Name ___________________________ ID. Number ______________________ Phone __________________________ Email ___________________________ Due Date: 7 7 Required Courses Elective Courses Choose regular or enhanced for each subject. Read course descriptions on the back before selecting. Number choices 1-5 in the order of preference. ____English 7 ____Enhanced English* ____Reading 7/EXPO ____Math 7 ____Science 7 ____Enhanced Science* ____TX History 7 ____Enhanced History* 10700 18700 20700 30700 40700 48700 50700 58700 *Read the back for important information before selecting. Choose one _____Tennis _____ P. E. _____Girls Athletics _____Boys Athletics 80005 80700 80710 80720 Signatures Required Student: __________________________ Parent: __________________________ Date: _____________________________ 2 Semesters=full year ______Band ______Theater ______Orchestra ______Girls’ Choir ______Boys’ Choir ______Art ______Spanish 1-A ______Yearbook* ______Gateway to Tech ______Information Tech 60060 60760 60841 60854 60855 61710 70700 92090 C1000 C4910 1 Semester=half year ______Music Appreciation ______Family/Community ______Hospitality/Tourism ______Data Entry 900017 C48103 C48153 C95153 *application required for Yearbook Enhanced Courses *Enhanced English, Enhanced Science, and Enhanced History are for students who performed at a high level in that subject during the 6th grade. Students need to have effective study skills and high motivation to learn. A signed Enhanced/Pre-AP Agreement Form is required with the course selection sheet. Elective Courses Students must maintain passing grades in order to participate in extracurricular or UIL activities. **ATHLETICS is for students who want to compete in volleyball or football, basketball, and track. Practices before school are required. Parents provide all transportation to practices and after games. A physical exam is required. **BAND is for students who have successfully completed beginner band class and who play at an intermediate level. 7th graders will be in either Symphonic or Concert band, according to their playing ability. Band members are required to participate in extracurricular activities throughout the year including concerts, UIL contests, and football games. THEATER introduces students to dramatic performance in the 1 semester class. Students explore all areas of theatre arts including basic stage movement, voice, pantomime, improvisation, choral reading, script writing, performance, and technical theatre. Full Year Theater is for students who successfully completed theater in the 6th grade and have a strong desire to perform. **ART teaches or improves artistic skills through drawing, painting, clay, sculpture, printmaking, and much more. This course emphasizes understanding and appreciation of self and others through art culture, history, and heritage. Supplies required. MUSIC APPRECIATION explores music from different eras from Medieval Ages to Popular Music. Activities include listening to and discussing music examples, reading interesting facts, and active student participation. This course is designed for anyone interested in music. Students will not perform, sing or play an instrument in class or before an audience. **CHOIR students gain experience with many musical styles and will learn proper vocal technique and sight reading skills. Girls with advanced skills may audition for the Varsity Choir. Boys’ Choir is open to all boys in 7 th and 8th grade. No musical experience is required. Students are required to participate in extracurricular activities throughout the year including concerts and UIL contests. **ORCHESTRA is for students who have had two years of classroom or private instruction on a stringed instrument. Technique, care of instruments, music reading skills, music sensitivity, performance, and creative self-expression are integral parts of the curriculum. Orchestra members are required to participate in extracurricular activities throughout the year including concerts and UIL contests. SPANISH 1A emphasizes listening, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish for communication. Students learn grammar, vocabulary and study the culture of Hispanic countries. This course is the equivalent one semester of high school Spanish. Successful completion of the class earns students .5 high school credits. Spanish 1B is required during 8 th grade. DESKTOP PUBLISHING (by application only) Students design, write, edit, photograph and produce the school yearbook. Students work independently and in a team setting, meet deadlines, are self-disciplined and responsible. PRINCIPALS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY students apply learned skills to address business applications of emerging technologies, create word-processing documents, develop a spread sheet, formulate a database, and make an electronic presentation using appropriate software. (1 high school credit) **GATEWAY TO TECHNOLOGY 1 Students use a project-based curriculum to challenge their imaginations. Students will envision, design, and test their ideas in robotics and automation, design and modeling using advanced modeling software current used in industrial applications. (.5 high school credit) FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES students learn vital skills needed for the future: budgeting, purchasing, health, parenting, nutrition, cooking and more. Students also explore the role that they play in the community and learn about ways to give back. (.5 high school credit) PRINCIPLES OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM students explore the hospitality and tourism industry which includes restaurant, hotel, and amusement park management. They also explore career programs available at the Advanced Technology Complex. (.5 high school credit) TOUCH SYSTEMS/DATA ENTRY students apply learned skills to address business in the production of business documents. Reading, writing, communication and reasoning skills are enhanced. (.5 high school credit) **Fees or supplies are required. Fee waivers are available for students who qualify for free/reduced price lunch.