What do I need? LOCKERS: If you have not received a locker, please see Mr. Young, room C207 as soon as possible. Below is the breakdown as to where all supplies need to go: GIVE TO MY 1ST PERIOD TEACHER: KEEP IN MY LOCKER: 2-composition books 2-composition books 1-pack of paper 2-packs of paper Glue Highlighter 12-pencils 6-pens Kleenex 12-pencils Tape Pencil bag Dry erase markers Pencil sharpener 6-pens Markers 1-pencil sharpener Colored pencils 2-binders with dividers WHAT DO I NEED IN MY TEAM BINDER? The TEAM binder should be 1.5-2” binder that students carry to each core class. Inside the TEAM binder will be: Pencil Bag with pencils/pens and pencil sharpener Student’s agenda Dividers Extra paper The 2-(1”) binders and 2-sets of dividers that were included in the student’s supply list/package are for Science and Reading. ***The TEAM binder is completely separate…***