September 8, 2015 Dear Parents, We are learning about the importance of symbols in our lives. Your child has decorated a bag and I am asking that you allow your child to put one item in the bag that could be a symbol that represents him/her. It will come back home once they’ve presented it. Please help your child with choosing a good symbol and help them understand it so they can talk about it to the class. For example, my symbol was the tree above because each branch represents another part of my life. I’m a mother, sister, daughter, aunt, grandmother, teacher, friend, etc. The schedule for your child to bring in their items is below. I can’t wait to see what everyone brings to share about themselves! Wednesday, Sept. 10th Thursday, Sept 11th Wyatt Kourtni Izaya Aver Jakobi Adrian Ami Tanner Nekyah Redding Brooklyn Harper Brody Esteffani Edith Autrie Thank you for your support! Together we will make this a great year for your child! Ms. Chancellor