Oceans Scavenger Hunt

Oceans Scavenger Hunt
Click on the underlined words to go to a website. Read carefully to find the
answers you need! Type your answer below the question or answer on paper.
1. What is the only sea turtle that does not have scales on its shell?
2. Name 2 fish that can inflate their bodies when in danger and explain why they
inflate their bodies.
3. Which shark can be identified by the black markings on its pectoral and tail fins?
4. Which ray is called the "devil ray", even though it is harmless to humans?
5. What are the sea otter's two favorite foods?
6. What family do sea slugs belong to?
7. What mollusk can clap its shells together and propel itself through the water?
8. What is conchology?
9. What crab has become immune to sea anemone stings?
10. Name four identifying characteristics of echinoderms.
11. Which worm can give extremely painful stings from the feathery bristles along its
12. Are corals plants or animals?
13. What is the name of special stinging cells that corals use to catch their prey?
14. What mineral is found in most coral skeletons?
15. How do sponges differ from all other marine invertebrates?