NORTHERN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 NORTHERN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 CONTENTS PAGES Past presidents of the NSCA 2 Report of the Committee:General Committee of the NSCA 3 Tyne & Wear Society Branch 9 Teesside Society Branch Report 12 Cumberland Society Branch Report 14 Accountants report to the Committee 16 Revenue account 17 Balance Sheet 18 Notes to the accounts 19 1 NORTHERN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 PAST PRESIDENTS OF THE NSCA 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1988 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 T Y Strachan T Y Strachan T Y Strachan F R Goddard F R Goddard T C Squance T Bowden T Bowden R Ormond R Ormond H Rawlings H Rawlings R H Holmes R H Holmes R H Holmes H Squance H Squance T Gallagher T Gallagher J H Armstrong J H Armstrong C Sparks H Rawlings W C Forster J H Armstrong J A Sisson J A Sisson F C Squance F C Squance J J Gillespie W B Ormond T Wallace A W Price E J Wilkinson J H Armstrong J H Armstrong J J Gillespie H S Squance H S Squance T Wallace T C Martin E Robinson CBE 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 W Rose W B Ormond A W Price J J Gillespie T Wallace T P Parmeter C T Benson T C Martin E Robinson CBE W Rose N Dunn B Dudley G Adam T P Parmeter G Ridley R P Winter CBE R P Winter CBE R P Winter CBE N Dunn J Taylor P Gardner W H McHlery J M S Coates OBE J A Crisp J E Hilton P Gardner R P Winter CBE E M Robinson OBE F M Kellet T C Squance OBE R K Dotchin R Mould-Graham OBE J M S Coates OBE Sir Robin Chapman Bt P Cooper A Whittaker P T Duxbury J C Benson F E Proom D B Ward MBE S A Middleton H Murray 2 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 N T O’Reilly OBE H Kirton K J Hilton A C Dixon MBE C H W Sansom C Collett R E Gray R G Wilson G Gallon G Whitehead T C Middleton I R Turner R C Spoor OBE R Lovely J M Stanley L H Gatoff C D Kyle J N Straughan D R Robson D M Middleton CBE A Wappat D K Wilson J S Collier S W Rainbow R J Anderson M F Leonard J A Wood J Bell R S Liddell J L Hinkley R M Griffiths R Hill S J Lundy T P Armitage M W Scott D Tait Walker J S Hollins-Gibson A A Josephs W R Graham R Barrigan P M Clarke J G Summers NORTHERN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 The Committee has pleasure in presenting its Report for the year ended 31 December 2009 MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2009 President Deputy President Vice President Honorary Secretary Honorary Treasurer Members of Council Cumberland Teesside Tyne & Wear Past President Co-opted M L Ranson J R Hunston D A Swallow A R Jackson D J Thompson W R Graham, R S Liddell P Ellwood R A Jackson Y Gale J G Summers P M Clarke (Courses), S Kenson (Media), N J Lambert (Communications), G Rigby (NCASS), C Siddle (R&E&T) The committee met on five occasions to discuss matters of moment and importance. The committee officers held regular meetings. NORTHERN SOCIETY MEMBERS ON INSTITUTE PRINCIPAL COMMITTEES Audit Registration Committee Ethics Standards Committee Insolvency Licensing Committee Member Services Board Practice Society Committee R R Tindle, M S Ward R S Liddell J Brown W R Graham V J Tait REPORTING ACCOUNTANTS TO THE NORTHERN SOCIETY Robson Laidler LLP EX OFFICIO MEMBERS OF ALL COMMITTEE NSCA President, Deputy President, Vice President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer ANNUAL DINNER COMMITTEE J Charlton, J R Hunston, K M Proudfoot, M L Ranson, M Rice COURSES LIAISON OFFICER P M Clarke 3 NORTHERN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE - CONT. FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 AUDIT FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE A J Johnston TAX FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE P Hogan REGIONAL STAFF Regional Director – K M Proudfoot Regional Executive – M Rice E-mail: Website MEMBERSHIP At 31 December 2009 the membership of the society was 2,974. OBITUARY Since the last report the deaths of the following members have been recorded:A Elliott G Gallon N T Garbutt A R Grey D G U Hardy G W Hodgson C E Holroyd A N Hunter J W Lamb A MacKay J C Miller G Proudlock J W Walton FINANCES The Northern Society continues to generate a substantial surplus from training courses and seminars, which help to fund other activities of the society and its branches, as reflected in the accounts for the year. After several years of healthy surpluses there was a modest loss for the year, as the Committee believed it was appropriate to utilise some of the Society’s reserves to maintain the range and balance of activities available to members during the economic downturn. David Swallow retired after two years’ distinguished service as Honorary Treasurer and we were pleased that David Thompson joined the Committee in this capacity, to continue dealing with the increasing complexities proposed by the Institute in the management of District Societies finances. The Committee is determined to ensure that the Society’s finances will remain healthy and independently managed. 4 NORTHERN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE - CONT. FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 REGIONAL STRATEGY BOARD The Regional Strategy Board comprises the Regional Director, the District Society and Branch Office-holders and representatives of key stakeholders in the Region, by invitation. The purpose of the Board is to set priorities for the Institute’s activities in the Region, ensuring proper lines of communication between the District Society, the Regional Office and the ICAEW and to co-ordinate the Society’s activities with those in the Region’s operational plan. No meetings of the Board were arranged by the Regional team during the year. NORTHERN ACCOUNT The Society magazine, “Northern Account”, is published four times a year and distributed to all members and students. The magazine is supported by sponsorship and continues to keep members in touch with local news and events, with a focus on member activities. CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The Northern Society and its Branches continue to provide a varied courses programme to assist members in fulfilling their CPD requirements. As well as the many half day courses for members in business as well as in practice the Society also holds three successful Residential Courses at Redworth Hall, the Lakes and Peebles. During the year the society held 35 courses, attended by 2302 participants. MEDIA RELATIONS During the year in June our region’s Media Relations Manager, Colin Young resigned and was replaced by Sonia Kenson, who is based in the Yorkshire and Humberside region and also has responsibilities in the North-West. Continuing to achieve prominent media coverage for the Northern Society and the three branches has proved difficult for a Media Relations Manager who is not based in the district and the Committee is examining ways to work with Sonia to improve the coverage of local events and activities. One effective way of helping Sonia to achieve greater coverage is for members to contact her with newsworthy items or other information, which could be used either as press releases or as magazine articles. Sonia can be contacted at or 07715 496 469 and is always pleased to hear from you. 5 NORTHERN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE - CONT. FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 FINANCIAL CAPABILITY INITIATIVE The Society continued to support the Institute’s Boosting Financial Capability in Schools initiative, in conjunction with the Regional office of the Personal Finance Education Group (established by the Government to implement its financial capability strategy). The initiative seeks to encourage member volunteers to support schools in the education of young people in understanding the financial opportunities and pitfalls they will encounter through life. ANNUAL DINNER The Annual Dinner was held at the Civic Centre, Newcastle-upon-Tyne on Thursday 8th October 2009. We welcomed over 220 members and guests, including 20 Past Presidents, the Lord Mayor, the Lord Lieutenant and the Assistant Bishop of Newcastle, the Rt Rev’d Paul Richardson, who said Grace. We were also joined by business and professional leaders from the region and a number of senior representatives from the Public Sector, including The Chairman of Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, Mike Clasper CBE. Mike Ranson welcomed the guests and the ICAEW President Martin Hagen gave an address about the Institute’s achievements on behalf of members. After the meal, Mike proposed the Toast to the Institute, John Hinkley proposed the Toast to the guests and Tom O’Connor responded with a most entertaining speech, which was enjoyed by all those present and rounded off a most enjoyable evening. Craig Reed was awarded the Nigel Wright Recruitment trophy as the student in an ICAEW training office in Northern District Society who performed best in the Institute’s 2008/9 Advanced Stage Examinations The adopted charity for the Dinner was the Motor Neurone Disease Association, in support of its activities for patients in the north of England suffering from this incurable and devastating disease. With Gift Aid included, the total raised on the night was £2,592. The Dinner was very favourably received by those who attended and the wellestablished pattern and precise time-management by our experienced toastmaster, Barry Hilton-Wing, allowed ample opportunity after the formalities were complete to meet old friends. Following the withdrawal of Nigel Wright Recruitment as sponsor of the Annual Dinner, we are most grateful to the Newcastle University Business School for becoming our main sponsor and to the City of Newcastle upon Tyne for sponsoring the VIP reception. Our thanks to the Dinner team for all the hard work they put into ensuring the success of the Dinner. 6 NORTHERN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE - CONT. FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 MEMBER SUPPORT Our member support contacts provide practical support and assistance, in an entirely confidential way, to members with problems. Doug Kinsey (Kinsey & Co) currently acts as the Support Member. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION (CABA) Richard Hill is the Liaison Officer between the Northern Society and CABA whose purpose is to assist Chartered Accountants and their dependants in both practical and financial ways where necessary. Our thanks to him for the discreet and efficient manner in which he carries out this role. CABA supported two career clinic events for members during the year as well as the successful “Getting into Practice” day at Redworth Hall. If any members of the Society are aware of any member, former member or their immediate family in our district who might be in need of some help from CABA then please inform Richard Hill direct: or 01642 326213. MEETINGS WITH OTHER PROFESSIONAL BODIES The District Society, through its Office Holders, aims to maintain contact with representatives of other business and professional bodies of law, accountancy and banking. At intervals they also meet with the Inland Revenue area tax officers. These meetings provide opportunities to discuss matters of mutual interest concerning our professional lives and relationships at District level. RECRUITMENT, EDUCATION & TRAINING Examinations at the Professional Stage and the Advanced Stage have been held in Newcastle. A prize giving ceremony has become an established part of our calendar and is held each year to recognise the achievements of local and national prizewinners from the District and all those who have passed their ICAEW Advanced Stage exams during the preceding year. In March 2009 this was again held in King’s Hall, Newcastle University, and Ian Brown, a Director of One NorthEast, gave a stimulating address, which was appreciated by all the audience of 144 young accountants, their families and friends. The Society is most grateful to Newcastle University for making this superb facility available. Careers fairs continue to be held at local universities. The sub-committee chairman Chris Siddle ( would welcome assistance from members both in practice and in business and in particular from younger members with recent first hand experience of recruitment, education and training. 7 NORTHERN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE - CONT. FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 NORTHERN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS STUDENTS’ SOCIETY The Students’ Committee, under the chairmanship of Gemma Rigby, has continued to ensure that NCASS is an active Society, holding regular social and sporting events. Once again, the society organised successful Annual Dinners at Newcastle Civic Centre and the Riverside Stadium, Middlesbrough. CUMBERLAND CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS STUDENTS’ SOCIETY The Committee under the chairmanship of Kevin Batty has held social events during the year which will culminate in another successful Annual Dinner in July. NORTH EAST YOUNG CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS GROUP NEYCAG has continued its successful blend of social and skills activities and panprofessional events under the stewardship of a committed and active committee, chaired by Paula Park. GOLF Mark Gilpin continues to organise events involving members, including matches with other professions. In Cumberland, two Golf competitions were held, despite the weather, organised by Peter Ellwood. If you are interested in joining in these activities, please contact Mark on 0191 492 3864 or Peter on 01900 603623. CONCLUSION The Northern Society has once again enjoyed an extremely active and successful year, supported by the three energetic and enterprising Branches. We continue to encourage the involvement of all sectors of the membership and hope that they will find something of interest and relevance in our wide range of courses and events which have been developed specifically for their benefit. The job of President is greatly helped by the work of all those who support District Society activities. Your President would personally like to thank the three Branch Chairs and their hard-working committees of volunteers who give their time freely and do an excellent job maintaining the work of the Society. Also, special thanks are due to Pam Clarke for all her work in continuing to mastermind a high quality range of courses, which are at the core of our service to members. Finally, a thank you to the Officers, John Hunston, David Swallow, Andrew Jackson and David Thompson for all their support and encouragement and to the Regional staff, Keith Proudfoot, Marie Rice, Lorna Hansell and Sonia Kenson for their invaluable assistance and support of District Society activities over his year of office. MIKE RANSON President ANDREW JACKSON Honorary Secretary 8 APRIL 2010 NORTHERN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE–TYNE & WEAR SOCIETY BRANCH REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 The committee has pleasure in presenting its Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2009. PAST CHAIRMEN OF TYNE & WEAR BRANCH 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 L Phillips J M Stanley J N Straughan A Mills P Sharp E L L Jones D Archbold J P Southern A Wappat W W Ions J Bell 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 J L Hinkley I Martin M W Scott J P Cawson K M Proudfoot M J H Tait S J Lundy G S Goldie M L Ranson P M Clarke E Gillott 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 J G Summers K Muir K J Williamson I Kings A J Thomson G Elliott A R Jackson A R Jackson M Jeffrey MEMBERSHIP OF THE COMMITTEE Officers (ex officio) Yvonne Gale (Chairman), Alasdair Corfield (Vice Chairman), Paula Park (Honorary Secretary) Elected by the Society Mike Ranson, Rob Jones, Joan Louw, Richard Slack, David Coulter Immediate Past Chairmen Michael Jeffrey, Andrew Jackson Nominated by Northern Society Mike Ranson (President), John Hunston (Deputy President) Members of Council Bill Graham, Robin Liddell Nominated by the Students’ Society Vacancy MEMBERSHIP At 31 December 2009 the membership was 1,877. COMMITTEE MEETINGS The committee met 6 times in 2009. Reports were submitted to the Committee on Courses, Social Activities, Premises sub-committee and Younger Members (NEYCAG) activities. Reports were also received from Institute Council, District Society, Technical Advisory Committee, Recruitment, Education and Training representation and the Students Society (NCASS). COURSES The varied courses programme continues to provide high-quality CPD opportunities to our members in Practice and in Business through the wide range of half day and full day courses. The 27 courses arranged during 2009 including the weekend residential course at Redworth Hall, were well attended and received good feedback from members. As in previous years, we owe a debt of gratitude to Pam Clarke for her contribution to this highly successful programme. 9 NORTHERN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE–TYNE & WEAR SOCIETY BRANCH REPORT – CONT. FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 SOCIAL The Chairman’s Supper proved a very enjoyable evening. Following prior years, we kept the event fairly informal but moved from a sports event to a jazz themed supper to ensure the event had a broader appeal across the diversity of our members. Many thanks to those who attended and supported the event. There have been several other social events during the year including the Charity Quiz, Shepherd’s Walk and the Wine Tasting Evening. We look forward to more successful social events during the coming year, starting on April 20th with a lunch for members approaching retirement or having retired. STUDENTS NCASS has continued to provide a series of popular and well attended events for accountancy students including their well attended Newcastle Annual Dinner. We have continued to support NCASS’s activities and their role in supporting and obtaining feedback direct from students for the Institute. Rob Jones of Newcastle University with the support of Tyne & Wear committee, NCASS and Northern General Committee, ran the highly successful Prize Giving Ceremony for students. We would like to thanks Rob and his colleagues at Newcastle University for their hosting this event that is much appreciated by the students. YOUNGER MEMBERS NCASS has always provided a series of popular and well attended events for accountancy students and this has continued. The North East Young Chartered Accountant Group (NEYCAG) has continued to provide focussed events for qualified younger members during 2009. CONCLUSION We welcomed several new members to the committee during the year; Joan Louw, Richard Slack, David Coulter. Already these new members are organising events for 2010. Additionally Laura Lockhart will be joining the committee in early 2010. This refreshment of the committee with new members is a key achievement of this year and provides us with the ability to continue with the existing popular activities and to try some new ideas. 10 NORTHERN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE–TYNE & WEAR SOCIETY BRANCH REPORT – CONT. FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 CONCLUSION – CONT Many thanks to all those who have helped to make this another successful year for the Society, in particular Keith and Marie at the Northern Regional Office, all of the Committee Members, and all those who have supported the Society’s course programme and social events throughout the year. I have very much enjoyed serving as Tyne & Wear Chairman during the past year. At the time of writing this report the position of Chair for next year is undecided as due to pressure of work my planned successor Alasdair Corfield is unfortunately resigning from the committee. I am sure the succession issue will be resolved over the coming weeks and so wish the committee a successful 2010. YVONNE GALE Chairman PAULA PARK Honorary Secretary 11 APRIL 2010 NORTHERN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE – TEESSIDE SOCIETY BRANCH REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 The Committee has pleasure in presenting its Report for the year ended 31 December 2009. PAST CHAIRMEN OF THE TEESSIDE BRANCH 1950 A Whyte 1970 J Norris 1951 W J E Ringquist 1971 M G Rider 1952 A Henderson 1972 G R Belshaw 1953 A Henderson 1973 E Marquis 1954 H D Anderson 1974 P Openshaw 1955 H D Anderson 1975 R H Bulman 1956 C G Sparrow 1976 P F Hargreaves 1957 C G Sparrow 1977 D T S Rutter 1958 C W Sansom 1978 D V Peace 1959 E B Goldstone 1979 R Hill 1960 R W Swinbank 1980 D Eynon 1961 J H Eltringham MBE 1981 J H Murray 1962 C D Humphreys 1982 D M Middleton CBE 1963 C A P Snow 1983 R D Kirk 1964 H B Kilvington 1984 B Bouttell 1965 H A Branson 1985 R J Anderson 1966 F Robinson 1986 J G W Manners 1967 J A Cook 1987 Mrs P A Taylor 1968 C W Sansom 1988 W R Graham 1969 A D Scott 1989 M G Sillars 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 K Robinson T P Armitage D A Swallow B K Smith R Barrigan A M Dennett Mrs A Luke J C Scott J McGrother R R Tindle Mrs D Smeeton P Grylls A Chuhan Mrs B Blakey Mrs L B Christie G Fitzgerald G Fitzgerald G Boagey Mrs H O’Driscoll COMMITTEE MEMBERS Chairman R Jackson Vice Chairman J Bury Honorary Secretary C McBride Elected and Co-opted Mrs H O’Driscoll, Mrs B Blakey (resigned May 2009), AM Chuhan, G Boagey, RR Tindle, G Fitzgerald, A Cousins (resigned November 2009) NSCA Representatives Council Members W Graham, R S Liddell Regional Manager K M Proudfoot MEMBERSHIP At 31 December 2009 the membership of the Society was 700. 12 NORTHERN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE – TEESSIDE SOCIETY BRANCH REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009- CONTINUED ANNUAL DINNER The 60th Annual Dinner took place at The Thistle Hotel, Middlesbrough on 20 November 2009. Numbers attending were in excess of 200. Clive Parritt (ICAEW Vice President) and sports broadcaster Garry Richardson were the speakers. The evening was well received and £2,285 was raised on the night, for donation to the local community nurses of Marie Curie and Unicorn Riding for the Disabled Centre based in Hemlington. Sponsorship was provided by employment law and health and safety advisors Peninsula. BUSINESS AND SOCIAL EVENTS The student dinner held in May 2009 was again well supported and generated positive feedback. The event included a presentation of the CU Peat awards. In March 2010 a joint supper was held with Tees Valley Bankers and Solicitors at the Riverside Stadium, Middlesbrough. The event was again a great success and attracted over 120 attendees. GENERAL PRACTIONER GROUP The Group continued to meet regularly throughout the year, with encouraging numbers enjoying presentations from guest speakers covering a variety of informative and relevant topics. Thanks again to Rob Tindle and Beverley Blakey for their continued efforts in promoting the group and the successful change of venue to Middlesbrough Football Club. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 11 May 2010 at The Claireville Hotel, Eaglescliffe, Stockton-on-Tees. CONCLUSIONS I would like to thank the Teesside Society Committee for all their hard work during my year of office. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with them and really appreciate all the time and energy they have given so freely. I wish that my own working arrangements could have allowed me to have given more time to contribute during the year. I also wish to thank all of the officers of the Northern Society as well as Keith Proudfoot and Marie Rice for their advice and support. 2009 has been another good year for the Society on Teesside and I hope that we are able to build on this in 2010 with the continued support of our members from across Teesside. RICHARD JACKSON Chairman CRAIG McBRIDE Honorary Secretary 13 APRIL 2010 NORTHERN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE – CUMBERLAND SOCIETY BRANCH REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 The Committee has pleasure in presenting its Report for the year ended 31 December 2009. PAST CHAIRMEN OF CUMBERLAND BRANCH 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 W J Milburn T Dowell T Dowell R Lyon Wyllie W C Kyle W W Routledge N T O’Reilly OBE R W Mitchell W R Dawson W Paton E G Hargreaves J E Clark R A Duthie W C Kyle N T O’Reilly OBE Miss E D Barrow W S C Charles G H Pratt Sir Kenneth Sharp J A Wood 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 F G Joynt E Richardson T Mabon J Mitchinson J M Fendley G Shiach J Hogarth M A Roberts C D Kyle E C F Schooling J A Mitchell R S Liddell F Thompson C E Egerton D Driver I C Lancaster D E Johnson A Sewell A M Campbell A C Custance 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 R J Kenyon G W Lamont Mrs J Brown G J W Rippon A J Johnston J S Hollins-Gibson J Little Mrs A M Johnston M Metcalfe G M Stockill P D Jones Mrs J E Carroll Miss V J Tait Miss V J Tait Mr D N Lawson Mr J R Hunston Mr J R Hunston Mr P Ellwood OFFICERS Chairman P E Ellwood Vice Chairman D A Liddle Honorary Secretary D A Liddle COMMITTEE J R Hunston, Miss J Thomlinson, W R Graham, R S Liddell, Miss A Cartner, Miss L Brown, Miss S Tyson. MEMBERSHIP Membership of the Branch at 31 December 2009 was 397. COURSES The courses programme, drawn up by Joanne Thomlinson and the Courses Sub-Committee, has continued to provide members of the Cumberland Branch with relevant CPE locally. The courses continue to be well attended and, as in previous years, the Finance Act and Accounting and Auditing Update courses attracted significant numbers. The Lakes Weekend residential course was again held in April. Lyn Carroll chaired the committee, who organised a variety of speakers on topics for the progressive practice. The weekend was thoroughly enjoyed by all those who attended. We have also organised a number of evening courses for members in business. 14 NORTHERN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE – CUMBERLAND SOCIETY BRANCH REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 continued ANNUAL DINNER This was held at the Greenhill Hotel, Wigton on Friday 5 March 2010 and over 90 members and their guests attended. The principal speakers were Mark Spofforth, from the Institute, and David Bryon. SOCIAL The golfing events are currently being organised by a non-committee member, David Robinson, and our gratitude is due to him for that contribution. John Hunston continues to lead our walkers on a good annual walk. The branch also held its Christmas lunch at The Auctioneer. STUDENTS The student society has a new chair. Kevin Batty has been appointed and along with his committee should be organising events. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 18 May 2010 at the Greenhill Hotel, Wigton. CONCLUSIONS I wish to extend my thanks to the Committee for all their hard work during my year of office. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with them and really appreciate all the time and energy they have given so freely. I also wish to thank the officers of the Northern Society for their support. My thanks also go to Regional Office staff Keith Proudfoot for his support and Marie Rice for her help, especially with the Lakes Weekend. It has been a pleasure to work alongside the Northern team. Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to making this a successful year for the Cumberland Branch by supporting the courses programme and the social events and I wish Andrew well for next year. PETER ELLWOOD Chairman ANDREW LIDDLE Honorary Secretary 15 MARCH 2010 REPORT OF THE ACCOUNTANTS TO THE COMMITTEE ON THE UNAUDITED FINANCIAL INFORMATION OF NORTHERN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS In accordance with our engagement letter we have compiled the accounts of the Northern Society of Chartered Accountants which comprise the Income and Expenditure Account, the Balance Sheet, and related notes from the accounting records and information and explanations you have given to us. The accounts have been prepared on the historic cost basis. The financial information is not intended to achieve full compliance with the provisions of UK Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. This report is made to you in accordance with the terms of our engagement. Our work has been undertaken so that we might compile the accounts that we have been engaged to compile, report to you that we have done so, and state those matters that we have agreed to state to you in this report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Committee of the Northern Society of Chartered Accountants for our work, or for this report. We have carried out this engagement in accordance with technical guidance issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales and have compiled with the ethical guidance laid down by the Institute. You have approved the accounts for the year ended 31 December 2009 and have acknowledged your responsibility for it, for the appropriateness of the accounting basis and for providing all information and explanations necessary for the compilation of the accounts. We have not verified the accuracy or completeness of the accounting records or information and explanations you have given to us and we do not, therefore, express any opinion on the financial information. Robson Laidler LLP Reporting Accountants Fernwood House Fernwood Road Jesmond Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 1TJ 16 NORTHERN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 INCOME Notes ICAEW contribution to expenses Profit on courses Hire of projector Interest received 2009 £ 2008 £ 2,840 40,888 100 95 ________ 43,923 4,040 27,113 187 3,596 ________ 34,936 18,849 676 19,750 7,015 ________ 46,290 12,393 440 14,921 3,741 ________ 31,495 (2,367) 3,441 (20) ________ (747) ________ (2,387) 2,694 ======= ======= EXPENDITURE Net cost of events Accommodation Communications Administration 1 2 3 OPERATING (LOSS)/SURPLUS FOR THE PERIOD BEFORE TAXATION Taxation AMOUNT (DEDUCTED FROM)/ TRANSFERRED TO ACCUMULATED FUND 17 NORTHERN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS BALANCE SHEET FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 2008 2009 Notes CURRENT ASSETS: Debtors and prepayments Cash in hand and at bank HM Revenue & Customs £ £ £ £ 18,185 126,204 1,075 ----------- 33,338 93,814 3,451 ----------- 145,464 130,603 CURRENT LIABILITIES: Sundry creditors and accruals Course voucher scheme Bank overdraft HM Revenue & Customs 22,285 25,000 7,047 747 ----------- 39,941 2,567 97 ----------- NET CURRENT ASSETS NET ASSETS ACCUMULATED FUND: Balance b/fwd (Loss) / surplus for the period (42,605) ----------87,998 (55,079) ----------90,385 ----------87,998 ====== ----------90,385 ====== 90,385 (2,387) ----------87,998 ====== 87,691 2,694 ----------90,385 ====== Approved by the committee on ……………………. and signed on their behalf by: …………………………….. M L Ranson - President …………………………….. D Swallow – Vice President 18 NORTHERN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2009 1 ACCOMMODATION Rent & storage 2 COMMUNICATIONS Printing and stationery Postage and delivery Officers’ travel & admin expenses Magazine and diary card NEYCAG web site 3 ADMINISTRATION AGM and meetings Bank charges Student prizes Presentations and donations Sundry administration 2009 £ 2008 £ 676 ====== 440 ====== 551 117 9,276 9,522 284 ----------19,750 ====== 676 535 7,121 6,424 165 ----------14,921 ====== 1,440 1,913 525 810 1,250 3,502 526 790 ----------- ----------3,741 7,015 ====== ====== 4 ACCOUNTING CONVENTION These accounts have been prepared in accordance with the historic cost convention and accruals basis. 19