Essential Questions: Lesson Focus: Date: Week 6

Essential Questions:
Knowing my body
How my body works?
• II.D.1 Child uses a
wide variety of words
to label and describe
people, places, things,
and actions. (C) Uses
words to
communicate how he
is feeling.
Language and Literacy
• II.B.1 Child is able to use
language for different
purposes. (A) Requests help
from a teacher to get a ball
that went over the
playground fence.
Lesson Focus:
My Body
Aug. Sept 28th- Oct. 2nd /
Week 6
Week six of 1st six weeks
Olga Lucia Orozco &
Reyna Soberanes
Social Emotional
Listening Comprehension Skills
• II.A.3 Child shows
understanding of the new
language being spoken by
English-speaking teachers and
(ELL). (A) Follows a set of
routines for activities and can
make sense of what is
Social Development
• II.B.1 Child is able to use
language for different purposes.
(A) Requests help from a
teacher to get a ball that went
over the playground fence.
• V.A.3 Child counts 1-10 items,
with one count per item. (B)
Knows that each finger
represents one count (2 fingers
represent two counts; 3 fingers
represent three counts,
X.A.1. Child opens and navigates
through software programs
designed to enhance
development of appropriate
• VII.A.3 Child organizes their
life around events, time, and
routines. (A) Identifies common
events and routines (snack
time, story time).
Different/ same/ special/ emotions/fillings/ scared/ proud/ muscles/ strong
Diferentes/ iguales/ especial/ sentimientos/ asustado/orgulloso/músculos/ fuerte
Writing Name
Time: 8:00 –
Individual Greeting
Hello song, Days of the week
song, Months of the year
song, Today is Sunday song.
Pledge US & TX
Transition to Breakfast
Let’s send hugs
to…(Absent, sick, and
family members)
Calendar/ Classroom
News Day-Week
Routines and
Individual Greeting
Hello song, Days of the week
song, Months of the year song,
Today is Sunday song.
Pledge US & TX
Transition to Breakfast
Let’s send hugs
to…(Absent, sick, and
family members)
Calendar/ Classroom
News Day-Week
Routines and Procedures
Individual Greeting
Hola song, Dias de la
semana, Meses del Año,
Hoy es Domingo song
Pledge US & TX
Transition to Breakfast let’s
send hugs to…(Absent,
sick, and family members)
Calendar/ Classroom
News Day-Week
Routines and Procedures
Individual Greeting
Hello song, Days of the week
song, Months of the year song,
Today is Sunday song.
Pledge US & TX
Transition to Breakfast let’s
send hugs to…(Absent,
sick, and family members)
Calendar/ Classroom
News Day-Week
Routines and Procedures
Individual Greeting
Hola song, Dias de la
semana, Meses del Año,
Hoy es Domingo song
Pledge US & TX
Transition to Breakfast let’s
send hugs to…(Absent,
sick, and family members)
Calendar/ Classroom
News Day-Week
Routines and Procedures
Time: 8:30-9:00
Teacher and Co-teacher sit
at the tables with the
students and will talk about
Daily routines and
Teacher and Co-teacher sit at
the tables with the students and
will talk about Daily routines
and procedures.
Teacher and Co-teacher sit at
the tables with the students and
will talk about Daily routines
and procedures.
Teacher and Co-teacher sit at
the tables with the students and
will talk about Daily routines
and procedures.
Teacher and Co-teacher sit at
the tables with the students and
will talk about Daily routines
and procedures.
Washing hands,
potty as needed
Brushing teeth
Transition after
LA Journals
Brain Gym
Teachers and Students
do a routine of exercises
to improve the brain
disposition to learn
Time: 9:109:30
Gross Motor
Time: 9:30-9:50
Language Arts
Introducing wide,
narrow, thick, and thin
Reviewing size
Making Simple Size
Materials: Song Poster 6 and
CD, a wide and a narrow
object of the same type such as
a wide brush and a narrow
brush; a thick marker and a
thin marker, labels for wide
and narrow
After singing the song, review
the poster song’s pictures,
encourage students to use the
words: narrow thick, or thin,
then, display the wide and
narrow brushes, ask TS which
one is wide? Which one is
narrow? Hold up and read the
labels. Invite volunteers to
hold the labels next to their
matching objects.
Show the markers and ask:
which is wide? Which is
narrow? , then write the
words narrow and thick with
the corresponding marker, ask
TS if they see any difference,
discuss it.
Ask: what else can you see in
the classroom that is wide or
narrow? Encourage TS to find
something narrow and wide.
Size and position
Materials: Song poster 6
and CD, The hiding Game
Lap Book.
After singing the song,
discuss the cover and the
title of the Hiding Game
book, encourage students
to predict about the story.
Read the story, keeping
pauses for discussion to a
minimum during this initial
reading in order to
maintain the flow of the
story. On pages 8-9 and 1011, have TS predict where
the animal might be hiding
before you lift the flap.
Encourage TS to talk about
the characters and story
line before you return to
the start of the story.
Ensure they understand
that Milly Mouse was standing on Frank Flamingo’s
head as frank hid among
the reeds. Give the students
time to talk about the story.
Materials: Song poster 6 and
CD, Discussion book pages 8-9.
After singing the song, display
the discussion book pages and
read the rhyming text. Then
read it again, encouraging TS
to join in. especially with the
size words.
Invite TS to act out some of the
size words mentioned in the
text. You could play a game
involving specific instructions,
such “you are a very tall giant,
you walk with long steps….
Open your mouth wide and eat
a big, thick sandwich.
You are a big elephant, swing
your long trunk. Touch the
sides of the doorway with your
wide, flapping ears.
You are a little dog with short
legs, run with small steps to
chase a ball…. Etc.
Materials: Song poster 6 and
CD , The Hiding Game lap book
After singing the song, display
the cover and read the title.
Ask the students to recall the
story and describe the
Read the story, pausing at the
size words and encouraging
children to join in as you read
Reread the story. After
reading pages 4-5, ask
children to identify big or
small objects in the
illustration, (such leaves,
trees, mushrooms, etc).
Continue this discussion for
pages 6-7(long and short), 8-9
(tall and short), 10-11(wide
and narrow), and 14-15 (thick
and thin).
Discuss also which will be a
good place for animals to hide,
and size of different animals in
the real world.
Play Ground
Students play
supervised/interact with
teacher & co-teacher
Play Ground
Students play
supervised/interact with
teacher & co-teacher
Play Ground
Students play
supervised/interact with
teacher & co-teacher
Play Ground
Students play
supervised/interact with
teacher & co-teacher
Play Ground
Students play
supervised/interact with
teacher & co-teacher
Routines and
Routines and
Routines and
Routines and
Routines and
Letter of the week: U
Prior knowledge:
Brainstorming words starting
with U.
Cancionero, Uno, no más
Alfarrimas, cuento de la U.
Por Lada Kratky
Letter of the week: U.
Prior knowledge: Brainstorming
words starting with U.
Cancionero, Uno, no más
Alfarrimas, cuento de la U.
Por Lada Kratky
After reading and discussing the
books, singing the songs, and
Letter of the week: U
Prior knowledge: Brainstorming
words starting with U.
Cancionero, Uno, no más
Alfarrimas, cuento de la U
Por Lada Kratky
After reading and discussing the
books, singing the songs, and
Letter of the week: I U
Prior knowledge: Brainstorming
words starting with U.
Cancionero Uno, no más
Alfarrimas, cuento de la U
Por Lada Kratky
After reading and discussing the
books, singing the songs, and
Letter of the week: U
Prior knowledge: Brainstorming
words starting with U.
Materials: song poster 6
and CD; Long blocks; play
dough and rolling pins.
Display poster. Discuss
what the song is about.
Give the students the
opportunity to predict
about the song just looking
the poster’s pictures.
Sing the song and
encourage students to join
in and use their hands to
show each size as it is
Provide opportunities for
students to make a wide
road and a narrow road
using blocks. Also provide
rolling pins and play dough.
Wide or narrow? Thick or
Cancionero, Uno, no más
Alfarrimas, cuento de la U
Por Lada Kratky
Time: 10:1510:35
Small Groups MT-W
Learning Centers
Time: 10:3511:30
After reading and discussing
the books, singing the songs,
and reviewing objects in the
ABC Tub starting with letter U,
students will trace a textured
letter U.
reviewing objects in the ABC Tub
starting with letter U, students
will trace letter U on the air.
reviewing objects in the ABC Tub
starting with letter U, students
will trace letter U on their
bilingual pair’s back.
reviewing objects in the ABC Tub
starting with letter U, students
will Find letter U on a song’s chart.
After reading and discussing the
books, singing the songs, and
reviewing objects in the ABC Tub
starting with letter U, students
will write letter U on a board.
Table 1: Letter U
Table 2: Number 5
Table 3: Color morado
Table 2: Letter U
Table 3: Number 5
Table 1: Color morado
Table 3: Letter U
Table 1: Number 5
Table 2: Color morado
Bilingual leaning Centers
Bilingual leaning Centers
Bilingual pairs interact on
different centers to
language/social skills and
Bilingual pairs interact on
different centers to
language/social skills and
Practicing Lock
Down Drill
Teachers interact with the
students while pretended
Teachers interact with the
students while pretended play
T1 : Dial 4s Tests & Re-tests
Teachers interact with the
students while pretended play
Teachers interact with the
students while pretended play
Teachers interact with the
students while pretended play
Balanced Food
and Fruit
Balanced Food
and Fruit
Students play on
different centers to
social skills/
Time: 11:3011:55
Balanced Food
and Fruit
Balanced Food
and Fruit
Balanced Food
and Fruit
Teacher and Co-teacher sit
at the tables with the
Teacher and Co-teacher sit at
the tables with the students.
Teacher and Co-teacher sit at
the tables with the students.
Teacher and Co-teacher sit at
the tables with the students.
Teacher and Co-teacher sit at
the tables with the students.
Science / Social
Time: 11:5512:10
DLM Big Book:
Todo Sobre Mi.
Estoy Creciendo
By Aliki
Mi asombroso Cuerpo
By Donna Marie Pitino
Ojos, Nariz, dedos y pies
By Tonya Leslie
Bilingual Pair
Bilingual Pair Discussion
Bilingual Pair Discussion
Mi asombroso cuerpo
By Donna Marie Pitino
Bilingual Pair discussion
Time: 12-1012:30
Gross Motor
Activity Center
Activity Center
Activity Center
Activity Center
Activity Center
Students play &
Interact with teacher
and co-teacher
Students play & Interact
with teacher and coteacher
Students play & Interact
with teacher and coteacher
Students play & Interact
with teacher and coteacher
Students play & Interact
with teacher and coteacher
SS/Sc Journals
SS/Sc Journals
SS/Sc Journals
SS/Sc Journals
SS/Sc Journals
SS/Sc Journals
Nap: 1:05-2:05
Nap: 1:05-2:05
Nap: 1:05-2:05
Nap: 1:05-2:05
Nap: 1:05-2:05
Manipulative time
Manipulative time
Manipulative time
Manipulative time
Manipulative time
Cots Up
Teachers supervise and
interact with the students
Potty as needed
Teachers supervise and
interact with the students
Potty as needed
Teachers supervise and
interact with the students
Potty as needed
Teachers supervise and
interact with the students
Potty as needed
Teachers supervise and
interact with the students
Potty as needed
Potty as needed
Library Time
Time: 12:3512:50 Cots down
Washing hands
Time:1:50- 2:00
Family Style
Snack Time:
2:00 – 2:15
Cheese stick, whole wheat
crisp, and water.
Time: 2:15-2:30
Good bye
Good bye rituals
Teacher and Co-teacher sit at
the tables with the students.
Graham crackers and juice.
Goldfish, crackers, and water.
Teacher and Co-teacher sit at the
tables with the students.
Teacher and Co-teacher sit at the
tables with the students.
Good bye rituals
Good bye rituals
Corn chicken salad and juice.
Teacher and Co-teacher sit at the
tables with the students.
Library time!
Students read at the library
and take a book to read at
Apples, grahams sticks, and water.
Teacher and Co-teacher sit at the
tables with the students.
Good bye rituals
Learning Goals
Personal & Social Development
Language & Literacy
Vocabulary and Sentence Skills
II.A.1. is able to stay in designated personal space without intruding upon others’ (stays in own seat at lunch table without kicking feet or
leaning against neighboring children).
• can move around the classroom without stepping on materials or disrupting others’ activities.
Reading/Phonological Awareness and Comprehension Skills
• III.A.1 Child engages in pre-reading and reading related activities. (A) Repeats or "chimes in" on repeated parts of predictable stories.
Writing Skills
A. Motivation to Write Skills
IV.A. 1 Child intentionally uses scribbles/writing to convey meaning.
B. Independently Conveys Meaning Skills
IV.B.1. Child independently uses letters or symbols to make words or parts of words .
Counting Skills
IV.A. Child knows that objects, or parts of an object, can be counted.
E. Classification and Patterns Skills
V.E.1. Child sorts objects that are the same and different into groups and uses language to describe how the groups are similar and
VI.A.1 Child describes, observes and investigates properties and characteristics of common objects. (A) The child uses senses to explore
sensory language to describe properties of natural and human- made materials (wood, cotton, fur, wool, stone, magnetic, leather, plastic,
Styrofoam, paper) to learn their characteristics and capabilities.
Physical Development
Social Studies
VII.A.2. Child identifies similarities and differences in characteristics of families.
C. Geography Skills
VII.C.1 Child identifies and creates common features in her immediate environment. (A) identifies common features in the home and
school environment (The library has books. The playground has swings.)
Fine Arts
A. Art Skills
VIII.A.1 Child uses a variety of art materials and activities for sensory experience and exploration. (A) investigates with a variety of materials
(crayons, paint, clay, markers)
B. Music Skills
VIII.B.1 Child participates in classroom music activities. (A) Sings along with familiar songs during circle time ("Old McDonald Had a Farm").
Gross Motor
IX.A.1. Child has mastered basic skills of running, jumping, climbing, and pedaling.
X.A.1. Child opens and navigates through software programs designed to enhance development of appropriate concepts.
Expectations song Growing with Math songs ; Cancionero Songs
Hello Song/ Colors song /El Osito/ Los elefantes/
Hola Amigo/ Hello Friend/ABC English and Spanish songs
Canción de los nombres/
PM Progress Monitoring
Music: Different instruments
in the classroom and pod to
help students expressing
through music.
PG Parent Goal
Music: Different instruments in
the class-room and pod to help
students expressing through
Music: Different instruments in
the classroom and pod to help
students expressing through
T Table
Music: Different instruments in
the classroom and pod to help
students expressing through
Music: Different instruments in
the classroom and pod to help
students expressing through