BSC 1085C Anatomy & Physiology I - 20227 4 HRS Spring 2016 Professor: Dr. Marie Gray Office Hours: N/A Phone: N/A Email: Final Exam: May 4 - 8, 2016 Web Page: Reference Number: HO4 Campus/Room: 120 Class Days: Monday Class Times: 6:30 pm – 8:45 pm Electronic Resources: See Below Course Description Anatomy & Physiology I - 20227 - BSC 1085C - H04 NSCI-Allied Health Biology Course Credits: 4.000 Undergraduate Course Prerequisite NONE Course Materials REQUIRED TEXT AND WEBSITE ACCESS FOR BOOK INFORMATION: You may use either of the texts listed below and the associated website 1.*Text & Text website: Seeley’s Anatomy & Physiology – Ed. 9 Website: OR 3. Text & Text Website: Seeley’s Anatomy & Physiology – Ed 10 Website: Rev. 07/29/2015 REQUIRED CONNECTPLUS WEBSITE ACCESS -You must use the website associated with your book edition 1. **FOR ConnectPlus Seeley’s Edition 9 Website Access: You will be required to have access to this website if you have the Edition 9 textbook so that you may obtain information about the course work as well as assignments. Copy and paste the Student ConnectPlus Website login below into your web browser. You with prior semester access codes that have already registered should be able to follow the link below and use your old user name and password. You who are using Edition 9 and have never registered in ConnectPlus prior to this semester you must use the following access code and register then pick your personal ID name and password. Access Code for Edition 9 ONLY (copy and paste when prompted to do so) GM83-4WYC-RW8F-EGTN-BDD4 OR 2. **FOR ConnectPlus Seeley’s Edition 10 Website Access: You will be required to have access to this website if you have the Edition 10 textbook so that you may obtain information about the course work as well as assignments. If you have an access code in your text then uses it to initiate access. Copy and paste address below into your web browser. You with prior semester access codes that have already registered should be able to follow the link below and use your old user name and password. Go to the Student ConnectPlus Website login: Rev. 07/29/2015 If you are new to ConnectPlus…Complete required information using your school e-mail address and decide on a password when prompted to do so. You may get access to the site for the semester if you have purchased a newer text that has an access code already in it. Student Learning Outcomes State of Florida SLOs for the Natural Sciences FL-1: Students will demonstrate the ability to critically examine and evaluate scientific observation, hypotheses, or model construction, and to use the scientific method to explain the natural world. FL-2: Students will successfully recognize and comprehend fundamental concepts, principles, and processes about the natural world. NWFSC Institutional SLOs (There is only one that is relevant to the Natural Sciences) NWFSC-1: Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning: The student will understand and apply mathematical and scientific principles and methods. NWFSC Department of Natural Sciences SLOs NS-1: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the scientific method, distinguishing between fact, scientific law, hypotheses, and theory; and recognizing the difference between scientific and non-scientific explanations. NS-2: The student will interpret data, given in problem form or obtained experimentally, in order to demonstrate problem-solving skills (critical thinking), develop testable explanations, or distinguish the difference between correlation and causation. NS-3: The student will demonstrate fundamental knowledge of the terminology, major concepts, and theories of at least one field within the physical sciences, and in the biological sciences. NS-4: The student will relate scientific discoveries and theories to broader areas of human concern. Rev. 07/29/2015 Grading Procedures Grading: Exams: You must have an understanding of important concepts, and cultivate the ability to reason logically (analytical and evaluative reasoning) concerning subjects you have learned in this class to do well on exams. There will be FOUR major exams (includes the midterm and final exam) given during the semester. Each will cover the required text reading, lectures and laboratory assignments during that period. All major exam grades will be equal in value or 100 points possible each. Your exams will be taken online through EZTEST. You will have a maximum of five days from the date the exam opens until it closes to take the exam. There will be no ‘retakes’ so you must prepare to take the exam when it is open and allow yourself enough time to complete it before it closes. You will be given dates and times of opening and closing of the exam prior to the exam. Exams once scheduled will open at 8 am on Wednesday of the exam week and close completely at 10 pm on the following Sunday (5 days). Any changes to this scheduled will be sent to you. YOU must take the timed exam at one sitting. You will have 2.5 hours to take the exam. The latest you may wait to take the exam would be on Sunday at 7:30 pm if you want the full 2.5 hours to take it. YOU may drop the lowest grade of one of the first three major exam grades…but you may not drop the final exam grade or grades of any additional assignments given to you including the lab. YOU are responsible for making sure you have access to a good internet connection whether it be at home or at the college. You are responsible for accessing your exam URL when it is offered and leaving yourself enough time to take the exam. Rev. 07/29/2015 YOU are responsible for choosing the day and time offered to take the exam YOU are responsible for remembering to check your E-mail and ConnectPlus daily for any changes involving a preset exam. The additional class assignments and/or lab assignment(s) will make up 30 maximum points. There will be a total maximum of 330 points possible in all once you have dropped the lower of the first three exams grades. Example: If the first three grades are 80 100 75 I would drop the 75 If your final (4th) exam is a 60 you may not drop it and it will average in with your assignment scores (maximum of 30 points) and the 80 and 100 above. Your grade would be based on the score points below. o o o o o 297 - 330 = A 264 - 296 = B 231 - 295 = C 198 - 230 = D less than 198 = F Assignments/exercises must be completed and turned in or submitted as told to do so. All online assignments must be completed within a time limit designated by the assignment instructions. There will be no extensions on time limits. The assignments will count as part of your total assignment grade. If you have a technical problem while taking EZTEST you must contact ‘support’ at the EZTEST site to get help and/or let me know you have had a problem and are attempting to rectify the problem immediately. Rev. 07/29/2015 Extra Credit: There will be no extra credit offered. Modification of Final Grade: Requests to modify the grade scale will not be approved. Grades can be viewed through your on-line account at midterm and after finals only, and will not be emailed early under any circumstances. Examinations and Grading Scale: Lecture and laboratory examinations will contain a combination of multiple choices, short answer and/or applied essay questions, with multiple parts. Questions will be drawn from the material covered since the previous exam and lecture for major exams and from the laboratory findings in laboratory exams. Each major exam will carry equal weight. Total scores at 90% but of the top total score.........................A Total scores at 80% but < 90% of the top total score.................B Total scores at 70% but < 80% of the top total score.................C Total scores at 60% but < 70% of the top total score.................D Total scores < 60% of the top total score....................................F. Incomplete Grades At the discretion of the instructor, an incomplete grade (“I”) may be awarded when the student is unable to finish the required work because of unforeseen extenuating circumstances such as illness or TDY assignment. To receive an “I” grade, the student must have successfully completed a significant portion of the required coursework and be able to finish the remaining work without attending class. An “I” grade will automatically convert to a grade of “F” if the student does not complete the remainder of the coursework by the established deadline. Make-up Work Some work cannot be made up. Student with an EXCUSED ABSENCE must speak with Professor Classroom Conduct Academic Honesty:If you are caught cheating or plagiarizing another individual’s work, you will receive an “F” for a grade in this course and will be reported to the appropriate office. Students are responsible for adherence to all college policies and procedures, Rev. 07/29/2015 including those related to academic freedom, cheating, classroom conduct, computer/network/email use and other items included in the NWFSC Catalog and Student Handbook. Students should be familiar with the rights and responsibilities detailed on pages 2529 of the 200708 NWFSC Catalog and Student Handbook. Plagiarism, cheating or any other form of academic dishonesty is a serious breach of student responsibilities and may trigger consequences which range from a failing grade to formal disciplinary action. You are responsible for your own work unless I have placed you in a group situation…use your own words in grammatically correct form and spelling. I will not accept assignments that have been copied and pasted from outside sources. Class Attendance Students who stop attending class or are not able to pass the course due to attendance expectations stated in the syllabus may receive a failing grade of “FA.” An “FA” grade is a failing grade in GPA calculations and may impact the receipt of federal aid in subsequent courses. Students traveling for college approved activities will not be penalized academically but will be responsible for missed work. Role will be taken at each class meeting and attendance. Attendance and promptness are mandatory. While it is recognized that certain unforeseen events may prevent you from attending a certain class, you will be held responsible for all information conveyed during scheduled class meetings. YOU MUST ATTEND CLASS TO PASS THIS COURSE. DO NOT PLAN FAMILY TRIPS DURING THIS TIME WHICH WILL MAKE YOU MISS CLASS. THEY WILL NOT BE COUNTED AS EXCUSED. For an absence to be excused, it must be determined as such during an office meeting with the instructor during office hours or some other appointed time within the following 24 hours. If you have three consecutive absences or 25% total absences you will automatically be dropped from the course. Assignments Assignments/exercises must be completed and turned in or submitted as told to do so. All online assignments must be completed within a time limit designated by the assignment instructions. There will be no extensions on time limits. The assignments will count as part of your total assignment grade. Rev. 07/29/2015 Internet Access REQUIRED INTERNET ACCESS: You must have internet access for this course since exams are taken online and assignments are given online. There may also be occasions when there is no class…however, on those days you will have assignments and/or study to do through the ConnectPlus website and/or through E-mails from me. REQUIRED CHECKING OF SCHOOL E-MAIL AND CONNECTPLUS EACH DAY: You must check your school e-mail AND ConnectPlus once or twice daily for additional information or assignments. YOU are responsible for being able to access your school E-mail and ConnectPlus starting at the beginning of the class semester. If you need help ask then not two months later. Lectures: A great deal of complicated material is covered in this course, and considerable study will be required to master the topics, which will be addressed. Please bring your text to class as I may refer to a specific diagram or paragraph on one the pages. The course material will contain information given in your text as well as other information that I feel might complement the section being discussed. You are required to read and be familiar with the sections to be discussed in class since this will aid you understanding the concepts discussed. I will have major Power Points for each chapter covered…however…you are responsible for the entire chapter. Read and know the chapters! Cell Phone/Electronic Devices Cell Phones, Pagers, Any Other Electronic Device Usage: Cell phones, pagers and other such electronic devices must be turned off during class and lab time. Communication by electronic devices, including but not limited to instant messaging, text messaging, and telephone, website surfing, Facebook, twitter or any other extraneous activity during class is strictly prohibited unless expressly designated as part of the learning activities. No earphones attached to electronic music devices will be in use in class. Use of electronic communication devices during examinations or other graded activities may constitute grounds for disciplinary action. Rev. 07/29/2015 Where emergency or employment situations require access to electronic communication services, arrangements may be made in advance with the instructor. In certain circumstances, (e.g. exams, presentations, etc.), students may be required to temporarily deposit cell phones or other communications devices with the instructor or lab supervisor for the duration of the specific class/lab. Those caught using unauthorized electronic communications in class during lectures will be asked to leave the class and it will be counted as an ‘unexcused absence.’ Emergency College Closure In the event of unusual or extraordinary circumstances, the schedule, requirements, and procedures in this course are subject to change. If the college closes for inclement weather or other emergency, any exams, presentations, or assignments previously scheduled during the closure period will automatically be rescheduled for the first regular class meeting held once the college re-opens. If changes to graded activities are required, students will not be penalized as a result of the adjustments, but will be responsible for meeting revised deadlines and course requirements. Children in the Classroom As a courtesy to other students and the learning process, students may not bring children with them to class sessions. Health and safety concerns prohibit children from accompanying adult students in any lab, shop, office, or classroom or other college facility where potential hazards exist. If a child-related emergency means you must miss class, contact the instructor as soon as possible to determine your options. (The full “Children on Campus” policy statement appears in the College Catalog.) Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Academic Integrity Students are responsible for adherence to all college policies and procedures, including those related to academic freedom, cheating, classroom conduct, computer/network/email use and other items included in the Northwest Florida State College Catalog and Student Handbook. Students should be familiar with the rights and responsibilities detailed in the current Northwest Florida State College Catalog and Student Handbook. Plagiarism, cheating, or any other form of academic dishonesty is a serious breach of student responsibilities and may trigger consequences which range from a failing grade to formal disciplinary action. Rev. 07/29/2015 WEEK TENTATIVE EXAM DATES Jan 11 Jan 18 LECTURE TOPIC/TEXT ASSIGNMENT Introduction/Chapters 1-5 MLK - HOLIDAY Jan 25 Chapters 1, 3-5 Feb 1 Chapters 1, 3-5 Feb 8 Chapters 1, 3-5 Feb 15 Chapters 1, 3-5 Feb 1721 EXAMINATION I Chapters 1, 3-5 Feb 22 Chapters 6-8 Feb 29 Chapters 6-8 Mar 7 Chapters 6-8 Mar 9-13 EXAMINATION II Mar 14 Mar 21 Chapters 9, 12 SPRING BREAK Mar 28 Mar 30April 3 Chapters 6-8 Chapters 9, 12 EXAMINATION III Chapters 9, 12 April 4 Chapters 13 -15 April 11 Chapters 13-15 April 18 Chapters 13-15 April 25 LAB/VOCAB QUIZ May 4-8 FINAL EXAMINATION IV Rev. 07/29/2015 Chapters 13-15 RESOURCES The Academic Success Center (ASC) is located in the Activities Center on the Niceville Campus. The ASC provides free learning support services such as tutoring, ESOL, and writing assistance for all NWFSC students. Individual and group tutoring is available in a wide range of subjects on a walk-in-basis and by appointment. For more information, call the Academic Success Center at (850) 729-5389 or visit our website at Free Tutoring. Reading to Learn (R2L) is a project of Northwest Florida State College designed to support students’ learning through direct instruction of reading strategies. Students may access R2L at our website: Reading to Learn. Math Labs are located in the Math Building L, Room L-131, on the Niceville Campus and in Building 7, Room 702 on the Fort Walton Beach Campus and Room 131 at the Crestview Center. The math labs are open to all students and provide free walk-in tutoring for all mathematics courses. For lab hours, students may call the Math Department at (850) 729-5377 or visit our website at Math Lab. Smarthinking is an online, real-time tutoring offered free to students, who may access this service via RaiderNet. Open Computer Labs There are numerous open computer labs throughout the Northwest Florida State College campuses. Students may access our website for lab locations and hours: Computer lab location and hours Testing Center Testing Centers administer college admissions tests, placement tests, proctored exams, ACT/SAT, GED. CLEP, and DSST (formerly known as DANTES). General information concerning tests, hours Testing Center hours may be accessed on the Testing Center website at Testing Center. Makeup exams may be taken in the Testing Center, depending upon instructor policies on late work. Library, Online Reference Materials, and Resources The library is a comprehensive, learning resource center providing information in print, digital, and multimedia formats to support the educational objectives of the College. In addition to in-house materials, online services and resources can be accessed through Rev. 07/29/2015 the LRC website. Library hours are posted each semester at the building entrance and on the LRC website at Learning Resource Center Assistance for Military and Veterans Northwest Florida State College supports our military and veterans students. You may contact NWFSC Eglin AFB Education Services Building at 850-200-4180 or NWFSC Hurlburt Center Educational Services Building at 850-200-4190 or visit our website: Support Our Military Students with Disabilities Northwest Florida State College supports an inclusive learning environment for all students. If you have disabilities for which accommodations may be appropriate to assist you in this class, please contact the Office of Disability Support Services on the Niceville Campus, or call 850-729-6079 (TDD 1-800-955-8771 or Voice 1-800-9558770. Rev. 07/29/2015