, and the diving topic specialist may wish to see
that documentation to establish that it exists
Any issues identified within the additional documents
should not be raised as part of the Safety Case assessment
process, but will form a separate inspection topic.
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TRIM 2014/xxxxx: Diving Assessment Template – Rev 12 –17/06/15
Document Title: Diving Assessment Template
Case Title - [Safety Case Title
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
5. Management of diving contractors
The case should summarise the arrangements in place for the duty holder to fulfil its responsibility to manage diving contractors.
SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement
SCR 2015 16(1) Management of health and safety and control of major accident hazards:
A duty holder who prepares a safety case pursuant to these Regulations must, subject to paragraph (2), include in the safety case sufficient
particulars to demonstrate that—
(a) the duty holder’s management system is adequate to ensure—
(i) that the relevant statutory provisions will, in respect of matters within the duty holder’s control, be complied with; and
(ii) that the management of arrangements with contractors and sub-contractors is satisfactory;
(d) all major accident risks have been evaluated, their likelihood and consequences assessed, including any environmental, meteorological
and seabed limitations on safe operations, and that suitable measures, including the selection and deployment of associated safety and
environmental-critical elements have been, or will be, taken to control those risks to ensure that the relevant statutory provisions will be
complied with; and
(e) in the case of a non-production installation, all the major hazards have been identified for all operations the installation is capable of
[Other] Regulatory Requirement
Diving at Work Regulations 1997 Regulation 4 Client Duties:
Every person who to any extent is responsible for, has control over or is engaged in a diving project or whose acts or omissions could adversely
affect the health and safety of persons engaged in such a project, shall take such measures as it is reasonable for a person in his position to
take to ensure that these Regulations are complied with.
Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information
SC Ref
Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments
Does the safety case contain sufficient details to
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TRIM 2014/xxxxx: Diving Assessment Template – Rev 12 –17/06/15
(c) all hazards with the potential to cause a major accident have been identified;
(b) the duty holder has established adequate arrangements for audit and for the making of reports of the audit;
Document Title: Diving Assessment Template
Case Title - [Safety Case Title
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
establish that there are adequate arrangements for the
management of diving contractors?
APOSC Principle 3
Notes: This should include reference to the type of audits
and other checks undertaken to confirm the ability of the
diving contractor to comply with all relevant legislation.
The information to be assessed must all be contained
within the safety case. Merely referring to other documents
that are intended to be an integral part of the case for
safety is not acceptable. There should be sufficient
information within the safety case itself to provide
satisfactory answers to the questions in this topic
assessment record.
The safety case should include a summary of the
management of diving contractors, diving plant and
equipment, DSVs and an overview of the risk assessment
process relating to diving projects. It should also explain the
process for ensuring the diving contractor will be informed
of all known hazards.
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TRIM 2014/xxxxx: Diving Assessment Template – Rev 12 –17/06/15
Document Title: Diving Assessment Template
Case Title - [Safety Case Title
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
6. Installation based diving systems
If installation based diving is included as part of the submission then HSE would expect a summary of how that system will be assessed for inclusion in the
verification scheme because these systems include items of plant, equipment, and systems that could cause, or substantially contribute, to a major accident.
SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement
SCR 2015 16(1) Management of health and safety and control of major accident hazards:
A duty holder who prepares a safety case pursuant to these Regulations must, subject to paragraph (2), include in the safety case sufficient
particulars to demonstrate that—
(a) the duty holder’s management system is adequate to ensure—
(i) that the relevant statutory provisions will, in respect of matters within the duty holder’s control, be complied with; and
(ii) that the management of arrangements with contractors and sub-contractors is satisfactory;
(d) all major accident risks have been evaluated, their likelihood and consequences assessed, including any environmental, meteorological
and seabed limitations on safe operations, and that suitable measures, including the selection and deployment of associated safety and
environmental-critical elements have been, or will be, taken to control those risks to ensure that the relevant statutory provisions will be
complied with; and
(e) in the case of a non-production installation, all the major hazards have been identified for all operations the installation is capable of
SCR 2015 Regulation 2 Interpretation
“safety and environmental-critical elements” means such parts of an installation and such of its plant (including computer programmes), or any
part of those—
(a) the failure of which could cause or contribute substantially to a major accident; or
(b) a purpose of which is to prevent, or limit the effect of, a major accident;
“specified plant” means the plant for an installation which is provided—
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TRIM 2014/xxxxx: Diving Assessment Template – Rev 12 –17/06/15
(c) all hazards with the potential to cause a major accident have been identified;
(b) the duty holder has established adequate arrangements for audit and for the making of reports of the audit;
Document Title: Diving Assessment Template
Case Title - [Safety Case Title
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
(a) in compliance with regulations 11(1)(a), 13, 15 and 16 of the PFEER Regulations;
(b) as required to be provided by regulation 10 of the PFEER Regulations as means—
(i) for detecting fire; or
(ii) for detecting and recording accumulations of flammable gases; and
(c) pursuant to the measures required by regulation 12 of the PFEER Regulations to combat fire and explosion,
SCR 2015 Regulation 9 Verification schemes
The duty holder must establish a scheme (a “verification scheme”) for ensuring, by the means described in paragraph (2), that the safety and
environmental-critical elements and the specified plant
SCR 2015 Schedule 4 part 1 Matters to be provided for in a verification scheme
1. The principles to be applied by the duty holder—
(a) in selecting a verifier to perform functions under the scheme; and
(b) in keeping the scheme under review.
2. The arrangements for the communication to the verifier of information necessary for the proper implementation, or revision, of the scheme.
3. The nature and frequency of examination and testing.
4. The arrangements for the making and preservation of records showing—
(a) the examination and testing carried out;
(b) the findings of the examination and testing;
(c) any remedial action recommended; and
(d) the remedial action performed.
5. The arrangements for communicating the matters specified in paragraph 4 to an appropriate level in the management system of the duty
holder for the installation.
6. The arrangements for review and revision of the scheme.
Diving at Work Regulations 1997 Regulation 4 Client Duties
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TRIM 2014/xxxxx: Diving Assessment Template – Rev 12 –17/06/15
Document Title: Diving Assessment Template
Case Title - [Safety Case Title
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
Every person who to any extent is responsible for, has control over or is engaged in a diving project or whose acts or omissions could adversely
affect the health and safety of persons engaged in such a project, shall take such measures as it is reasonable for a person in his position to
take to ensure that these Regulations are complied with.
Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information
SC Ref
Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments
Does the safety case submission cover the additional
measures that need to be in place for the embarkation
and operation of diving equipment on the installation?
APOSC Principle 3 and 17
Notes: The safety case should summarise the types of
audits to be undertaken on the diving system to ensure
compliance with appropriate standards and industry
The diving system contains plant and equipment which
could impact on the installations shared services and in
particular on safety critical equipment and plant. The
Independent Competent Person (ICP) should be informed
prior to the diving equipment being embarked onto the
installation in order for them to consider its inclusion in the
installation’s verification scheme. The safety case should
summarise the procedures for this.
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TRIM 2014/xxxxx: Diving Assessment Template – Rev 12 –17/06/15
Document Title: Diving Assessment Template
Case Title - [Safety Case Title
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
7. Performance standard for escape and abandonment when undertaking Installation Based Diving.
Evacuation of divers whilst diving from an installation: There should be suitable arrangements for all persons to leave the installation in the event of an
emergency. Divers that are deployed directly from the installation are placed at greater risk than the average person on the installation because the time to
recover the diver from the worksite can be significant. If the potential for installation based diving operations is identified in the safety case, the performance
standard for evacuation and escape should consider divers.
SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement
SCR 2015 16(1) Management of health and safety and control of major accident hazards:
A duty holder who prepares a safety case pursuant to these Regulations must, subject to paragraph (2), include in the safety case sufficient
particulars to demonstrate that—
(a) the duty holder’s management system is adequate to ensure—
(b) the duty holder has established adequate arrangements for audit and for the making of reports of the audit;
(c) all hazards with the potential to cause a major accident have been identified;
(d) all major accident risks have been evaluated, their likelihood and consequences assessed, including any environmental,
meteorological and seabed limitations on safe operations, and that suitable measures, including the selection and deployment of
associated safety and environmental-critical elements have been, or will be, taken to control those risks to ensure that the relevant
statutory provisions will be complied with; and
(e) in the case of a non-production installation, all the major hazards have been identified for all operations the installation is capable of
[Other] Regulatory Requirement
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TRIM 2014/xxxxx: Diving Assessment Template – Rev 12 –17/06/15
(ii) that the management of arrangements with contractors and sub-contractors is satisfactory;
(i) that the relevant statutory provisions will, in respect of matters within the duty holder’s control, be complied with; and
Document Title: Diving Assessment Template
Case Title - [Safety Case Title
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
Prevention of Fire and Explosion, Emergency Response (PFEER) Regulations 1995 Regulation 5 Performance standards
(1) The duty holder shall perform, and thereafter repeat as often as may be appropriate a process (in this regulation called “Can assessment”)
described in paragraph (2) in relation to the installation.
(2) An assessment shall consist of…….(c) the establishment of appropriate standards of performance to be attained by anything provided by measures for (i) ensuring effective evacuation, escape, recovery and rescue to avoid or minimise a major accident; and
(ii) otherwise protecting persons from a major accident involving fire or explosion; and
(d) the selection of appropriate measures.
(3) The duty holder shall(a) record the assessment (including each repetition of it)….
Prevention of Fire and Explosion, Emergency Response Regulations 1995 Regulation 15 Arrangements for evacuation
The duty holder shall ensure that such arrangements are made which include, to the extent necessary (a) the provision of plant on the installation; and
(b) such arrangements with suitable persons beyond the installation, as will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safe
evacuation of all persons and their being taken to a place of safety, or to a place from which they can be recovered and taken to a
place of safety under arrangements made pursuant to regulation 17.
Diving at Work Regulations 1997 Regulation 4 Client Duties
Every person who to any extent is responsible for, has control over or is engaged in a diving project or whose acts or omissions could adversely
affect the health and safety of persons engaged in such a project, shall take such measures as it is reasonable for a person in his position to
take to ensure that these Regulations are complied with.
Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information
SC Ref
Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments
Does the safety case provide a summary of the
evacuation performance standard applied by the duty
holder in relation to installation based diving
operations in the event of platform abandonment?
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TRIM 2014/xxxxx: Diving Assessment Template – Rev 12 –17/06/15
Document Title: Diving Assessment Template
Case Title - [Safety Case Title
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
APOSC Principle 7
Notes: If IBD is identified as an activity in the safety case,
consideration should be given to evacuation and escape for
diving personnel. There should be no planned
decompression diving from installations in the UK. The
reduced availability of means of evacuation means the risk
to divers is high, and consideration of their means of
escape from the installation in the event of an emergency is
an essential part of the PFEER Regulation 5 assessment.
The dutyholder will need to develop a suitable performance
standard to cover IBD. This may be developed following
timed recovery drills which could be conducted at the start
of each diving project conducted directly from the
installation. The safety case should describe the process.
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TRIM 2014/xxxxx: Diving Assessment Template – Rev 12 –17/06/15
Document Title: Diving Assessment Template
Case Title - [Safety Case Title
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
8. Diving Support Vessel (DSV)
DSVs, or similar, that work as a connected activity to the installation should be audited to ensure they are a suitable diving platform.
SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement
SCR 2015 2(9)- Interpretation
(9) Any reference in these Regulations to an activity in connection with an installation is a reference to any activity in connection with an
installation, or any activity which is immediately preparatory thereto, whether carried on from the installation itself, in or from a vessel or in any
other manner….
SCR 2015 16(1) Management of health and safety and control of major accident hazards:
A duty holder who prepares a safety case pursuant to these Regulations must, subject to paragraph (2), include in the safety case sufficient
particulars to demonstrate that—
(ii) that the management of arrangements with contractors and sub-contractors is satisfactory;
(b) the duty holder has established adequate arrangements for audit and for the making of reports of the audit;
(c) all hazards with the potential to cause a major accident have been identified;
(d) all major accident risks have been evaluated, their likelihood and consequences assessed, including any environmental,
meteorological and seabed limitations on safe operations, and that suitable measures, including the selection and deployment of
associated safety and environmental-critical elements have been, or will be, taken to control those risks to ensure that the relevant
statutory provisions will be complied with; and
(e) in the case of a non-production installation, all the major hazards have been identified for all operations the installation is capable of
[Other] Regulatory Requirement
Diving at Work Regulations 1997 Regulation 4 Client Duties
Every person who to any extent is responsible for, has control over or is engaged in a diving project or whose acts or omissions could adversely
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(i) that the relevant statutory provisions will, in respect of matters within the duty holder’s control, be complied with; and
(a) the duty holder’s management system is adequate to ensure—
Document Title: Diving Assessment Template
Case Title - [Safety Case Title
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
affect the health and safety of persons engaged in such a project, shall take such measures as it is reasonable for a person in his position to
take to ensure that these Regulations are complied with.
Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information
SC Ref
Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments
Does the safety case include references to the
standards and checks applied when contracting the
services of a DSV?
APOSC Principle 3
Notes: The safety case should summarise the types of
audits to be undertaken on both the DSV diving system and
marine systems to ensure compliance with appropriate
standards and industry guidance.
There should be sufficient detail in the safety case to define
the process, but further detail may be provided in a specific
marine operations manual.
The safety case should refer to the duty holder’s role in the
event of a diving related emergency.
The duty holder may be required to provide assistance to
the diving contractor in co-ordinating an emergency
response to an incident involving a DSV. Depending on the
operational circumstances this emergency response may
take various forms. There will need to be a detailed and
specific supporting document produced prior to diving
commencing, however a simple statement of intent by the
duty holder will generally be acceptable in the safety case.
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TRIM 2014/xxxxx: Diving Assessment Template – Rev 12 –17/06/15
Document Title: Diving Assessment Template
Case Title - [Safety Case Title
Duty Holder – [Company Name]
Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos
COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number]
Topic Assessor – [Name]
9. Design / Relocation Notification Requirements
a) SCR2015 Schedule 5 – Design / Relocation Notification Requirements
Where this template is used to aid the inspection of the diving aspects of a Design or Relocation Notification the inspector needs to consider the relevant
information supplied to meet the requirements of Schedule 5 of the regulations. The inspector is not required to assess or accept the submission but in
completing their inspection they must identify any potential Non Acceptance Issues to draw to the attention of the duty holder. The information supplied does
not need to be assessed against the full requirements for diving in a safety case, however, reference to the full requirements outlined in Sections 2 & 3 above
may be useful when forming an opinion and recording it below.
SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement
Schedule 5 - Particulars to be included in a design notification or a relocation notification
Other] Regulatory Requirement
Diving at Work Regulations 1997 Regulation 4 Client Duties
Every person who to any extent is responsible for, has control over or is engaged in a diving project or whose acts or omissions could adversely affect
the health and safety of persons engaged in such a project, shall take such measures as it is reasonable for a person in his position to take to ensure
that these Regulations are complied with.
Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information
SC Ref
Criteria Met / Not Met - Inspection Comments
End of Document.
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TRIM 2014/xxxxx: Diving Assessment Template – Rev 12 –17/06/15
Potential NAI
7. Particulars of the types of operation, and activities in connection with an operation, which the installation is capable of performing.