8th Grade Cheerleading
Application Packet
Candidate Name:_______________________________________________
Parent initials __________
Student initials __________
Page 1
Friday, February 26th, 2016
 Application
 Candidate and Parent Consent and Agreement
 Assistant Principal Referral Form
 Teacher Evaluation Form
 Essay Question Answers
 Physical Examination (current)
 Copy of 7th Grade Report Cards
(1st, 2nd, & 3rd Nine Weeks)
 Tryout Clinic, Feb. 29th-March 3rd
(Coach will check this
(Coach will check this box)
Wednesday, February 17th at 6:00p.m. in the BMMS Library
Parent initials __________
Student initials __________
Page 2
Please attach all forms, in the above listed order,
to this sheet when complete!
Table of Contents
Tryout Turn-In Checklist ………………………………………………..
Page 2
Table of Contents ………………………………………………………..
Page 3
Financial Obligation ……………………………………………………
Page 4
Cheerleader Expectations
Page 4
Application Process ……………………………………………………
Page 6
Page 7
Demerits/Merit .…………………………………………………………
Page 7
Removal from the squad ………………………………………………… Page 7
Business Meetings
……………………………………………………………. Page 8
Pep Rallies, Parties, Community Service ……………………………….. Page 10
Parent Involvement ……………………………………………………… Page 11
Demerit System
Page 12
Merit System ………………………………...……………….………….
Page 14
Tryout Application …………………………..………………..…………
Page 15
Parent and Candidate Consent Form …..…………………….………….
Page 16
Parent and Candidate Agreement Form………….………………………. Page 16
Assistant Principal Referral Form ……………………………………….
Page 17
Teacher Evaluation Form …………………………………..……………
Page 18
Candidate Essay Questions
Page 7
Page 8
Page 9
Page 11
……………………………………………. Page 19
Bettye Myers Middle School’s Cheerleading Program is a spirit program that will
require each team member selected to demonstrate integrity, character, and
spirit on and off the field/court at all times.
Parent initials __________
Student initials __________
Page 3
 Each member MUST purchase all parts of the uniform, as required by BMMS.
 Each cheerleader will need to supply a 1-inch binder and 5 tabbed dividers that
he/she will keep chants, monthly calendars, demerits, and other item. He/She
will have to bring the binder to every game and practice. Not doing so may
result in added demerits.
 The total to be a cheerleader for the 2016-2017 season is $430.
Uniform (skirt and shell)
Socks (3 pair)-opt.
Camp clothes (2 shirts/2
Hair bow
UCA Cheerleading Camp
 In addition to the uniform, all BMMS cheerleaders must pay to attend UCA
Cheerleading Camp ($140).
 Payment may be made in one lump sum at the New Team Member parent
meeting on Tuesday, March 8th, 2016. Or, payment may be split into three
separate sums as follows:
1st payment ($142) due by Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016
2nd payment ($142) due by Tuesday, April 19th, 2016
3rd payment ($141) due by Tuesday, May 24th, 2016
Please make checks payable to “BMMS Cheerleading”. Please put your
child’s name in the memo section.
 No refunds will be given. If a cheerleader cannot fulfill his/her responsibilities
and is removed from the squad for any reason, payment will not be reimbursed.
 Each member MUST be willing to abide by all rules and follow directions.
 Each member MUST always be respectful of squad members, coach, teachers,
and Administrators. Actions to be avoided include: gossiping, spreading
rumors, talking back to adults, bragging, etc. Not doing so may result in
removal from the squad.
Parent initials __________
Student initials __________
Page 4
 Each member MUST positively represent Bettye Myers Middle School at all
times. This includes in and out of uniform; on and off campus. People know
who you are, and they are always watching. Public Displays of Affection
(PDA’s) are forbidden, especially in uniform.
 Each member MUST understand that any decision made by the coach is in the
best interest of the squad.
 It is expected that every cheerleader wants to be a cheerleader at all times
during the entire school year. If at any time a cheerleader does not want to
cheer anymore, the coach must be notified immediately. Or, the coach may
choose to remove the cheerleader from the squad, if attitude shows lack of
 Every cheerleader is important to the success of the squad. Cooperation is
 Cheerleaders are expected to behave and perform in an appropriate manner at
all Bettye Myers Middle School games and events.
 Give your best at every practice and game and expect the best from those
around you. Work up to your full capacity, rather than “marking” or “walking
through” a practice so everyone knows what to expect.
 Proper game etiquette includes:
o Arriving in complete and proper uniform on time
o Smiling, laughing, and enjoying cheering at all times (Cheerleaders are
always being watched!)
o Giving full effort at all games, practices and pep rallies. Lack of effort
will result in cheerleader sitting out.
o Staying in formation (not clustering).
o Paying attention to the game (Not talking to friends, parents, spectators,
or being silly with other squad members).
o Displaying knowledge of the sport by choosing appropriate cheers.
o Not looking bored or tired. This will result in sitting out or being sent
**Each member MUST understand that cheerleading is a
privilege, NOT a right!!**
Parent initials __________
Student initials __________
Page 5
 Application is open to any Bettye Myers Middle School incoming eighth grade
 Selection is based on 7 aspects:
o Administration Referral Form
o Teacher Referral Form
o Response to Essay Questions
o Copy of 7th Grade Report Cards
o Completion of packet
o Clinic Attendance
o Parent Meeting Attendance
 If a student’s performance is unsatisfactory in more than 2 of the 7 above
aspects, he/she will be considered ineligible for the Bettye Myers Cheerleading
 Candidates must turn in completed packets by:
3:30 p.m. on Friday, February 26th
* * * Turn In Options * * *
1. Turn it in to Coach Lesher in Room B108.
2. Turn it in to the Front Office.
Parent initials __________
Student initials __________
Page 6
 All cheerleaders must have a current physical. If you already have a physical
on file for the 2015-2016 school year, please turn that in with your application.
 Discipline is a part of any successful organization.
 The BMMS cheerleading squad will use a demerit system similar to the Ryan
High School system, in order to prepare cheerleaders for cheerleading at the
next level.
 Demerit breakdown is located at the end of this packet.
 Accumulation of ten (10) demerits results in at least one (1) week probation.
Fifteen (15) demerits result in at least two (2) weeks suspension, and twenty
(20) demerits may result in dismissal from the team.
 Team members will have the opportunity to earn merits each semester. Merits
can only remove demerits earned during the current semester and will not
remove discipline demerits.
 If a cheerleader is removed from the squad, please realize it is in the best
interest of the current team.
 The parent and assistant principal will be communicated with regarding adverse
behavior that may lead to dismissal from the team.
 Once a cheerleader is selected, he/she MUST maintain a 70 average or above in
every class, preferable an 80 or higher.
 If a cheerleader fails for the six weeks, he/she will be on probation until the
progress report. If he/she is failing on the progress report, he/she will be on
probation until the next six weeks report card in compliance with the UIL no
pass, no play guidelines.
Parent initials __________
Student initials __________
Page 7
 All candidates and parents must attend the mandatory meeting on Wednesday,
February 17th, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the BMMS Library.
 All candidates must attend a MANDATORY Tryout Clinic in the BMMS
Practice Gym Monday, February 29th – Thursday, March 3rd, 2016.
 Cheerleader selections will be posted on Friday, March 4th, 2016 by 3:30p.m.
on the Bettye Myers Middle School Cheerleading Website.
 Parents of the selected cheerleaders must attend a mandatory meeting on
Tuesday, March 8th, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the BMMS Library.
 All cheerleaders MUST attend summer camp. Camp is a Wednesday-Friday
in early August, and goes from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day. If your
family has already planned a vacation, please talk to the coach as soon as
possible. On the last day, the families are urged to come to the show off
 All cheerleaders must come to the uniform fitting on Tuesday, April 12th,
2016 in Coach Lesher’s classroom, during our normal practice time. Parents are
urged to attend, but if they cannot, the coach will sign off on the fittings.
***Practices – Spring 2016
 After school practice will be held tentatively starting Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016
until Tuesday, May 17th, 2016 from 3:45p.m. to 4:45p.m. in Coach Lesher’s
room. Practices will be held on Tuesdays.
o Until the cheerleading uniforms arrive, cheerleaders must wear shorts,
BMMS t-shirt, athletic shoes, and ponytails.
***Practices – 2016-2017 Cheer Season
 Cheerleading practice will be conducted twice a week during the 2016-2017
cheer season. Regular practice days and times are still being determined;
however, some extra practices may be called if the coach thinks it is necessary.
It is expected that every cheerleader attend every practice.
Parent initials __________
Student initials __________
Page 8
 All cheerleaders must come to every practice fully dressed out and prepared to
o Designated practice outfit (shirt & shorts)
o White cheer socks
o Cheer shoes
o Sports bra
o Hair pulled back in a ponytail
o No jewelry or gum.
 If a cheerleader misses practice, he/she may be ineligible to cheer for the
upcoming week’s game. If a pep rally falls during that week, he/she may also
be ineligible to cheer at the pep rally. He/She will, however, be required to
attend the game in uniform.
 Practices are for cheerleaders ONLY. No other students or siblings can stay
after school in the gym area or Coach Lesher’s room.
 If a cheerleader must miss a practice, the coach must be notified 24 hours
before the practice.
 Only conflicts with other BMMS events will be excused from practice.
 All cheerleaders must be able to cheer at football games on Tuesday nights and
basketball games on Thursday nights. There could be one or two games on a
Monday or Wednesday night depending on DISD’s school calendar. Only
conflicts with other BMMS events will be excused from games.
 If a cheerleader has an unexcused absence from a game, he/she will have to sit
out at the next game (in uniform), as well as earn demerits for the unexcused
absence from the game.
 If a cheerleader plays another BMMS sport, he/she will still be required to
cheer at home games and wear her uniform to school that day.
 If a cheerleader is to miss on a game day or pep rally day, please call the coach
as soon as possible to inform her.
Parent initials __________
Student initials __________
Page 9
 All cheerleaders must be able to resolve scheduling conflicts prior to practices,
events, or games. If the coach is not told before the conflict, this will count
toward an unexcused absence and demerits will be given.
 At the football and basketball games, the coach will designate one cheerleader
to be the “captain” of the week. He/She is chosen by attendance, leadership and
 All candidates must be able to perform at pep rallies and any other
performances that may be required by the coach. The only excuses will be
personal injuries, illnesses, or BMMS functions. Missing a pep rally for any
other reason will not be excused and may result in demerits.
 Community Service opportunities will be offered during each semester.
Cheerleaders can receive merits for participating in community service
 The cheerleaders will be given the opportunity for many parties throughout the
year. These parties are optional and no one other than cheerleaders and his/her
parents may attend. Please make arrangements for siblings and friends because
they will not be allowed to stay. These parties could include: Summer swim
parties, Holiday parties, and an “End of the Year” Bash. Parents will be
encouraged to participate on the planning committees.
o For the parties, the parents are asked to bring either a food item or paper
product. Sign-up sheets will be e-mailed or sent home.
Parent initials __________
Student initials __________
Page 10
 Parents are VITAL to the success of our squad. Cheer parents are encouraged
to volunteer for various activities throughout the year. These volunteer services
could include using your home for a party, using your services for dinners on
game nights, rides for other cheerleaders, etc.
 Only parents are allowed to take their cheerleader home. If someone else is
taking your son/daughter home, the coach must have an email, phone call, or
face-to-face conversation with the parent. For the safety of the group,
cheerleaders will not be permitted to ride home with anyone other than their
parents unless prior permission is received from the parent. Failure to inform
the coach may result in a demerit for the cheerleader.
 Once uniforms arrive, ONLY BMMS uniform items can be worn on game days.
 Please always wear bloomers with the uniform even if the bottoms of the warmups are worn.
 Cheerleaders are expected to be in complete and proper uniform at all
scheduled events and game days. Failure to be in complete and proper uniform
could result in the cheerleader not participating in the scheduled event or
earning a demerit.
A proper uniform consists of:
Uniform shell
Uniform skirt
Designated white noshow cheer socks
BMMS Cheer shoes
Designated cheer
Hair pulled back in a
No gum
No jewelry of any kind
No fake or long nails
Parent initials __________
o No colored nail polish
(clear or manicure is
o For cold days:
Only BMMS warm-ups
will be accepted.
(Worn with uniform)
Student initials __________
Page 11
Bettye Myers Middle School Cheerleading Demerit System
Demerits are issued for improper conduct. Demerits received will only be issued
by the coach and will be in effect for one semester. The coaches decision
regarding demerits is final. Accumulation of ten (10) demerits results in at least
one (1) week probation. Fifteen (15) demerits result in at least two (2) weeks
suspension, and twenty (20) demerits may result in dismissal from the team.
Members and sponsor will both be responsible for keeping track of demerits. At
the end of each semester, the slate will be wiped clean and all cheerleaders will
start from “0”.
1. A demerit probation or suspension will begin on Friday at 4:00p.m. Any
member over the given value at this time may begin their period of
probation/suspension at this time.
2. The probation/suspension will continue if merits have not been earned to
erase demerits past the given number.
Demerits accumulated throughout semester may affect probation, suspension and
dismissal from the squad.
Attendance and Tardies
10 Unexcused absence from performance.
5 Leaving performance without sponsor permission.
3 Leaving practice without sponsor permission.
3 Unexcused absence from after school/early morning practice.
2 Unexcused absence from in-class practice.
3 Tardy for game, roll call, or practice. The member may receive up to
three (3) demerits for being tardy on a given day. He/she will receive
one (1) demerit for every ten minutes they are late.
3 Failure to wear the required uniform to a performance.
3 Lending of any part of uniform to non-members.
1 Improper/Failure to bring practice attire.
Parent initials __________
Student initials __________
Page 12
15 Using illegal substances (including alcohol and tobacco) while in
uniform or while representing the organization.
10 Disrespect or insubordination to sponsor, captain(s), or fellow members.
10 Receiving in school/ out of school suspension
5 Disrespect to a classroom teacher, principal, or other staff member.
5 Any school or teacher related detention.
5 Public displays of affection at school, in uniform, or in public other than
holding hands.
5 Display of poor conduct (improper language, unacceptable behavior,
attitudes, etc.)
5 Lack of participation at performances/practices.
3 Failure to fulfill assignments or instructions assigned by sponsor
(collection of monies, signs, etc.).
2 Excessive talking to family/spectators while performing.
1 After one (1) warning of gum chewing, eating/drinking, and talking
during practice or performance.
1 Not bringing binder to games and/or performances
1 Accumulation of any three (3) warnings.
*The Sponsor reserves the right to give additional demerits, depending on a
given circumstance, for any other infractions of the School Code of Conduct*
Parent initials __________
Student initials __________
Page 13
Bettye Myers Middle School Cheerleading Merit System
*All merits received by members will be issued by the Coach and will be in effect
for one semester. At the end of each semester, the slate will be wiped clean and all
will start from “0”.
*Merits can only remove demerits earned during the current semester. Merits will
not remove disciplinary demerits.
Merit System
3 Grades of 90% or above in all classes for a nine weeks grading period
3 Perfect attendance record in ALL classes for a nine weeks grading period
(this includes tardies)
3 Volunteering at any community service event (documentation must be
provided to the coach)
2 Helping a BMMS faculty members (documentation must be provided to
the Coach)
1 Grades of 90% or above on any test in core subjects
1 Painting signs beyond the required amount (limited to one per week)
1 Attending optional extra-curricular activities (documentation must be
*Merit sheets will be given at the beginning of each nine weeks. The cheerleaders
will be responsible for filling them out, getting them approved, and bringing
them to the Coach to be entered.
*If a merit sheet is lost, that member will not receive merits for that nine week
Parent initials __________
Student initials __________
Page 14
Last Name: ____________________________
First Name: ___________________________
School ID Number: ______________________ T-Shirt Size: ___________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Mother’s Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Home Phone:______________________________ Cell Phone: ____________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________________________
Best Form of Contact: __________________________________________________
Father’s Name: ________________________________________________________________
Home Phone:____________________________ Cell Phone: __________________________
Email: _______________________________________________________________________
Best Form of Contact: __________________________________________________
EMERGENCY CONTACT (Other Than Parents Listed Above)
Name: _____________________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________
List all clubs and organizations you plan to be a part of next year: _________________________
Parent initials __________
Student initials __________
Page 15
My daughter/son, ____________________________, has my permission to try-out for the
Bettye Myers Middle School Cheerleading Program for the 2016-2017 school year. My
daughter/son and I understand the financial obligations that must be met, as set forth in the
Constitution, if selected as a cheerleader. We also understand that the school and/or coaches
assume no responsibility for accident or injury that might occur during any cheerleading activity.
Signature of Candidate: ______________________________ Date: _____________________
Signature of Parent:__________________________________ Date: _____________________
I, _______________________________________, would like to be considered as a candidate
for the Bettye Myers Middle School Cheerleading Squad for the 2016-2017 school year. I have
read through and understand the information printed in the cheerleader packet.
My child has permission to be considered for the Bettye Myers Middle School Cheerleading
Squad for the 2016-2017 school year. We have read all the information contained in this packet
and will attend the mandatory meeting on Wednesday, February 17th, 2016. We are satisfied with
the high standards and expectations set forth governing this organization. We understand that it
is a privilege, not a right, to be a member of this group. We understand the time commitment and
responsibilities of participating in this cheer program. We have read the cost sheet and will do
what needs to be done to meet our financial responsibilities. We also understand the rules and
requirements to which each member must adhere. We have read and understand the demerit
system and the chance that my son/daughter could be eliminated due to his/her behavior. We
understand the concept of absences and tardiness to games and practices and how these may
affect demerits. We agree and understand that the coach, has the discretion to bench, suspend, or
remove any member who accumulates demerits as outlined in this packet.
Candidate signature: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________
Parent/Guardian signature: _______________________________ Date: ___________________
Parent initials __________
Student initials __________
Page 16
Top portion to be completed by the Cheerleading Candidate
Name:__________________________________________ ID #:_____________________
Assistant Principal:__________________________________________________________
Remaining portions to be completed by the Candidate’s Assistant Principal
How many discipline referrals has the above mentioned student had:
Please indicate how many of the following disciplinary actions this student
has received this school year:
Tardy Detentions:_______________________________
Behavior Detentions:_____________________________
Out of School Suspension:________________________
Signature of Assistant Principal: ______________________________
Please attach a copy of the Student’s attendance record.
Please return this form by Friday, February 26th, 2016
to Avery Lesher
Please do not give this form back to the Candidate.
Please feel free to add any other information you believe we should
know while considering this student as a BMMS Cheerleader.
Parent initials __________
Student initials __________
Page 17
CANDIDATE: ____________________________________________________
The following student is applying to be a Cheerleader/Mascot for Bettye Myers Middle School in
the 2016 – 2017 school year. The student will be required to represent BMMS in a positive
image at all times. The student must also demonstrate leadership, teamwork, and character in all
they do. In your teams, please have each teacher in 1st – 8th period evaluate the student.
Please take a moment to evaluate this student’s behavior, as you have observed in and out of the
classroom. Your evaluation will help us to determine the candidate’s eligibility to become a
cheerleader/mascot for BMMS. When form is complete, please turn into Avery Lesher’s box.
Please return this form before Friday, February 26th, 2016.
Student Qualities
Score Score Score Score Score Score Score Score
Cooperation with
Cooperation with
Academic Effort
Overall Character
Teacher Initials
Please rate each category on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest
possible score, and 1 being to lowest possible score.
Parent initials __________
Student initials __________
Page 18
Bettye Myers Cheerleader/Mascot Candidate Essay Questions
Please answer the following questions in as much detail as you can. Part of the
selection process is how these questions are answered. Please type or write your
responses neatly.
1. Why do you want to be a BMMS Cheerleader or Mascot?
2. What is your idea of a perfect Cheerleader/Mascot?
3. What do you think it takes to be a Myers Middle School
4. Give some examples of how you have shown dedication.
5. Describe how you handle conflict.
6. How do you handle discipline?
Parent initials __________
Student initials __________
Page 19
7. How will you avoid drama?
8. Describe your personality and your attitude.
9. What is your definition of teamwork and why is it important?
10.What do you do if you don’t get your way?
11. What would it mean to you to make the Myers Cheerleading Squad?
12.List the experience you have had as a cheerleader either competitive, city, or
tumbling. Where?
Parent initials __________
Student initials __________
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