Ryan High School FCS Officer Application

Ryan High School
FCS Officer Application
Due to Gilmore or Townsley by 3:00 PM on Friday, September 25, 2015
(MUST have paid your dues to submit your application for officer)
Name:_________________________________________________________ Grade: ____________________
FCS classes you are currently taking or have taken:
Meeting time you will be attending and want to represent as an officer (circle):
Before School
After School
Write a brief statement telling why you want to be an FCS officer:
Write a brief statement telling why you would be a good FCS officer:
Strengths: _____________________________________________________________________
Weaknesses: ___________________________________________________________________
Describe your involvement at Ryan High School:
Describe your involvement in the community:
I realize assuming a leadership position requires extra time and effort, and I am willing to spend the extra time and
effort necessary to complete all duties of my leadership position for the entire year. I understand this includes being a
positive role model at all times and attending both executive council and chapter meetings. Failure to fulfill this
commitment could result in loss of office.
Applicant’s Signature
I realize assuming that my child is applying for a leadership position that requires extra time and effort. I am willing to
support my child’s involvement and the extra time and effort necessary to complete all duties of their leadership
position for the entire year. I understand this requires that they be a positive role model at all times and attend both
executive council and chapter meetings. Failure to fulfill this commitment could result in loss of office.
Parent’s Signature