KP4: Ageing and Life Extension – Inspection Template – Human & Organisational Factors (HOF) INSTALLATION or DUTYHOLDER Key Persons interviewed DATES(S) Company Summary of Inspection Traffic Lights IMT and INSPECTOR(S) Position Red 6 5 Amber Green W 4 3 2 1 0 Section A: Ageing and Life Extension (ALE) Policy and Leadership Section B: ALE - Organising Section C: ALE - Planning and Implementing Section D: ALE - Measuring Performance Section E: ALE - Auditing and Reviewing Performance Summary of Inspection Findings: HSE Action taken: August 2012 Page 1 of 13 KP4: Ageing and Life Extension – Inspection Template – Human & Organisational Factors (HOF) Section A: Ageing & Life Extension – Policy and Leadership Principal Questions: 1. Describe the policies or strategy that senior management have put in place for the management of human and organisational aspects of ageing and life extension (ALE) issues. 2. How will compliance with the policies or strategy be monitored and senior management kept informed? 3. Who is the champion for human and organisational aspects of ageing and life extension (ALE)? 4. What human and organisational factors do the management team consider to be key in relation to ALE; and how are they being assured? 5. How will human and organisational aspects of ALE issues be fed into the Safety Case and the Thorough Review process? 6. How do you ensure that any uncertainty of field life does not adversely impact upon management decisions, such as resourcing or refurbishment? 7. How have the combined or interacting effects of multiple changes or life extensions been addressed? August 2012 Page 2 of 13 KP4: Ageing and Life Extension – Inspection Template – Human & Organisational Factors (HOF) Section A: Ageing & Life Extension – Policy and Leadership Onshore Management: Offshore Operations: HSE Comments: HSE Action taken: Traffic Light Score SERIOUS NONCOMPLIANCE Court proceedings recommended 6 August 2012 SIGNIFICANT NONCOMPLIANCE Enforcement Notice Served 5 GENERAL NONCOMPLIANCE Letter & changes made to intervention 4 PARTIAL COMPLIANCE GENERAL COMPLIANCE GENERAL COMPLIANCE Letter Verbal advice No findings 3 2 1 NOT INSPECTED 0 Page 3 of 13 KP4: Ageing and Life Extension – Inspection Template – Human & Organisational Factors (HOF) Section B: Ageing & Life Extension – Organising Principal Questions: Competence assurance 1. Have staff with ALE-sensitive roles or competencies been identified? 2. Have you considered that there may be undocumented or informal tasks and activities that are key to ALE issues? 3. Do job descriptions continue to reflect the full range of roles, responsibilities and activities undertaken by staff? 4. How does your competence assurance system ensure that personnel keep up with changes in technology, equipment and standards? 5. Have technicians been trained to identify ALE issues when maintaining, inspecting and testing equipment? 6. What systems do you have for succession planning? 7. How do you extract knowledge (especially informal knowledge) from staff as they leave? 8. Where you contract third parties to provide specific skills (e.g. structural analysis) how do you demonstrate that you have ‘intelligent customer capability’ in these areas (e.g. in order to both accurately specify work requirements and to understand the results and their implications)? 9. What systems or processes do you have for ensuring the competence of contractors (including supervision and monitoring of work)? Managing organisational change 10. What systems or procedures do you have for the management of organisational change? 11. How does this procedure consider changes to roles & responsibilities, supervisory arrangements, staffing levels, workload, contractorisation, or organisational structure? 12. How do you consider the interacting effects of different changes to the organisation (e.g. the introduction of new technology and systems, at the same time as replacing aging staff with less experienced personnel)? Procedures and documentation 13. How do you know that operating and maintenance procedures reflect actual working practices? 14. Is there a formal process for reviewing operating and maintenance procedures for ALE issues (e.g. referring to redundant plant, or not updated for new equipment or methods of working)? 15. How are modifications to operating and maintenance procedures (e.g. following new equipment, or equipment taken out of service) communicated to all personnel? 16. What process do you have for ensuring that changes to procedures, instructions and manuals are reflected in process and instrumentation diagrams or process flow diagrams etc., and vice-versa? Communications 17. How is field-life information communicated to those operating, maintaining, inspecting or testing equipment? 18. How do you ensure that relevant ALE issues are communicated to those responsible for setting maintenance, inspection and testing frequencies? 19. How are relevant ALE issues communicated to those responsible for designing modifications to plant and equipment? 20. Is obsolescence communicated to offshore staff so that they can make informed decisions (for example before spares become unavailable)? August 2012 Page 4 of 13 KP4: Ageing and Life Extension – Inspection Template – Human & Organisational Factors (HOF) 21. Where ALE leads to increased maintenance, inspection and testing activities; how do you ensure effective communications between departments and shifts? Culture 22. How is a positive safety culture maintained on aging installations? 23. How do you ensure that the workforce are engaged in the management of ALE? 24. How has the impact of field-life uncertainty upon morale been addressed? 25. How do you address the possibility of an detrimental ‘safety-production’ relationship towards the end of field life? 26. How do you ensure that ALE issues (e.g. increased maintenance and inspection activities) do not place pressures on welfare issues (such as increases to cabin occupancy, and other ‘increased POB’ issues such as an impact on the galley and recreational facilities)? August 2012 Page 5 of 13 KP4: Ageing and Life Extension – Inspection Template – Human & Organisational Factors (HOF) Section B: Ageing & Life Extension – Organising Onshore Management: Offshore Operations: HSE Comments: HSE Action taken: Traffic Light Score SERIOUS NONCOMPLIANCE Court proceedings recommended 6 August 2012 SIGNIFICANT NONCOMPLIANCE Enforcement Notice Served 5 GENERAL NONCOMPLIANCE Letter & changes made to intervention 4 PARTIAL COMPLIANCE GENERAL COMPLIANCE GENERAL COMPLIANCE Letter Verbal advice No findings 3 2 1 NOT INSPECTED 0 Page 6 of 13 KP4: Ageing and Life Extension – Inspection Template – Human & Organisational Factors (HOF) Section C: Ageing & Life Extension - Planning and Implementing Principal Questions: Workload 1. How have you assessed potential changes to the workload of control room personnel where they take on additional duties, roles and responsibilities (e.g. as new fields are tied into existing infrastructure, if a mature platform becomes a hub for other installations, or where ALE issues lead to high numbers of degraded SCEs)? 2. How have you assessed potential changes to the workload of maintenance, inspection and testing personnel as equipment ages, or as additional equipment is installed? Staffing levels 3. Where staffing levels are reduced, how have the roles and responsibilities of staff been considered in the assessment? 4. How does the determination of staff levels take into account potential additional roles, responsibilities and activities that may be required as plant and equipment ages? 5. Where ALE leads to increased maintenance, inspection and testing activities, how do you ensure that these are adequately resourced with suitably qualified and experienced personnel? Safe systems of work 6. How have safe systems of work (including PTW systems) taken into consideration significant changes resulting from ALE issues (e.g. increase in POB or equipment; or where several other fields/platforms/developments are tied into the installation)? 7. How do safe systems of work (including PTW systems and Risk Assessment arrangements) identify new hazards arising from ALE issues, such as degradation issues, plant modifications or outdated documentation? Human-machine interfaces 8. How have you ensured that displays, indicators and alarms to be monitored by key personnel (such as Control Room Operators) do not exceed their capabilities? 9. How have you determined that the number of display screens available to present the required information to the operator is sufficient (e.g. as control systems have changed or expanded)? 10. How have you ensured that replacement or additional control systems (e.g. the installation of DCS) take into account the needs of the user? 11. Has an alarm management review been undertaken, e.g. in line with the principles contained in EEMUA 191? 12. How have you ensured that aging equipment does not create spurious and nuisance alarms, having a detrimental effect on CRO workload, and possible distraction from other critical issues? 13. How have you addressed the possibility of technical support or revisions/updates/fixes no longer being available for control systems? Additional or replacement plant and equipment 14. When adding or replacing plant and equipment, do you undertake a risk assessment (e.g. ‘human factors HAZOP’ ) to determine how, and to what extent, human errors in the operation or maintenance of the new equipment could constitute a hazard? 15. Can you provide examples to demonstrate that, when replacing plant and August 2012 Page 7 of 13 KP4: Ageing and Life Extension – Inspection Template – Human & Organisational Factors (HOF) equipment, you design-out the potential for human failure and design-in the potential for recovery should human failure occur? 16. Have you considered that the use of different models, generations, versions or types of equipment can lead to human errors in operations or maintenance (e.g. confusion errors are most likely where the models/generations/versions/types are almost identical)? 17. How do you ensure that the work area is not congested or that equipment is not poorly located; both of which increase the likelihood of human errors occurring during maintenance and operations activities? 18. Where new equipment removes manual control, have you considered the ‘ironies of automation’ (i.e. that automation may create new human performance issues)? 19. How are new plant, equipment and systems integrated into competence assurance systems, procedures, risk assessments, labelling/identification systems, P&IDs etc. prior to going live? 20. Have you addressed how increased complexity of plant and equipment may lead to errors in decisions (such as when performing isolations, or when assessing the impact of degraded SCE)? August 2012 Page 8 of 13 KP4: Ageing and Life Extension – Inspection Template – Human & Organisational Factors (HOF) Section C: Ageing & Life Extension – Planning and Implementing Onshore Management: Offshore Operations: HSE Comments: HSE Action taken: Traffic Light Score SERIOUS NONCOMPLIANCE Court proceedings recommended 6 August 2012 SIGNIFICANT NONCOMPLIANCE Enforcement Notice Served 5 GENERAL NONCOMPLIANCE Letter & changes made to intervention 4 PARTIAL COMPLIANCE GENERAL COMPLIANCE GENERAL COMPLIANCE Letter Verbal advice No findings 3 2 1 NOT INSPECTED 0 Page 9 of 13 KP4: Ageing and Life Extension – Inspection Template – Human & Organisational Factors (HOF) Section D: Ageing & Life Extension – Measuring Performance Principal Questions: Investigations and reporting systems 1. Do your incident investigation arrangements have the capability to gather and analyse underlying causes of incidents and near misses such that ALE issues are captured and used to inform lessons learnt? 2. How are lessons from incidents, accidents and near-misses used to improve integrity management? 3. Are defect reporting systems available and how are staff encouraged to report problems or suggest improvements? Key Performance Indicators 4. Do you have KPIs that are tailored to specifically understanding the issues of aging plant and equipment? 5. Do you have KPIs that are appropriate for life extension or end of life activities? 6. Do you have KPIs for ALE-related human and organisational issues, as well as for technical and engineering issues? Leadership site visits 7. Do senior managers and leaders have ALE issues within their site visit checklists? August 2012 Page 10 of 13 KP4: Ageing and Life Extension – Inspection Template – Human & Organisational Factors (HOF) Section D: Ageing & Life Extension – Measuring Performance Onshore Management: Offshore Operations: HSE Comments: HSE Action taken: Traffic Light Score SERIOUS NONCOMPLIANCE Court proceedings recommended 6 August 2012 SIGNIFICANT NONCOMPLIANCE Enforcement Notice Served 5 GENERAL NONCOMPLIANCE Letter & changes made to intervention 4 PARTIAL COMPLIANCE GENERAL COMPLIANCE GENERAL COMPLIANCE Letter Verbal advice No findings 3 2 1 NOT INSPECTED 0 Page 11 of 13 KP4: Ageing and Life Extension – Inspection Template – Human & Organisational Factors (HOF) Section E: Ageing & Life Extension - Auditing and Reviewing Performance Principal Questions: 1. Has the management strategy for human and organisational aspects of ageing and life extension (ALE) issues been reviewed? 2. How is the impact of ALE-related organisational changes on major hazard control reviewed (including the cumulative effects of simultaneous or consecutive organisational changes)? 3. Has the competence assurance system been reviewed to ensure that it continues to remain fit-for-purpose in the light of ALE issues? 4. How do your auditing arrangements address the specific issues of ALE? 5. Do your auditing arrangements ensure that lessons from ALE issues are captured and used to inform lessons learnt? August 2012 Page 12 of 13 KP4: Ageing and Life Extension – Inspection Template – Human & Organisational Factors (HOF) Section E: Ageing & Life Extension – Auditing and Reviewing Performance Onshore Management: Offshore Operations: HSE Comments: HSE Action taken: Traffic Light Score SERIOUS NONCOMPLIANCE Court proceedings recommended 6 August 2012 SIGNIFICANT NONCOMPLIANCE Enforcement Notice Served 5 GENERAL NONCOMPLIANCE Letter & changes made to intervention 4 PARTIAL COMPLIANCE GENERAL COMPLIANCE GENERAL COMPLIANCE Letter Verbal advice No findings 3 2 1 NOT INSPECTED 0 Page 13 of 13