Preparing a Resume That Sells

Preparing a Resume That Sells
Before you prepare a resume, there are several important questions you should be
able to answer. After each question, write an answer in your own words. Careful
review of the sample resume will help you complete each question. Of course, if
you have any trouble, you can ask your teacher for help.
What is the main purpose of a resume?
Why will a resume help you gain confidence in yourself?
Why will having a completed resume help you fill out a job application
quickly and accurately?
What will a good resume show an employer?
How will a resume help you during the job interview?
Now that you understand a little more about resumes and their importance, you
are ready to begin constructing your own. Your resume should be divided into
major sections. As each section of the resume is explained below, please
complete the information requested. At the completion of this activity, these
sections can be rewritten to make a more finalized copy of your resume.
Section A: Identification [Heading]--This should include your name, address, and
telephone number. The identification [heading] usually will appear at the top of
your finished resume.
[area code]
Section B: Job or Career Objective--This section should answer the following
questions: What is the position I am currently seeking? What is my career
objective? It may be possible to combine these two questions with a statement
such as, "Seeking a position in fashion merchandising sales which would lead to a
future position as a fashion coordinator or buyer." In the spaces provided below,
list a position for which you would now be qualified and also list your career
objective. Remember, your career objective is your own idea of where you would
like to be in the future. The position you are seeking and your future career
objective should be as closely related as possible.
The position I am currently seeking is __________________________________
My career objective is _______________________________________________
Section C: Education and Training--List your educational and training
background in reverse chronological order. That is, list your most recent
education and training first. Specific courses you have taken or training you have
received, which are related to your career interests, should be listed. Skills
developed as a result of education and training can also be listed. Please complete
the following:
High school you attend ______________________________________________
Dates ____________________________________________________________
Courses taken and training related to career interests _______________________
Specific skills mastered as a result of education and training _________________
Section D: Previous Work Experience--Previous work experience should also be
listed in reverse chronological order (the most recent employer first). A short
statement about your responsibilities, dates employed, job title, etc. should be
included. Please complete the following as it relates to your own work
experience. This can be paid or volunteer.
Most Recent Employer
Job Title __________________________________________________________
Dates employed ____________________________________________________
Company _________________________________________________________
Duties, responsibilities, etc. __________________________________________
Next Most Recent Employer
Job Title __________________________________________________________
Dates employed ____________________________________________________
Company _________________________________________________________
Duties, responsibilities, etc. __________________________________________
Section E: Extracurricular Activities--Identify your involvement and
accomplishments in extracurricular activities. This can include school, club,
church and community involvement.
Extracurricular activities, office held, contributions, projects, etc. ____________
Section F: Honors and Special Achievements--if applicable, list awards and
honors that you have received.
Honors, scholarships, awards, special academic achievements, etc. ___________
Section G: Personal References--This is an optional section, but for the beginning
worker it may be important. Often times the statement, "References available
upon request" is used. If references are listed, however, make sure that you have
obtained prior permission from each listed.
List names, addresses, titles, and phone numbers of possible academic references:
List names, addresses, titles, and phone numbers of possible work references:
List names, addresses, titles, and phone numbers of possible character references:
There is no ideal format for a resume which will fit all situations. The most
important rule is to select the format that best sells you. It is important to choose
section titles which advertise your good points.
a. From the sections completed above, list the areas which you feel you are the
b. Is there a section where you do not feel strong?
Weakest area _________________________________________________
Do I want to omit this area?
Yes ___________________
No ___________________
c. Choose section titles for your resume and put them in an order that will fit