Laboratory (Lab) Student ___________________ Date of Rotation_____________


Student ___________________

Date of Rotation_____________

Laboratory (Lab)


After participation in this rotation, the Health Science student will gain knowledge of various procedures that are performed in the Laboratory, will be able to identify what types of staff members are employed on the units and their roles, and will be able to identify the important aspects of Laboratory testing.

PRE-ROTATION ASSIGNMENT Instructor__________

Define the following terms:

1. anticoagulant

2. hemolysis

3. leukocyte

4. phlebotomy

5. antigen

6. antibody

7. platelet

8. INR

9. bilirubin

10. PKU test

11. Coombs test

12. Cross matching

13. pathologist

14. complete blood count

15. urinalysis

16. STAT

17. H&H (hemoglobin and hematocrit)

18. Name two methods of collecting blood for testing.

17. Describe the safety precautions that are taken in the lab with blood collection and testing.

18. Describe one test that you were able to observe the lab technician perform. What was the purpose of the test, how did the technician perform the test, and how did they report the result?

19. What is a Critical Result? Explain the process of reporting Critical Results to necessary staff.

20. Explain why a test would be ordered STAT by the physician. How are STAT specimens handled

In the Lab?

21. What is the normal amount of time necessary for the Lab to perform a specimen culture. Why is this amount of time required?

18. Observe and describe the methods used by the Lab to obtain, log in, test, and report on specimens.

19. What is the most common blood type in the United States? What blood time is in most demand for donation? Where does THDN obtain their blood that is given to the patients in transfusions?

Laboratory (Lab)

Thank you for mentoring the Denton ISD Health Science student on your unit. Your time and leadership is greatly valued and I appreciate your feedback on student performance while on your unit.


1. Specimen Handling a. phlebotomy __________/_________ b. logging in specimens into the Lab __________/_________ c. chemistry testing __________/_________ d. hemotology testing __________/_________ e. microbiology __________/_________ f. blood bank __________/_________ g. urinaysis __________/_________ h. reporting results __________/_________

2. Equipment a. microbiology hood __________/_________ b. analyzers __________/_________ h. centrifuge __________/_________ i. vacutainer tubes __________/_________ j. microscope __________/_________ k. other_________________________________ __________/__________

___________________________ __________________________

Mentor Signature Date

Evaluation Sheet for Clinical Rotation

Student name: _______________________________________________________________________

Rotation site: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________

Please evaluate the student for each category and mark the appropriate box. The scale proceeds from a high of 5 to a low of 0.

Area of Evaluation 5 4 3 2

Presents proper appearance:

Professional grooming.

Neat and clean.

Meets professional standards.

Attitude toward learning :

Takes initiative and seeks opportunities to learn.

Asks pertinent questions.

Demonstrates enthusiasm.

Exhibits emotional maturity.

Observes rules:

Observes safety factors.

Demonstrates understanding of Medical Ethics and


Quality of work:

Uses proper techniques.

Takes pride in work.

Exhibits ability to follow directions.

Quantity of work:

Follows directions.

Completes tasks on time.

Productive use of time.

Cooperates with others:

Works well with others.

Readily assists others.

Displays good human relations:

Shows tact and understanding.

Respectful of others.

Exhibits a positive attitude.


Mentor:_____________________________________________ Date:___________________________________

1 0

Laboratory (Lab)

Post Rotation Reflection

(due on Friday or Monday after Rotation on Unit)

Answer the following questions using complete sentences and correct grammar/punctuation. Answer ALL questions.

1. The mentor(s) that I was assigned to was_____________________________________. Their

title(s) are_______________________________.

2. What did you like best about your rotation day in the department? Why?

3. What did you like least about your rotation day in this department? Why?

4. What skills did you perform while on this unit?

5. List five pieces of medical equipment that you observed on the unit this week.

6. What patient diagnosis and procedures did you learn about?

7. What medical terminology or abbreviations did you encounter? Name at least three and provide definition or meaning.

8. Interview your mentor. List their educational background, job description, years of experience, and level of job satisfaction.

Using the following space, write an essay describing your overall experience on the unit. When reflecting on your day in the unit, think about your responsibility in your learning. What could you have done differently to ensure that you have the optimal experience?


















Student Signature___________________________________ Date____________________
