2nd Grade Bear Cub News What are we learning this week?

2nd Grade Bear Cub News
Week of: August 31 – Sept. 4
Our Classroom Number: 940-369-4423 mkeese@dentonisd.org
Check out our class website!! www.dentonisd.org Select a school/Select Staff/Keese
What are we learning this week?
Math: We will focus our wonderful math skills on reviewing
combinations of 10, doubles, and doubles plus one (ex: 4 + 5 = 9,
if they know 4 + 4 = 8, then one more than that would be 9).
We will also work on exploring number lines and hundreds
Upcoming Events
College Day
Sept. 10 PTA Room Parent Meeting, 9:00 @ Bear
charts. We will focus on problem solving too.
Language Arts: We will target statement sentences, writing
complete sentences, and practice our CAFÉ routines for
Social Studies: We will begin our unit learning all about the
significance of having Freedom.
Science: We will study “Being a Scientist” and “Physical
Properties of Matter”.
This Week’s Homework
Sept. 11 Grandparent’s Day – more info to come
*Please insure that you notify us of
any transportation changes. We
will not accept transportation
changes after 2:15pm. This is to
give us adequate time to notify the
personnel members on duty.
Monday: In your homework spiral, write down five ways to fill someone’s bucket. What can you do to help others? Read for 15
Tuesday: In your homework spiral, write down the combinations of 10 problems. (Ex. 4 + 6 = 10) Then make a list of doubles
facts (Ex. 8 + 8 = 16). Then make a list of doubles plus one facts (Ex. 8 + 9 = 17) Read for 15 minutes.
Wednesday: Write five science safety rules that one should follow when doing an experiment. Read for 15 minutes
Thursday: Write your Word Study Words using rainbow colors (a different color for each letter). Do your Student of the Week
page for Rachel. Write three sentences about her. Please locate the yellow worksheet of sentence starters in your child’s
agenda. Use that yellow sheet as a guide.
Spirit Squad “Drill Team”
For extra math practice:
Go to our class webpage, then
click on Fun Sites for Children,
click on I Keep Bookmarks,
Applications and $12 Due Sept.
11th for New and Returning
Our Class Wish List
Colorful Ink Pads
choose any teacher, and then
Roll of Magnetic Tape
start playing any game you’d
Pens to write with
Weekly Word Study
Word Study: -ook, -ool
Sight Words: all,
always, any
Student of the Week: Rachel