“Really good body paragraph” Figurative Language “The Sieve and the Sand”

Figurative Language “Really good body paragraph”
“The Sieve and the Sand”
Just one body paragraph this time, so start it with a GOOD topic sentence that
clearly answers the question I’m about to ask you and sets up where the
paragraph is going.
“Sieve” can be best described as the part of Fahrenheit 451 where change most
happens. From the surroundings to the characters’ lives and personalities, very
little stays the same. One way Bradbury shines a light on this sort of change is
by using figurative language. Here’s what we are writing about today: change is
shown through figurative language.
Explain how ONE instance of figurative language has aided in highlighting a kind
of change happening during this section. For your paragraph (using your
A. Start this body paragraph with a strong TOPIC SENTENCE that states
what/who is changing and the figurative language for this paragraph.
B. Comment on the change briefly so the reader knows what kind of
change is happening – maybe talk about what it/he/she was like before
the change happens.
C. Quote the actual figurative language using enough of the sentence so
that the context is clear
D. Cite the location of the quote: “……..” (Bradbury 3).
E. Name the type of figurative language
F. Name the two things involved in the comparison, the object being
exaggerated and how, the object being given human qualities or
G. Explain why the figurative language works (what do they have in
common, etc.)
H. New part! Tell how this figurative language relates to or reveals a
kind of change. Be SPECIFIC – define the change by talking about
the “before” and “after” involved.
Remember to stay on the FRONT of the page for the essay, if you want - do a
prewrite, you MAY USE YOUR JOURNALS and novel, think about those tips for
good writing we have discussed in the past – use them if you have them with you
and need to look.
Staple your paragraph on top of the journals (and prewrite if you wrote one) and
turn in on the table.