Camp Grady Spruce 2016 Where is Possum Kingdom Lake? What do I need to take… There is a list attached to the Camp Forms. The Cabins Where do we sleep? Wednesday A) B) C) D) A) B) C) D) 7:40 Hopper Duty (2) 7:50 Flag 8:00 Breakfast 9:00-11:30 Trails Devil’s Island Man and the Environment Project Adventure Johnson’s Peak 11:40 Hopper Duty (3) 12:00 Lunch 1:00-2:00 Rest 2:00-5:15 Trails Man and the Environment Project Adventure Johnson’s Peak Devil’s Island 5:40 Hopper Duty (4) 5:50 Flag 6:00 Dinner 7:00-9:00 Catapult 9:00 Return to Cabins --Journaling and Reflecting Get Ready for Bed 10:00 LIGHTS OUT Time to the start learning! Johnson’s Peak Devil’s Island Man and the Environment P r o j e c t A d v e n t u r e Horseback Riding Archery The Flag Ceremony S I N G I N G Time For A Break! Important Dates to Remember! Tuesday, February 16 th, Camp Chaperone Meeting – 6:30 February 26th – All payment and forms due March 8 th -11 th CAMP