Denton ISD
Stephanie Hicks, Director
Crownover Middle School Choir Dept
August 26th, 2008
Greetings to the Students & Parents of the RCMS Choirs!
Welcome back! I hope you all had a great summer! Last year was truly
wonderful here at Crownover, and I look forward to all that lies ahead this
school year.
Participation in the Crownover choir program provides students the
opportunities to improve individual vocal technique, music theory and sightreading skills. We also focus on promoting group unity and pride and will
be learning a variety of challenging yet exciting choral literature. The goal
of our choir program is to instill in each student the concepts of work ethic,
time management, appropriate peer group socialization and above all, a love
and excitement for the artistry of making music. Communication and
cooperation between students, parents and Ms Hicks is the key to our
This handbook is designed to introduce you to the many facets of the RCMS
Choral Department and to answer as many questions as possible. Your
cooperation helps insure a successful experience for all. Parent support and
involvement in the choir program is the greatest asset there is.
Please read over this handbook, sign the last page and return it to Ms. Hicks
by Friday, August 29th.
Stephanie Hicks, Director
RCMS Choir Classes:
There are 4 choir classes available at Crownover. They include:
6th Grade Girls Choir:
This choir is a training choir, singing in preparation for more advanced choirs. Areas of
instruction include vocal health, diction, changing voices, vocal technique, sight-reading
skills, concert etiquette and adjusting to the middle school environment. They also have
the opportunity to experience Solo & Ensemble contest and the Sandy Lake Choir FunFest.
6th - 8th Grade Boys Choir:
This choir is also a training choir, singing in preparation for more advanced choirs and
also competitions. Areas of instruction include vocal health, dealing with the changing
voice, diction, vocal technique, sight-reading skills, and concert etiquette. They also
have the opportunity to experience All-Region, Solo & Ensemble contest, UIL contest,
Sandy Lake Fun-Fest, and Six Flags Music in the Parks.
7th & 8th Grade Treble Non-Varsity Choir:
This is also a training choir, singing in preparation for more advanced choirs and also
competitions. Areas of instruction include vocal health, diction, vocal technique, sightreading skills, and concert etiquette. They also have the opportunity to experience AllRegion, Solo & Ensemble contest, UIL contest, and Six Flags Music in the Parks.
7th & 8th Grade Treble Varsity Choir:
This choir is a culmination of vocal training. Students are expected to master a variety of
musical skills. Areas of instruction include vocal health, diction, changing voices, vocal
technique, sight-reading skills, concert etiquette. They also have the opportunity to
experience All-Region, Solo & Ensemble contest, UIL contest, and Six Flags Music in
the Parks.
Each choir student needs to have the following supplies for choir class:
 Black 1” 3-ring binder (with pockets)
 Notebook paper
 Pencil
 Box of Kleenex
Crownover Choir
Student Code of Conduct
All members of the Crownover choir program are expected to behave in an
exemplary manner. The following guidelines will help to make rehearsal
time productive & will contribute to a positive learning experience for
Rehearsal Guidelines:
1) Be ON TIME to class and on the risers ready to sing.
2) Stay on task! (Follow along in your music & study your part.)
3) Stand like CHAMPIONS and have a POSITIVE attitude!
4) Do not get off the risers without permission.
5) A pencil and music in hand is required.
6) No GUM, candy, food, drinks, etc…
7) Raise your hand if you have a question.
8) Clean up any messes you make.
9) Disorderly conduct & abusive language WILL NOT be tolerated.
Performance Guidelines:
1) Be on time for warm-up & performance.
2) Be dressed appropriately for each performance.
3) Be PROFESSIONAL on & off the stage.
4) Be the 3 “E’s”: Enthusiastic, Expressive & Entertaining!
Audience Guidelines (Students AND Guests):
1) DO NOT TALK during a performance.
2) Turn off all cell phones, pagers, etc…Applaud at the appropriate times.
DO NOT yell or make noises at the performers.
3) Leave or enter the performance BETWEEN songs if necessary.
4) Observe the performance objectively & entirely.
Off Campus Choir Guidelines:
1) Dress appropriately as a school representative while on field trips.
2) Observe the rules of all venues (concert halls, schools, etc…)
3) Strictly follow the DISD & Crownover Student Code of Conduct.
Choir Uniforms & Fees:
6th Grade Girls:
$10.00 for a Choir T-shirt.
Choir shirt, blue jeans, black belt & shoes.
7th & 8th Grade Girls:
$20.00 (Includes Choir T-shirt & Choir dress rental)
Concert uniform: Choir dress, black dress shoes & hose.
Casual uniform:
Choir shirt, blue jeans/shorts, tennis shoes &
6th, 7th & 8th Grade Boys:
$20.00 (Includes Choir T-shirt & Tux shirt, vest & bow tie rental.)
Concert uniform: Tux shirt, vest & bow tie, black dress pants, black
belt, dress shoes & socks.
Casual uniform:
Choir shirt, blue jeans/shorts, tennis shoes &
Fee Waivers:
Fee waivers are available to those choir members who qualify. This fee
waiver would waive any uniform rental fees for 7th & 8th grade qualifying
students & would waive the cost of the choir shirt (required uniform) for 6th
grade qualifying students. Ms Hicks has the fee waivers forms for you to fill
out. (See me for more information.)
Crownover Choir Website:
Crownover Choir students and parents can access the Crownover Choir
website. It can be accessed through Choose
Crownover from the list of schools at the top, then click on “Electives” and
then click on “Choir”. This website has up-to-date information on all
before/after school practices, activities, concerts, contests, etc…
Grading Guidelines for Choir:
All choir members are expected to meet all responsibilities for their choir
class. Since choir is an ACADEMIC music class with some extracurricular
activities, each student’s grade will reflect achievement in both curricular &
extracurricular areas. Each choir member’s 6-week grade will be an average
of the following:
Participation 50%:
Each week is worth a total of 100 points. Therefore, in a 6 weeks period
there is a total of 600 daily points. The daily grade is determined by the
student’s: 1) level of participation during class (on task, correct posture,
singing, etc…) 2) following the classroom rules.
Common deductions from the daily grade are:
Tardies(5 pts)
Gum/Candy(5 pts)
Bathroom(5 pts)
No Music(10 pts)
No Pencil(10 pts)
Unexcused absence (all daily pts)
Performance 30%:
The student will receive a grade for each performance during a grading
period. (The number of performances will vary from one 6 weeks to
another.) Performances count as major exams. If no public performance
falls during a grading period, the performance grade will be based on
informal classroom performances determined by the director.
Assignments and Tests 20%:
Each student will be expected to improve individual music skills.
An evaluation of this improvement will include singing tests & music theory
tests. The student will also be expected to improve his/her fundamentals of
singing & sight-reading. An evaluation of this improvement will include
sight-reading tests.
Attendance Policies
Class attendance:
Unlike individual activities such as an academic class, it is impossible to
makeup activities that occur in a choir rehearsal. Unexcused absences will
have a negative impact on the student’s grade.
Additional Rehearsals/Activities:
Students will be given adequate notice of all additional rehearsals and
activities outside of the regular class period. These rehearsals and activities
are required and are vital to the success of the choral program. Every effort
will be made to minimize the amount of out-of-class time required.
Therefore, unexcused absences from these activities will be treated in the
same manner as an unexcused absence from class, and will affect the
student’s grade.
Concert Attendance:
Concerts are the ultimate evaluation of many weeks of preparation and class
work. Concert attendance is MANDATORY for all choir students.
Choir members are expected to be present for the entire concert. An
unexcused absence from a concert will lower the student’s grade
dramatically. Absences and tardies will be excused for cases of medical
emergency or death in the family. Prior notification of any conflict with a
required concert or rehearsal is required. Students are held responsible for
keeping up with the dates and times of scheduled activities. I do send out
notice of activities well in advance so that your family may plan for these
Arrival and Pick-up:
Students must arrive ON TIME to scheduled activities and must be picked
up PROMPTLY afterwards. Excessive lateness of pickup will result in the
student not being able to participate in reward activities. (Please do not tell
your student to call once the event is over. Make arrangements to pick your
student up at the given time.)
The Crownover choir program will enforce all eligibility rules & regulations.
Students who are ineligible will continue to rehearse during class and will
have alternate assignments to make up for missed concerts/performances.
They may not travel to any extracurricular performances or competitions
during the school day.
Private Voice Lessons
The choir department at RCMS, in conjunction with the DISD Fine Arts
Department, allows students in music organizations the opportunity to
further develop their musical ability through private lessons. Private lessons
are very beneficial for every young singer. Private lessons should be a
yearlong commitment by both parent and student. Students develop vocal
technique, receive assistance for auditions (All-Region) and contests (Solo
and Ensemble).
Students are allowed to receive their lessons during their choir class time
Or before or after school. Lessons are once/week, and the cost is
$15.00/lesson. (Fee waivers are available to students that qualify.)
Private instructors are approved and are hired through the Denton ISD Fine
Arts Department.
Please contact Ms Hicks is you have any further questions regarding private
voice lessons. I would like to see my choir students benefit from this very
helpful and educational experience.
Any 7th/8th grade choir student may audition for the All-Region choir.
(He/she must be passing to participate.) Auditions will be in mid-October &
the actual clinic/concert will take place in November Music for All-Region
is challenging and requires much time & effort to learn the music. I
encourage anyone who wants to audition to do so. There will be extra help
& practices for these auditions. To be chosen for the All-Region choir is a
great honor & is worth the extra effort.
Solo & Ensemble Contest
Any choir student may compete in solo & ensemble contest in April.
(He/she must be passing to participate.) Each student may prepare 1 solo &
up to 2 ensembles. This is an extracurricular activity, & the student would
be expected to practice at home & learn the music PLUS extra practice at
school. This is strictly voluntary. It is great experience for the choir
students, & I encourage anyone who wants to compete to do so.
Due Process
My goal is to make sure each student is treated fairly. I am here to provide a
quality music education for each and every choir member. Please feel free
to call 940-369-4726 or email me at if you have any
questions or concerns, to resolve problems and/or to schedule an
appointment with Ms. Hicks. Please make sure you understand both sides of
the story before making any judgments. I will work with you to fix any
The members of Crownover’s choir program will be involved in fundraising
throughout the school year for a variety of purposes. Proceeds for the
fundraisers will be applied to music entry fees, music needs, buses, etc…
All choir members are EXPECTED to participate. I will send out
information about our fundraising projects as they draw near. Our 1st
fundraiser will kick-off on August 29th!
Choir Officers:
Choir officers are elected by their fellow classmates on the basis of
leadership, service and participation in the choir program. These students
are expected to exhibit outstanding behavior, excellent leadership and a
positive attitude at all times. Above all, these leaders should exhibit a desire
to serve the needs of our choirs. Being an officer is a privilege, not a right.
Therefore, Ms Hicks reserves the right to remove anyone from office for
inappropriate behavior or attitude. (Information about running for office
will be sent home within the 1st two weeks of school.)
Crownover Choir
Class Rules & Regulations
1) Be ON TIME to class and be on the risers with your music & pencil.
2) STAY ON TASK! (No talking or goofing off.)
3) Be an ACTIVE and POSITIVE part of rehearsal—mentally & vocally!
If you are unable to do this for any reason, you must speak with Ms.
Hicks BEFORE class starts. (If you are in class, you are expected to
4) No gum, candy, drinks, etc…
5) Backpacks, cell phones, etc… ARE NOT allowed in class for ANY
1st time: Warning
2nd time: Detention
3rd time: Director/Student conference after class & call parent
4th time: Conference with parent, director & student
5th time: Office referral
For total disobedience: The student will be sent IMMEDIATELY to the
office for punishment. The parent will be contacted ASAP.
Contact Info:
Stephanie Hicks, Crownover Choir Director
1901 Creekside Dr, Corinth, TX 76207
Office Phone: 940-369-4726
Fax: 940-321-0502
(Email is the easiest & fastest way to get in touch with Ms. Hicks)
Please fill out the next page & return it to
Ms. Hicks on or before Friday, Aug. 29th.
Student Contact Information
 Student ID#:
 Address:
 City:
 Home Phone #:
 Cell #:
 Work #:
 Email Address:
 Cell #:
 Work #:
 Email Address:
Choir Class Rules & Regulations
I have read and understand the Crownover Choir Rules & Regulations as
stated on the previous page of the choir handbook. I agree to abide by and
respect these rules and regulations throughout the 2008-2009 school year.
Student Signature:
Parent Signature:
Crownover Choir: Calendar of Events
I will send notice of any additional events and/or date changes when necessary.
AUGUST, 2008
Tues, 08/26
Thurs, 08/29
1st Day of School
RCMS Fine Arts Fall Fundraiser Kick-Off
Mon, 09/01
Tues, 09/02
Fri, 09/26
Labor Day (NO SCHOOL)
RCMS Open House, 6-8 pm (There will be a CHOIR PARENT MEETING)
RCMS Stampede Day, 1:00-3:30 pm
Mon, 10/13
Sat, 10/18
Fri, 10/31
Staff Development (NO SCHOOL)
All-Region Auditions (All day @ McNiel JH, Wichita Falls)
RCMS Fine Arts Costume Party, 4-6 pm
Sat, 11/15
All-Region Clinic/Concert (All day @ Central HS, Keller)
Thanksgiving Break (NO SCHOOL)
Tues, 12/02
Choir Winter Concert, 7:00 pm, RCMS Cafeteria
Christmas Break (NO SCHOOL)
Mon, 01/03
Mon, 01/19
Staff Development (NO SCHOOL)
Mon, 02/16
Date TBD
Staff Development (NO SCHOOL)
Pre-UIL, 7th & 8th Gd choirs (after school @ Strickland MS)
MARCH, 2009
Wed, 03-11
UIL Competition (Strickland MS)
APRILl, 2009
Fri, 04/10
Mon, 04/13
Sat, 04/18
Snow Day (NO SCHOOL)
Snow Day (NO SCHOOL)
Denton ISD MS Choir Solo & Ensemble Contest (MMS)
MAY, 2009
Date TBD
Date TBD
Thurs, 05/21
Mon, 05/25
Sandy Lake Choir Fun-Fest (6th Gd)
7th-8th Grade Choir @ Six Flags
Spring Choir Concert, 7:00 pm, RCMS Cafeteria
Memorial Day (NO SCHOOL)
JUNE, 2009
Thurs, 06/04
Last Day of School